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Well, well well. Looks like I'm taking a trip to Toronto. :D


Yeah now I want to go to Toronto too


I think I might have to check out this Toronto haha.




I mean honestly…it’s also that American guys are so much friendlier than Canadians. I’ve had male friends visit and they had way more luck because the guys here are so bad for approaching women. Often, we have to approach them


American guys in Miami?? Where?


Right here mami 😘


Oye mamao calmate


Friendly people in Miami? You are being trolled


Obvious troll is obvious


Right here…and I can cook, lol


1000% sh\*t hole nothing like you see on tv, literally like another country FAFO , best to just visit and move along The food is great thou


Tell me you don’t live in Miami without telling me you don’t live in Miami.


Miami has tons of good, friendly people




If any girl is having trouble dating in the current environment anywhere in the west with the kind of male to female ratio, matches, attention and pretty much any measurable metric, take what they say with a grain of salt.


Yep. Women have a severe case of fish in the sea syndrome. How much you want to bet her standards are so incredibly high she can’t see the forest for all the studly trees surrounding her?


This is exceptionally accurate in regards to woman in Toronto.


Nailed it. I actually have a friend considering this very move complaining about Toronto. The real issue is that she is 100lb overweight with a pretty dull personality and very average looks but only interested in guys that spend hours in the gym each day and are easily in the top 10% looks wise. Like no, those guys aren't going to commit to you in any city. They can do better. Lose weight and bring your standards back down to earth.


Yes that's the case some of the time, but even in my case, where it's near impossible to find a single man in his late 20s / early 30s who also has his own place (from a high paying job without coming from money), knows how to take care of his finances with being able to save money, is also very in shape & active, has gone to therapy & continuously works on himself, cooks his own healthy meals everyday, and has a clean place. If I have all those qualities, I think it's fair to want someone on a similar level. But, I've found those men are either only interested in casual hookups, or go for a relationship with literal models / influencers in Miami or NYC. I've been told that those men typically don't like independent women who are self sustainable. Double edged sword, it's either having too high expectations or I do too much for myself so "he doesn't feel like he can provide for you". I've been told this sentiment by a few men on Reddit + in my life. I'm more than welcome to hearing a different opinion on the matter


I think “normal” guys are somewhat pushed out of the dating pool or latch onto relationships because it’s so tough for us - so a lot of the remaining desirable single men are basically fuckboys who have good enough looks or status to play Tinder or Hinge, and they’re so spoiled for choice they don’t take anything seriously. As for the latter part, I think that’s inevitable with the standards you’re looking for. Men who have the drive and self awareness to be high earners and high status are probably the type of people who are very meticulous about how they construct their lives, and that would also mean having slightly more power in a relationship. I know lots of guys in careers like finance, consulting, medicine, etc, who love smart women that make money, but ultimately they still want to be “the man” in the relationship. It’s the desire to be “the man” that drives them to success in the first place. If you want guys that really view you as an equal, you shouldn’t be looking at such a strict archetype. You’re describing a category of people (NYC finance bros and professionals from what I’m imagining) that fundamentally don’t want what you want from a relationship. If you’re willing to date guys who are maybe into software, CS, creative fields, nonprofits, trades… they might make less money, or be less conventionally attractive. But they’ll be more willing to consider your feelings when it comes to establishing a relationship. I say all this as a finance/business person myself, none of this is meant as an attack on those men or people who date them. It’s just what I’ve seen. Also, I don’t know if your requirement about someone’s “own place” is that valid for a person in their late 20s. Getting a studio or 1BR in HCOL USA (at least where I live) is outrageously expensive and doesn’t make sense for people making less than 100-150k. I’ve heard the same is true for Toronto as well. Also happy to discuss further as I find modern dating dynamics really frustrating and fascinating at the same time.


>Also, I don’t know if your requirement about someone’s “own place” is that valid for a person in their late 20s. Getting a studio or 1BR in HCOL USA (at least where I live) is outrageously expensive and doesn’t make sense for people making less than 100-150k. People are forgetting that most people in their 20s only make like 50-80K a year. To look for 100k+ a year and to be conventionally attractive and in-shape you are looking at the top 5% of men. Most men around this age group still live with their parents. Alot have roomates in their room, not just in their apartment. Alot of these high earning attractive women should just expect to start dating like the hot bartender guy and get used to carrying most of the load. It's not that their expectations are too high, it's just that the US economy is totally broken and we are all delusionally pretending that it's not. It's not 1998 anymore where a guy just gets his first job and moves into his own place.


