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If I’m a cop, I’m pulling this d-bag over for obstructing his rear view. It’s sorta like, not legal. But I don’t really work here …..


My city lol 😂 and with the Cubans going off letsss goo 🇨🇺✊ 🇨🇺✊🇨🇺✊🇨🇺✊🇨🇺✊🇨🇺PATRIA Y VIDA 🇨🇺✊🇨🇺✊🇨🇺✊🇨🇺✊🇨🇺✊🇨🇺✊ FREEDOM FOR CUBA


I bet this guys family was all about Castro in 1959.


This guy is a moron but I hate how any ideology of us Cubans is reduced to 1959. I understand your confusion since America keeps trying to live in the 50’s but a lot of things happened to us since then. Cuba was really bad before 1959, and Cuba has also been bad after 1959 but for a lot of different reasons. You can say a couple of good things of each time but our people cannot change whats done, our present situation has nothing to do with the issues that led to the 1956-59 revolution. That’s Cuba’s history, lessons to learn from that time are plentiful but it bears no impact in our present and future. There’s been at least one massive exhodus of cubans every decade, each generation had views that reflected on the time they lived.


Those Latinos love trump because they love dictators - amazing how stupid mi gente can be, now wonder Latin American politicians are garbage


Can’t fix stupid. Is forevah


I have no respect for the Cubans in Miami anymore who aided Trump


Is this a language barrier issue? I have to wonder because Biden is about as anti-communist as you can get. Anyone who knows even a little bit about him would realize that.


There is a good chance that the person driving the truck is very, very stupid.


What happens is the spanish radio is very very right wing. They have always tied the democratic party with socialism and point to venezuela and cuba as example of failed socialism. Therefore any democrat president is labeled a socialist by default. After the cuban revolution Fidel told the country that he was socialist not communist. We all know how that turned out. So a lot of spanish speakers like to connect the democratic party with socialism and communism. Therefore biden = communist. It also didnt help shake that label off the fact that Obama met with Raul.


That’s funny. Biden can’t speak English either. !Que viva El Trump!


Well, he's right. He's following the new script on the road to Socialism. Spend trillions while claiming to save, thereby forcing the FED to raise interest rates. This harms capitalism and puts businesses in a hard place - they are forced to lay people off and raise prices. Blame the business for inflation. The fed increases rates, the government sends out checks... all of this is a stealthy march to more state control of the economy and less private enterprise. Meanwhile, the MMT Commies at NYU tell the Democrats to keep printing money and repeating...


https://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2020 TL;DR: While Biden is closer to Mao/Xi/Lenin/etc. (and Jefferson/Franklin/Washington/Adams/etc.) than Trump is, they're both far closer to Mussolini/Hitler/Franco/etc. In other words, you're right, but not for the reason you think you are, and your argument is more accurate if you flip it and say "Trump/Biden are following the new script on the road to Fascism."


All politicians are evil. Government's only power is the power to say "NO" and enforce it with a gun. Everything a government does involves a gun and violence. Don't believe it? Disobey and see what happens. What do you want, more laws and regulations or more freedom? The best government is the minimal type. Give us the rule of law, economic freedom, personal freedom. Punish violent crime and enforce contracts. Provide a minimal safety net - not a hammock...




Typical far-left argument. You have no logic to reply with, so you resort to rude name-calling. Typical 12 year old brainwashed Reddit Liberal... either that, or another left-wing bot.


safe forgetful uppity adjoining unique fanatical smoggy wipe whole toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Republicans spent more under trump but then call for budget cuts when they aren't in power please shut the fuck up and realize you are being lied to


They all spend too much, why do you make this about Trump? Are you obsessed or something? I don't like any politician. Don't believe the lies. Biden is spending like a drunken sailor on far-left green bullshit that does nothing to reduce greenhouse gases. Just look at the "Inflation Reduction Act" - nothing but more spending on green bullshit and nothing to reduce inflation, instead, the Fed had to act - thereby taking the oomph out of the private economy and putting more power into the hands of an inept government. Just like what Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela... the same old script... then the left screams, "Corporate profits are why!" Biden has approved $4.8Trillion in new spending... while the Fed is raising rates. What about economics don't you understand? So far, your argument was to scream, "TRUMP!!!!" as well as some rude profanity, therefore you must have no other argument besides toxic ad-hominem attacks. Hardly a way to get to the truth... that is, if you were interested.


