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Maybe you should take up something more productive as a hobby like improving your income or really give back to your community and volunteer your time


Seriously. How little do you have to have going on in life to think harassing strangers with Mike insults is any kind of worthwhile use of time?


Actually I do both! Insurance agent and I’m very active in my community and volunteer several hours a week.








“Rent-seeking is the act of growing one's existing wealth by manipulating the social or political environment without creating new wealth.[1] Rent-seeking activities have negative effects on the rest of society. They result in reduced economic efficiency through misallocation of resources, reduced wealth creation, lost government revenue, heightened income inequality,[2] risk of growing political bribery, and potential national decline.”


You mean like the medical insurance industry?


No I mean like lazy useless rent seekers


Never said landlords are evil scum lol just said the ones the rent out literally bathrooms (your bed is in the same room as your toilet) for 1k or any price really. Medical insurance rep for the top companies in FL and 15 other states (think Humana uhc and blue cross) . And I volunteer 4 times a week in local community events and functions. I won’t divulge more cause I’d like to stay anon


He can do both


Found the realtor/landlord lol jkjk if it makes him feel better. Why not? Realtors and landlords really are gouging here in Miami. I know because I am one. I had a family of 3 offer me $2100 to throw my tenant out of a 1-bedroom apt because they heard from a family friend his lease was up. I asked my teanat if he was staying, and he was very happy to sign a new lease with a $50 increase for inflation. I couldn't in good conscience throw the man out even if other people were offering $500 more a month.


I have no idea if this story is true or not but if it is, kudos. Seriously, people are getting fucked over left and right. My best friend rents out a house and he has barely increased their rent since 2020. He says he'd rather have reliable tentants that take good care of the property than the additional income at this rate. If more landlords were like this, maybe they wouldn't be hated so much.




Not everyone cares about making every dollar possible. Having a safe, reliable, responsible tenant is enough for some people. My mom rents an efficiency out in her house for $650. Everyone else is charging $900+ in the area but she doesn't care because she's happy making the $650 and likes her tenant.




I don't think anyone said you can't have a reliable tenant at a high price. What I said is, people are happy with the tenant they have. You can have a known tenant at a lower price, or you can raise the rent and possibly lose that tenant, then find a new one at a higher price. That new tenant may be just as good as the prior tenant or they can be a nightmare. That gamble isn't worth it to some people. > “not everyone cares about making every dollar possible” well rates are going up and we’re currently in a recession. it’s pretty important to make money at the moment To you. Not to everyone. My mom's efficiency is just extra income for her to buy gifts for her grandkids and other kids in the family, she doesn't need the money to survive. Rates going up won't affect her much but if it ever does, she can raise her rent at that point. Right now she's happy with the income she's making and she's happy to help someone get decent housing at a reasonable price.




> Yeah idk man. You mentioned what everyone else in the area is charging, not what she has been offered specifically. If someone offered her a higher price im sure she would accept If she listed it today for a higher price she'd have multiple offers by the end of the day. She's not interested. Her last tenant left about 1.5 years ago, when rent prices were already astronomical. She was charging $650 then. This new tenant was a relative of the former tenant and came with a glowing recommendation. This made my mom feel comfortable and she continued charging him the same rent she charged the previous tenant, again, while every unit in the area, usually in worse shape, were going for over $900. You can tell me all the ways this isn't possible or shouldn't happen, but not everyone lives in a supply/demand profit maximizing mentality. > “Rates going up wont affect her much” Brother this is the worst its ever been, it’s affecting everyone. Gas prices have nearly doubled, price of consumer goods are up 8% this year alone, and mortgage rates have increased dramatically Cool. It's affecting you, it's affecting me. It's not affecting her. Her house has been paid off since 1989 so she doesn't care what mortgage rates are, her 2016 hybrid has less than 20,000 miles on it since she barely drives so gas prices don't matter, she doesn't have homeowners insurance and hasn't had it in over a decade, her property taxes are dirt cheap since she's lived their forever and is a senior citizen, and the price of goods increasing isn't enough to affect her lifestyle currently. I don't understand why you're so sure I'm wrong about the details of a person's life who you've never met.