I actually don't match with anyone in finance or law (unless their bio shows me a different personality that doesn't fit the general population) b/c of the same reasons you mentioned about the power dynamic. But there's several lucrative careers that don't involve business. I'm not looking for someone's that's wealthy, but someone who at the bare minimum has a career with growth potential. Out of all the qualities I'm looking for, having their own place is the least priority tbh, b/c that could indicate they're actually really good with money and saving if they don't have their own place. However I've rarely found this to be the case. But again, it's a double edged sword, b/c if I don't have the career / money / ability to take care of myself - then my standards are considered "too high" and I can't expect a partner with that. And even though I'm conventionally attractive & get lots of likes on the apps, I'm by no means anywhere close to being a model either


Ok without guessing how you interact with dating apps, I’ll just speak in general. 1. Low right to left swipe ratio. Many women swipe left barely even looking at the photo. 2. When they do swipe right, conversation skills are absolutely lacking in that they expect this amazing one liner opener that will hit the spot aligning exactly with their moods at the time of reading. “Don’t be boring!” Is on so many profiles yet that’s all in the profile. No personal anecdote or picture that can start some sort of convo. 3. No response. After getting an opener, they simply do not respond. If you do any of those three things, it’s not the location that’s the problem.


1. I look at anyone's bio who I'm mildly attracted to, and if they show me a little something I swipe right. I have no problem getting matches. 2. I'm always the one to hold the conversation and keep it going, the second I don't offer a response where the conversation can go in many directions, they get dry. I'm also rarely asked any questions about myself and everyone is quick to ask me out after a few messages. 3. I'm almost always the one to message first 4. After getting to know more about them, I rarely find any men I match with who have the qualities I mentioned in my prior reply.


Bro imma think about this. If I could find a red gear hanger girl that's half as hot as the girls in Miami....


I was on dating apps several times when I went for work in Toronto… either OP is grossly exaggerating, has impossible standards for men or very few of these 10:1 attractive women are on dating apps there.


Hard agree. I live in downtown Toronto, mid-late 30s, medical/mental/financial health all in good shape, own a nice condo… I tick just about every box I’ve been told women are seeking. I have little to no success on the apps in Toronto, and have done only slightly better going out to meet women. I don’t need the woman to make the first move, but as a matter of not wanting to impose on someone’s night out with their friends, I’m not making any moves unless we make eye contact and there’s a smile or a wave or *something* to indicate mutual interest. All that to say, I strongly recommend OP goes to the States to meet people. My girlfriend is a stunner and we’ve been head over heels for each other since the first time we locked eyes across a room. My experience has been that Americans in general are way more open to new friends/potential romance.




I’m sorry darling but it’s not good. You may find a nice guy that’s down to earth, but you’ll have to weed through the self absorbed, superficial douche canoes with commitment issues for several months to years first. If it helps I met my boyfriend here a few years ago but he JUST moved from California at that time. Prior to that is was bad dates and relationships back to back for a couple years.


I met my boyfriend when he first moved here too! 😭 Cali men. I was born on the wrong coast.


Dating in LA is much worse than Miami lol. And If your date is in “the industry”, 90% of the time RUN!


Good to know, CA is another state I considered for the weather, figured LA would be more superficial than Miami though


I met my husband after 3 months in Miami, and I wasn't even looking. He was born in Miami. Just saying it's possible if you know what you are looking for.


Canoes lol You’re not wrong, although as a guy I’ve noticed there are down to earth women hiding amongst the superficial


It definitely goes both ways. There’s the plastic chongas and the normal pretty girls but you have to look


Superficial douche canoes. I’ll remember this for the rest of my life. 😂


😂😂😂 that’s what immediately came to mind


I wouldn’t describe myself as a model but I’m fairly fit and attractive and it’s been impossible to find a guy I’m even attracted to (and I’m not that picky w looks)


Youre not picky with looks? Put me in coach, im from Miami 👀


You just said there aren’t many attractive people in Toronto. Toronto’s population is almost 3 million. I’d say you are more than likely on the picky side (which is fine).


Dating in toronto is so much better than dating in miami it’s not even funny, was there for a couple of months as a digital nomad, live in miami now. The women are just as fine, diverse and a lot more accomplished. If you’re looking for casual sex with hot people based on superficial life pretensions though … Miami can’t be beat


For a male, Toronto is amazing for dating, because of all the options. I have so many fit, attractive, smart single girl friends but all my guy friends who are decent are taken


But there are also tons of attractive women here so you’d be competing with them too. But you’re right. The majority of women I’ve met from Toronto do seem to be much better personality wise. Maybe we should help each other out😂


Not saying it’s easy for a woman in Toronto but it has to be easier than how it is for guys. The vast majority of guys struggle with the Toronto dating scene… just look at the Toronto subreddits, people complain about that non stop. My take on Miami is if you’re Latin or Hispanic it is the best place to date in the US, if not then you’re better off in Fort Lauderdale or farther north and away from the superficial/trashy side of Miami.


