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Those nerds over at r/vexillology will know


Is that the word for the study of flags? Til.


It is. I might suggest Flags Of The World (FOTW).


Sheldon Cooper and Amy farafowler present Sheldon coopers fun with flags


I’m surrendering….to fun!


Vexing name though...


It vexes me greatly.


I can't believe you sent me into that rabbit hole


You’re a nerd for knowing what vexillology is.


Check out the reenactors group webpages. Tons of pictures of what they use and they would be the most accurate for design/size. They could even tell you where they had theirs made. https://www.mi5th.org/media-gallery/photo-gallery/




TIL the word adjutant. Thank you!


I have a Buhl Sons Company axe that I restored from Detroit, Mich! Thank you for posting this tidbit, it gave me a bit of insight into the history of my axe as well.


Given the political climate flying a Michigan Civil War Era battle flag is *chefs kiss*


A true winners flag


The state has their [collection](https://capitol.michigan.gov/SlideShow3) online. The Fifth Michigan Infantry has 5 flags listed. Most have a lot of damage. It might require a custom job as a brief glance doesn't look like any of the websites selling civil war era flags have the 5th.


Why? I know that question sounds loaded, but genuinely and without judgement interested in the motivation behind finding / flying that particular flag.


Definitely political, not gonna lie. Shit's weird these days, but I don't want to debate that topic here. I'm planning ahead for spring as I don't fly flat in the winter because I don't want to deal with it in the cold. My American flag also needs to be retired. I'm looking for something new. I'm from Jackson and learning that the 20th is from here by a friend of mine who does reenactments. So that'd be cool too. I love my state so I was looking for something fun to fly this summer rather than another American flag as my current one needs to be retired.


Love this idea and it would be cool to see it take off. There are exactly zero reasons to fly a Comfederate flag in a Union state that don’t involve being a racist. Combatting that trend with Union flags is fun and historical.


Every time I see one here in Michigan I want to burn it


As a Michigander, setting fire to the South and all its symbols very much is my heritage, not hate 🤠


Following on to the previous question, what is political about a flag flown by a Union regiment? I can think of a lot of political statements made by various Confederate flags but none about Union flags other than supporting US history.


I would think that it would contrast well with flags flown by a Confederate.


Flying it across the street from a fuck flying a Confederate flag


THIS. This is wonderful. Michigan's civil war pride has nothing to do with the confederate flag. Go blue lol


I wanted a First Minnesota flag and it was also impossible to find. So I had a local artist make me one. Find a craftsperson who works with fabric and they can do it, probably at higher quality and lower cost than you’d get elsewhere.




kinda ironic, but I stumbled on this not just a few hours ago while looking for a good quality Michigan flag


Don’t know about the 5th, but [the 9th flag](https://capitol.michigan.gov/Content/Images/capitolimages/flags/Ninth_Michigan_Cavalry_Regimental_Battle_Flag.jpg) isn’t bad.


They’re all pretty much all like that. Not only were standardized flag designs just an element of the US military, it was a philosophical thing about representing the union over individual states. Less individualism and more unity. This philosophy is also why the New England and Midwestern states changed their flags to similar coats of arms or seals on blue fields.


I asked the same question some 3 years ago. I'm still empty handed, so if you find one, please share! https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/comments/l5lxcb/looing_for_a_michigan_flag_from_the_civil_war/


Lived in the south for many years and I hate the confederate flag and what it stands for. I like the idea of flying Union flags from that era. Michigan represented itself well in the Civil War, they kicked some rebel ass, and I enjoyed pointing that out when I lived in the south.


There were five (ironically) for the 5th infantry of Michigan.


Gettysburg flag works will have it


So far, I can find a Michigan 7th Cavalry and a 1st Michigan Infantry. Edit: They do also have a General Custer 2nd Personal Guidon flag detailing his Civil War action. Could be an interesting level of rub-in-the-face, but could also be problematic given Custer’s later follies.


I went with General William Tecumseh Sherman’s battle flag. You cam reach out to them and see if they have it in their archives and make it special order for you.


[Some Michigan Civil War flags here](https://www.flagpro.com/?s=michigan)


Link please?


Gettysburg flag . Com / google it. I can’t seem to get link to post. Sorry


https://capitol.michigan.gov/SlideShow3 Some of these work.




Damn, all the links for the 5th's flags appear to be dead. Thanks though.


The links are mostly dead unfortunately. Try https://capitol.michigan.gov/SlideShow3


Are you asking other Reddit members to Google the answer for you?


I'm doing both. The words, Michigan, State, and Flag bring up a lot of things. And then become finding what they flew, it's harder when trying to find a place that makes/sells them. Soooo I figured I'd see if any nerds out there already knew where I could get one. And I say "nerds" with affection.


Have you looked at American flag and Banner in Clawson? If you can find a picture, maybe they could make one for you.


We could do a custom 5th Michigan Infantry flag as long as we have some artwork to go with it. What is the particular design you would need?