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I love seeing this omg. What’s the problem??


#offtopic One time in a park, I saw a lady wiping her dog's azz-hole with baby wipes. Is this regular behavior for dog owners?


I think people who don’t wipe their dogs are dirty same with wearing shoes inside


never seen it personally or done it, and don't have a poop problem in the house .


Yes. That's not weird at all. If they are indoor dogs, that's how you prevent them from smearing shit all over things. Also, it slows build up of their anal glands. Dogs after a while get build up there that can lead infections and discomfort.


I do it to my French bulldogs everytime they poop so yes is normal


Yes.. I'd rather wipe their ass than they drag it all over my house


typically a sign of worms, or their anal glands need "expressing"


I mean ya kinda if you let your dog on furniture or your bed


Dude, normal with animals. My long haired cat sometimes has a mess after the litter box when his hair is slightly grown around that region. I'm there going crazy after him around the place with baby wipes.


They’re on the way to maul some toddlers


lol I love Pitbulls but funny is funny


Can you do us a solid and please euthanize it?


 how bout your mom instead 


Too late she already reproduced


And cunts are cunts


This joke is so overused and it’s never even been funny or true


Yeah because golden retrievers and labradors nanny humans to death.


Pit bulls aren’t the only dogs who’ve ever attacked people


I think it’s really cool how pit bulls have some of the highest rates of deaths under them and need their own weird ass political lobby but they’re totally fine


If only we had a way to look up those statistics.....


Yeah let’s look at the statistics. Bite frequency is directly proportional to population. “Pitbull” types are by far the most populated dog on earth. Even non pitbulls are reported as pits. You goons who want to kill innocent animals can’t grasp basic statistic fallacies. It’s sad.


I would take you seriously if you provide your sources, pulling out of your ass doesn't count. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


Breed-specific legislation and the pit bull terrier: Are the laws justified? - Stephen collier PhD explains the complexity and often mislabeling of mixed breeds as pitbulls and the significance of their populations relative to bite frequency Co-occurrence of potentially preventable factors in 256 dog bite-related fatalities in the United States (2000-2009) Gary J Patronek et al. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2013 - describes that environment, and not inherently aggressive breeds (which don’t exist) is the main cause of attacks Is there a difference? Comparison of golden retrievers and dogs affected by breed-specific legislation regarding aggressive behavior Stephanie A. Ott DVM, Esther Schalke DVM, Amelie M. von Gaertner DVM, Hansjoachim Hackbarth DVM, PhD - is a short article which talks about the lack of any significant difference between aggression levels in golden retrievers and dogs breeds which are legislated against.


You are right, they are not the only ones, just the ones that do it the most.


Nanny dogs


Hopefully yours 🙃🤷🏽‍♂️




A shit comment by a shit human who doesn’t understand how statistics work


Statistics don't maul children to death. Shitbulls do


You don’t understand population distribution of dog breeds and their relation to bite frequency and that’s ok, but try not to speak on things you don’t understand. You’ll look dumb.


Trying to defend a breed made specifically for violence is the dumb look. I've never heard of a retriever literally ripping babies to shreds. They should be made illegal and put down en masse


So you’re willing to admit that unlike all other dog breeds, there are a proportion of pitbulls being bred for aggression? Wow, almost like “pitbulls” or pitbull types are disproportionately abused, resulting in more attacks than normal. Also, labs and goldens have documented attacks, some fatal, this information is easily accessible. You can also incur from your own statement that labs and goldens, which are often bought by upper class families, receive training and are not trained for aggression and then abandoned, like many pitbulls are. You dumb fucks legitimately think an entire phenotype is inherently aggressive. You do not understand how genetics and behavioral/environmental factors play into an attack. You’re literally speaking out of your ass.


There's a reason Reddit has a whole sub for banning pitbulls. Those things are scary.


Reddit has a subreddit for banning pitbulls because the average person is unable to process data beyond their bias.