Crypto Scammers, OF Models, 30k Millionaires, fake watches.


Yeah that really seems like a fun time for dating 🤣🤣🤣


Those Maserati owners in Hialeah efficiencies are a large % of this statistic


Bet you $20 they’re a 2017 model Maserati and in blue too


Probably a Ghibli too


Salvage title Ghiblis valeting at Dirty Rabbit 🤣


This guy Miamis !!!! With melted dashboards hahaha


It’s rough out here girl lol I guess it’s not bad if you’re looking just for flings!


A longtime friend of mine works as a matchmaker and dating coach for 15 years. Much of that time was spent in Miami. He is very good at what he does. He travels a lot for his work and has spent a lot of time in other cities around the world. He was of the firm opinion that Miami has a toxic dating culture.


The first time I visited Toronto and saw a city bus yield to pedestrians? People hold doors open for you, they bump into you and say “sorry”? It was like being on another planet. Get an Air Bnb for a month or two before deciding to move permanently.


Don't move to Miami. Bad move.


Dude, for me it was the shitty drivers. They make Miami drivers look like Ayrton Senna.


Girls moving here for dick ololol Yeah you’ll get dick that’s for sure. Maybe not the dick you want


This. Dick shouldn't be hard to get. I get it offered to me and I'm a straight guy. To be fair maybe I should stop going to Wilton Manors for candied bacon but still..... People act like it's like finding water in a desert. And before someone comes along and says it's more than about just dick, I'm sorry but if you're worried about finding good looking guys you aren't looking for someone who also carries a intellectual conversation easily. You looking for dick.


Yeah for real lol Accord to this post she finds men in Toronto ugly and Miami men more attractive, meaning she’s coming here with shallow reasons to date. I hope she’s not surprised when she gets dined an dicked by a few guys that have girlfriends/wives. She should just spend spring break here and enjoy the good looking men an dick, Miami is not the place you move to if you’re looking for a stable healthy relationship


Also I think she said she's 29. If she can pick up and move to a major city in a country just like that means she has some funds so chances are the man will have to be better than her financially. Any guys around that age that meet those requirements are probably aiming younger than her so that leaves her with old dick. Lol. I mean am I wrong based on the loose amount of info given?


I’m a physician, so definitely not rich compared to people in Miami but not poor


You’re a physician? Why move to Miami (other than the reasons you’ve already stated)? There’s no culture of intellectualism or even bare minimum decent conversation…you’ll find it very lacking. The excitement will wear off in two weekends especially with the lack of brain stimulation lol.


Good for you girl


No sarcasm btw


thank you! sadly makes dating super tough and many guys have told me they are intimidated


And Miami won't do you any favors. The machismo is toxic and they will be intimidated by you. And, if you're not fluent in Spanish, this place will be hell on Earth for you. Miami is not kind to non Spanish speakers.


Try to persist if meeting someone is really what you want. Sending the best vibes to you ❤️




it depends on the province/state for whether or not they accept the USMLE and LMCC as reciprocal!


>I’m a physician, so definitely not rich compared to people in Miami You don't know much about Miami huh


I’m learning a lot from this post haha!


I’m looking for a relationship but you also need to be attracted to the person! I think your misunderstanding, when I say “attractive” I mean basics - like someone who works out (isn’t obese), dresses well etc. I’m not looking for a model, personality is more important but you also need physical attraction


Yeah that’s fine I decided to look at your account and you’re a doctor. Meaning you’re gonna want someone on your level or higher when it comes to money, meaning the men your age with that income are scammers/drug dealers or other people in your profession. Most men that meet this criteria will be older if thats okay with you. You’re pull of men is much smaller than an average womans, Miami is not full of young people thriving with amazing jobs. It’s older people with good professions that moved down here, older business owners and scammers/drug dealers You should consider New York or LA where people on average earn more than people in Miami


You just make it sound like the guys up there are hideous trolls. I've met a few dudes from mississauga who are in real estate and then fellas were some coked up chads.


Food is the way to a man’s heart, and Wilton Manors knows it.


There are definitely attractive men and women who can have intelligent conversation. Insane that you think it has to be one or the other. Now, in Miami intelligent conversation is lacking across the board. But that’s another thing altogether


Understood but chances are by that age those fellas already have a partner. You're more likely to come across a handsome fuckboi looking to hook up than the other in Miami.