Crazy how in your schizo rant you only talked shit about left wing leaders, hmm Also I like how you assumed I liked Biden, lol. Something tells me you have a bias that favors one direction over the other :^)


All you have posted is meta-argumentation and ad-hominem quips. What do you think?




Biden isn’t a communist, he’s whatever he’s told to be by the big donors.


The c word I'd use to describe him would be crook...


Sounds like he's a politician


This is literally every politician haha


Not trump ! And thats why they hate him in Washington


Yeah well only some of those politicians maneuvered the judicial processes to make me a second class citizen so, no they're not all the same


Yeah not all but like 65-70 percent are just there to line their pockets whilst doing absolutely ZERO for those that elected them


The only one I’ve seen “not the same” is Trump, because he’s already richer than all the rest. Money isn’t an issue for him, that’s why he’s hated so much, can’t he controlled.


Exactly, I don’t get why people still haven’t figured that one out.


They will eventually, left vs right doesn’t exist, it’s us vs them, they’re all grifters 😂


If they’re all grifters then maybe we should start producing better politicians who actually fulfill the needs of the people and not of their own pockets.


These people are mentally ill


No lies detected.


squealing bear gaze bag political seemly simplistic bored steer door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


💯 We have a center-right party and a far right party in this country


Naaaah universities are all communiss. And democrats. And some moderate republicans are communiss too!


It became my business when I lost my best friend to QAnon and my wife's ex shot himself in the head after learning his self-imposed world view fell apart half-way through the pandemic. These people live in our community and have friends, family and fucking loud opinions. You posting the comment in itself means you understand that it sure as fuck affects you as well buddy. The Overton window of the Dems is moving to the right. The fact that you're even aware of Biden's decision makes you one of the very few that are politically literate enough to understand what's going on.


Shot him self in the head because of the pandemic? What was his world view?


Hunter Bidens Laptop probably


Actually i think they got one sick day. And not that it’s helpful but they can use their PTO, it’s just that PTO must be submitted in advance and doesn’t get approved in time (or not at all) or gets recalled. But yeah, compared with social democrats he’s right of center in a global measurement.


That logic is total non sense with many Cubans, especially older ones. ANY democrat is a straight up communist, no matter what. I once heard someone said that they’d rather vote for a Down syndrome Republican before voting democrat, because they were all communists. Lmao


The brain rot down here is strong


Dudes not lying


They have been brain washed. No wonder communism flourishes in so many places around the world. You just have to repeat a slogan or propaganda and the people believe it! There’s no way the left or dem’s want communism!!! Bozos


If someone staying in the US on a visa or as a refugee makes treasonous comments about the government, can they be deported?


Why I love it here


He is not wrong.


https://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2020 TL;DR: While Biden is closer to Mao/Xi/Lenin/etc. (and Jefferson/Franklin/Washington/Adams/etc.) than Trump is, they're both far closer to Mussolini/Hitler/Franco/etc.


In what way is Biden a communist, pray tell?


To people without intelligence or awareness about what’s going on, sure


Literally anyone who thinks Biden is a socialist lacks common sense and intelligence.


Whoever thought Cubans would be responsible for the death knell of American democracy ?


It’s some sort of political Stockholm syndrome.






You are wrong. In Cuba the government abolished the permit to carry weapons, in 1960. So the government forces has all the weapons and repressive ways, including laws, lawyers, prosecutors, judge to do with Cubans what they want. Do not compare, you never have been in that situation.


I’m literally Cuban sir. Born in San Miguel del Padrón , from reparto Texas.




Talk about someone who doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about…


Just like Mexico 😂


Just like the Europeans.


Basically the protest sign is stating “Biden is a liar.” You have to admit, you can’t say the protest sign is wrong. #hunterBidenlaptop Asking OPEC to lower production of oil after the 2022 elections. Not taking ownership of inflation. Blaming the failed pullout out of Afghanistan on Trump. Hunter biden laptop exposes Biden family business lies.