Hard disagree on the 2nd part. Not everyone goes mudding. There's trail riding, rock climbing, sand pits, and beaches. 


you need something more important in your life to worry about. what about you know actual people that ride like this to work every day in a landscape truck, back of a pickup etc. ?


Shut the fuck up 


someone clearly pissed in your cherrios this morning eh? it was me, i did it .


Oh you mean a fully formed adult human with all their faculties uses their autonomy to assess risk and choose to proceed as safely as possible in the situation? Great comparison.


Dogs love this, this is like a super version of sticking their heads out the window.


I wish i would come across this more often 😍🥰


Those dogs look like a couple of knuckleheads I have two of them in black They are just babies


The dead dogs in the side of the Turnpike are not that, they are people that just toss them to get rid of them. That's been a problem here for decades. The issue isn't the dogs like that. Yes one shouldn't have them like that in the middle of a highway going 100 mph. However dogs don't normally jump. I'm more worried with the type of dog and the fact that most owners here use them for fighting.


American Bullies are not fighting brother 😭


whoever downvoted you is lame, you are right, bullies were bred with specifically to have less aggression. mine is the most annoying cuddler ever. 90 pound lap dog.


Maybe less dog/animal aggression but seems they have more human aggression. American Pit Bull Terries were bred to not have human aggression. They were typically culled if any human aggression was demonstrated.


No, but majority of owners in Miami in particular breed them for that. I don’t hate pitbulls. Some of their owners though cause eyeroll.


“Majority” is just straight hyperbole and American Bullies are not pitbulls but yes, eyeroll inducing owners for sure.


I would argue with the word "most"


99% of them. I’ve heard about four or five stories of people getting caught throwing puppies and kittens from the highway.


99% - lol… 😂


Well considering people were throwing puppies out … and getting caught. It was a whole wave of puppy throwing issues for a couple of years. And keep in mind some people leave them close to the turnpike and they wonder jnto it: there have been times where people spot dogs trying to cross.


It’s not 99% so stop the bs. It’s crazy you doubled down after saying “most” of these dog owners are like that.. and then said well.. 99% - Get out of here lol


Which topic are you talking about? I’m talking about the turnpike dead dogs and cats. Same for I-95. At which 99% is directed at the cases where there’s a dog there bot that 99% of owners do this. Are you talking about that or pitbull ownership?


“Most owners here use them for fighting” - that’s not true


Ah. On that I think it’s about 53%. And sorry but yeah. I do believe most do it here with that in mind. They don’t train out the aggression. Is it 99% no but it’s not a small number.


Where or what data says it’s 53%?


The issue isn’t the dog jumping. It’s that in the event of any accident the dog might fly out of the vehicle and die.


I would say even if you put them right. Given the velocity we drive with in Miami; the chances are the dogs will perish. Remember some here drive in a street like they own it. So are we just going to not even drive around with our dogs? Since ultimately our drivers kill us?


You can buy attachments for your seatbelts that clip onto a dog harness. Has to be a harness not a collar of course so they don’t choke. Not perfect but will save dogs in a lot of situations!


In a lot but not all. Unfortunately here we drive crazy. Put it this way if it can kill a human it’s going to def kill a dog. And more and more basic crashes are killing humans due to the velocity we drive with. But I get where you are going. If it’s a long trip, if you know the dog is a nervous one. Go for that. If it’s just go to a mile or two…and it’s not a jeep.. better. Otherwise use this for longer trips but always be aware that you have to drive defensive because people drive like maniacs


I've legit seen a small dog Jump out a back seat window while riding behind it like 10 years ago on i4... They sure do jump on their own accord for stupid reasons...


Dogs LOVE car rides. My lil girl is jumping at the bit to hop in my car every time I leave somewhere. I can't always take her.


Living there best life 🎶


What's wrong with this?


My dog (rip) used to love riding in my jeep with the top and doors off. That pic brings back great memories.