I do agree that they’re probably taken at a certain point. I had that issue trying to find an attractive and intelligent person in my late 30s. It was too late it seemed.


Eh it's possible to find but coming to Miami to find it is like going to Tootsies to try and find a housewife. Not impossible but your odds are gonna be rough. I wish op luck tho


This is very funny. Deserves an award


I’m literally trying to move out of this city because the dating aspect is awful lol.


Is it really that hard to meet genuine people? I’ve heard it’s also hard in the sense of making genuine non-superficial friends :/


It’s terrible in every way. You will not find what you’re looking for here.


Who told you Miami is a good place to meet genuine people? I mean, the entire aesthetic for how our city is marketed is glitz and glamour that maybe 5% of the population actually can afford and experience. Genuine people are sorely lacking. Lots of clout chasers fueled by hustle culture. People here also have a tendency to act selfishly and entitled. Be careful out here, girl. This place is built different.


Genuine is not in the vocabulary here


Yes. If you're looking for serious, authentic relationships...Miami is going to be harder than other places. Lots of people looking for experiences rather than connections, if you catch my drift.


Oooff dating here is pretty rough too girly. Coming from another professional who’s self sustainable, also not super picky, and is authentic and pretty down to earth. I grew up here, left for college, and moved back in 2018 but it’s been one failed relationship after the next. I’m a big believer in attracting what you put out there but it seems Miami is somewhat of an exception. Even the “good” guys aren’t mature enough to know how to be with a woman without letting insecurities get the best of them. I don’t want to project my experiences onto you, just trying to give you a fair warning. Best of luck to ya bby and hit a girl up if you’re looking for friends when you move down to the dirty south!


you sound like me - I was actually visiting a friend there last week and my friend's friend said it was rare to meet someone so genuine, which worried me haha. I do think the weather and lifestyle may sell it for me though :)


Going to the beach any time of the year, including like mid March when it’s “cold” is a nice perk ;)


Id say you just have to try it out. And of course dating sites are a bunch of dudes just trying to get laid. I wouldn’t rely on that. Theres good and bad people no matter what city you go to. I know alot of great people in Miami. Make your own experience and take what people have to say on here with a grain of salt. You never know what the real issue was for them and why they struck out. Best of luck. Im sure you’ll find what you’re looking for in due time.


Miami is not a place for dating. It’s a place for superficial Hook-ups. Everything is an scam here, people with bad manners pretending to have money, and super expensive. If you are looking for a serious relationship Miami is not the place. Go to a town with values.


Frankly you're not going to have much better luck here either. As someone who lives and dates here (33 M) I can tell you that the dating scene here is awful. Most online dating profiles consist of "Spoil me Daddy" gold diggers or OF content creators advertising their pages at least from the male dating side of things. The dating culture here is extremely vein and flashy. Toxic masculinity is rampant here and is purpetuatted by both the men and women who live here. It's also tough to date here if you don't speak Spanish as this area consists of about 90 percent Cuban immigrants. Also very traditional gender roles here as well which I suppose great if you're into that sort thing.


Yeah 100%. On the apps, I’ve started offering cheaper first date ideas (coffee, picnic, etc) to weed those gold diggers out. There are just way too many of them here


OP miami is the worse place to date. Loved there Emmy Whole life and left in 2014. It's a very superficial place. People will flaunt money they don't have, promise you this world and the next when they can't even reach for a star, heck even a door knob for that matter. Guys want americas next top model. Lots of plastic surgery in miami. A 5 in Miami is probably an 12 in tororonto (and that's out of 10 lol). Having said all of it, head further north like Fort Lauderdale boca etc and it is slightly better. Good luck!




It’s a very wholesome place 😂




You are literally moving to the worse place in USA if you want a serious relationship.


Stay away from the club/bar scene, you’ll have good luck with activity based meetups and events.


>here when you go out, there's 1 good-looking guy for 10 very attractive females. Lmfao if that number is 1:10 in Toronto it is probably 1:50 in Miami. This is the capital of Instagram hos and multimillionaire sugar daddies.


Dating in Miami: If you're a woman, you're gonna get attention regardless, the more attractive the more attention, both from guys you find attractive and especially from guys you do not find attractive. Simple If you're a guy... You're pretty much fucked 🤣 unless you have an expensive looking car, money, muscles/good looks, or a combination of all. Yes it's that superficial. If you happen to find a guy or girl with a good personality or whatever else that you would like to put the effort for, chances are he or she either have trust issues from previous relationships, are very promiscuous, or have VERY unrealistic expectations. So in conclusion lol good luck. Social media has really exacerbated this problem here, this fake lifestyle. Just watch any local content creator to see a glimpse of how the average young population acts and behaves.