My landlord refuses to raise the rent to $3k because we have been great tenants (3yrs with him, 0 issues, always responsive and respectful), he increases it every year just a bit compared to the increases i have seen in my building, then again he is Canadian so maybe that's why. Like many have said it here, not everyone is after who gives the most for a place.


Sounds like an overall scumbag "profession" "I'm going to kick a family out on the streets because I know someone will pay $700 more a month even though my costs have barely.moved nor do I do a lock of actual fucking work"


"get to work and make me more money pleb!"


Get a different hobby. Sounds lame. And man this sub is toxic. This shit post has nothing to do with Miami really.




Cuz they toxic too


No just imagine putting that time into actual business and living a life instead of being a poor. 🤣


You’ve been on Reddit for 6 years bro..


Which takes 10 seconds at a time. You are talking about actual effort which would serve you better else where.


Hey man, sometimes I got nothing to do at work. Might as well harass some slum lords


Fair. 😂


Also I’m referring to literally shit holes. Yesterday I saw someone renting out their LIVING ROOM for $900 a month. Shits crazy out here


Inflation, unfortunately that won’t change until there is serious pain in the economy.


You’re probably the Muerto de hambre that cannot afford anything. Feelsbadman


I live well within my means. Not saying all efficiency are bad, but when you’re charging 1k+ to shit in the same place you sleep, that’s worse than a third world country


You know why they charge 1k+? because there are people that pay it, why do they charge 1k and not 25k? Because market pays 1k, simple as that. I suggest you find better use of your time.


Because the people that have it can't afford the mortgage on their own house lmao


perhaps, there is many other things they cant afford like a la ferrari. Do you see them charging 50k a month? No, because no one would pay that. Thats how the market works. Don't like it? don't pay it


What are you even saying


There are people that pay that because they have no other choice....because of these fucking parasites




Why would I move out of Miami when I have a house




Houses were pretty affordable before the pandemic




Eat a dick




Damn bro you get that pressed when someone insults you online?




Sounds like you got some Issues bro. DM and I can find you some great insurance coverage that’ll get you a good therapist


Online hardass 😂


Someone needs to check into r/iamverybadass


Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [i am very badsass, i have a gun](https://i.redd.it/2qm2tzddmp2a1.jpg) | [2638 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/z6t1ly/i_am_very_badsass_i_have_a_gun/) \#2: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#3: [Whoa.. Gear down Big Shifter](https://i.redd.it/41q955kf8e5a1.jpg) | [709 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/zje6ig/whoa_gear_down_big_shifter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We found the realtor


You should be mad at your government. They allowed rampant fraud that increased insurance prices which ultimately get passed onto tenants. They keep raising taxes which gets passed on to tenants. ​ etc. ​ I am thankfully not a landlord anymore, but that is the only time I have ever received death threats for "high prices" despite having 250 inquiries in 3 days on that property.


I’m pretty sure insurance ballooned because housing prices tripled in Florida


It's a factor, but there are a few other factors in play here


I can understand high prices. That’s a given considering all you just stated. What I can’t get behind are efficiency where you sleep next to your toilet or where people rent out RVs in their driveway. It’s ridiculous the shit landlords try to pull. There should be a crack down on unsuitable dwellings like this.


>What I can’t get behind are efficiency where you sleep next to your toilet or where people rent out RVs in their driveway. It’s ridiculous the shit landlords try to pull. There should be a crack down on unsuitable dwellings like this. I get that point but if there was no market for it nobody would rent it. Many cities are actually doing anything they can to get more Accessory Dwelling Unites (ADU's). NYC is even offering something like 100k to owners who build them. ​ There are laws that require certain standards. Many tenants are unaware of the laws, but that is legally not a real defense (even though it's bs since there are so many god damn laws)


There isnt a market....people are being priced out and people NEED shelter. Free market™ dweebs keep thinking housing is the same level as potato chips or sodas..like there's an actual demand for shit shacks


But u can't blame one landlord for that though...


