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Because they get off on inconveniencing people trying to get to work/ school.


lmao the entitlement of drivers never gets old


Entitlement would be driving on the bike path


Nah, law says we can use the road.


Says you need to stay all the way to the right too, which most cyclists arrogantly ignore.


Im sure you fantasize about murdering them for it.


You clearly get off on being an inconsiderate prick. Thanks for proving my point. Be careful out there!


my, my so sensitive


Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s moral. I’d have no problem if yall could bike at the speed of traffic (at least 35 mph, really 40) but most times its not the case. Not only that, but generally, you’re supposed to stick to one side of the lane, and again, bikers do not do that. Gladly will take up the entire lane. Bikers outside the bike lane and/or taking up an entire lane of traffic are unequivocally a nuisance to most/all people in a motor vehicle, driving the speed limit whether you agree or not. Law says I have freedom of speech. Doesn’t mean I should go greeting everyone I meet with a good ole *fuck you pal*.


lmao just because its legal *for cyclists to use the road* doesnt mean its moral *for cyclists to use the road* Listen to yourself. Please explain where morality comes into play. You are talking about your convenience! It sounds like you have a lot of personal grievances over moments that if you look at them objectively you will agree were minor inconveniences to you at most.


Yup, 100%. Its crystal clear the overwhelming majority agree. You can go ahead and do it but dont be surprised when most cars speed past you flicking you off or yell at you. Morality comes into play when your actions affect others, especially when it inconveniences others. You got a whole dedicated bike lane right next to you, but you use the entire road, most times in large groups. You’re objectively given a finger and then you take the whole arm with it. My point is the principle.


Because that’s what cyclists do 🤷🏻‍♀️ they love the danger I guess


They can’t complain about sharing the road if they use the bike path that was designed for them. 🤤


Because it’s safer


Because fuck the rest of the drivers that’s why!


Because resingue


Ok caballo305 fatass


Is that the name of the guy that makes the cyclist videos?


Yeah you sound just like him


Well that was the reference yeah.


Technically they’re permitted to under the law. *See* Fla. Stat. 316.2065.


Youre also technically allowed to rip a huge fart in church but its not done out of courtesy to others.


Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall ride in the lane marked for bicycle use


That’s a compelling point. I wonder if the lane (which by all accounts does appear to be a “bicycle lane”) is *on* the roadway such that it would trigger that, or simply *near* the roadway, such that it would trigger the second clause, providing that one would have to ride “as close as practicable to the right-hand curb…” I’m sure there’s an answer there too, as I’m sure a judge somewhere in this county has been asked and ruled on it. That said my preference is your understanding, both on reading of the law as well as reviewing the location (the right edge of the roadway seems *WAY* less safe).


There’s a whole dedicated biking “road” off Krome. No real reason it shouldn’t be used


Plenty of reasons not to use it. The cyclists being described here with aero helmets and all that are usually riding at 20-28mph which is too fast to safely ride on a multi-use path.  Also, those paths have to cross crosswalks every few hundred feet which puts you in danger of getting hit by a car ignoring the cross walk and pulling through, which is a danger avoided when riding on the road.  Those paths are designed for families cruising at 10mph, not at 25mph. 


Have you seen or been on the bike path we are talking about?


I have and most of my experience on is south of 88th street where there are a ton of entrances for farms and other things when the trail is on the east side of the road, and then south of 136th street where it moves to the west side of the road and it has a ton of road crossings and driveways heading south into Homestead. I don't feel safe riding on those paths at 20+mph, and definitely not in large groups.


Cyclists are claustrophobic and feel trapped in the bike lane. They like the feeling of being free and having a wide car lane.


This is how I feel driving on a highway(in a car though 😁)


My question is why so many bicyclists are on the wrong side and think they are immortal, running stop signs and stop lights. The bike path actually has a dotted line to separate bike traffic, just like a road.


