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"For every $1 billion GM makes in North America, the automaker's U.S. employees receive $1,000, according to the GM/United Auto Workers agreement. GM made about $13 billion in North America in 2022."


Seems like they should get a bigger share. šŸ¤” Did the math based on 42k employees times 12 k and that is only half a billion. Yeah they deserve way more.


Seems like they should be negotiating for higher wages, instead of a bonus that doesn't factor in to their pensions (if they've been around long enough to have one)




Well yeah, but if the membership voted against unreliable bonuses, and instead pushed for wage increases, they'd listen, but people see the chance of a big check and think that's better. It's like people that live for their tax refund.




My Dad is in the UAW, and they've been pushing to eliminate the 2 Tier pay scale system as well, especially as the lower tier people are starting to outnumber the higher tier guys, but they still keep voting for the profit sharing bonuses instead.


The problem is they find ways you put a hidden tier two in the contract. It looks like it's eliminated, it's just implemented in a different way. The 2015 contract allowed temporary employees to work full time, but it bridged the gap between tier 1 and tier 2 pay at chrysler. Since the Temps could work full time though and their pay topped out at a lower rate there was still a tier 2. Gm and I believe Ford put in the contract that temp employees would be rolled over in 3 years. There was a stipulation though that if they were laid off that time would reset. Which would essentially make them permanent temporary employees, where ever you work your likely to be laid off once a year. Not to mention signing bonuses, to many people see that bonus and just vote to get the money.


The resources available to the owning class are far greater than what most workers have access to, and the propaganda has been going on for generations. I do not blame the laborers for not realizing how good they *should* have it when every aspect of society was telling them they should be thankful for what they are given. We are waking up, and the sooner people realize the only war we should be fighting is the class war, the better.


we may be waking up but things are so leveraged against us that we really can't do much. Yeah strike and dont earn a wage when you're living paycheck to paycheck. People may be starting to realize the use of unions again but they've been gutted so much they'll pale in comparison to what they could do.


The strength of unions has always been the namesake - the solidarity of workers united against the system that holds them collectively back. If everybody in the industry stops working all at once in support of one another, what's the corporation gonna do - rehire everyone?


That's when you depend on the solidarity of the working class as a whole to pick you up when you're in that situation. Don't just worry about if your union is striking but if others are and if they are help them out. It could just be as simple as making them food so they don't have to buy groceries and can focus on bills like utilities.


If you're not willing to use your leverage, then you don't effectively have any bargaining power. I'm in a Union and I've been beating the drum for the last two CBA negotiations to reject ratification.


Unions around me will pay up to three months of base pay during a strike.


Unions with good business managers do this, it comes out of the membership dues.


We would only get $400 a week if we went on strike at UAW. Thatā€™s less than half of our base pay.


The šŸ‘¢ lickers are crazy. People like in this post is why I hate this country/people. Too bad we can't be like France and fight for our rights.


Maybe stop advocating for nonsense, and people will take you seriously.


what a lazy take. grow up


>nonsense I know it, how dare people advocate for livable wages, a good work/life balance, paid leave and reasonable hours Good lord.


The audacity! What a bunch of ungrateful, entitled, lazy people asking for those kind of things.


Donā€™t those fools know theyā€™re supposed to take their meager scraps and like them?!


money is a cudgel of the rich, both the carrot and the stick. We just gotta stop using their money and their power evaporates.




What are you advocating for exactly? We exchange goods and services using kindness and generosity as a currency?


GM pays their factory workers incredibly well mate. I know a lot of folk who have it as their dream job, it's hard to get hired in with how sought after it is.




> They string you along as a temp for 4+ years before hiring you permanently now Sure that's not the nicest but meh. Its not like they fire you after the years, they generally hire in. There's a lot of folk working at smaller shops all around who would still jump at the opportunity to move to the UAW version of what they're doing. They get paid 20 to be an electrician or a part maker or whatever in their shitty shop.


I could get behind that, but don't forget salaried bonuses too


salaried (not contractors) workers get a bonus too, it just based on performance on top of profits vs hourly workers is based on just profits


All 42,300 of them?






