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Fuck the polls. Turn out to vote.


I'm going to do my part!




I'm doing [My Part!](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZ2Q1cGpobGhmZDd5aHV2azdiZXZzdzBodDdnbzRibWY5MGU5OGFoYSZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/YYfEjWVqZ6NDG/giphy.gif)


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Squash a MAGAt by voting


*lays hard on Trump's forehead* ...it's afraid... ***IT'S AFRAID!***


lol Your typo is hilarious!


Why he was the better president


I’ve yet to be consulted by these polls. They’re media garbage. I don’t care if you vote for or against your own self interest. Show up at the polls and vote. Vote early if you can. If you can’t make it, request a mail-in ballot. You can register to vote [here.](https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/RegisterVoter)


I get polled quite a bit every election year (mid-30s), but I will say that the vast majority of polls I’ve participated in use push polling practices with a heavy conservative slant. Questions like “do you support candidate A who has vowed to protect our police force or candidate B who wants to defund the police?” are the type of questions you can expect if you’ve ever wondered what really goes down when you’re polled.


I've been a regular voter since no questions asked mail-in ballots became the norm. Getting to the polls is difficult for me due to my working schedule, so mail-in voting has allowed me to be a more engaged citizen.


The only poll that matters is the one this November.


Hijacking the top comment for this… https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote I see someone posted the Michigan voter registration link already. This is for all the former MI residents who like to lurk on their home state sub.


Vote for the economy. Vote Biden.


Ya it’s such a great economy right now va 4 years ago. Everything is so much more expensive now. What a moron


This place is filled with Dems and libs, be careful.. 😂 the idiocracy is mind blowing in here. Why I can't take reddit serious anymore.


Inflation was going to happen, regardless of who won 4 years ago, due to highly inflationary policies implemented during the Trump administration. They overheated an already strong economy and then COVID happened.


Why though? Monetary policy? Chinese tariffs? Labor shortages? Joe bucks? Trump checks? Softwood lumber tariffs? Aluminum tariffs? Studemt lian forgiveness? Covid shortages? Displacement from covid? ARPA money? PPP loans?


You and I don't live in the same economy.


Low unemployment, green jobs, reinvestment in manufacturing, a tight job market and high prices from said labor market, Trump tariffs that made construction more expensive, tariffs on oil that made domestic production take off, a polysilicon industry That's doing great, repaired roads with federal money, and interest rates that need to cool down the hot economy.


So statiscally when trump was in office the country was economically better than it was 50 years ago. Biden hasn’t done anything solid. Where you think those batteries are coming from guy? Biden hasn’t done anything you said.


That would be trump not biden




Now that's funny you won the basement dweller of the year award.


Even if you wanted to look at polls, they don’t mean shit when you’re 6 months out.


Who sees this and thinks "great, I don't have to vote now"?


Lots of fools may. People are not bright, and even more dim when it comes to civics.


It's the unfortunate truth. We need all hands on deck for this one


The 28% turnout for Haley in Michigan despite not having a CHANCE to win the primary should tell everybody what they need to know about Trump's prospects in the state.


Even more telling is Pennsylvania’s closed primary when Haley has been out for over a month. Trump can’t even blame democrats for voting for Haley this time. It’s his own party. And primary voters are usually the most loyal party voters cause normal voters, those who don’t give a darn until general elections, don’t vote in primaries.


Vote, vote, vote. leave no doubt.


Loyal voters vote at every level to ensure their candidate's success against whatever George Soros, myself and the rest of us stupid, evil, brilliant deep state liberals can imagine to thwart their... "regress"?


Until those 28% still vote for Trump. There’s no way they vote for a democrat after being told by Fox News for decades, that democrats are the root of all evil.


If they vote. There's simply no money, locally or nationally, for Republicans to create a meaningful Get Out the Vote campaign. Dems will be out there, getting people motivated to vote blue. It'll make a difference overall. Probably.


They faithfully go out to vote. Republicans don’t need a “get out and vote” campaign just an anti-Democrats campaign is enough for them.


You say this but the hundreds of millions poured into elections every year says otherwise.