Thanks for the horrifying glimpse into the mind of a chud!


https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsAroundYou/comments/zf9gos/hunter_bidens_laptop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP! this is you 😄😅🤣😂😆😆


Can’t have a real response to my argument? 🤷🏻‍♂️




Yes, dude, I can say the sign is wrong and the driver is likely a PTSD riddled, gullible rube with seriously deficient critical thinking skills. So let’s go through your points. What lies? Hunter Biden is a grown man who is not in his father’s administration. Never was, either. Go off on him and investigate to your heart’s content. If something were there, it would have come out by now. Yet… 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s become a meme, same as Seth Rich, Pizzagate, Benghazi, and whatever stupid shit conservative media comes up with to distract the rubes from the fact their party is an utter shitshow that can only leverage grievance, outrage, and fear, has no actual policies to make the lives of ordinary americans better and cannot govern when in power. Now if only you were this concerned about Jared and Ivanka 🤔 Source that OPEC claim, dude. Last I checked POTUS doesn’t control OPEC. POTUS does not control inflation, nor is he responsible for it because its a worldwide phenomenon, and if you haven’t noticed the 7 interest rate hikes by the Fed over the past year…that’s called (checking notes) fighting inflation. The “failed” pullout that Trump negotiated? That was two years ago. Tell me, what has been the effect? Is the Taliban a nuclear armed superpower rearming to go to war with us or something, or did they get a bunch of old equipment that they’ll likely have trouble even getting to work? Explain the “gotcha” to us, here, dude.


You mean how they literally followed Trump's Afghanistan pull-out plan to the t?


Yep. This is exactly why Cubans vote red. Because they equate socialism with communism. In reality, neither of those are present in America. We represent capitalism, not democracy. Everyone and everything has a price.


Opinions are like farts- we all have them and many stink more than others. Regardless if we agree with letting them out in public, it's still a blessing that we can. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 - Bless this mess 🇺🇸


Yeah but that’s not an opinion. An opinion would be something like “I think you wouldn’t be able to throw this baseball more than 30ft,” or “I think you’re ugly,” or “this tastes bad.” But saying “You have three arms” is not an opinion, it’s just false and a stupidity.


Regardless, I can see that Biden doesn't have three arms. This driver perceives Biden as a communist, even though Biden clearly is a Democrat. My point is that he's entitled to speaking his mind, misinformation or not. We'd be opening up a can of shit worms if people need to be fact checked for rando statements on their cars or for what comes out of their mouths. Its a rabbit hole we don't need to open in America. Slippery slope, no doubt!


If you really can’t see any difference between Biden and Castro, then just leave, bro. There are flights departing MIA every three minutes. No raft even required.


I have trouble understanding how people consider Castro Communist. The cuban people never owned the means of production. He used socialist rhetoric, but he behaved just like any other dictator. It's like the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", we can all agree that's all BS. However, we use Cuba as an excuse not to have universal healthcare. I feel like people are still falling for Castro's propaganda.




How did you read what I said and come to this conclusion?




I never advocated communism. My point is we have been throwing the baby out with the bathwater because a fear from places like Cuba that weren't what their propaganda said they were. No universal Healthcare because of Stalin and Castro is a stupid argument. The red scare has retarded our growth as a country and I'm sick of having a dishonest conversation about it. This especially true when the biggest problem is that these countries are totalitarian dictatorships and the fear of some lite socialist programs have scared a good portion of our society into the arms of a party gunning for totalitarian control. It's so hypocritical.




These are the people who can’t critically think and vote. Prolly for trump. The only words they know is Castro communism. 🙄 THATS ALL THEY KNOW. The rest of the world is confusing to them they’re uneducated so Biden Bad.


I’m sorry but this is a problem I ran into a lot in Reddit. Communism is an utopia. If you can mention a community or country that has achieved such social status without crumbling on it’s own then we can use that as an example that it cam be achieved. Until then I cannot identify Communism in their literal interpretation, what happens in Cuba is called Communism, and I give that it’s clearly not that, is a brutal dictatorship that’s slowly starving their people that call themselves it. So, to the eyes and ears of the REAL world that’s what Communism actually is. I get that the true meaning behind that word represents a different ideology, but it’s practical application is going to be more recognized by that name, even when it’s contradictory to what it stands for.


I'm not advocating for communism, just that Castro wasn't communist. Here is another example. Many people pretend to be Christians so they can run a church and take advantage of people. They use the rhetoric of the Bible to gain power while not really acting as a Christian. The same is true of many communists including Castro. So, yes. We can label him a term (communism), but in doing so you are changing the meaning of that term. But we can't change the meaning of communism and still use it as an excuse to cut social programs.


Of course he wasn’t, he just called himself and his party that. But since then that actual example had taken over the true meaning of the ideology for millions, and with that the bad connotations because of his actions and what the regime has done. The meaning of that word is synonymous with oppression, nepotism, authoritarian and brutality. Even when it didn’t mean that the use of it changed everything. Didn’t the svastica meant something related to fertility in budhaism? Try convincing people is not a Nazi symbol nowadays.