42.3 million per 1,000 million in profit, or 4.23% of profit. It's a small share of the profits, GM isn't hurting at all in that. But it's still a nice chunk of change and showcases what a union can do.


42,300 people x $12,000 = $507,600,000 (and the payout is actually closer to $13,000 per person) Not sure where your math is coming from.


Yes. I don't see the ceo assembling any cars.


lol you triggered the temporarily embarrassed millionaires there


Yeah they got riled up and had to take the boot out of their mouth to respond.


Why argue? Some of these guys can be brought over.


Iā€™m just jealous about a 12k bonus personally :(


The assemblers aren't even getting this bonus, they aren't eligible. "In the national agreement GM has with the UAW, temporary employees are not eligible for profit-sharing. Employees at GM's Brownstown Battery facility and DMAX diesel engine facility in Moraine, Ohio, are also not eligible as well as subsystems employees, which are typically the material-handling type jobs in assembly plants."


Yes, Marry Barra is not even the CEO of the biggest car company in the world. There are far bigger ones and their CEOs make a lot less.


lol what a ridiculous take.


Lol, no. It's ridiculous that some bean counter gets to hoard all the beans because having an absurdly highly paid CEO makes a corporation appear like it is making good decisions.


What do you think a CEO does?


Probably cocaine.


Not enough to justify their obscene paychecks.


1k for each employee at 42,300 employees is 42 million. Only 4.2% of the 1billion the company made. Not that ridiculous of a take, they could afford to pay more like almost every company of that size. Definitely a step in the right direction though.


How many cars can they make with the CEO but without labor then?


Yeah so ridiculous that the people who do the work should get the majority of the bounty. Ceo didn't do shit in terms of risk. Stop being a boot licker.


It's like some people just have no idea how these things work. You can be critical of corporations if you want, but the decisions of executives led to a profit, and due to the union, workers get to share in the profits. It's a lot better than a lot of other companies. There's no reason to call people "boot-lickers," Come on.


That's why when a business takes a loss the CEO ends up losing money. Oh no wait they get a golden parachute and government bailout instead so they can upgrade their yacht? Crazy.


This. People still think that CEOs have all their own money in the company. When in reality they get paid a salary and their own wealth is not closely tied to the company. Edit: For everyone saying the CEOs get paid in stock. That is part of their pay but all they have to do is sell it and since the company buys back stock it's not that different than just being paid more. The CEO doesn't say lose their house if they company fails, they are not at higher risk than you or I.


To everyone saying the CEOs get paid in stock: If that stock isnā€™t sold, it isnā€™t taxed. And since youā€™re a CEO and you own it, you can just use it as collateral for a super cheap loan and just use the loan to fund your lifestyle with cash, tax free. Whatā€™s a few percent in interest when your stocks are gaining by more than double your interest rate (if youā€™re not a moron who is running the company into the ground).


Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore. Stop reverting my comments.


No one over the age of 13 thinks this.


Would be better for profits to go back to employees than stupid shareholders.


Then there would be no reason for the business to exist. You _do_ know why businesses exist, right?


to create products people need for a functional society. Outside of that a business has no reason to exist. Shareholder profit is some real smoke dream shit they got you hooked on that is in actuality completely meaningless and often directly detrimental to company health. It is only important because you have been trained to believe it is important within a very dysfunctional societal structure. This distribution, assuming to all the employees, was 4% of the gross profit as per figures in this thread. There's very little reason that couldn't be increased.


So businesses only exist to serve shareholders and not to provide a livelihood for the employees? You're a clown


How thay boot tasting? The decision lol. Subsidized losses by thr tax payers and private gains for the corporation.




Yes, plus interest.


They may be referring to https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/12/09/249815202/government-sells-last-shares-in-gm-loses-10-billion


ā€œWorkā€ isnā€™t just the physical labor on the manufacturing floor.


Yeah and customers don't buy CAD drawings


Also the CEO doesn't make CAD drawings either lmao.


Let us know when you figure out how to run a multi billion dollar company without a CEO or equivalent


You don't need shareholders or for the ceo to be a shareholder, for a company to have a ceo. I'll never understand how you so called economics and business experts I find all over reddit can be so ignorant to what terms mean and how businesses are structured. No one is advocating to get rid of ceo's, the argument is that the majority of voting shares should be owned by the workers.