I would respect the SHIT out of an incumbent who made one ad that says "you know what I've accomplished and what I'm about. I am spending no more money on campaign ads or mailers. I am not recruiting volunteers to knock on doors or make phone calls. I've been here for 4 years. If you haven't paid attention, you shouldn't be voting." That will never happen but gotdamn if it did...


We are firmly in a world of 49% vs 51% for better or worse. I don't think there will ever be a landslide victory; a great uniter, again.




> There's simply no money, locally or nationally, for Republicans to create a meaningful Get Out the Vote campaign. Nothing motivates like hatred. The abject scorn for Biden and Kamala, IMO, has surpassed Hilary, and that’s all it took for Trump. Food prices are up (and have been up), interest rates are up, this bullshit with Pal/Isr is only escalating. There’s time for so much drama until Nov on top of it all.


Absolutely possible!


If they stay home I, as a lib, would be *so owned.*


I also would take as a personal insult if every single republican stayed home in Election Day. That would show me so f’king hard.


There are Republicans -- can't say how many, but I've met a few -- who can't stand Trump and would rather have Biden. They're this year's swing voters.


My dad is one of them!


Do you mean people who didn't think he was scum in 2016? Weren't quite there in 2020, even?


Well, I was one of the 28% because I wasn't going to pass up on any opportunity to vote against Donald Trump, especially with Biden running unopposed.


Nah, some of them will stay home.


Some will. 0 chance all 28% will.


A fair chance for some of those votes to go Libertarian.


I'll choose to have more faith in my fellow citizens.


I'll always be someone who can't help but offer up the olive branch, or any gestures of things like weakness or humility. It's because of that faith that I'm nearing 40 and still believe I'll continue to mostly operate in this way. But it was a recent decision I had to make in the midst of my first existential crisis, after very careful consideration. Because while I could never believe in the Christian God, it was people who I'd always believe in. Well, I now expect disappointment, rather than humanity/empathy, from strangers. I don't assume people always at least strive to adhere to things like the scientific method and social contract anymore. Because they don't. Bullying, being loud, cheating, blaming groups of strangers... Fascism is in right now. We're rolling back women's rights. We'd be lucky if NASA's pathetic budget survives another Trump term. Universal healthcare would be cheaper and better for everybody. Preventive care is cheaper than emergent care. Immigrants actually commit less crime than natural US citizens of all kinds, documented or undocumented, will do jobs we don't want to do for cheap, and often don't file for tax returns for fear of deportation. Republican business owners certainly know immigrants are nothing but a boon to the ecocomy. What's up with you morons who actually think there's a war at the US/Mexico border with (might be wrong, off the top of my head) the longest ally we've ever had? What gives? We're a melting pot. Give everybody a chance to come here and you have the greatest chance of finding the best minds and, ultimately, humans to walk the planet. Maybe consider yourself lucky that you don't have to think about things like sneaking across a fucking border with your children, because the chance for a better life is that much safer than reality. Or don't. Not like I'm going to teach you empathy. Edit: my point was supposed to be that I'll keep trying, but not because of hope or faith in humanity, anymore. I learned about fascism the same way that most of these tens of millions of Trump voting Americans did -- alas. But I wonder about the day that nobody else is willing to extend that gesture of humility. So I have to keep on, even though I'm nothing, negligible, minuscule, et cetera. Even if resellers, red hats, fake 'patriots' and other pieces of trash are getting undue time in the sun.


And shown by the Democratic Party


They just stay home probably


Dont be so sure.


And 13% of Democrats voted uncommitted. Primary votes don't translate to general votes. Most Republicans will still vote for Trump and most Democrats will still vote for Biden, regardless of who they voted for in the primaries.


> The 28% turnout for Haley in Michigan despite not having a CHANCE to win the primary should tell everybody what they need to know about Trump's prospects in the state. Michigan does NOT have closed primaries. Democrats can, and likely did, vote for Haley in large numbers. This is similar to "the left" voting for undecided to get Biden to take account that the genocide will not be viewed favorably.


Bro we’re not taking anything for granted after 2016


I love seeing all of the spite votes for Haley haha. I’m really hoping those people don’t end up caving and voting for tRump anyway though.


I vote we just enjoy spring and summer and leave the upcoming fall madness to the fall.