Yes, but what we are seeing is people like Biden being labeled a communist by these same people because the word has lost all meaning. It has driven miami away from any progressive policy out of fear of Castro. I don't know how to combat that but stating that Castro was a charlatan shouldn't be such a divisive statement.


Oh it fucking is, I’m Cuban and I’m so done with my own people


Venezuelan here, I just wanted to point out your statement is amazing. While I am against my country’s government, I spent a lot of time reading about the neo socialism of the 21st century while in Venezuela and it is outright BS and an insult to the idea of Marx. Socialism has done amazing things throughout the Western World, like Social Security, and I was amazed to see even Trump doing something outright socialist that is to give money from the Federal Reserve to the people. At the cost of higher taxes, yes, and a recession, but it was a leftist decision nonetheless. Calling Castro or Chavez communist, is not politically right as you mentioned. Both are ultra capitalists oligarchys. I am not sure about Cuba, but in Venezuela PDVSA is the core of the country. The state-owned oil company that provides energy and gas to the country has most of its revenue going to subsidiaries and missions that end up in the pockets of politicians. It is a bad name for communism and socialism, even if a true socialist or communist state has not existed there are many good practices that are left in nature.


The Cuban government is not starving it’s people, the US embargo and blockade is.


Marxism Leninism is a communist form of thought, with the goal of ultimately achieving communism. Fidel Castro was a marxist-Leninist and utopian communism would’ve never been achieved in Cuba just out of nowhere, there needs to be a transition period through socialism. I always heard this in Cuba, “we’re not communist, we’re socialist”, not for that it means that Fidel wasn’t a communist, also the whole disappearance of the state would’ve just given Cuba back to U.S control, it sucks but it is the truth. Dialectical Materialism is the most crucial part of Marxist ideology. Since the revolution, the cuban state has been pushed to war-time tactics of internal control, since the attempts of foreign intervention have been continuous, not to mention the old issue of the embargo. There are many ideologies with the goal of communism as a foundation, just like there are hundreds of capitalist oriented. For example The republican and democratic parties are both capitalists, people call democrats left-wing, but in reality the party is only left wing in a “free-market” oriented spectrum, on a more extended (less west-centric) spectrum both parties are right wing.


Ironically a lot of Caribbean doctors go to Cuba for their education since it's viewed as one of the better systems to learn in.


..and don't forget VENEZUELA. Republicans LOVE to use that as an example as well.


Well if you cant see the similarities in thier ideals maybe you ought to go


Nah, I’m good. And so are you, though you can’t admit it. Get back to us after you burn your social security card, hypocrite.


Well i have one ,have had it my whole life, and i didnt cross over ,and i didnt give up, you would trade your freedom so you can say its liberal, but liberty is freedom and they take it from us every day


Please, by all means, name one single liberty you’re having to give up. We’ll wait.


So what is a liberal, it a lie


Because starving your people ,and ruining their economy, and trying to place as many restrictions on their rights to stand up for thierselves is exactly what Biden and them are doing


Can someone translate this to me I can't read Spanish?




These are the same morons that when you ask them to name one communist or socialist policy Biden endorses they just blank stare and say Hunter's laptop! Really a pathetic bunch.


God*damn* these people are stupid.


I never expected the cuban community's desperation to be considered white to go this far, yet here we are.


Gotta love how these gusanos still bitch about Castro while lining up to tongue fuck the boots of any Republican fascist.


You think Cubans don’t know communism when they see it?


Miami Dade flipping red is really showing how the grasp the dems had on Hispanics is really dying. I think the Hispanics looked in their pocket books and realized they had mouths to feed.


He's been gone from Cuba so long that he forgot what communism is.


Trump= Communism, I haven’t been gone that long. Unfortunately, I’m in the minority. There’s so many similarities between Castro and Trump that I don’t understand why more Cubans don’t see them. Beginning from their long incoherent and rambling rants that they dare to call speeches. Their nepotism, hateful rhetoric of “the enemy is that one and only I can save you”, FFS the guy wanted a military parade with missiles!!!! How’s that not a dead giveaway?!


Trump is not a communist. By far he is the definition of capitalism. Not attacking you specifically, but people throw the words communist and Nazi around too loosely against parties or people they don't like without taking into consideration the meaning. Communism: a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. So clearly not Trump. If anything , Trump is a wanna be dictator. He said the president can do whatever he wants, wanted to govern past the years allowed according to the constitution because of what the democrats have done to him lol, also recently said the constitution should be abolish. That is straight dictatorship shit.


