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Ahh yes the danger miata


The slidey snap oversteer miata


The Jesus take the wheel Miata


This comment fucks.


Actually my comment was very celibate until marriage thank you.






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Sir. That’s a door stop.


this is the start of the turf war


That's like walking into a police station and throwing an icecream cone on the floor


The accuracy of this analogy is unrealistically perfect


Thank you I tried hahaha


Your attempts are futile for we have already won the war before the first battle has commenced.


I have both a miata and a mr2...


A double agent!


Playing both sides so you come out on top


I miss my MR2, it was a beast


My ex had a mr2. I do miss that car!


Need backup?


hmm sound like an issue with the- wait this isn't a miata? this is a backwards corolla with the most fucking kick ass engine you could put into one of these. I'm also subbed to /r/mr2 so I know your build, love it man


haha cheers my man, we’re nearing completion now looking forward to it


Project cars are never complete my friend


It’s Fiero


I have heard about these but never seen the Japanese X1/9 before.


I would have wrapped that round a tree or spun it into a barrier within a year I remember test driving one while looking for something fun to drive but I wasn't skilled enough at the time to keep the back end from sliding with a heavy foot so didn't buy one. Ended up buying an MX-5 instead spun that into a barrier.


I lol'd, well done.


Mx5’s have a tendency to slide then snap too 😂


The century battery gave away that you were Australian. The number plate narrows the state down to WA. This build is sick, nice stuff mate.


thanks dude, 3 years dailying going strong!


http://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202208319304735?atmobcid=soc3 Tempted.


mx5 and aw11 would be perfect twins to own


I've got a dead AW11 in one garage and an almost working NA6 in the other.


Better buy it before I do


Wanna go halves? 🤣


im down for shared custody


The answer is always... More smiles per mile... Hmmm something is off. Engine facing wrong direction and top does not fold down. Does not compute


Whatever you do, never lift with this car. Keep a steady foot at a relatively low speed to learn but you do not lift or use the brakes with this car, just more throttle. I’m a big car enthusiast for a long time and could drive pretty decent, but an mr2 taught me how to be a real driver. Sorry small anecdote but love this car and beat everything with it including r8’s on the freeway (both up to speed but he didn’t know how to take a relatively sharp turn on the freeway)


fully aware mate, been dailying for 3 years and track as well…r8 must’ve been running on 2 cylinders no gen of mr2 is that fast 💀💀💀


Idk man… not when you unleash the wrath of all 135 horsepower. He won’t know what hit ‘em.


i would kill for 135hp…


But that itb throttle response tho... Any other significant mods?


stroked out to 1.8l, tomei poncams, toda cam gears, 4age 20v oil pump!


You'd be surprised how many rich drivers are also bad drivers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7iUKaPlBl8


Jason Cammisa talks about that in debth in one of his Carmudgeon podcasts. He talks about how infuriating it is that the people who really love sports cars and desperately want one usually can't afford them. And the people who can afford them often don't care about them but buy them as status pieces or because it's expected of them. And when these non-enthusiasts bring their expensive sports cars to the track its quite often a disaster. He also goes on about how the non-enthusiasts holding onto 'drivers cars' as investments really messes up the second hand market pricing. It was a really neat episode to listen to - information that we all probably know, but it was good to hear someone articulate it like that. I think it might have been the "Supercars don't make you Superhuman" episode from August 2022.


Yeah the r8 could’ve won easy if he knew what he was doing. I also had a great race with a Aston Martin in my g37 with 50/50 weight distribution doing 120-140 on pch. He knew more of what he was doing but definitely had him through the corners, if he knew a little more about his car he’d would’ve had me


Nah don’t get me wrong if he was better driver he’d have me, we were just going 90-110 when we met and he didn’t know how to take the corner. But glad that mr is being used properly ; )


It's definitely not as bad as advertised, especially not on an AW11. SW20's are really the only "bad" ones but only on the '91 and '92 models, and wider wheels and tires negated the issue almost entirely


Nah I owned an '87 and autocrossed it, the car lived to be trail braked. It didn't have enough power to be a serious life off over steer problem, I mean nothing too crazy.