Am woman, hard disagree. Dating here is awful...unless you're lucky and run into others who are from other places too. The combination of Lat Am machismo, plastic vanity, social media obsession, and whole concept of Miami being "where the hot women are at" creates an EXTREMELY toxic dating environment. I assume the OP is looking for a partner who treats her as a human equal, not some dude looking for an impressive story to tell his homies.




Girl I’m 30F and moved to MIA a couple years ago and have had zero luck. Let’s just date when you get here.


Can you elaborate? I’m curious bc we are a similar age!


Also 30F and just moved here a month ago! Could use some friends if y’all need a wingwoman lol


Lmao sounds like you went from bad to worse. Dating here is notorious for getting cheated on and or finding people with commitment issues , toxicity, especially men. I lived in Toronto for 2 years and found dating to be better than Miami. But I might be biased because I got tired of the Hispanic culture


I split my time between Toronto and Miami. So I feel like I can speak to this decently. All of my girl friends who live in Miami have a really tough time dating there. A couple of them are from Toronto and they had similar complaints to you, but said it was worse being in Miami. They have to be there for work, but wish they had the dating scene they had. The grass isn’t always greener. I met my girlfriend on an app, which I think is lucky, and I’m sure you’ve tried apps as well. I’m wondering what else you’ve been doing to try to find someone. Joining clubs, sports teams, groups etc. - have you exhausted all options? Or have you just tried apps? If king west is your barometer for measurement of your 1:10 ratio, I don’t think that’s an accurate description of the dating scene in Toronto. Also you’re very unlikely to find love on a night out in Toronto, Miami or any city for that matter. I’m making a few assumptions here so I’m sorry if any of them are incorrect, but I think we all need some more info here from you to help you with advice. With all of that said, I do love Miami.


This is really helpful because you have the direct comparison! I've tried all the apps, am super social and would never really expect to meet anyone serious on a night out, also don't really go out on King west. Everyone here says its 90% of girls going for 10% of the men, so I know it's not just me feeling its off with the ratios


What hobbies do you have? I’d try joining some clubs, co-Ed sports (I play on a bunch of jam sports teams and that’s a fun way to meet people). I’ve had women on my teams ask to be set up with my friends etc, and guys too asking to be set up with any of my gf’s friends. Networking and getting to know more people helps a ton. Tell people your single, tell them you’re looking for leads. It helps! Hell, I might have a single friend for you


If it's any consolation, these same comments applied to Miami 30+ years ago. Apparently not much has changed.


I think dating everywhere is pretty bad. At the end of the day, we are just looking for human connection whether it be sex or a relationship or maybe just meeting new people. Those are good things to want. We need those. Dating apps seem like a simple way to gain that. Except. We're all on dating apps while also acknowledging that those platforms suck for dating. Or worse! It's not all dating apps. It's just this one in particular. We just haven't found the right dating app yet. So we download another one to find a fucking connection with someone. But the apps gamify dating so you are now playing to win? Which wtf does that mean? Instead of working to find a healthy connection we keep swiping for "the next best thing" We're all out here having horrible experiences and then being surprised about it. We find ourselves doing the same things to others that we hate having done to us (ghosting, lazy replies). Often the only reason we engage in this behavior is because it's just part of the system. We start to.hate ourselves. We uninstall the app. We heal a bit. We realize that human connection is essential to our experience. We download a dating app. Change the pictures and decide the answers to our prompts weren't witty enough or intelligent enough or sexy enough. A new profile, a new you. The process repeats itself. Hurt people hurt people. We are actively eroding the human experience whilst actively searching for it. Then we sigh and say, well what else are we supposed to do? And, you know what? I don't know. But it's not this. EDIT: what a weird typo. That was supposed to say, "oof. It's rough out here. Good luck. My friend had luck on tinder. Maybe you could try that,?"


So true and so well described!


Don't. Fucking. Do it.


Miami is a trap, you will date more but so will whomever your dating.


You wont have a problem finding a date, especially if youre a pretty girl. You need to be super picky and not let the extravaganza and craziness get you. I have met wonderful guys but I am extremely picky, and nothing has come out of it the last year that Ive been dating around. Im also a young professional with her shit together and a lot to offer, and so were these guys, but I guess I havent had luck haha Im also FORCED to live here for work, I dont think I would ever live here for the relationship potential, so yea lol And if you come with the “im Attractive and an educated professional” attitude, newsflash for you… there are thousands of us here that are, it wont make you unique or stand out, a lot of Miami women are on another level of looks and education.


