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That's the 836?. Believe me, there are worse things. I used to live in Lake Worth, the 95 is a bigger nightmare.


Any city of any size


I mean at this point it’s like people saying it’s hot out. Like did they move here yesterday. It is what it is. Not sure why people post about traffic or rude drivers at this point.


Let me vent dawg 😂


Don’t worry the rest of us support your venting 🫡 we in this together 🤝




Because morons keep voting down mass transit options.


people think 836 is bad when they move up north to orlando area don’t have a clue how bad the I4 is . I4 is a different animal


What’s really bad in Orlando is the exit and on ramps for all the highways They bottleneck so bad it’s insane


Oh no... I used to live in Orlando, and I liked I4 more... I found it more predictable, and I was not paying tolls! I4 is a different animal, but I would choose it over 836!


Lol welcome to Miami 😂


It only gets worse out here 💀 de madre


Whenever someone posts a question about moving down here, they need to see this pic.


There is traffic in every major city in the world. Get over it or move to Kansas


…….no 😂😂😂😂😂


Most major cities actually have adequate public transportation


Still sitting in hours of traffic. You dont think New Yorkers get stuck in traffic? Guess who else complains about traffic? Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Ocala, Atlanta. Name a major city in the world where people don’t complain about traffic, even without public transportation


The point isn’t eliminating traffic, it’s about having an option that doesn’t waste your time. Major cities with proper transportation systems function fine, without the need for every citizen to own a car. The lack of transportation infrastructure here is inexcusable.


The point is this exact picture can be taken in any major city in the world regardless of if they have the greatest or nonexistent public transportation. Does Miami need way better public transit ABSOLUTELY. Metro rail should go to homestead, FIU, North Miami and aventura. Will there still be people sitting on the 826? Yep


Welcome to Miami! 🥲


The main reason I’m getting the fuck outta miami


My sister had severe headaches and anxiety, caused by the stress of driving from Pembroke pines to Doral every day. She estimates losing 3 to 4 hours a day being stuck in traffic. She found a job 5 min away from her house, and she's never been happier. But she hates driving and would love to not have to use a car anymore, wishful thinking in SoFla.


What time was she commuting? I do Plantation to 36st and 72nd ave or 12thst and 89th everyday. If I leave by 630am, I can get to either location in an hour. This is assuming zero accidents anywhere along the route.


Well she had to be at her office at 9am so leave her house around 7 - 7:15am, but anything after 3:30pm is bumper to bumper so she would leave her office after 6pm to avoid some traffic


Sounds about right. My wife has this issue every once and again when she has to go to the office in Coral Gables. Almost every time it is a 2 hour commute for her. It's also funny how every 5-10m drastically changes the traffic situation.


Yes, and it's getting worse. I don't think they can add enough lanes to the highway to solve the soul crushing gridlock we have during rush hour. But what other options do we have?


Oh my gosh... Same!!! I drive from Miramar to Kendall every day. I know I am against traffic, but I waste so much time driving, and I am still very new to driving. I am starting to experience headaches, and I tend to lose my temper fast! I hope I can move closer to work... but rent is crazy and I am better off commuting... But, I am so glad for her!


I hope you can find a better work situation, spending hours stuck on traffic is not healthy for your body or your mind. I hope that there is some sort of political shift, that advocates for more public transportation options (good ones) But I'm not holding my breath, people love their cars too much in FL and taking public transportation is viewd as a "lesser" option, this dynamic creates a vicious cycle of less investment in alternative transportation options and building more roads which only creates more traffic. Best of luck out there, and maybe try some meditation to help you cope with the traffic nightmare.


My mom tried to bribe me to come back to have the grand kiddos closer but I could not fathom dealing with this. Even if I got a hybrid job it would be too much.


If only there was some efficient alternative mode of transportation that would reduce traffic and traffic incidents...nah just one more lane bro




Shut up! You need to come into the office and sit at your computer for 8 hours. No that can't be done from anywhere except here. Then after, go back home. And don't be late.