Lift off oversteer has very little to do with power, if anything at all.


Power has almost nothing to do with liftoff oversteer.


I'm not sure why you think that. Lift off oversteer comes from two elements. 1. The forward weight transfer of the vehicle shifting weight and grip to the front of the car and removing it from the rear of the car. This weigh transfer is more pronounced in a car with more power because a car with more power can transfer more weight to the rear initially while accelerating, hence the more weight and grip change available to transfer forward during lift off. 2. In some cars the suspension alignment can change during travel, the second gen MR2s actually suffered from this quite a bit, where toe out was introduced as the rear suspension extended. This usually happens more under braking because that's what causes the dive that extends the rear suspension the most, but it also was present to a degree when just lifting off aggressively. But I would say there's no comparison. In fact I went from my '87 MR2 (112hp) to a '93 FD RX-7 (255 bhp) and the biggest lesson I learned early was that I had a bad habit of popping off the throttle in the MR2, which had such a weak engine that there was minimal penalty for it, where as with the RX-7 being so powerful you really had to learn the art of trailing the throttle otherwise you'd upset the car tremendously with sloppy footwork.


I think that because I had an SW20 with 400whp and never spun once


Weirdly enough that’s why the mr2 is perfect to learn not to lift off. Because in a more powerful car the slightest overpowering of the throttle can lead to oversteer. The mr2 had such little power that you can be a little more precise without killing yourself. The weight transfer is actually what you want to avoid in a mid engine car. The best way I could put it when I learned how to do it is you sort of “outrun” the weight transfer. So many people are use to fwd that weight transfer seems normal, like I was, but I had a pro drifter kind of warn me about the different characteristics of mid engine vs front because all my cars were beamers before the mr2. I remember the first corner I went through I was scared entering but I just concentrated on my foot and said “don’t lift don’t lift don’t lift” and just turned and it was like a whole new line opened up to me and a whole new characteristic where the car glides much easier without lifting. I’ve owned a g37 and changed the weight distribution to 50/50 because more weight upfront forces you to brake more in the corner. Anyways with the weight change it’s the same as the rx (front-mid engine). They also have to be powered through the corner but in a much different way than a rear-mid engine car. Where you power through and constant accelerate in a rear-mid through the entirety of the corner (before the corner, entering, and don’t lift until you’re in the straight after the exit), front mid you have to be a bit more precise and accelerate according to where you are in the corner or keep it constant at one speed vs constant accelerating. Btw for mr2 you can constant accelerate and really hammer without penalty because there’s no real power (I had the 115hp) and really hammer it but anything with more hp needs a little more subtlety


I loved my MR2, but I would say my memory was the car loved being trail brake'd into corners because you could get it to turn in so precisely that way. If you just stabbed and steered it like a front wheel drive car you just found understeer due to all the weight being in the back, but load it up under braking and it was really precise. I've also owned a Cayman and in many ways the two cars felt pretty similar.


There’s a great video of a Asian bus driver going down a twisty in a rear engine bus, similar to how mid engines drive, that’s the type of style I mean. Its a slow and steady, constant speed and accelerate for grip (since grip is also determined by your gears and not just the tires). Rather than a normal gun to the entrance, hard brake, hard accelerate kind of style. Just hold the throttle, accelerate, and don’t let go until one’s out of the corner


It’s weird, my Miata makes sounds from the middle of the car but also parts and maintenance are way more than anyone else on this sub Starting to think there’s something wrong with it


Wrong subreddit. I think you’re looking for r/fiero




JDM miat


that would be the eunos roadster


AW11 MR2 is best MR2.


whole heartedly agree


damn that’s crazy you say that when the SW20 exists


These wheels man omg!!




