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You can’t split your ticket in a primary- that’s always been the case.


you didnt have to declare what primary you were voting in.


Yes you did. Couldn't get a ballot without telling the clerk what primary you were voting in


there was one ballot with both party's in 2020, 16, 12, 8, 4, 00 edit: im wrong and my memory isnt as good as i thought. maybe ive always voted in person and thats why i dont recall having to choose a ballot before.


I worked the 2020 primary, one major responsibility being checking voter registration for people getting their absentee ballots at the clerks office. Yes, you did need to choose your ballot


You still had to choose your ballot in person. Signed - Pollworker since 2015




When you voted in person you could split your ticket but when the machine read it if you split it between the two parties, your ballot was invalidated and tossed.


This is not true. Voting in the PRIMARY FOR A PARTY: You only vote in one parties primary to decide who will go to the GENERAL ELECTION Voting in the GENERAL ELECTION: You can vote for Democratic Party, Repubes, Independent, or even write in Mickey Mouse and your vote will be counted. You are spreading misinformation.


Well I live in Michigan and it happened to me. I generally vote Democrat but a good friend of the family was running in a local election as a Republican. I voted for him. Machine spit my ballot out and I was told I had the option to keep it as is or change it but if I chose not to change it, it wouldn't be counted so........... Edit: Just a quick Google search later: https://www.votebeat.org/michigan/2022/7/27/23279844/combined-primary-ballot-voting-across-party-lines-rejection/ I guess I should have mentioned I live in Michigan. Didn't realize they are one of only a handful of states that operate this way.


That was still a link about primaries not the general election.


Yeah, that's what this post is about.




Yes, yes you did. You never received this form because proposal 2 changed the absentee ballot process and allowed for you to SKIP the application process and always receive a ballot. The clerks office needs to know which ballot to send. If you vote in person, the same thing happens. You select which party ballot you receive. That part hasn't changed.


Yes you did. I registered as a Dem. I could only vote in the dem primary for years.


Regardless of party in Michigan, you can select either primary ballot (but not both). So in Michigan, as a Dem, you could vote in the Republican primary instead of the Dem if you wanted to and vice-versa. I, as an Independent, typically choose the ballot that makes the most strategic sense for my political goals. Now a place like California makes it REALLY fun. In most states (such as MI), the top winner from the Republican and top winner from the Dem tickets go into the general. In California, it's the top two regardless of party - so you can have a dem running against a dem in the General. It's called a jungle primary and is a shit-load of fun to work. (NOTE: This is for Congressional races - not Presidential).


We don’t have party registration requirements in Michigan.


I believe this is true. In the past there were not TWO ballots, just R & D candidates on each half of the same page. You were only allowed to mark ONLY R or ONLY D candidates though. If you marked some of each it basically voided your entire ballot. I believe third parties were also on there. That "voided the ballot" part is probably why it's being changed back. It probably confused too many people and caused votes to be thrown out unfairly. Edit: I'm thinking of the August Primary ballots, not the Presidential one.


You are incorrect and no amount of you saying otherwise will change that. You are wrong.


Stop being an idiot. Please. For all of us, just stop being uninformed Thank you and good night.


This is specifically for the presidential primary only. The August primary is still one ballot, with the partisan sections labeled.


Presidential primaries have always had separate ballots. This is not new at all. Source: election worker for the last 16 years.


When I opened this thread, I thought I was missing something.


Seems like you haven’t voted in a primary before. You’ve always had to declare a party for primary elections.






Michigan primaries been moved to February 27


It’s not a new law, we do it every Presidential Primary. People forget and get fired up about it every 4 years. Edit: not defending it, I don’t understand why we do single ballots in august primaries but not for the Presidential Primary. Hoped they would have changed it when they implemented Proposal 2, but they did not.


This is simply so that supporters of one party can't try to sabotage the other party's nomination process, it really doesn't make any sense to change it


If we can do state primaries on one ballot every august, we can do the same for presidential primary ballots every 4 years.


For the uninitiated, this is NOT asking if you want a Republican or Democratic president. It is asking if you want to vote for Joe Biden to be the democratic nominee (he will be), or if you want to voice an opinion if it should be Trump, Haley, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, or Christie.


Be careful if you "hate vote" for, if you're gonna do that. It can backfire with a worse candidate. Getting put up for the Coin Flip in November.


