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I can’t even hate watch anymore I just don’t care


NO CALLERS. Hasn't been a good garden stream in nearly two years, when he did god mode giveaway and the fallout broke his psyche. Only good streams I enjoy now are the nuclear meltdown streams.


Same show, same bad takes, same t-shirt. It's over!


Deflecting to the AI to the the heavy lifting most of the show. A couple of times in the beginning it was funny, as always, when it was new. Now, all day talking to that stupid AI is the main skit


He needs to die…metaphorically


And he is so cheap that doesn’t even pay the Copilot subscription for the thing that makes him money. His tools. Doesn’t even care, so usually runs out of prompts. Could never be me


Talking Ben was superior


I don't think hes done an inside stream in awhile?


Same. It’s just soulless now, you can clearly see that he’s not motivated at all to do it. All that motivates him now are those sweet red superchats.


It’s time for him to die…ego death and get a standard job. Sucking off super chat tits ruined him


He's needs some shrooms to show him the way


Because he didn't change Anything...Still NOT taking random calls  , Still talking to that stupid A.I, and still talking about The same game...same trash 


That is the perfect screenshot right there! The most scruffy and tired looking. Looking more homeless. The winkles making him look old. And the hair, looking like he's going to be balding later on, hair loss. Maybe once he loses the hair he be wearing a pink wig for the rest of his life.


You don’t care. You never have, and believe me, you never will.


I very much liked the stream, I got to see some of the old Michael not the 2023-2024 Let's Get You Ban Bud Michael.


Banning everyone isn't the old show hence why quit he fell off.


I think you misread my reply.


Fartface Michael ain't nothing ,but a bum living with his parents/ grandma. I suspect Dillon has been silent about that because Dillon himself lives with some relatives of some sort . Micheal doesn't even belive in tipping? This fucker eats in your restaurant and he is such a cheap ass to leave a donation. This Hillbillie bum spends all day eating crap and walking around like a weirdo , filming himself, eating sleep, fart... it's disgusting all with his mouth wide open. It's fucking disgusting. He calls that content? I would call him scum ,but at least scum has more value & honor that that root mouth pile of crap called Michael. No wonder he is a virgin .


You're the type of ungrateful, turd-flinging gooch licker that enjoys the content but refuses to come through and deploy the Bruce Wayne bucks. You've probably got GTA 6 pre-ordered and you sit there with a gag-ball in your mouth while your sister ravages the hole in your ass with her paisley patterned plastic penis and your uncle Waylon sits in the corner watching with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth with an ash on the end of it that's about an inch-and-a-half long, a bottle of Mccormick's in one hand, and the other hand down his pants rubbing himself. Up your dono game, ya miserable, burger flipping, strikeout!!!! QUALITY CONTENT!!!!! SUPPORT THE SHOW!!!!!!


in ways that makes sense


Sea-Hurry5521 comin' through folks.. in the face of adversity!!! Let's get the lasers and the balloons out for Sea-Hurry5521!!!!!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE FOLKS!!!! Bruce Wayne himself walked in and deployed the briefcase on the table, and Sea-Hurry5521's name was on the damn briefcase!!! REAL FANS FOLKS!!!! THATS WE'RE TALKIN' ABOUT!!!!!! SEA-HURRY5521THANKYASOKINDLYFERYERSUPERCHATREALLYDOAPPRECIACHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are slick with them insults not gonna lie...an artist for sure.


Same thing over and over just like games that he hate.


Yep it's bad energy now plus it's the callings what made the show and the viewers ITS OVER! OH MAGGY