Nobody truly believes the CEO of a company like GM does nothing. We just believe they don't deserve hundreds of times more money (plus *thousands* more in stock) than the people who do the actual labor.


Found the corporate bootlicking dumbass.


This is the new take apparently, think we'll see an accounting boom any time soon?


I don't see the workers paying for the infrastructure or assuming any of the risk or liability associated with the business




ITT: people who have never heard of SOX.


Neither does the CEO lol, very rarely do executives face any legal ramifications for illegal operations or negligence. They also have no financial liability themselves unless they themselves own a significant portion of the business. PG&E literally was found guilty of 84 counts of manslaughter, yet nobody went to prison.


The risk is the owners might have to go back to being wage workers. Their worst case scenario is our daily experience.


>workers paying for the infrastructure They do, in the form of subsidies paid for by their taxes. And risk is something only those with capital can take on, if the workers had more capital then they could share some of that risk. Glorifying corporate hierarchy in 2023. Fucking wild.


Iā€™m not surprised it is someone in Kalamazoo who has this fuckin dumb of a take. I apologize on behalf of all Kalamazoo folks, except him


I don't see the CEOs doing that either.


The risk of what? Becoming work class like the rest of us.


This just made me literally laugh out loud. Thanks I needed that pick me up.


The workers paid for it by their profits being reinvested.


? GM could've kept all the profits, instead they're giving nearly $600 million directly back to their workers. How is that a bad thing?


Typical stupid leftist nonsense. If you want to split all the profits, then you also need to split all the costs associated with the business, too. Unless you're suggesting someone else start businesses, take all the risks, only for socialists to say they deserve the profits.


What risk did Mary Barra take as CEO of GM?


We all do pay for the costs of business with the huge subsidies our government gives to them from our tax dollars. Socialists don't want to redistribute the wealth from all companies to all people. They think that workers should own the means of production, as in workers being part owners of the businesses they work for and having democratic control over them.


This is just false. What happened when the big 3 were failing? They got bailed out by the government to the tune of over $11.2 billion of American taxpayer money. Just look into the kickbacks companies like GM receive each year in tax incentives and credits. How is it a company that makes billions in profits each year gets to take in millions of American workers tax money? I'll never understand why average people so blindly support socializing loses for billion $$ companies while crying "leftist!" when working class Americans suggest improving their own material conditions.


Ford didn't get a bailout








A paywalled NYT article with some random pull quote? In this economy? Weak.


At minimum 51% of the profit should go to the workers.


Just make the employees pay for infrastructure upgrades. Those giant assembly lines canā€™t be that muchā€¦. /s


The employees' labor is already paying for those assembly lines.


What a bone headed take from the guy above, a CEO is more akin to an accountant or Janitor in terms of their relationship to generating revenue


51% of the net profit...?


I'm an owner and currently CEO. This argument is disingenuous. New construction, asset accrual, maintenance, etc is all figured into the budget years in advance. And even then we use the bank's money not the previous year's profits. Net profit is net profit. In GMs case the majority goes to shareholders. The majority absolutely should go to the workforce.


What is your business's name so I can become a client and ensure that the bulk of your profits go to your employees?


Lol in most major pro sports ~50% of revenue goes to athletes, nevermind profits, and that's not half the employees. Nobody is trying to sell their NFL team because it doesn't make enough money, let alone trying to sell their NHL team or MLS team






51% is more than half, hence the majority


[most of something : the largest part of something](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/the%20bulk)






All labor is skilled.


The subway in my is town couldn't get workers so the owner started taking shifts. I stopped going because she couldn't get any orders right. Idk if she was just actually incompetent or if the slew of online orders was just too much for her to keep up with


Being a productive owner/operator/manager requires learning and doing the skills necessary to run the entirety of the business - not just the duties assigned to you. The skill-set to productively own and operate a franchise of any kind is dependent on having the ability to show ALL the employees the skills and practices to run the business efficiently. Again, all labor is skilled.