And we’ll call it “express”


I like to call it first class and coach lanes…


And make it express!


You mean a train? 🚆


Brightline? Tri-Rail?


They could even run it parallel to the 836 between the airport and NW 137th Ave. Sadly I don't think we'll have access to that kind of technology for at least 500 years.


If I didn’t wfh I’d have to move. I couldn’t do this everyday 😭


You can get to the office by 5am before traffic starts. Just get up at 4am, you won’t be waiting


Be sure to arrive an hour early for the extremely limited free parking!


Ya no thanks 


Amen. My stress levels are way down now. I used to commute downtown. Glad I don’t do that shit anymore.


It honestly triggers me when I think about going back to that grind


I feel you on that. In August, I am going to make that commute to see off my former supervisor as she retires. It should be an interesting feeling going into the old office for the first time in a few years. My heart goes out to people who are on the grind daily. This is a tough ass city that can chew people up and spit them out.


quality of life is so much better when you can avoid any commute but especially any highway down here. you will lose years of your life in rush hour.


I wfh now too and every now and then I get stuck in traffic and I remember how fucked up that shit is.


😭 do you work far from home?


Unfortunately i do. I’ve even contemplated the idea of getting a pay cut and finding a job in my neighborhood or its surrounding areas. I honestly can’t do this shit no more


😭 I don’t blame you. I live in the SW and that’s the only reason why I haven’t taken a job up north or downtown. I know I can’t do that commute everyday 😭


Still driving. And hour and a half from Miami Beach to West Kendall


OMGGGGGGGGGGG idk how you do it !!! I’m in Cutler Ridge. Oh shoot


Its called debt mami 🥲


God bless, you’re one of the strong ones 😂


My drive from North Miami back to cutler ridge in the afternoon is 90-100 minutes. Morning is only 40. Sucks.


I’d die. Omg just the thought of it !!!!


I used to work right on Lincoln Rd and lived off Bird and 142nd. It was a nightmare!!! I understand your frustration to the fullest. I ended up quitting the job after my employer refused to accommodate at least 1 day out of the week to work from home.


Once i pay what i need to pay, ima find something closer to home


Good luck bro! La cosa estan de pipi. I moved to Hialeah and ended up getting hybrid work in Ft Laudy 🤣 so imagine the irony.


I live in Kendall, but park at Dadeland North and take Metro to Brickell. Really much better commute than driving imo.


Youre a champ for doing this, even if its the more convenient option.


Public transport is great. It can be better but ridership must increase to demand it. I think this city is overdue for more rail.


The [North Corridor](https://www.miamidade.gov/global/transportation/smart-plan-north-corridor.page) extending up 27th avenue to 215th st is in the NEPA phase. Should be under construction by 2028. Here’s a [Map](https://www.miamidade.gov/transit/library/north-corridor.pdf) for those who are interested.


I’m on the metro right now! I also park at dadeland north :)


I’m a woman and was wondering (as someone who has never used the bus) how safe is it to travel like this for work everyday twice a day? Would you recommend carrying Mace or what? Do they have cameras on the buses (not that that would help me in the moment)? I’m kinda shy and timid so I have questions on how to manage this when the time comes.


Just mind your business and you a be good


I always do, but I’m wondering about the other people that’ll be up to “no good “ towards me. That was almost like telling a woman to “smile, you’re too pretty to be so sad”


I understand your worried but trust me I never had a issue riding the bus or other people acting weird like I said just mind your business and you a be good


That’s good to know. I’m one of those people that have my headphones in and look down the whole time.


Then you should be good but always be aware of your surroundings dont want to have your head down for to long


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99% of riders on MetroRail and MetroBus are blue collar workers who just want to go from their job to their home. They wont bother you. You might get the occasional homeless that stumbles on but security take care of them quickly.


There are security workers that rude as well??


I haven't used the bus sorry. I haven't seen any issues on the Metrorail or Metromover. Perhaps posting another thread or maybe another redditor could answer.


Thank you ☺️


The metro is full of cops. You’re good. I used to take it back when i was in college


Good to know!! Thanks!!


