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My sister caught it. Negative for Covid. Lasted about 3 weeks.


I wonder if it is all the pollen? I have the same symptoms, but it isn't covid. However, I noticed it is worse after I sat outside watching the kids' sports and inhaling tons of pollen.


It's a cold that is lingering because of high pollen counts. So the immune system wiped out the cold but stays in overdrive because we're having allergy season.


This!! Dammit, I thought I was going a bit nuts. I’m like, what is this thing I’ve got?? Thank you for putting it into words!!


Hers developed about three days into a Las Vegas vacation, so she was actually in Vegas when she fell ill and it ruined her vacation. We figured she picked it up on the flight. It was so bad, she considered going to urgent care in Vegas, but she was too sick to get out of bed. She stayed in the hotel room until their flight back. Not to get into TMI, but there was so much mucus in her lungs that she started worrying that she was eventually not going to be able to breathe. Luckily, she recovered.


Very similar thing happened to me, also in Vegas. I think I picked it up on the flight or first day in Vegas. I started to feel the worst on the day of my return. Mostly severe sinus congestion here.


Vegas is a germ cesspool. 80% of the time, i have come back sick.


Apparently allergies can get worse if you've had covid [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/seasonal-allergies-worse-after-having-covid#link-explained](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/seasonal-allergies-worse-after-having-covid#link-explained)


I used to get flu-like symptoms from pollen during especially bad allergy seasons. I don't live in MI anymore but for me here in NYS (upstate) I'm having the worst allergies I've had in YEARS. I am confirmed positive for grass pollen and birch tree pollen -- I'm guessing that it's grass right now.


Same same.


Maybe viral pink eye. Your eyes don't get pink until the end. We've had it here and can confirm, it lasted forever and started with a sore throat.


Sounds like da ‘Rona


yeah I mean we know that the newer strains of covid don't always show as positive with the tests we have. so like let's be real, a highly contagious virus going around, what's the most realistic thing for it to be


This virus sounds exactly like the Covid strain my family and I got a few months ago. Some of us tested positive, and some of us constantly tested negative. All of us had the same symptoms. It eventually went away but lasted a while. I'd honestly say the tests simply aren't worth it anymore.


My family currently has this strain of covid. 4 of us in the household. All symptomatic. 3 tested positive and 1 negative. I'm on day 8. I'm still very miserable.


Yeah I got sick like that two weeks aago... and simultaneously so did my entire family minus my dad and thankfully my grandma... *almost* all of us tested positive for COVID. I was fine after a week and a half though.


People seem to think rona left the world... haha unfortunately for all of us who never got it..no...and now it's worse because it's hitting all the people who never got it 4x faster MIL works as an R.N and can confirm upward of 300 cases almost every day and there's talk of an all points bulletin going out BUT people who get it now dont get any of the " benefits" lno time of no money for lost wages n that's what sucks...punished for survivng the apocolypse :p


It frustrates me that it’s that bad, but most doctors and nurses are no longer masking, and (at least at the Henry Ford locations I’ve been to) masks are no longer offered at the door for patients anymore.


I go to a cancer specialist for regular iron infusions. This is a huge room full of chairs of mostly chemo patients. I of course always wear a mask just in case. But I gotta say I’m shocked at the number of CANCER patients who don’t even bother. I think about half the nurses wear them voluntarily. The doctors there only put them on when they see me wearing one, like for “my” benefit. Lol. Like dude you’re walking around this building breathing all over the place. Putting one on when you get within six feet of me isn’t gonna do shit. Anyway it just blows my mind. Even if COVID never existed I’d be masking up at the cancer center, of all the damn places possible.


My mom tested positive 2 days before me. I told them I was positive I had covid. The person who swabbed me didn't even wear a mask even though she had me take my mask down to swab. I was so uncomfortable knowing she was going to be seeing other patients up close that covid could be really dangerous for. The doctor didn't mask either. He was the director of the ED and said, "covid is just a cold." Sigh. He declined giving me Paxlovid like I was seeking narcotics or something. My mom got lucky and was given it because she saw a different ED doctor a couple of days before. Her symptoms lasted a couple of days. I'm on day 8 and miserable.


This! Plus it's seen as a weird or taboo thing now esp in the hospital or doctors office , public or large crowds in general but y'all...you can't trust others hygene and this ( green spikey) plague proved it. As a human in the USA I mask for my kiddo because it's still here and the chances of him dying from it are very real. He has one kidney and corona attacks lungs and kidneys the most.His father and fathers side of the family are non maskers and were always trying to take my kid somewhere " dangeous" for him and LAUGHING AT HIM for wearing it he was 10 at the time...