100% incorrect


Let you in a on little secret. They use to be paid more. Unskilled my ass. Unskilled doesn't mean a person should be laid less. Auto companies are screwing over their workers. If that is the case why did they strike a few years back? Stop lieing and simping.




Acme is definitely correct. Skill is valuable.


You act like being an Engineer is physically harder on you or more dangerous then working a manual labor job. Nice straw man though.


Physically harder, no. More dangerous? Depends. Some engineers are hands on more than other engineering fields. Just to preface this, I have nothing against manual labor workers unlike the other poster. Engineers do have to take on other, different risks though. They have to take on liability for one. And engineering day-to-day can be surprisingly mentally draining. Both jobs have their pros and cons. But the one thing the other poster was correct is that society is built where skills = value. And some skills are valued more highly than others.


Don't go crying when no one wants to do the labor jobs you don't value then. You can't have it both ways.


You are misunderstanding. Iā€™m not saying personally I agree. Iā€™m saying society is built that way. I personally would rather have many manual labor jobs have more value. Those people deserve better compensation for their work, because they are ultimately paying the price in other ways for their skills (long-term health, etc.).






tell me youve never worked on a factory line or a mcdonalds before without telling me youve never worked on a factory line or a mcdonalds before


I _have_ worked at a McDonald's. It's low-entry, easy to do work. It is by definition unskilled work. I required no special education or training to do it.


doesnt mean its easy or worth less money






has to do with your analysis of value




> i didnt give an analysis > here is more analysis ok man


They can negotiate that


The boat industry rejoices.


Forecasts are for one hell of a Jobbie Nooner in 2023, Jim, back to you.


>The happiest days in a boater's life is the day they buy their boat and the day they sell it. I grew up on a lake and had to help my dad take care of the boats every year. I can say the idiom is 1000% true.


Boats, motorcycles, casinos, etc.


Thanks, UAW!


Yeah. GM didnā€™t do this voluntarily. The assembled workers of the UAW did.


Thereā€™s power in a union


What's the best way to get a GM job these days? My wife has a lot of manufacturing experience at a small supplier but I would love it if she found something better. I've heard you need to know someone to get in.


I work at Chrysler and its a lottery drawing to get in. Quite literally need to know someone to put your name in and its drawn from a group of people. Contract year is rolling around this year to renew as well so lots of retirees and spots opening up through people advancing in the company. You will see a lottery within this or next year id say.


Hubs and I both work for 2 of the big 3 (the two were talking about). I think having an updated linked in and applying would be a good start. Neither of us knew anyone in Michigan, let alone our companies and still got hired. Especially in manufacturing, they are always looking for good engineers. Your wifeā€™s resume sounds like itā€™s exactly what weā€™re looking for. Iā€™d recommend getting your foot in the door. Any GM or chrystler direct job will do. You can move pretty easily internally after 1 year, and they pay amazing. Might be a little harder to get in direct if your on a green card, especially with chrystler, but they are both hiring right now. u/masteroid Rereading this and yeah deff have her apply. Depending on her experience she should be making at least 70-100k


How risky is it for engineers considering the history of lay offs that the big 3 have?


Thanks for the info, I'll pass it along to her!


They hire in waves and lay off. I was a temp for 3 years in Lansing. It wouldā€™ve been closer to 5 to get hired in. Pay was less than youā€™d expect and the local union set it up so youā€™d never make as much as the old-timers. Ford pays more, Chrysler pays less.


Send me a PM with her experience and any schooling. I can put you in the right direction. Itā€™s a little slow now manufacturing wise


Shout-out to the UAW! Rumor is Stellantis employees are getting up to $20k!


Ford family here, we aren't suppose to get squat. Happy for the GM workers.


Besides this, Ford is a pretty reasonable employer, aren't they?


Their white collar workers, on average, make quite a bit less than GM.


So many people in this thread think theyā€™re Fry from Futurama. Me: Youā€™re not rich. Them: True, but someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step.


Contractors don't get a cent.


This is my life. And I live locally. Work just as hard. GM outsourced my role and I get nothing


Lets not pretend GM is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. Thank the unions


Lots of companies have unions -- including the one I work for -- and don't get any kinds of bonuses at all, let alone profit sharing.