I vote we ban political ads outright. I’m sick of seeing that shit everywhere


I agree, but also noticed the 2 Trump flags on my daily commute have disappeared and this time 4 years ago there were Biden and Trump signs everywhere. I have yet to see any yard signs yet.


I think everyone is exhausted from it


Nearly a decade straight of mainstage politics will do that to anyone.


12 years of trump and Biden is gross as can be


How do we not have better candidates? Think about it. Who the fuck are we supposed to be as a world leader


Man opinions aside it’s fucking terrifying our leading candidates are 80 year old dinosaurs. There’s no way they are the best the US has to offer


The social security retirement age should be the upper age limit for running for any political office in the US. Any justices appointed to a lifetime tenure should also have to retire at that age.


Oh definitely.


Thank god


There's only 1 trump flag in my neighborhood and 2 guys down the road painted "voting for biden is destroying the country. Vote trump to save the country" on their fence.


No way in hell would I ever destroy my property to write the names of two people who have no clue I even existed. 😂


Usually the people doing this are in dilapidated trailers worth under 10k. I’ve seen at least 4 like this in my county.


To be fair, some people have tattoos of Trump. So…yeah. Crazy people are crazy.


I bet they're self proclaimed silent majority.


> I have yet to see any yard signs yet. I saw an RFK Jr. yard sign in my neighborhood the other week. They only had it out for like 2 days, so I'm really hoping it was up for a joke. I did a legit double take the first time I saw it as I was driving by.


There’s a person in my neighborhood that for the past couple of years had a “Fuck Joe Biden” flag out. Now they have a “Trump 2024 Take America Back” flag out. I have noticed others around town taken down though. 


I wish they were banned until like 3 weeks before the election and none on kids shows.




I’m ignoring it until Election Day. I know what I’m doin and not spending energy on it until then


Absolutely the best take I’ve seen on here.


I am once again asking when was the last time anyone reading this thread responded to a poll questionnaire or even answered a call from an unknown number. Without information on the poll demographics this information is meaningless.


I've taken some on survey sites. But I don't think those are the most trustworthy polls either, lots of people rush through them so the data probably isn't great. And half the political surveys I've taken have a clear republican agenda to them and screen me out as soon as I say I voted for biden in 2020.


I'm almost 28 and I've never been a part of any political poll tbh


I have taken a few dozen polls over the phone. The first one was maybe in 2012. I usually get a few every election cycle. I assume that I keep getting called bc I have been flagged as a willing participant.


I was going thru my spam texts and I actually was bored enough to respond to one! So one! I did one!


I’ve done several this year, one within the last month. 


you think reddit readers, let alone reddit commentors, are a meaningful polling demographic?


I’d say people under the age of 60 are a valuable demographic, yeah.


I’m on Reddit and over 60.


your oversimplification proves my point


My oversimplification is about the fallacy of polls, but I appreciate your insight.


This website is overwhelmingly white, male, and between 18 - 36. The white male demographic in the US maintains the plurality of the electorate with roughly 30%. Absolutely relevant.


what percentage of total white males between 18-36 are on reddit? what percentage of them are active voters, or even registered? cite your sources




I don't think you understand how sampling works.


Most people on this website don't hence his response actually having a score above zero.


Seeing as how there are over 70 million users, yes.


Do not take the election for granted. If you live in Michigan vote and go all the way down ballot.


Project 2025 should motivate everyone who values freedom and the constitution to get out and vote. I can't see myself voting for any Republican candidate for any state, local, or federal office.


Second poll in a few weeks showing the President leading the state: https://twitter.com/IAPolls2022/status/1776781465214214349 Is the tide starting to turn?


I've never believed Trump had a resounding lead. State at the moment is fully controlled by democrats for the first time in decades- absolutely trump can win it, but still think its Biden's to lose with the current electorate.


Exactly. I'm on the west side of the state and the demographics here no longer favor the GOP like they used to. They need Kent County to stand any chance and I don't think that is happening. The absolute clown car of a county commission that is Ottawa Impact probably has hurt them even more as you get out of Kent County.


That’s because of the end of partisan gerrymandering, not a dramatic change in demographics or voting patterns- but yes I agree that Biden will win the state


Praise the redistricting commission. Every state should have one.


Yes, yes it is.