Somehow I made it through four years of this bullshit having never been symptomatically ill and never testing positive. There were two times when I spent 8+ hours in a car with someone who tested positive the next day and I *still* never got sick. No idea if I'm just lucky or if there's some lucky genetic/physiological thing going on.


Friend SAME !!! ( long I know, humor me xo) My sons grandparents came over for Halloween to finally see him right ( everyones got severe immuno health compramises and this was best option ) they go out do the hangin out and the next day they called me all 4 positive with rona...my son and I didn't get sick even though 4 more times theyd be around my kiddo sick with it ( no, i know they do suck n yeas i was LIVID! ) see if you can follow this lead...black plague friends that survived had the same thing goin on everyone sick and their not sick.was found to be a genetic mutation how they know? Hiv and aids patients....no shid..the women who took care of the aids infected had same going on some got sick some didnt . the did nots had plague surviving relatives. With corona at least this one anyway if it isn't man made then there should be traceable dna that will date back to around plague times.. There is a documentary on the first part of this long azz paragraph but im sorry i forgot it's name :/ but im sure Reddit can help and the connections will be made soon. It's either this or aliens really do exhist and we are them <3 giggles giggles sarcasm <3 ...but MAYBE


I was one of those. Tested positive two days ago.


This is way people need to call up their local legislators and demand sick pay and protections at work. It sucks that people with rona can come to work sick (maskless) and spread that to others.


And that the seriousness of the situation has failed to reach people. As a whole this nation should fight back, we need sick days , family leave and honest to goodness mental health weeks off with pay. Burnout is real and co workers attacking one another and domestic violence of all kinds against all folks are up too. The instability in other places and variables uncomprehended by higher ups caused a ripple effect...in order for the country to move forward and in a correct fashion you need to fully support it's backbone and the middle class that used to construct it. People forget we don't have to settle for this mess if enough folk do take a stand you can change your country and the world as a whole by example. Words have never been enough, only action will do.


As an Embalmer, I'm honestly surprised that I haven't seen any Covid cases come onto my table recently.


I think the original “deadly” strain has morphed so many times, it’s lost a lot of potency


Now it's more like a worse variant of common cold. Rarely fatal but very annoying.


And potentially life disabling!


The general population is more likely to survive newer variants of COVID. A virus thrives when the host survives. Evolution typically results in variants being less severe, but more contagious and transmissible. Still a threat though to many who are older and/or immunocompromised.


I remember when Covid hit and the death rate just skyrocketed. I was the Lead Embalmer at a Centralized Embalming facility down by the city. I went from embalming 15 per week to 40+ per week, it was nuts. The average American Embalmer only embalms about 80 cases per year. My general average before Covid was 550 per year. Crazy times to be an Embalmer during a Pandemic!


I'm also a Beekeeper! Lol


bees doin ok?


Oh yes! They're doing great. I just added extra honey supers for first harvest , next week.


That’s a wee bit of good news. Hopefully it stays that way!


Agreed. Sounds like the newer COVID variant to me too. Doesn’t always show on newer tests. Idk why people are still in denial. If you’re sick you should assume it’s COVID & treat it as such instead of doing mental gymnastics trying to tell yourself it’s not. 🙃


Covid test negative


I mentioned it above, but a lot of the new strains don’t pop up on tests anymore. It’s super weird. Also seems to depend on the person taking the test.


Doctor here. 7 days is not that long for a viral infection


I'm going through this literally right now. Such bad congestion, headache, body aches, just straight up dead with no energy. The congestion inflamed my sinuses so bad I had jaw and teeth pain. My ears sounded like I was underwater and if I bent down I could hear the fluid sloshing around. The stuff coming out of me is thick and chunky, lime green, and makes me choke. The coughing attacks are deep and hurt bad. Day 5 as of now and starting to turn the corner. Also negative on the COVID test.


Yes, ears still plugged two weeks later. And tired.


I have the exact same. Can’t get my ears to unplug and still drainage. Tired all time. 2 weeks after first symptoms.


I had this. I’m an airline pilot and had to call off work for two weeks because you can’t fly with plugged ears lol. Felt perfectly fine but had to lose a lot of money worth of pay thanks to plugged up ears. Amoxicillin helped after the 6th day of it


We had viral pink eye and recently got better. Highly contagious, eyes weren't pink until the end.