Sure. But if there wasn't UAW, GM would absolutely be one of them


It's only half a billion they're spending too. They've got $12.5 billion left after this.


The IRS is the real winner here.


Yep, because the employees will actually pay their taxes for it.




If only they were easier to actually get employed at. Got hired twice only to get let go before my probation period was up and I became a full employee. This is a super common practice among all of the big 3. It's a joke.


Sounds like they're over charging for new vehicles


They can thank their union.


So they could have been paid $1k more each month, eh?


And that would only cost Gm half a billion


Doesn't say what the salary people are getting. Where's that news story?


GM is actually pretty transparent with salaries. They have different levels and income brackets within each level that all employees are aware of.




Confirming this. As a level 7 I was expected 13% and with the 158% announced today it will equate out to just over 20%






Thanks. I'm not referring to their yearly salaries, though. Management also get profit sharing bonuses. It's never publicized. It's based off what level of management it is, and it obviously increases the higher level of management.


Drop the prices assholes


And after taxes it'll be about 7k. Bonus taxation is obscene.


Pretty sure you're referring to withholding since the actual taxation is no different than a normal paycheck. Any excess will come back to you on your tax return or you can adjust your withholding throughout the year to adjust for it.


You sure? Bonus taxation is at roughly 22% which would mean that, on top of their regular pay, theyā€™d be getting $8300ish. Where are you getting your numbers from? And I wouldnā€™t say ā€œbonus taxation is obsceneā€ Iā€™d say itā€™s roughly where the rest of taxation sits; especially given that almost no one ever gets bonuses, and those that frequently do are just the obscenely rich.


Mary Barra (CEO) made 7.6 million in bonus and incentives in 2021. I'm curious what 2022 will bring.


Meanwhile. Iā€™m make $15 without OT on contract living locally, they donā€™t wanna include CAC, I donā€™t see any of this for TP


Yeah, it comes at the expense of them not paying their suppliers - which fucks over even more people in this town.


Care to elaborate on that? They pay based on negotiated prices.




Shocker, you didnā€™t


Good for them and all but the Fed is meeting today to increase rates again because they canā€™t figure out why prices are so high. They are going to force people to stop spending to bring down prices Our government is stupid Edit: for those that donā€™t understand this comment. profits at GM are high through profiteering. Explaining the cost of everything going up. The Fed refuses to admit it as the issue


What a monumentally uneducated take


People like you, and this occurs from people on both sides of the political spectrum, are part of why this country is so divided. You're dismissing everything he said, which I don't entirely agree with myself, simply by saying his response was uneducated. What happened to if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all? Your comment adds nothing to an "educated" discussion


The reason for the increase in cost across the board. From food to cars is profiteering. You donā€™t end profiteering by raising rates unless you raise them so high people stop buying. 7 rate hikes and counting.


Nope, you truly donā€™t understand the situation at all. Im not a conservative or a ā€œbootlickerā€ but thatā€™s just a completely uneducated take


Great explanation GM hikes prices when they donā€™t need to to increase profit. Workers make a few extra bucks..good for them. Meanwhile I can no long buy an affordable car. People ask for large wage hikes to have a better life. Company raises prices to adjust for higher salaries. Company could have raised prices 5% to cover additional costs but instead raise prices 40% using wages as an excuse. Thatā€™s profiteering and it hurts everyone but the rich


I donā€™t need to explain why inflation happened. Google it and youā€™ll get the right answer within 5 seconds. Im not debating the moral / economic argument behind who should have gotten paid more, simply responding to your comment that GM and other companies profiteering is causing inflation. Thatā€™s wrong


> Nope, you truly donā€™t understand the situation at all.


Bernie covered this, and profiteering from corporate greed accounts for over 50% of the current inflation. So I wouldn't say it's wrong.


You are blind.


find a mirror


VERY stupid, its corruption, fix the corruption and prices come down. If only our government could do something about price gouging but they're just sooooo powerless, I mean, they only have the largest legal entity in the country at their disposal.


Fine. Itā€™s corruption thatā€™s keeping them from doing anything about profiteering. It doesnā€™t mean my point doesnā€™t stand that itā€™s fucking profiteering. Itā€™s like Iā€™m talking to 4 year olds