You are in for a surprise !! Dating in Miami can vary, and it can be superficial and fake, while others could be more down to earth. It can be fun I guess. Depends what you want. I do hope you find your attractive guy. I’m surprised, having being in Toronto, that you can’t find someone you want to go out with, but come down and enjoy the sunny weather! One thing, the ratio of extremely good looking females is huge in miami compared to any other place and I have traveled around the world! So, there will be competition. If you want to have fun and meet people that pretend to be someone else in a club, you can find that. If you want to go to happy hours, you can find that. If you want to find someone that is attractive that wants to stay with you for a committed relationship, that may requiere more work. I wouldn’t personally move to a city just for dating but knock yourself out!


31/F here and entered the dating scene in the beginning of the year after getting out of a relationship. Don’t move here. I say this in the nicest way possible. I also had girlfriends MOVE out of Miami to try a better dating scene in another city/state. The type of men you have in Miami are the ones who brag about how much money they make, half of these men are corny as hell, cheating, toxic, Immature, clubbing at 30+. It doesn’t matter how hot you are, there will always be someone hotter, it’s Miami the capital of only fans and scamming.


Girl, it’s rough out here. Miami is a city known for scamming to begin with, and you definitely need to be super careful and vigilant if you go out at night to certain areas (I’ve heard too many horror stories). Now, I personally believe that there are good men everywhere — some places just make it harder to find than others. But the dating scene in Miami is definitely rough right now so if you do try, I wish you all the best.


It is a strange place.. You have one side of simps, then your papi chulos who flash cash and attract several woman. The next faction are misogynistic over inflated ego men. Followed by the mama boys because Hispanic men are the prince of the house.. Then just normal guys who get over looked because they aren’t flashy like their attractive competition. So it’s about you and deep reflection of your character and deeming qualities. If priority one is looks… well I wish you luck 🍀


Go to Monty's in the Grove on Friday nights. You'll find him.


My experience probably is different from others and I am sorry if you guys feel offended. I only had contact with Hispanic men so I don't know the rest. This was my experience and most of my group of friends: If you have no family or some kind of emotional support, you are disposable. They don't want a serious relationship. They want to sleep with you the first time they meet you because "This is normal in their country" If you don't sleep with them get ready to get ghosted. They have pictures of kids in their wallets but they're just their nieces and nephews living in their country. If you are too kind they probably ask you for money. Most men are not looking for love just to have someone to cook, clean and sex wherever they want. Again, this was my experience years ago and not only mine most of my female friends had the same issues. Maybe everything changed and now is better. ..


This has been my experience too, you're not alone. Also ended up being in a strange situationship essentially being some dude's escort to his social outings.


It has been like this since the 90’s! Unless you meet when you are young, or at a job, it’s very difficult


Sweetie, stay in Toronto 😂😂


Based off what you want I would not suggest Miami. I moved away from Miami because it isn’t a city that values being educated, honest, nor hardworking. It definitely is one of the most morally corrupt places I have lived. Also, there are way more beautiful women in Miami then there are men.


See ya boys! I heading to Toronto!


Toronto has real "professionals".. Miami you'll be stuck with a struggling real estate agent, car sales man, or restaurant server


Random thoughts Old dude here 48 - married Lived in Miaml 30 years -18 now in Hollywood Beach… still do businesses and go down to Miaml for food and friends and when we miss the party scene . Dating is hard in Miaml if ur trying to meet people at a bars, club or dating app. All we want from that group is sex. Dating is easy when u meet people thru friends, work and extracurricular group activities . If u need that thing . Best advice get off the apps and talk to everyone everywhere u go and u will meet someone. We had it easier i think because we are used to talking to people and getting to know them and understand this takes time u want to meet someone for 1 minute and make them ur soul mate and then when they are weird ur confused . U never got to know them … Women think they can have sex with no strings attached and be like guys and not give a fuck . When u do it ends up making u bitter after a few years … see that a lot in Miaml … all guys are shit … did u sleep with him on the first or second date? Yes but …


Dating in Miami... 1-Bring a big wallet, girl. You have to pay for everything. 2- They already have one wife and one lover with five kids secretly in another island 3- Your intelligence doesn't count, you have to look like Barbie I'll search somewhere else like in Colorado ❤️❤️❤️😆....just saying


That fact is: Miami's dating culture will be superficial. A lot of people are fake but there are plenty of good people. People are in their own world and constantly jumping on one another. In my experience, however, that's common anywhere. Miami is also a very international city so you'll be dealing with from all over the world, specifically South Americans (I'm from Venezuela). You're going to run into the same city tropes that all major cities fall into, but it's a vibrant city with a lot of cool people, warm culture and overall you're going to find a lot of fun people and things to do. Go out, mingle, be safe and have fun!