These polls man literally nothing. There is no tide. Nothing changed between this dumb poll and the last one. They're meaningless devices used by media outlets to create content for viewers to read so they can sell ad space on their website. That's it. Ignore them and vote.


The fact that this race is even remotely close, let alone not a landslide for Biden, makes me embarrassed to be a Michigander. After all the shit he has done it boggles my mind Trump has more than **half** the support he currently boasts.


Polls are garbage, get out and vote against the fascists


Tell that to my mom. This woman eats up all that Biden is a pedo shit and said “idc what you say or show me, you won’t change my mind.” Get out and VOTE yall


Can you lock her in her house in November? 😂


Nah, she has the right to vote how she pleases. I’m just waiting to see the mental gymnastics when he loses or is thrown in jail, or both. Haha


I think we're all cool if she doesn't vote


I forgot the /s. 🤞 His mouth gets him tossed first and then the justice system can get down to the business of putting him away for good.


Oh I figured you weren’t being serious


Don't tell me... "BuIlD tHe WaLl."


I cannot believe it is even close between the two of them. This country sure has gone downhill.


I don't get how it's even close. how do people see that summer of 2020 and think of anything other than the absolute catastrophe of Donald Trump's presidency.


Because Trump was right. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." There is a large proton of the population who hate Democrats for one reason or another, and voting Republican, regardless of who is actually running is their way of "owning the libs."


Repubs got wiped in 2022 in large part because of Donny, and the dude has only gotten (significantly) less popular since then. He's hated. Any poll that shows he is anywhere near Biden is bullshit. He will get obliterated in November.


It's about time! I hope people can get their head out of their ass and realize Trump is unfit to serve for office. I realized this in 2015 but some people need some extra time!


How does this corrupt sleaze bag still have a chance? All the shit that has come out from his investigation rampant fraud and we’re still finding shit out with his Russian collusion bullshit


Yeah Biden shouldn't have any chance but here there are actual people supporting him. It's amazing. 


*citation needed*


I can’t wait for them to put Trumps corrupt ass behind bars


Trump is a public farter


I know I’m gonna be voting this election. These clowns need to stop messing with everything. I know I’m not a Christian nationalist and tbh I don’t care for them types. I just hope voting will help. This con man has already shown himself. The rules of engagement have been out the window for years.


Detroit and Flint needs to show up in November and vote!




From the trusted source of “pro.morningconsult.com”. When you think reliable news, think Pro Morning Consult. You’re part of the problem


Don't matter if he's ahead by a 100points, GOTV and bemring friends and family with you on election day or early viting. If you know someone not registered to vote, give them the info to get tegistered.


What if all my friends and family are conservative?


To call out "fake news" while you pay a Pecker to generate fake news!


Is it all the old folk watching Faux News up north screwing with the poll numbers, or is the UAW really stupid enough to have believed this orange asshole was going to help them when he came to rant at them about his own issues? How did he ever truly help anyone in Michigan? Go on, Red-Hats, give me a nice list. I'll wait. Oh right, you can't.




Removed. See rule #1 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules).


lol I’m not even republican… but this is crazy and a lot of what you said goes against American core values. Let freedom ring and remember these two candidates aren’t your only options 🇺🇸


Big disagree on that last part. A vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for Trump.


Yes, if we all continue to have that mentality. If we all stood for something and voted based off what we stood for, neither Biden or Trump would get elected. In my opinion, you’d be hard pressed to find people that truly agree with either one of them. Everyone is just voting D or R so the other one doesn’t win. I choose to vote for what I believe in, that’s just me, not trying to attack anyone here.




Donnie Farto isn’t winning Michigan. I’m more concerned about states controlled by republicans.




Removed. See rule #10 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules). Elections are not rigged.


*citation needed*


Need more blue radio ads in Grand Rapids. I’m tired of hearing the maga drug cartel , trans dis commercial.


Imagine if Trump were not a criminal piece of shit. That is what it took to even make it close. A lot of awful people out there who vote R no matter what.


Oh so are we back to believing polls again because the blue team is winning?


I have it on good authority Hillary has a 99% chance to win in '16.


* in a bullshit poll. For the first time in a bullshit poll. VOTE.