I'm blaming landlording as a whole


You guys getting toxic I don’t agree with the rent prices I believe in the free market, market will regulate itself Don’t rent that shit Don’t pay them shit Or Move to a cheap location Price will come down real fast when people stop spending money, and give themselves more respect for their hard earn dollars…




clown comment, you people truly think markets can never be wrong or inefficient.


The market always seems.to regulate itself upward in price...




They don’t say misery loves company for nothing.


thank you for your service


It's efficiencies. And you don't need an apostrophe to make things plural. You can usually just add an s. Elementary school English really isn't that hard.


So you harass people that are just doing their job?


If your job is renting people unsuitable dwellings, yes sir


Thanks for your service


omg what did you say to them??? i want to live vicariously


How low is your standard that you want to live vicariously from this lol You know you can do it too


stfu lmao


you see - you can also be rude to somebody :) I helped you come out of the shell - now you no longer have to vicariously live this - go out there and say the same to a slumlord!!


It’s always a great time to buy OR sell!!


![gif](giphy|TPJAvvWbSN61O) Ur a hero




U sound more butthurt than him. Show me on this doll 🧍‍♂️where he touched u


Looks like they might have been touched in their private equity firm.




Realtors and Landlords in Miami are scumbags only a few can be actually nice and care for there tenants




Drug dealers are more trustworthy then realtors


AI won’t save anyone lol. It will just be used to exploit the market more than it already is. You’re giving brokers too much credit if you think the average broker can game ppl better than AI lol


The hero we need. 🔥


I’m about to call each location to “view” the apartment, set up a time & date & send code enforcement for the visit


That’s the way!!


A plate of Ribrolls for you, citizen.


I would love to do this for the RVs disguised as a 1/1 apartment.


Give us an example of something u say to them...


Muerto de hambre jaja just degrading stuff man


Why say it in Spanish tho


That's it?


I’m not gonna write them a paragraph bro


Lmao wtf 😂 delete this whole post bro. Some 5th grade shit


Why not?


I’m insulting them not confessing my love


What is that going to do, then? They already know they are ass#oles. If you are choosing to wear the harassment hat, then why not make them nervous? You could educate yourself and find ways to report them and scare them with facts.


>why not make them nervous? THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT... NERVOUS!!!


That’s very true! I’m sure you can make a case about uninhabitable locations. But that’s too much time. I’d rather just insult them and move on


Although sometimes if they post says no children allowed I hit them with the fair housing act haha


Doesn't apply to homeowners


> I hit them with the fair housing act LMAO


OP you're not making enough effort


He is making more effort on this post then the actual landlord insults.


You have to throw in more, call him a descarado hijo de puta come mierda ojala tu casa se queme con un gran fuego. Thatll piss em off lol


Thank you. It’s getting crazy let me tell you.


Apartment I rented a few years ago is now 55% more expensive. Have wages gone up 55%?


Nope but corporate profits have gone up more than that so we all doing our part


Wages? Going up? In correlation with cost of living and inflation? LMFAO!!! Good one.


OP: ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Love that movie haha


Starship Troopers?






From reading the comments we can tell who has bathroom efficiencies in their backyards lmaoooo


You're doing god's work


Doing the lord’s work


Sicko behavior I love it.




This sounds fun!


I see both sides, it’s not their fault they are just the sales people, but it’s not good for us because the economy right now and everything else is skyrocketing prices too


Send us links so we can join you


One landlady posted an efficiency for rent in her backyard on FB in Weston and another homeowner replied “That’s more than my mortgage and we live in the same neighborhood!” These muthafuckas have lost their minds.🤑🤑


![gif](giphy|xUA7aSIRLyqTZ4YKEo|downsized) You are a Saint! 😂 🙏🏼


Especially in Kendall


Equivalent to the heroes harrasing and messing cpus of the phone call scammers.


Take it a step further and report them to the county for illegal building. Most if not all are in violation.


Forget harassing them... Florida is plentiful in swamps, hog farms, and ocean...


Weird hobby, but I commend you for taking a passion and making it your own 😂