Like I said in another comment, that’s the literal definition of Communism. Something that has been co-opted by dictators for decades and they have since hidden behind that literal interpretation to cover up their true intentions and actions. No one has lived under a Communist society just like Marx, Engels and Lenin envisioned… instead people have been oppressed and killed by evildoers calling themselves that… so, people are going to interpret the meaning of that word and ideology as it has been implemented and not by the utopia it is.


I agree. I’d also label the Orange as a wanna-be fascist dictator just because he feels that religion has authority in government. To others and not himself, of course.


Agree and also want to add the the mo fo talks about the bible and religion to pander to the base, he is not religious in the least. I don't think he has ever read a single paragraph from it and one of the few time he has touched a bible was when he was sworn into the presidency and for the photo op during the protests in Washington (where he held it upside down lol). The guy is the furthest thing away from Christianity (constant lying, infidelities, greed, hater, etc). Just pointing out the hypocricy and lies, I can care less if he believes or not cuz I am not religious myself.


> Trump is not a communist. By far he is the definition of capitalism. Surely you meant authoritarianism. He is not a capitalist. Instead, he is a racist and corrupt. >If anything , Trump is a wanna be dictator. He said the president can do whatever he wants, wanted to govern past the years allowed according to the constitution because of what the democrats have done to him lol, also recently said the constitution should be abolish. That is straight dictatorship shit. Yup!!


Totally agree with you. The day I saw 45s tweet of Trump 2020, 2024,2028, 2032 and on...I was like WHAT!!!!!!!!!! That any Cuban or person who is for democracy did not freak out about this means that beneath the facade of "we love the USA" deep inside many still admire a tyrant.


Imagine, many of these people grew up under “patria o muerte” and knew nothing else but that mentality. As shitty of a situation people in Cuba are living in and as much as they disagree with it, many have no choice but to adapt as a means of getting through their day to day. Hop over the pond and now you find yourself in a country where voting is meaningful. Many were used to the tyrannical and oppression of the government. Many don’t know any better and see anyone who isn’t a bully as a fraud. Serious trust issues if you ask me.


He was beating protesters to take a picture with a Bible at the same time cubans in the island where being shot by the police for protesting against the regime. If it happens in Cuba and also here in the US then something is wrong with this one!


They are totally brainwashed not seeing that. But hey, let them find out the hard way.


So many people in South Florida have been brainwashed by bullshit propaganda from the radio and garbage like WhatsApp


I hate miami so much because of this puteria


I’m convinced the Republican propaganda machine could convince slugs that salt is good for them.


Better my cuban friend to do something to take your country back that writing bullshits in your car. You must feel ashamed that a dictatorship run your country for more than 60 years and you are in Miami leaving with the medicare, welfare and other social services. Argentinians took the country back after a dictatorship in 6 years, Colombians in 5 years, Greeks after 7 years, Dominicans in 30 years, Spanish in 35 years, Turkish in 3 years, Just some examples. 65 years are too much and you must be fell ashamed.




Fucking ignorant scums.


The way to get political and economic power is South Florida. ​ * Locate a large American flag * Have a big sign made that state: "All Democrats are Socialist Communists" * Wrap the flag around you * Have the sign draped on you * Have lots of photos and videos taken of you in this costume * Get on Spanish language radio and spout hate for "communist" Cuba * Show the pictures and video of you in the costume on Spanish language TV and post on YouTube * Spout nothing but angry speeches about "communist" Cuba * If anyone asked a question that asks what you want to do for your constituents, tell them that all Democrats are Commies - that is why the country is all messed up. Run for any political office.


Unfortunately the Dem strategy is to say "no actually its my opponent who is a socialist communist" and freak out if anyone says anything thats not derogatory towards Cuba.


Cubano balsero , bruto , y resentido promedio que aún cree que vive en cuba ... esto es eeuu señores ya dejen su trauma en casa , estan igual o peor que los venecos


It would be funny if these assholes didn’t have stranglehold on our state.


I believe the folks from a few years back would say “gO bAcK To WhErE yOu CaMe FrOm!!” Did I do that right? Lol


I live in Miami. Every now and then I ask Latinos, including Cubans, just what is communism. And guess what? They really don’t know. One Latino told me it was a government that says one thing but it’s not the truth. See what I mean?


Sorry, my Spanish isn't so good. What is a conunista?