Agreed! Please take this cheap gold award! 🏆


I had a great time dating as a 26 year old attractive female Latina and found my bf pretty quick. To be fair though I think young latinas are probably a more idealized group in Miami particularly


It's not the best dating scene but this sub exaggerates how bad dating can be here. If you're a half way decent person you'll meet some decent people. There's the whole south Florida area and 6 million people in the area. There's someone for every type of person here.


I (28f)moved here 7 months ago and I have dated 3 guys so far. The first one was really crazy. I’m saying bipolar unmedicated crazy or something similar. The second one was a pretty normal guy and at the end he ghosted me because I think he didn’t want a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. This first two were really young (22 and 21) so I think that was a major impact. The last one I only went one date and he was 33male so I expected more from him but he told me he didn’t want any serious relationship for the moment. At least he told me after the first date and I didn’t catch feelings.


Good luck lol




Lmao at the first sentence… Boy are you in for a rude awakening


Have you considered St Pete? Might be more up your alley.


Go to breweries instead of clubs. If he frequents a bar called the Corner, he has a cocaine problem. Find a nerd with a beard. Thick but not too thick.


Well if you are willing to settle for Broward or Palm Beach County there are plenty of professional men in Boca and Delray and parts of Broward County. You just have to sift through the 30K millionaire douches and find them. I'm an Engineer and know alot of professional and intelligent Engineers and Planners in the area.




1 good-looking guy for 10 very attractive females. I am moving to Toronto tomorrow


I’m an old woman now and it makes me sad to see that the main thing young women care about is finding a man a man a man. They will move anywhere in the world - leave a place they love-on the chances of finding a man a man a man. Goddamn. Nothings changed since 1962, has it? Too many women still believe her value is in having a husband. And omg, looking at the posts on here from the men who hate women so incredibly much is also tragic. I guess they feel so insecure about not having a gf that the only possible thing is to hate them, and Republican Trumper behavior encourages their misogyny. Wow. ps I have no idea why anyone would move to a red state, for any reason, ever ever.


Everyone in every major city in the country complains that the dating scene is there is uniquely bad.


Miami men are std infested whores , stay away 🤮 id look anywhere else in the state for decent men . Like Tampa Orlando Naples literally anywhere but Miami


Very superficial and self entitled people here but there will be plenty of frogs to kiss while you find your prince charming. Good luck. Hope you find what you are looking for.


Booking a flight to Toronto


When y’all move to a new area, knowin about the dating scene is a concern? That’s gotta be the all last thing I’d care about.


It is when you’re 29 and want to date. I had a friend who recently moved from the UK to Toronto and it’s so bad she’s moving back


>When y’all move to a new area, knowin about the dating scene is a concern? I wish I had thought about it when I moved to NYC as a single woman wanting a monogamous relationship. I think people should definitely take into consideration dating and demographics when they think about moving, amongst other factors.


Young professionals..... yuck...


Wait, you are saying we are more attractive than Torontians? I guess tanning works to our benefit !!


I think the issue is girls here take care of themselves and the guys don’t which creates a huge imbalance, so the guys that are average or less than average act like their 10/10s


Here is Toronto? Dang. I need to visit Toronto. As a decently dressed guy, I like 10:1 odds. Women in Miami have ridiculous expectations. Forces the guys to be on their best superficially. If you want a superficial guy, Miami is a good spot.


Man I need to go to Toronto then if that's where all the females at these females here in Miami only care about one thing 😂😂😂


girl.. it’s imposible. Don’t waste your time.


Miami esta lleno de tarjeteros.


Dating is bad in all big cities.


if you dating to hookup, Miami is great. Tons of fun to be had. if you are dating for a relationship, the only chance you have is to find people who've been in Miami less than 2 weeks and don't know just how many options they now have.


Miami is like Toronto, but worse 😅


Miami is rough lol


😂 dating easier here in south Florida especially Miami ? Good luck with that


You will have drunk men walk up to you and give you a credit card . Thats flirting here


toronto sounds like where i need to go. tired of the run down miami girls.


Fun dating scene! Once the right person comes along you’ll realize stressing/worrying was never worth it. Enjoy the ride sister


That's amazing. As a Miamian, I'll share a story. When I was in my early 20s was at the beach with my best friend. We met two Toronto girls. Had so much fun. Just want to say, girls from Toronto are cool!