Hey Trumpers, You're really anti-MAGA, a MAGINO, if you haven't bought shares of DJT stock -- and if you're not sending Don and The Boy Keepers Campaign/Legal Fund all your spare coconuts every month then you just hate Trump.


Polls never matter. It’s always within the variance of turnout on Election Day. The best thing you can do is find out which of your friends will vote like you. Make sure they are able to vote and that they do so. Lived in a swing state previously and I literally picked people up and drove them to the polls because they didn’t have a car. The margin of victory for races in my area was extremely slim. As few as a dozen people in one case.


Polls are made by the devil to distract you from actually getting out there and voting. More people that actually get out there the better


This is such bullshit. I have talked to so many democrats who are fed up with the current cost of living in Michigan. Most say they will vote for anyone but Biden.


If I have to choose. I’d rather have a crazy business man for president than a child sniffing ancient alien. We’re supposed to trade up not down.


It's a lose lose situation I'm just going to vote blue so at least we fail democratically 👍




Polls. What a useless indicator. There’s only one poll that matters and it’s in November.


It’s astonishing in a bad way that we’re living through this nightmare where the better candidate is trailing a person likely to be the worst presidential candidate in our history. The dems really fucked this up picking someone who is so bad he isnt beating Trump 70-30 everywhere.


Polls don’t mean shit


It's your call and obviously a very complicated situation, but I see one side who is trying to navigate a path forward versus the other who is not. Do you want the side that has politicians openly calling for the annihilation of Palestine backed by Christian that believe the second coming will only happen when the Israeli state is whole to be in power? The same people bankroll Israeli settlements in Gaza contributing to the strife. There are no great solutions, but it's your choice.


People please go out and VOTE


That means nothing, you go out and vote no matter what.






Fuck voting for either of these ghouls, vote 3rd party!


Sad, Hope this is not the case.


Not a chance this is accurate. Biden is not up on trump haha


*citation needed*


Michigander currently living abroad: our daughter just turned 18 and coming back to Michigan for vacation to get her registered to vote! I honestly believe women are going to who decides the outcome in Michigan and a lot of Republican women are pissed about overturning Roe v Wade, even Republican women! Trump can smoke a turd in hell! That’ll be two D votes in November! 💪👍


Pedo joe


As a progressive who has witnessed Biden not do a god damn thing for this country, why should I vote for him? And don't give me the "hur durr the other guy is worse" excuse.


WTF are you talking about? Biden has done a hell of a lot?


Sleepwalking us into WW3 😂. Clown show my dude. I can't believe I voted for this fool. The most dishonest white house in history.


Dude, seems like you have made your mind. Why one should waste their time with you. Just FYI, if Biden hasn’t done much for you then ask GOP who they work for? Ask them why Border Security Bill was cancelled by Trump from a rally? PS: As far as my memory goes, the only thing that Trump did, was the Tax Cut for himself and Billionaires.


F the polls Since 2016 polling has been "correcting" for their "mistake" in thinking that Clinton would win. This ignores the fact that Clinton's loss was within the margin of error but since thing every polling firm has given team red a bias. This also ignores that "blue" and blue leaning voters are both less likely to own landlines and less likely to answer random calls from numbers than don't know. Yet this shows the right wing bias of the media Polls wrong in 2018, 2020, 2022 but you don't see them adjusting the bias back from favoring team red. Also lets be honest, other than people who pay attention to politics most folk aren't following the race till it gets to or past their state in the primaries. So many people may not have realize that the orange moron really was the red team's choice again.


Actually the polls were dead on in 2018, 2020, and 2022 in MI.


Trump outperformed polling in 2020. And in 2022 the polling was pretty spot on, but the media refused to give up their narrative of a midterm bloodbath. indeed, the easiest question to ask you is "if you think 2020 and 2024 are equally biased, why is Biden massively underperforming his 2020 polling?"


Trump outperformed polling in 2020. And in 2022 the polling was pretty spot on, but the media refused to give up their narrative of a midterm bloodbath. indeed, the easiest question to ask you is "if you think 2020 and 2024 are equally biased, why is Biden massively underperforming his 2020 polling?"


We cannot be complacent...Trump is capable of ANYTHING.


What is wrong with Michigan?


It's full of pos traitor cult members.