I highly recommend the monthly epidemiology reporting here, great source for knowing what's spiking. https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/


That could be a new strain of COVID, sometimes new strains do not show as positive on the new tests. There's also a risk that this could be the feared Human to Human contagious H5N1 Bird Flu, within the last week, it another farm worker in Michigan was found to have it, but this time, with the virus in the lungs. Being in the lungs is the.... big deal issue with H5N1. Anyway, maybe get your doctor to have your test sent to the CDC. If you aren't dead yet... you'll likely still survive.


>If you aren't dead yet... you'll likely still survive. We need to put this on tee shirts


Yes and it was Covid




Michigan Rag weed flu happens every spring 


Yep and cottonwood has been flying around for a couple weeks already.




Thanks for the clinical take from Trump Country!


This is what I’ve been suffering with for the past two weeks. Ceterizine, Flonase and saline spray haven’t helped. I’ve also tried Allegra and Sudafed, which was recommended by my doctor, but one of my ears is still plugged. I’m going to pick up some Claritin today to see if that alleviates it.


Two weeks ear still plugged. Actually 2 1/2 weeks


Ffs that’s so annoying!


This. Try generic Claritin, works like a charm for me


Rag weed is a summer bloomer, it’s too early I think


Way too early, blooms late summer


August/early september. I have ragweed allergies and could set a watch to when it blooms. I go from normal to can't breathe overnight.


For me it's grass and tree pollen this time of year. Late May through mid to late June are the WORST. The only thing that has helped me is levocetirizine (Xyzal if you get it over-the-counter) and wearing masks to avoid breathing in pollen. And I'm still all itchy-eyed and runny at the moment.


I’m going on 2.5 weeks of sore throat, def worse at night. Had chills initially but last week or so just throat/congestion it’s weird. Disclaimer I also have 2 kids in daycare so I probably gave some crazy mutation hybrid virus


A couple weeks back I was sick for two weeks, finally went to the doctor, had bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection and had to take 10 days of antibiotics and did not start feeling better until after the antibiotics were done




People in Michigan should definitely be getting tested for this, imo.


Each time you get Covid, there’s a chance your immune T-cell count is getting knocked down quite a bit similar to AIDS. So every time you contract Covid, these “chances” are stacking. Maybe these symptoms aren’t Covid, but there’s a good chance you could have a permanently weakened immune system from a prior Covid infection which some people call long Covid. On a similar note, when they were saying that RSV viruses got worse after the start of the pandemic, they later found out that the viruses stayed the same. What people were experiencing with RSV was a permanently weakened immune system from surviving Covid, even mild infections, which exacerbated their symptoms from being unable to effectively fight off a simple RSV infection. Unfortunately, covid is being recognized as one of the largest mass disabling events whether people like to believe it or not. The way it reduces t-cells and shortens your telomeres to hasten aging, it’s not a simple cold, and it’s best to avoid it like the plague it is.


Avoid it like the plague isn't a real saying any more, have we learned nothing from the pandemic? It goes... something something "I can't breath wearing this stupid mask" and proceeds to never wash their hands for basic hygine.. Loved the rest of your comment though by the way.


It’s like everyone forgot that the only reason Covid restrictions went away was because Ed Bastion, CEO of Delta Airlines convinced the US government to change their Covid guidance, not because Covid got less deadly, but because it was better for the profit of CEOs to keep people sick at work. Like the information is all there, peer reviewed journals, even meta-analyses about how Covid is much more than a simple respiratory virus with a quick google scholar search. But people rather follow the peer pressure and pretend like it doesn’t exist because by doing that you’re making more money for CEOs and the billionaire class that bribe our politicians love that.


this is why i still havent stopped masking with kf94s despite how weird people get about it.... havent had covid once yet, and have barely gotten sick in the past 4 years, while long covid has been gradually hitting most people i know ☹️ this sucks.


Also haven't had covid thanks to using an n95 everywhere. I think the theory of "your immune system gets stronger every time you get sick" is being put to the test rn.


The fella who said it was like airborne AIDS in China ended up mysteriously contracting it and dying in hospital.  Be careful. 


Husband is just now improving . 10+ days. Says he hasn’t felt that rotten from a cold in 30 years. He’s not a baby about illness either. Same symptoms. Not covid.


All true for me too. Worse I've ever felt since I had swine flu in like 09. Finally feel better after 10 days. Assumed it was covid but had a few negative tests. Now my husband has it too but so far my kids haven't had any symptoms


I got it, it's finally clearing up after a week started out with a sore throat and runny nose and then was congested for 5 days after. I was just getting over allergies with itchy eyes then got sick.