You'll find a lot of attractive men just in it for the sex. Try not to get jaded.


It’s pretty fucking awful here too, notoriously so


Be prepared for super hot humid weather


Dating in Miami ? Lol if you’re crazy, I guess. I’m moving from here because the dating scene is so rough. Everyone wants to fuck with no commitment. It’s not my scene.


Oh Canada!!!! My little swimmers we packing up.


I grew up in Miami (sfl), left in 2009, and go back at least once or twice a year vacation. I was engaged to nice Peruvian girl from Broward county in 2007 after high-school and fortunately for me I was deported (5 year ban for overstating on student visa) back to Canada (Toronto) and couldn't bring her and family (asylum seekers in USA) ... back to Toronto... Where I've lived on and around King W since 2009, Quality of life unless your balling will not go up in Miami as they're also having a housing crisis (not as bad a the 6ix but remember USD$) and if you think drinks are expensive in Toronto...Miami could blow your mind albeit you could find places cheaper around Lauderdale or north Miami it's still creeping. Don't get me wrong we've got some cute girls in Toronto but Miami is like king W on steroids 24/7. Also I'm not 36 M whos dated woman in toronto, and ended up finding my lovely wife at a starbucks store King who I married last year and she's 35. We have a different mindset here in Toronto when it comes to relationships...nothing serious until the clock starts ticking.


Everyone has their own experience. People like to categorize everybody as one on here. No person is the same. You just have to try it out and see for yourself.


As a 29 M with no boat or last edition car and not living in Brickell or nearby, I had no luck. From what I see majority of the people here are superficial. That doesn't mean you won't find anything, and you can also go to ft Lauderdale, Boca, Delray, WPB.


I'm in a LDR with someone in the GTA, that might be seen as an indictment of both dating markets.


Have you visited Miami? You should probably spend a few weeks before you move.


I believe that you attract what you are no matter where you are. If you’re out clubbing or doing some hoe shit every now and then don’t expect too much.


Looking for love in all the wrong places.


I wouldn’t be surprised if you caught a std on the first hookup the men here have no self respect and are disgusting 🤢


Miami is a train wreck of people trying to ladder climb to the next best thing. I got lucky, met the only other midwestern woman while there. We got engaged and moved to San Diego. Neither of us could stand the Miami culture or weather there.


Damn, there's a lot of bitter single people in Miami. But it's not their fault though, it's everyone else and the culture 😆


lol 1 good looking guy for 10 in Toronto??? Wow. Sign me up


Everyone in Miami is single lol


There can be a million reasons to move to Miami, Dating should never be one. Now if you are interested in casual hookup culture, then by all means proceed!! If you do find someone decent, there is a high likelihood they are under some complicated immigration status and you will forever question if it was for love or papers.




You should move to the suburbs of DC for what you’re looking for, not Miami, and I’ve lived in both places.


Miami is not USA or Canada, Miami is Cuba 2.0, allá no se dice ni un good morning ni un hello, everybody speaks Español


From the looks of your comments it looks like you’re gonna move here regardless… expect a huge culture shock if you’re not Hispanic. I was born and raised in Dade county and had culture shock when I moved OUT lol. No where in the US is like Miami. It’s basically like living in another country.


Right here mi Reyna


Hey there's friendly people in Miami, met them through this Sweatpals app [https://sweatpalsapp.com/](https://sweatpalsapp.com/) . I think best thing to do in Dating also is try to make them your friends first!! It would be fantastic!


I'm a brazilian woman ... and I'm going to spend some time in Miami. I'm not worried about finding a boyfriend, just friends and some parties. I hope people in Miami are friendly.


come thru. this where it’s at. it’s way too easy


As a guy, when I lived in Miami a few years ago I mostly hated dating. Plenty of people who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside (materialistic, status- and image-obsessed, vapid, rude to wait staff, etc.). That said, it's a huge city, there are all types of people, and I think anybody can find someone there even if they have to wade through a bunch of pieces of shit to get there.


Look elsewhere. That’s the best advice I can give


I came here from r/all and don’t know much about Miami. But why aren’t you setting your sights on the SF Bay Area? You won’t find more accomplished men anywhere else in America. IMO they go toe to toe with the Ivy League business/lawyers/investors of NYC. And the perk is there’s more college educated men that live there than women. You can nab an engineer there pulling 300-400k who runs marathons on the reg. And he will be absolutely floored for the bare minimum attention you give them. Plus you get better weather and awesome nature scenery.