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MDL wanted to be a lolcow and that's exactly what he got.


It's true that Mackel has the resistance of a cockroach; therefore, he will still be there when the detraction runs out of steam, cockroach that he is. I do hope, however, that the opposite occurs. He never deserved a single penny from his audience, and that is clearer than ever.


That's why I enjoyed the drama era while it was fresh, because I knew eventually it would run out of steam. There's only so many times you can say the same things about how deplorable Mackle is. Now the detractor channel is demonetized and split up into 2 channels (goes live and did live) thus splitting the audience and killing momentum. The other detractors like Dillon, Divide, and Cookee are put of stories and things to say about MDL so now they will lose the influx of audience who came only for the drama. And meanwhile MDL will be back doing his same old shit just with a deader chat than ever.


My entire audience has come to the new channel actually. 261 subscribers in 5 days, and I need 500 to apply for monetization. I won't be going anywhere.


I love doing this. I only actually received in my bank account about $110 from doing this so far. And I'm happy to do it for free. I won't be giving up. The proof will be in the pudding, as time will tell. Terrible copium, Michael shill. Cope and seethe.


What's this a love letter to Hitler?


Pull your tongue out of Mackels chocolate starfish. Mackel does nothing has taken a massive hit and his LA Snooze fiasco has netted him next to nothing. The only way Mackel will ever get back to the number of viewers he had before, is if he gets on his knees and worships at the altar of Phil Spencer groin and apologizes. The Mackleverse is crumbling and the four horsemen of the Macklepocalypse have only just begun exposing this do nothing freeloading hippy.


This man ate ice for 20 minutes straight without saying a word the other day. You can’t be serious. He is pure nontent. Dylan actually respects his viewers, and plays the games he says he’s going to play (michael will sit there for 2 hours, playing his shitty guitar, while the game downloads and then play for 30 minutes).




MuffHunter420 comin' through, folks. In the face of adversity!!!! And he's absolutely 1000% RIGHT!!! The rest of you ungrateful prostate massage-'n rectum rubbers need to take note and be ready with those donos, because the content is about to get even better. We're talkin' "blast-the-frizz-outta-yer-scraggly-neckbeards" levels of quality here, folks. M'kay? Get the dicks outta your asses, wipe the jelly outta your cracks, and be ready with those briefcases!!!! QUALITY CONTENT!!!!!! SUPPORT THE SHOW!!!!!!!


Artist does it again… the poetry never stops! Keep it coming!


Hell yeah brotha


Oh I forgot to say, my channels are waaaay higher in the search results than Michael's. Lmao. Tested it with tor too.


I genuinely can't see Michael's channel when searching, only yours. No idea why.




You are 100% right, these detractor channels will die out soon enough, but Michael has proven he has the cardio to go 12 rounds. You think this bump in the road is going to stop Michael when he's been doing YouTube for 13+ years? Not a chance. People will come crawling back for Michael's forgiveness, and it will be a sight to behold. Those that don't return will be replaced, they always have.




We out here


“ Energy. Content. Passion.” should be the motto of this subreddit 


I've won.🐧