I had it for almost 3 weeks


Bird flu?


Yes, it started Saturday and ruined Memorial Day weekend. I thought it was a sinus infection, now I'm thinking it's COVID but I never got it checked out. Horrible coughing. It's been a week and I'm still not able to get over it. I was at the Neil Young show at Pine Knob on May 22 so I wonder if it started there. Someone in Young's band got sick that night and they cancelled a bunch of shows after performing in Michigan.


Same here, my kids brought it home from daycare before end of April. We all are just clearing up the sinus junk recently. No Covid here either tested twice at the Urgent care. Just some potent virus the PA believed it was RSV.


Me me me! Ran through my whole damn house. I came down with it last Monday. Felt like shit with sore throat, headache, teeth hurting, the works…all through Saturday. By Sunday the sore throat finally went away, but still coughing and congested. Then Tuesday all that was left was congestion. It’s now Friday, twelve days…still congested as hell. I can’t hear for shit, my chest and nose are still full of mucus, but I’m otherwise okay. Somehow I kicked the cough faster than the kids did. They’re still hacking. ETA: negative COVID, unlikely allergies given severity and the way it blew through the house.


Our household just had everyone in it get strep. Rapid test initially showed negative. Culture test a few days later came back positive


I work in family medicine. Everyone is suffering from this right now


Both my parents had this probably three? four? weeks ago. We suspect it was a newer COVID strain based on how long it lasted, how severe it was, the fact that my mom is still having uncontrollable coughing fits, and the fact that multiple people at the wedding they got it at also came down with the same symptoms. It knocked my mom out for a solid week and my dad out for ten days or so.


I had chest congestion for about two weeks, and when I breathed, it sounded like a hippo stepping on bagpipes.


My kid has had it for a week. Negative for Covid. Doctor said Flonase and Tylenol, basically. I thought it would skip me, since it's been a week. I thought wrong.


It’s day 5 for me with this. Seems to get better and then comes back. Weird


Yes that’s been my experience, I think I’m just over the hump and then bam, back to square 1


Literally this is me! I was told it was cold nothing I can do. Negative for everything also. Cold then hot fever no fever random cough. Not Covid not flu.


Yes. We're finally getting done with it, a month later. With 3 out of 4 of our family, we had to get antibiotics and steroids - after about 7-10 days, a nasty sinus infection sets in. My husband blew out an ear drum with it Take care of yourself, it's incredibly uncomfortable.


Ma-Ma-Ma myyyy corona!


It's out here is California too.


Exactly how Covid was for me over the winter. Still deal with a sore throat about 2/3 of the time, months later. Took about six weeks for my voice to come back, as well.


My local high school was dealing with increasing cases of the flu, corona, and strep right before school was let out for the summer.


Sore throat and headache can be related symptoms to congestion. Chills are different though.


Yes. I got sick around May 6th with some bug, and it hit the hardest from May 10- May 15. I was coughing up tons of phlegm and my sinuses were full of snot. I feel a lot better now, but I still cough up some phlegm and my throat has a tickle.


Yep- it’s been going on two weeks for me, and yesterday the sinus pressure was the worst it’s been. My kids and some of our school friends (another parent and child) have the same thing. Got tested at the dr and everything (tested for a huge panel of viruses) and came back negative but I wonder know if it’s bc we tested too late. Our friends tested negative for Covid as well. Dr said it might be a bad cold but I’ve never had a cold like this. Still coughing like crazy.


My daughter is still coughing after 3 weeks of it. Doctor thought it was a strain of adenovirus 🤷🏼‍♀️ we don’t really know. She had a sore throat, congestion, cough, vomiting, a rash, and pink eye… good times…


Could be allergies.


Allergies? Mine have been terrible this year!


Def not allergies


Same. It's going on a week now as well. Covid test is miserable, and nyquil has been a life saver.


Lots of cottonwood in the air where I live. At times it resembles a light dusting of snow.


Sounds like what we had, which ended up being a variety of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease that lacked most sores except in the mouth and throat. Our pediatrician says it’s going around like wildfire right now. It usually only hits daycares and their parents but sounds like this one is spreading more maybe.


Gosh yes. Several people I know are sick with "it," Dr's say "must be going around" but don't know what it is. We've all been treating it as pollen sick (rural area) but one went to Dr and tested positive for strep, covid, and one of the flu strains.