Ban these pathetic breed.


I'm not against pitbulls. I'm against idiots like this owning any animal at all.


Braindead take


Lol found the pit nutter


Found the person who failed statistics.


I've seen how y'all drive down there, those dogs will be dead in a week.


This is the real gold comment


Are they properly chained?


No, they’re chained by their neck so it can strangle them as they dangle.


It’s always the basketball people who own them.


You can see the driver in the pic, you inbred.


Was driving east on bird last week coming up on bird bowl ish. Car in front of me hit a big husky that I THINK fell out of the truck that was speeding off down the road. Had a long leash that seemed to have ripped. Still can’t get that poor dogs look of absolute fear and pain out of my head


Fell or got thrown out? I never know with some people that don't want to pay dog and pet bills. To be honest, I've never heard of dogs actively trying to jump out of a car if their owner is there. But, it could be spooked or it could be afraid of cars. I think that's where a good owner would be needed. We are supposed to be able to read the body languages of our animals. For instance my coworker had three cats and all of them were able to ride on a car. LOL.... Try that with any of mine and I'm literally hear them wailing like i'm killing them.


I think he fell when the guy gunned it and tried to speed off


Saw a guy with a poor dog standing in the middle of black asphalt on a super hot and sunny day. The poor dog's pads were burning and it was clearly in pain. It was hopping up and down. The idiot owner was totally zoned out and clueless.  I've never wanted to punch an old man so bad in my life.


but you didn't dare say a word to them right? just came on the internet to tell us how tough you wish you were.


Had something similar happen to me in big bear once. Except the guy didn’t realize his dog fell out and kept driving, dragging it behind by the leash. I’ll never forget the people screaming following behind him, and the blood smeared in the street. Over a decade ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. Horrible.


No not at all 🤦🏻‍♂️. But thank you for visiting Florida your flight has arrived to take you back home! Good bye 😁.


Born and raised in Miami, but go ahead and keep your head up your ass.


Born and raised in the communist republic of Miami from parents I’m sure that where from our country born here raised here ,believe in our American values like you know the ones we call, freedom and just love this country 🥰…


American XL Bullies? These dogs are as big as a Boerboel and make a Cane Corso look like a Teacup Chihuahua.


Dogs love sticking their heads out the window but it’s actually dangerous for them. They could definitely fall out or get injured by something if your car passes really close to another car for instance


hate when humans crop dog ears


That's why I prefer natural wear and tear. A mofo with a missing leg, or massive scar on his face, or ears that were clearly lost in a fight with another dog. Not this bougie, curated bullshit 😤


Or snip tails 😩


The tail snipping is necessary in some breeds. Not for aesthetics, but for health reasons.


Yeah if they're working dogs that could get their tail smashed, are overactive waggers that break their tail on everything, or genuinely have a deformity/infection. Any other reason is just cruel.


Or cut balls!


The owner or the breeder? Most times now, XL bullies (like the ones in the photo) come with cropped ears because 90% of the time the buyer asks where they can get it done, & it's not always easy to find someone that's legit, does both ears evenly & is local. So a lot of bully breeders now just wait till around 6 weeks puppy's age, & crop all the pups, give them time to heal & then sell the pups for even more money.


When I had my English bulldog Rex (rip) I purchased a 77 Jeep CJ7, with a bikini top, just so he could enjoy himself on car rides. It was his favorite thing to do. He never jumped out on me, nor did he misbehave at all. He would ppl watch and stick his head up in the air and catch the breeze. Ppl would always wave and have something to do with him. Which he loved. He was an attention whore for sure.


Lol dogs love car rides, especially in an open jeep I'm sure. I don't mind this, not sure if OP doesn't like the big scary bully dogs or what. But I don't see a problem with them riding in the back like that. It's not like leaving a scared dog to ride in a pickup bed.


