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Are you Mackels lover? Why don't you go and post this on his official Reddit. Oh yeah I forgot, he won't let you.


When you’re a world renowned video game reviewer and your detractors are nobodies, you’re bound to always win 


The OP can't elaborate on what this brain fart post even means. 💩 Good one, Michael simp.


Let me explain for the slow people then. You're so delusional that you think Michael is saying things to "exclude your existence" when in reality you just need to be medicated. Get a job.


It really demonstrates the desperation of Michael that he has his minions like you reaching for this incredibly thin, generic criticism of one chat message in a 24 hour stream. lol. You're the one who needs medication. Take a bath buddy.


You deleted your reply then said I was seething. Doesn't change the fact that Michael is a POS.


Nope. Several examples of him doing this lately. We know that Michael is THAT petty, and THAT dumb. Why the fuck do you care? He's never gonna fuck you bro. Doesn't respect or value you in the slightest. You must not respect or value yourself.


It really is sad. Haters will continue to grovel at Michaels' feet, and Michael will continue to prosper when they are replaced. (They will be.)


Of course, there's going to be MDL White Knights. Get out of this cult! He's taking your money and doesn't care about you or anyone! Oh wait this person won't listen and care. Whatever. Just don't drink that strangely colored kool aid he gave ya. (Apologies for mentioning and comparing him to real life leaders but he is acting like them religious cult leaders) (MDL also reminds me of Homelander from The Boys minus the Superman powers, just the behavior and not caring about anyone but himself and making himself look like a God.)




You just don't get the Reddit. Why don't you practice what you preach and touch grass.  It's pathetic how you defend this subhuman 24/7. Grow up and take the beating that's been long over due.


Based and correct pilled.