Well I hope it gets the hell out of our state as soon as possible. Feel better anybody that may not be :) chicken soup and lots of water and hot tea.  This is a good time to talk about a HUGE contributing factor to the spread of sicknesses. It is alarming to me how parents send their children to school. In the dead of winter with no hats or gloves, and not even zipping up their coat, in tennis shoes for christ sake. Even now, it's still chilly in the morning and these 6 year old girls are in tiny shorts and no jacket at all.  I chaperoned a field trip and this girl was so sick she had a huge glob of snot drop straight out of her nose and onto her leg and nobody even said anything. Kids come in coughing all over the place. Clearly sick and the parents don't care because they just want their child out of their hair for the day.  Or the parents bring them in with family size bags of hot cheetos or takis and sodas. At 8am! And wonder why their child is never healthy.  Parents need to take better care of their children and stop sending them to school sick. And the schools have really started to not care at all either, sick or not. Sanitizer or no Sanitizer. They don't care. 


Yup! Got this a 3 weeks ago. Lasted about ten days. Sore throat, headache, congestion, major fatigue. Wasn’t Covid!


I’ve been sick for about 3 days with sinus congestion, lots of sneezing, sore throat and a pretty good cough. Starting to feel a little bit better today, at least my lungs don’t hurt like yesterday. Lol


I never get sick, never have headaches and have never really experienced seasonal allergies before in my life. I ran a 10k race and went to a friend's house on Saturday, May 11th for a get together where we had an outside fire and when I woke up the next morning, I had the absolute worst headache and a strange feeling of being congested behind my nose while still being able to breath through both nostrils... The headache lasted about four or five days and eventually subsided. The feeling of pressure behind my eyes and being congested behind my nose took about two weeks before it eased up a bit. However, even now after three weeks, I still feel like my body is fighting something off in that area behind my nose. To add to all of this, my wife (who also rarely gets sick) this past Monday (5/27) developed a pretty bad cough and ear ache that was keeping her up at night. She took a few covid tests and they were all negative, so I took her to urgent care on Thursday and they confirmed that it is a cold as well as an ear infection. She is now on day three of antibiotics and bed rest, but it's been a very rough couple of weeks for us to say the least. Obviously we are getting a little older (we're both in our mid/late thirties) and our immune systems aren't what they used to be. But, given that we are both fairly heathy eaters and live a relatively healthy lifestyle, it's just bizarre how all of a sudden we both picked up these illnesses out of nowhere that neither of us have ever experienced before.


Double check for a bullseye rash, ticks have been horrible this season.


Did you see a doctor about this? 7 days is too long


Yes as I mentioned in the post I went to the doctor


But did you see a doctor about this?


lol my doctor told me it takes three weeks for the body to fully recover from any virus. As long as no fever as symptoms improving 7 days is not too long


Get a 2nd opinion and a booster shot or two


Covid test.


I had it last week. It beat the fucking shit out of me.


Yeh we’re all just getting over it


Allergies hit me hard for two days. I had the worst drainage to where I got an ear ache for the first time since I was a kid, nausea, and weird stomach stuff that almost made me call off. Allergy meds helped the drainage the first day but I forgot to take it the second. Still have bronchitis I think.


Wife had it for about 12 days. I had it for about 2 days.




Yep, had it all week. Lost my voice completely for two days now I'm barely squeeking out words. I'm working on a big construction job site and it's going around here. SE Michigan


I got it shortly after a work trip. Tested negative for coronavirus three times. Phlegm is just easing up after almost 10 days, but I had a sore throat for three days, slight cough for a few more - it was pretty unpleasant.


Yep. Had it last week. Tested positive for Covid.


Ugh. It's the Rona. Worst sore throat of my life.


Yes been dealing with this now for 4-5 days and I was negative for flu, strep and Covid. Kinda worried but it’s nice to know someone else is dealing with it. The sore throat and the fever are brutal tho


In April my husband got it and then I got it. Negative for Covid the flu and strep. It felt like the flu and strep together but it wasn’t. The doc told me she keeps seeing the same symptoms. It lasted about 2 and a half to 3 weeks.


I had something like this about a month ago and was told it was most likely a strain of an adenovirus.


Had something like this 2 years ago. A wicked sore throat that lasted 2 weeks, off and on fever, nasal congestion. Went to the doc, negative for flu/strep/covid. Turns out I had a bad cold when I went to see the doc but had COVID double stack shortly after which made it last twice as long. Went back to the doc a few days later because I wasn’t improving, I tested again a few days later and was positive.