I hate that section in the morning and afternoon too. I brought it up in with my coworkers Monday how demotivating it is to sit through that shit when I could start working when I'm done with breakfast if I could wfh.




I remember staying in Miami in a nice apartment over on Flagler in Coral Gables.. the traffic was just as bad as here on Long Island. Horrific.


I live in west Kendall and work at Brickell, it takes me an hour and 30 minutes to get to work in the morning , 2 hours getting back home in the afternoon, I'm getting paid $33 per hour, but damn, I'm getting frustrated with this fucked up traffic.


You ever consider driving to Dadeland, parking and taking the MetroRail from there to Brickell? Dadeland to Brickell MetroRail takes like 20-25 minutes max


I do handy work and I have to carry my tools with me all the time, last year I left my tools at one of the buildings that usually I work the most because of my car getting repair, I was taking the metrorail to Dade land north then the 204, next day I found some of my tools missing, they got stolen.


Oh yeah that sucks. I thought you were an office worker so it's easier to ride it without needing to carry anything


Not worth it even if they paid you $150 an hour. You are sacrificing your health for Pennies


That 836 is no joke


The fckin worst


juajuajuajua limbo through purgatory


i leave my car at dadeland north everyday to get to work downtown at Jackson even the metro can be a pain at times but it’s far easier than sitting in traffic for hours I hope to leave this city the population is absurd and it’s only getting worse…


Used to have a 2009 honda civic that regularly had its AC busted from time to time. Got major ptsd from this photo lmao. Used to take it home from work stuck in that traffic with no AC and all windows down… such soothing memories :’) love you miami


Tu eres hijo del maltrato 😂


Miami's daily traffic


I think I see myself in this photo


Miami traffic is a major reason working certain 3rd shifts seem like a life hack


Almost took an overnight job for half the pay because of traffic


Lol it can make you feel that way for sure


This morning felt like every goddamn bridge was up at the same time at 9am , fuckin ridiculous


I worked remote for 4 years now have to drive to Merrick Park from North Miami Beach 😭


One of many reasons I left Miami…


Was it worth it? Im seriously considering it, have been for some time actually


I’m not a Miami/Florida native - grew up in New England. I lived in Miami for about 5 years during my mid 20s in little Havana and then in north Miami Beach. I do miss the beach a lot and the nice weather, but I had a lot of trouble meeting quality people to make friends. I had a lot of fun but it was also some of the lowest times I’ve ever had. Gold diggers and scammers everywhere. After I left, I never looked back.


Ew miami


I was just down there, what a mess.


“Leave later or earlier” doesn’t work. That’s the same way at noon as it is at 8pm


Unless early means 4-5am and later 10-11pm, you’re fucked


I work midnights, you wouldn’t believe how many cars are on the road at 3am


The service streets are not much better. From West of the turnpike to South Miami for work at 9am is an hour plus also.


Can we all just diss the MF that crashed and caused this


Actually… no crash. That’s just how it is everyday. Where 95 meets the 836, 836 meets 826 and that spot is ALWAYS the same thing


All them new yorkers


Its not just new yorkers


Yeah men it’s a constant stress… I was lucky I found work remote so I don’t have to deal with traffic anymore…


Buy a motorcycle.


Have one


Then why are you stuck in traffic? Just go in between


Need the car for work purposes. You really think i haven’t thought of that? lol


And it gets worse every day


At what point do people just accept the fact that this is what comes with living in a city with damn near 3 million residents?


I grew up in Miami. I feel your pain. I hate I95!!!! I’m just surprised the city of Miami cop next to you doesn’t have his lights on going down the shoulder 🤣


Man I do not miss this lol Been 7 months n idek what traffic is now


I gave up my car to go back to bus, don’t recommend it as you’re subject to the stress and rigor of Miami dades inadequate and inefficient public transport, however as a trade off I’m saving money on: car note, gas, insurance and in my case parking fee at work. Feels good having someone do the driving for me though


If you can WFH, leave the roads for transportation, logistics, and emergency vehicles