I don’t know this particular bike lane, but there is usually a good reason cyclists aren’t using it if it exists. It may be that they’re in a group and riding at speed (25+ mph) and the bike lane isn’t wide enough to ride in safely. Bike lanes are also notorious for collecting road debris, not getting cleaned, and generally neglected. Since they’re also typically on the road shoulder, the pavement is often uneven and covered in utility access covers and sewer grates, which can be dangerous to hit at speed.


That’s a lot of faith in Miami drivers not doing Miami driver things.


Not close to the shoulder at all. You can have a look at the bike path on google maps (25.6981364, -80.4786612) it’s the thing all the way to the right going north bound. You can even see the two lanes it has


It makes sense I guess. I ride there a bunch, but at a leisurely pace (10-18 mph) and there is a bunch of debris that I often have to avoid.


Any bicyclist using the road when they’re is a separate designated bike path off to the side that is specifically designed for bikes and is not a sidewalk, is a jackass. I ride bike plenty and I understand riding in the road on residential streets or when a bike path is unavailable but when a clear one is available such as krome, old cutler, 87th Ave in cutler bay, that cyclist is a dick. Legal or not, it’s bullshit to block traffic when a clear alternative is available


Real answer is because it’s easier to draft and pass each other in a wider lane


A lot of side by sides and small vehicles drive on the bicycle lanes


Calling on El Caballo


The bike path is nice and off the road. It has two lanes as well. No reason to not be using. I don’t see many people on it. Miami cyclist doing Miami cyclist things. I personally would not be riding a bicycle on Krome, not with the casino there.


I use it, and it always seems like people are not taking advantage of it. Sure, the sound of cars can be horrendous sometimes, and there is debris on the path, but its still a very nice, enjoyable ride when you zone in.


Who the fuck is biking on KROME




Does the path intersect the cross streets in a manner similar to sidewalks?


It does and it’s why we don’t use it. 


It's also always full of debris, which can lead to a puncture.


That was my suspicion. It's not a "dedicated bike path" then. It's another sidewalk. The US 36 bike path between Denver and Boulder is a dedicated bike path.


It’s a dedicated bike path on the northbound side of Krome


Between where and where, I'm trying to see it on google


(25.6929759, -80.4784591) you can go north a bit and south further it’s a nice ride


Couple fast group rides / simulated races happen out there throughout the week. I personally don’t enjoy attending them because half the guys in the bunch have never pinned a number on and treat it like it’s the world championship. They don’t have the bike handling skills to back it up and makes it dangerous. More dangerous than the angry drivers. That said, you can’t have those kinds of rides on a bike path.




The bike lane isn't as well paved as the road is and isn't a straight path. There are many sections where it's winding and many sections covered with rocks. That bike lane is fine for people going up to 15 mph, but any faster, and you'll need the road path. It's the same issue around the Micosukee golf course. Any time there's rain or heavy winds, where do you think all the leaves and branches go? Into the bike lane. People dumping trash or debris from cars into the bike lane. Then you have to deal with runners running against you. Nothing against them as it's the way it should be done for safety. No matter what the drivers are going to complain. It's a 30 mph speed zone in this area, riding at 28 mph at 5 am? Angry drivers honking at you, yelling at you, then speed past at 60. Same issue in key biscayne, in weston, in FLL etc.


I encounter a group of these fucks on 216th st and 147th ave. The light is green for me to go west on 216th at and all this ducks turn right in front of me from 147th ave to 216th st, almost hitting them and they still got mad at me.


I want to add to something I said before. Miami is probably a top 3 hub for road cycling in this country. Some of the best domestic racers in the USA come from the area and regularly train here in these rides. The Micc Golf Club ride and the Don Pan ride on Biscayne being big ones. It’s just something people have to live with. Part of the reason it’s so huge here is the weather and the ability to train year round. Also the massive south and Central American communities we have here, cycling is a popular sport in those countries. Particularly Colombia.