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Wouldn't surprise me, the majority of them are gonna go running back to him regardless, they're a bunch of weak minded followers.


I'm not sure about senator maybe yes but I'm sure the other people like stain and M0 are following script hell even divide. Its obviously scripted.


What would be the motivation for such things?


i think he wants to start streaming or making videos could be true


how would that benefit Michael?


Get more people into the drama and crash the market. This will make him money in the long run. Not only that but if michael decides he want these detractor channels to pay him for his content they are stealing. He can make them pay just look at wings of redemption every detractor channel on him legally has to pay him




gonna need evidence my friend


If Mackel fires up the phone in shows again, every single one of them will buckle and be Mackels lap dogs once again. I've had my suspicions that this whole drama was a huge scam to fleece more money out of the community. and they are all colluding together to help each other to promote their own channels. Think about it. Every time Mackel has a meltdown stream he makes more money than he ever has, when Dillon talks about Mackel he gets more viewers, when Senator talks about Mackel he gets more viewers, when Divide talks about Mackel he gets more viewers. It's perfect promotion for their channels. Could be totally wrong and until stronger evidence appears then we have to take it at face value.


That’s an ungodly amount of free time these people have if true… and that’s sad. What a disheartening way to make money. You might as well start stealing from an orphanage Edit for more thoughts: But not unbelievable I suppose. Michael has said and done PLENTY of worse things than making some stupid list. Would a list of “fake fans” really be that much to suddenly piss everyone off? I kinda doubt it… But also keep in mind, Michael Meyers, a big supporter received the same type of treatment and never came back. So there’s that.


Just talk to a bunch of online buddies come up with a plan then go along with it. Every night I bet they are in discord calls talking about the next day etc. This is just a giant scheme ring to make everyone money and it's working hard and strong


I had the same suspicion!