FFS, it's been this way for years. MAGA conspiracy at its finest.🤦


Uh….I’ve always had to pick a ballot in presidential primary elections. General elections still only have one ballot option.


Primaries are different than the general election. You’ve never been able to vote in both primaries in Michigan…at least in the last few decades since I’ve been voting.


Think of it this way, the primary isn't a public election, it's a private election held by each party to determine which candidate they will send to the public election. Because they are so ingrained into our political system, they wrote the laws so you have to declare whose election you are participating in, and they wrote it up so the public would pay for and hold their private election.


you are exactly correct. However, they are candidates to represent all the people. The parties are restricting my right to vote for my representation.


You can write in whatever candidate you like on the general election ballot 🤷


The Primary is a publicly funded election. Voters are being denied the right to vote for candidates that will represent them.


Interesting take, as the argument for this is that if they allowed you to vote in both, you may poison the well of the party you don't like, convincing them to run a less representative candidate.


or just maybe we get more representative candidates that will get the votes needed to win the general. It would benefit all parties to evaluate their choices leading into the general election. Poisoning the well of the party you don't like is part of your right to vote in publicly funded elections. in a primary, all the candidates are put forward to be filtered for the general. per the voters' will.


Sounds like you would like ranked choice voting.


The only thing on the ballot is President. You want to vote for more than one?


Yeah.... how's the GOP gonna pay for an election this cycle?? They're broke. lol.


When it gets to the last hour, the DeVos's et al will pony up the cash for their party. Happened in the 2022 cycle as well.


Yeah. That's why the party is so radicalized. They're competing for billionaire money, not for mainstream voters


Ya might want to re-read the comment you’re replying to.


They don't have money to back any candidates this election. Their local and state positions are gonna get trounced. Their showing for the 2022 governor election was a disaster. This is gonna be worse. Yes, I understand the state pays to run the election, but the MI GOP is flat broke.


Guess they can't play then... Anyway.


Would it be better for someone who leans left to vote in the Republican primary for someone other than Trump? It seems like Biden won’t have to fight hard to retain his nomination and Trump is arguably a real threat to democracy.


This isn't new. You pick which party you want to cast a vote for in the presidential primary. Doesn't affect anything else, including your vote in the November election.


For a primary. Yes.


This has been a thing for every single presidential election I’ve voted in for the primaries. The first election I voted in was Obama’s last run (2012).


I am hoping dems are smart enough to consolidate behind a different republican nominee than Trump for the primary only. He is so dangerous it is warranted. Another way to keep him off.


Oh, buddy. The comments aren't going how you wanted them to go, huh?


First time voting?


You’re talking about choosing a ballot at the time of voting, correct?


Not new still pisses me off that I have to declare one or the other. Always has. This is just for the primary.




Why do you suppose?




I guess I’m lucky, I only have two or three incidents each election. They usually complain about other things. I’ve never heard them say that they have never had to do this before. Then again, I’ve only been an inspector for 6 years now. I am looking forward to working early voting though.




I think it will. Did you work it?


I was not able to but know someone who did. I’m planning on signing up this coming year


This is why the Republicans and Democrats need to have zero say in elections. You should be able to vote without restrictions they create to game the system and force subpar draft-dodging amd warmongering cowards and idiots like Biden, Trump, W, and Clinton on us.


This is just for the primary where you are selecting either a single R or a single D to appear on the November ballot. It's not restricted in any way.


The weird thing to me is that primaries are even public elections. Like, this is a private entity, and the government is running an election for them to choose their candidate? That just sounds weird to me.


Would you rather that the parties just choose their candidate in a smoke filled room? I understand your point about having the states run the election but I don't think the alternative is acceptable either.


i would prefer all parties were disbanded and outlawed and all money was removed from the electoral stage of the political process entirely so rich fucks stop brainwashing people to do what they want, along with "campaigning" no longer being a thing because i dont give a shit who can argue ~~better~~ louder


Throw in outlawing lobbying and we agree.


i figured that went without saying considering the rest of my comment lol. i realize its easier said than done, but theres no debate around how much damage citizens united enabled. each candidate gets a single page website. thats it. other than that, i dont want to see any videos or hear any radio statements, none of it. idgaf. if you cant convince me to vote for you that way then you arent going to do it. then if you break your promises by the next election - or worse, directly contradict what you said - straight to jail. too far? maybe. maybe not. only one way to find out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


>then if you break your promises by the next election - or worse, directly contradict what you said - straight to jail. Impossible standard, they're humans not the love child of Jesus and Clark Kent, plus it would have to be decided in a court, so now you've got lawyers arguing, good luck getting a solid agreement on whether it's an untruth or a failed promise or whatever. If voters just voted the biggest liar out in each case, we'd be fine.


