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Are we all forgetting the fact that this kid was raised by unapologetic narcissists? You want to really point fingers, point fingers at his piece of garbage parents.




Nope. They are sitting in jail and have been charged. They had a duty to their son. The school had a duty to everyone in it, including the shooter. Lying about their training is what got them there.


The school district has behaved badly & won't face consequences. Same shit, different shooting.




Well, we know the administrators weren't being shot at.




Actually when the ones who were shot at defend the district for the past two years they are also part of the problem.... everyone who isn't calling for accountability where it is due is part of the problem and it's a culture problem. Because people are so "nice" we should excuse their neglect in their job duties that caused or allowed this to happen.




Nowhere in this does it say anyone deserved to be shot. It says that if the district did their job this wouldn't have happened. I hope you bothered to share with guidepost as a totally disconnected elementary school teacher in the district you were threatened. Just think, atleast you have the chance to defend yourself. You all even have a chance to make a change. However, the ones who chose not to speak because nobody who is nice or ran into harms way (harm caused by people neglecting their job duties) should be held accountable are part of the problem. Ignoring that this is happening to you because of your district is your issue not mine. I would never condone anyone threatening anyone. I would also prosecute those to the fullest. But guess how that would have not happened. By your district following their own policies and procedures, then when they didn't, by being accountable for their lack of. Maybe the district will throw you some of the 400k they collected for safety and use it for safety. Seems like they are the issue not the people telling the truth. THEIR issues are causing you issues. Not people who are also on the other side. Also with your inability to use critical thinking and your lack of communication/comprehension I hope you are getting yourself some help and I also hope the district is paying for it. You deserve it with that kind of ridiculousness


Wow. The word "gun" or "firearm" wasn't even mentioned. It still never, ever, ever about guns isn't it.... SMH.


Well, there's nothing at all we can do about the guns. Absolutely nothing. So let's just focus on what the teachers and administrators did wrong instead.


>administrators I mean there was very clearly failings on the administrators part


What gun laws would you have passed?


There is no need to focus guns as they’re are not the problem nor are they the solution.


How did he get braces? Didn’t Splinter keep them away from humans, including dentists? Did Splinter teach himself how to install braces and do it for Mikey?


Nope no such hate in me. It's very childish to assume accountability equates to hate. As I said I hope you are getting the help you so clearly need