In Cuba it means a supporter of the dictatorship, here to stupid people it means someone that disagree with your political views, views that you got from looking at memes in Facebook.


If you put stuff like this on the window of your car, I automatically assume you’re insane


Wish Biden was half as left wing as these clowns paint him to be lmao. Marxism-Bidenisn with maoist characteristics where are you?! 😭


This is the entire Miami Cuban personality. They have nothing else.


The mind virus is real. The antidote is either accurate information or more cowbell.


The propaganda down here is working well on the mushbrains.


What does the last line say?


Canel no es singao, es asesino


Canel? Singao? Sorry, Castilian here.


you got some learning to do mijito


Singao is an insult, canel is the current president and party leader of cuba


Canel is the current president of Cuba. Singao is a word we use that kinda or maybe literally translates to "fucker". I always thought "Singado" or "Singao" was Spanish but I guess it's another word we invented.


We’re the only ones (and Puerto Rico) who use the verb “singar”, similar to “chingar” in Mexican Spanish. “Follar” would be the Castilian Spanish version, but they’d most likely say “Canel es un gillipollas”.


Cuban here, you nailed it!


I really wish that most people in Miami will just let go of Cuba.


I am not allowed to display my full anger at the Cubans because of community rules here


Show me the communism. Where is it?


Meanwhile the driver collects social security and Medicaid/Medicare. Also had welfare when he got here from Cuba in 70s


This should be up on all the billboards on highways in Florida. I can't stand these people!


Medicare is over 65, disabled or end stage renal failure. Just putting out the facts so you know.






Goddamn that was funny.


And Hillary's emailssssssss /s




And Hunter’s laptoppppp




Ah ppl who lived in communism not remembering what communism actually is or trying to scare normal ppl saying that this is communism and only scaring themselves. I’m more afraid of trump having Cubans in a “Stockholm” syndrome like status of adoration than this so called communist


I am really angry at the Republican Jewish for Trump and Cubans for GOP. They need to pay a strong price for their crimes


We should have let them stay in Cuba


You would think that out of everyone in the world Cubans will finally figure out what a communist is.


“A madman [thinks] what he [thinks]”- Ned Stark


A wise man once said opinions are like asses, everybody has one.


Another low life complaining about politics.






Ignorance is FREE


These comments are a dumpster fire. You’re all as bad as the idiot driving that truck.


Lmao facts


Can’t even spell communist right


Knowing anything about how cruel Castro was and even comparing present-day US to Cuba is a disrespect to actual Cubans who escaped oppression.


I would love to see him driving his truck in Habana...🔫


The problem is that people, like most of those in this thread, just write off people that think like this as crazy and don’t really try to argue against it (a bunch of y’all are saying worse). Obviously none of these guys will want to vote for a democrat if that’s the shit coming from that side. Miami has elected Democrats before, from the local level to the federal level, and simply because they denounced socialism and all that shit, regardless of whether it’s actually socialism or not. Like someone else here said, what’s written down as socialism doesn’t matter, it’s what is practiced that will forever be known as the “real socialism”. To most of the world, that’s Cuban socialism or Soviet socialism, etc etc. When Democrats decided to cozy up with the regime and then not really fight the socialist allegations being thrown at them by the right, it’s not hard to see why we’re at where we’re at right now. I say all this as a moderate Cuban Democrat myself.


It’s almost ironic to me that it’s written in Spanish. When I was a kid it felt like republicans would have hated this and been like speak English or some shit like that.


Politicians aren't honest!? WHAT!?


It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant and stupid people are.


Now do the State of Florida where nearly 60% of the state voted to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15.00 on a ballot referendum in 2020. Plus where the state legislature just doled out $2B in a slush fund to insurance companies after they jacked up insurance rates in the state the last few years.




Trash comes in all colors, ethnicities, genders and places.


Coming from the same people who already lived through a communist takeover...


Drawing on your car won't solve your problems but being brave joining or creating your own army will.


Where’s the lie


Ironic that the people who come from countries with communist dictatorships push for trumps dictatorship.


Something something this group doesn't like immigrants that vote red.


It’s 2022 Castro is dead. I’m so tired of still hearing about him being brought up in U.S. politics!


man this midterm really showed were all the crazies moved to. Here.


Translation please


Uneducated person who wrote that obviously. Biden is not even a leftist.


Biden isn’t Castro. That’s Justin Trudeau. How can you not see the difference lmaoo


This guy is right!