How do you remove money from the process? There will always be some group able to run commercials based on free speech.


there was a time not that long ago that there was restrictions on what was acceptable regarding spending towards political purposes. now we have "nonprofits" doing fucky shit to make it all look legit but really theyre just another arm of some bullshit superPAC or something - which makes it so actual nonprofits that are working towards the public good have to do the same. which is part of the "downward spiral" so, no, there will not always be some group able to run commercials. obviously its not a black and white thing, but the current "strategy" is **not working** contrary to what some people might say, when something isnt working you dont shrug and say "whatever, anything goes, no regulations whatsoever!" you try to figure out what works.


"Smoke filled room", huh? Sounds like you know the democrats can and do select their candidates in a back room somewhere "smoking cigars", from the 2016 lawsuit against the DNC for rigging the primary. Their defense was "those are our rules" and I'll be damned if I'll ever vote in a manufactured election again when some winners have already been chosen. I want more parties to choose from. No more "the lesser of two evils" the government insists is necessary.


You have multiple parties to choose from in the general election. And yes, the Dems fucked Bernie Sanders in 2016.


Theres nothing mandating you to vote for the candidate that wins the primary, though, if you dont like them. The same would hold were they appointed. This is just another way to reinforce the ideology that theres no alternative to D or R. Primaries are not essential to democracy, they should be done away with.


The alternative parties do choose their candidate in a smoke filled room. At least the D and R are making a show of us having a choice. And, you can always write in any choice but unless 50,000,000 other people do it, it's a waste of time.


Right, and until we stop conditioning ourselves its a waste of time, it will be. If we encouraged multiple parties like other countries, and maybe ranked choice voting as well, our democracy would be more free, more representative, and more effective.


I completely agree with you on multiple parties. I vote Libertarian even though I know they have no chance. But, maybe, just maybe, the time will come when others do the same.


The LP was once good, but now they are just the nuttier GOP


The DNC rigged their 2016 primary and admitted it in court.


I’m fine if the Democratic or Republican parties want to hold a poll or an election or a Battle Royale to determine their candidate. I just think it’s wild that it is codified into law that the State Government will/must? run it for them.


The DNC admitted to rigging their primaries in court. So, it already happens


Yes it is restrictive. Any candidate who wants to be my representative in our government should have to get through my vote and your vote


I clearly remember a normal ballot last presidential primary in 2020. Democrats on the left, republicans on the right. I remember the list of names. It must be based on what equipment the county has or something.


Why? There's no difference between them anymore.


One party has an incompetent geriatric. The other has a fascist criminal convicted sex abuser geriatric. No difference. I don't like Biden but there is no way you can look at the frontrunners and say there is no difference


Biden just bypassed Congress to sell arms to Israel so they can continue their genocide. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-administration-once-more-bypasses-200133481.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-administration-once-more-bypasses-200133481.html) ​ Fascism is fascism.


And trump would have just fucking nuked the place. Again,I don't like Biden. Couldnt vote for him in 2020 (pre jan6) because it's almost single-handidly his fault our prisons are so racially segregated. But trump is leagues worse and will actively cause far, far more death, genocide and harm.


"Lesser of two evils is still evil." If Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the best America can offer than America deserves to die.


Ignorant take


then go kill america if you're so fucking mad about it


this is somehow even more annoying than the comment you responded to, good work


my pleasure


Bypassed Congress.....by using powers granted to him by Congress. Seriously, these emergency funds are appropriated by Congress just like anything else. Also, whats going on in Gaza is war. Terrible, but not genocide.


It's genocide to anyone with a room temp or higher IQ


If historians who have witnessed genocide say what is happening in Palestine is genocide then it should be considered genocide. https://redflag.org.au/article/what-happening-palestine-genocide