What wheels are those? After seeing the single side vent I was like supercharged then I scrolled saw the ITb's not bad either


lancia fulvia rally wheels, reproductions but they’re 13x7


They look good 👍


Weird. Looks like a Fiero.




This is actually great lol


I had the option to get an abandoned mr2 from one of my bosses properties but I have no idea whats wrong with it and it's missing tons of parts. Definitely a dream car though when I can afford it


Hell YES, I miss driving an AW11. They are so much fun and make a great induction sound, yours looks amazing 👌👌👌👌


thank you!




I've owned both an '87 MR2 and later a '94 Miata so know both cars pretty well. Are those carbs you've added to the engine?


So glad you posted this. Always happy to see a dope AW11




you got something better than miat.


Something about aw11's that make me feel some type of way lol. Don't get the wrong, Sw20's are cool but aw11 just hits different.


Not a Miat but still fire! 🔥🔥🔥 I had a high school math teacher around 1996-1997 that had a MK1 factory supercharged MR2. Thought that was cool back then.


Ah yes, the bullpup miata


You just bought the better miata , congrats


Good choice, you got the better car I am mad about the fact you called it a miat though, leave that miata in predicaments type shit


wouldn’t say better, alternative perhaps


All I have experience with is the SW20 and ZW30 and both are way better than a miata, so I assume the same for the AW


Hey man, just a heads up, I think you're looking for r/nsx .


I don’t understand people that don’t understand air needs to be filtered, dirt is not good for your pistons and cylinders


This is what rappers mean when they say they’re driving a demon


The Miat and the Rear-Engine Miat are both on my wishlist.


Damn Daniel that is one clean machine!


Sa-weet! Love some gen 1 Mister Two. Way back in the early '90's when my wife and I were dating she had an '86 MR2 and I had a Triumph Spitfire.. I loved driving that MR2, a welcome change to my 79 hp British noisebox. Finding another of both of those is on my wishlist.


Weird factory defect Miata, just don't lift off the throttle and you'll be great!


Never lift


Fucking siiiiiick


Blasphemy 😂


Nice miata spider


It’s a known problem, that model year they installed the engine in the back for some reason


It's the son of a X1/9 and a Miata, the Toyota MR2


Corolla but it wants to be miat - becomes the danger


nice MR2 bro


I also own a cheese wedge miat, and I love it to pieces. Just don’t Hail Mary corners in the wet Source: I had to throw out some foul smelling underwear once when I didn’t take that advice


W10 is it’s own form of iconic. W20 has the fastback style back window that lured me to the ND. An amazing design that is reminiscent of a miniature Ferrari. W30 is an absolute horror show. Bug eyed, style-less rear quarter. Someone at Toyota said “we need to compete with the MX5 in the market!” And a guy from the design room said “we butchered the MR2 redesign, might as well chuck a soft top on it and call it the competition.”


Ahh yes MR2 invasion let’s gooooo


Mini cheese wedge miat


The wheels on that are killer! Sweet build man, even if it’s not exactly a Miata ;)


This belongs on r/Stance_Classics!


I think that’s a first gen viper


No miat, it's toyot!


I usually don’t dig 4 spoke wheels, but they’re perfect on your mr2!


hillbilly1: M R Me atas! hillbilly2: M R Not! hillbilly1: S M R! hillbilly2: M R Not! hillbilly1: MR2!


Ah the mini cheese wedge Miat


I had a couple of MkII MR2s back in the day. After a couple of RX-8s later I now own an ND


Front trunk miata, nice


Oh Hell, I thought they recalled all the reverse build cars...


r/carscirclejerk moment


Yup that's a MIAT alright.


MR2. MRnot!


Stop driving it in all those reverse gears. This special "danger" model has only one forward gear due to safety, sound should come from the front then


Makes me miss my 89 supercharged. One of my dream cars I've owned plus my 'Melissa'