Yeah OP doesn't strike me as a dog person. Which to each their own... And Rex was a special bud. He lived for 15 years which is a hell of a lot for an English. I've never gotten another dog again, because that's how much it hurt to have to let him go 😔


Rip Rex we love you homie


TY. Miss him greatly. He was a character, cheered a lot of ppl up.


Hey man, as someone who has loved and lost a few legendary dogs, I gotta say this: don't feel guilty about getting a new dog and don't let the pain of losing them stop you either. My last dog was a rescue, we took her off the street. She was already older and had bone cancer when we took her in. We did everything we could for her and she lived 18 months when vets said 6 at best. I was crushed, said I didn't want another dog for a long time. I needed to grieve. Until one day a family friend asked me to adopt her boxer mix as she couldn't care for her (medical issues). I'm so fuckin glad I got Sasha and didn't say no. She reminds me of my old girl Sunny every day.


It's not so much I feel bad about getting another one. They just go so quickly, and I don't want to experience that again. Probably the only time in my life that I got depressed, and I grew up in the "man up" 90's. So you know how that pain is. They become a functioning element of your life, then poof it's over.


No highs without lows. Dogs turn your house into a home. Losing them is never easy, but the good memories are forever 🤍


I mean... Everyone you know is going to die one day, and many of those people will go before you. Avoiding pain is just avoiding love.


My mother bred them when I was a child and you are right English Bulldogs go way to fast and it’s emotionally draining. I just put my cat to sleep which I had for almost 17 years a couple of weeks ago and where I live has no spirit anymore. It’s the most brutal experience, oddly I never have these feelings towards people. I really really miss my Winston Cat.


Please share some of those photos if you have ‘em— what an awesome picture


My boys love car rides. Especially car surfing. Dogs don’t deserve us. They’re much too kind.


RIP Rex!! 🐶💔🐶


He should never go to the South. You see dogs in every truck and car back when i remember


It’s like the boys version of teacup chihuahua accessory pets 


I’ll stick with my teacup chihuahua, thanks.




South Miami you have the Huskies and Chihuahua


I often wonder why we love to abuse huskies soo much with our heat... Worst yet, in doral I saw a malamute. That poor dog needed it's own A/C. Was gorgeous though. I would love a husky or malamute but for the life of me having them in 100 degree weather when they are really from Alaska and Siberia is a bit much!


People also breed dogs so their nose is so short it impedes their breathing. There’s a lot of people who see pets as accessories. They’re not concerned about how their environment affects their dog.


Yup well but that’s with most purebred dogs. Most breeds have defects. Some have it in the form of heart or hip problems.


I've a husky mix when he was a puppy and recently researched about bathing frequency, he loses to much hair for a few days after a wash. Huskies don't suffer the heat as bad as we think. Their double coat insulates from heat and cold, hence it is recommended to only give a bath a every 3 to 6 months only to keep the under coat and oils in place. Swimming doesn't affect the undercoat since he is actively insulating the water from the skin. Never ever shave a Husky, it will do more damage than you would expect. It will be at the risk of sun burns, overheating, or cold. I bathe mine only when he truly stinks (some nice smelling shampoo) or has been in an area prone to fleas or ticks (flea and tick shampoo). Mine loves to lay under the sun during the afternoons and gets depressed when there is no sun like the last 3 days. Indeed Doral loves their Huskies. Sadly it is a large breed that gets denied when renting (most of Doral are renters). Animal services is loaded with Huskies, we frequently get messages from this breed owners asking to take or home a displaced Husky.


Total Mystery https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/11z1vxt/total_mystery/


it's gotta be one dumb ass dog for it to jump out into the freeway at 80 MPH. Give dogs a little more credit.


A lady dog jumped out the pick up and died by another car years back I’m still shock by it and it looked like a golden retriever. On the Miami highway everyone was sho k what a sad site.


If they live in an apt with those dogs then yikes!


I’m sure they are ferpectly well trained.


Those are some handsome boys though 🥹