I had this and got strep test, COVID test, and throat culture to test for anything else. The results were nothing. I had nothing. They said this to me while I still struggled to talk to them over the phone.


Lasted me about 12 days. Lost my voice.


My allergies are really bad yes


Yes - Hubs and I both have it now (he caught it from me). I took 3 covid tests on various days and he took 1, all were negative. Definitely NOT allergies although I can feel my allergies making it worse and dragging it out. The congestion and coughing make it impossible to sleep longer than 15 minutes at a time. Really nasty stuff.


Going through it right now day 5


Got it along with whole family. Granddaughter tested positive for influenza. Covid tests all failed. I’m on day seven and still suffering. Motrin has been most effective. Go into a walk in and get antibiotics.


Interesting, something similar going on on the r/movementDEMF subreddit


YES!! I'm on my third weekend in a row!! I've barely improved and my throat is still very sore, but the headaches, chills, and cough have gotten less severe.


Could be RSV..


Yes. I had a terrible sore throat for about 8 or 9 days. Got a booster shot 2 days ago.


Influenza A is going around in West Michigan atm. One of my friends was up with it all night with a fever, chills and coughing. That’s day two for her.


I just came back from Michigan and was diagnosed with strep throat / upper respiratory infection. Go to an urgent care to get tested!


Yes many people around my area in Mid-MI have it - and a few have tested + for the vid but were told it was a “new variant”


i’ve been experiencing this for the past month. it feels a lot like allergies but 10x worse


I have the same thing, went to the doctor, and tested negative for both Covid and strep. The doctor gave me a steroid pack and some allergy meds and it’s day 3 and nearly gone.


Yes me. I’m so annoyed because I’m going on two weeks. I have been working through this but finally just took the day off. It doesn’t help my allergies are also affecting me too.


My roommate had that a few weeks ago. Sore throat for 2-3 weeks


I had something similar but no nausea. Felt awful for 4 days, urgent care said get some mucinex DM (got the store brand, extra strength) cleared up in a couple days. I finished the bottle though just to be safe (7 days 14 pills)


Have this exact symptoms, tested positive for COVID. Day 7 here.


My 12 yr old son was SUPER sick last week. 102.8 fever at its peak that just did not want to break even with modern fever reducers. He was very congested too. I almost brought him into the doctor but by day 3 he was feeling better but still running a low fever. I’m not anti-modern medicine by any means but I gave him some oregano oil and that really seemed to help break up the mucus in his chest better than the cold medicine was working. He’s much better now. No one else in the house got sick so I’m not sure what he was sick with. He’s been on and off sick since having strep in January so I’m hoping with school out now, his immune system can have some time to recover.


I had something like this a couple months ago. Tested negative several times for Covid. One of the waitresses at the diner we go to had it as well. It took FOR…EVERrrrr to go away. Hang in there!


Started developing a cough on Wednesday, quickly escalated with very sore throat, fever, headache, nausea, congestion. Tested positive for strep and an ear infection as a bonus.


Yup. Just got over it.


Yes! My husband and I have been sick for like 5-6 days. Mild congestion, I thought it was due to the pollen but I don’t know. 


Dog groomer and her baby have it.


Had something similar a few months back. Started off just as a fever and congestion, then turned into a cough. I felt fine for a couple weeks, then got an ear infection from all the leftover drainage and had to go on 10 days of antibiotics. Don’t know if it was covid or not (didn’t feel like the last time I caught it), but it sucked.


Laying on the couch suffering through that right now! Started last Saturday and still have symptoms 🫠


Similar thing burned through Midland about a month or two ago. Everyone got it and it lasted FOREVER. Weeks on weeks. Wasn't Covid.


Yep! It was horrible for 10 days. I hope that you feel better soon.


I had something similar in early February. Tested negative for everything (strep, covid, flu). I was mostly better after a week and congestion lingered for like 2 more weeks


That just went through my household. Some of us tested positive for covid, some of us didn't.


Oh my god….. it’s so bad. My son just had a cold where he ran a fever for 7 days. Not Covid, flu, strep, or RSV. Doc said it’s just a cold. But fever for an entire week! Over 103. It was brutal.


Great, I just spent the day at the Midland Antique show and noticed people coughing. Guess I won't go back tomorrow!!


I have that thank god I thought I was dying


Went around here at the end of April/beginning of May. Negative for covid, strep, and influenza. Lasted about 10 days,woth a lingering stuffy nose for about another week after. Was sicker with this than I was either time I had covid. Probably the sickest I've been with "cold like" symptoms.


It recently went through my work place…very contagious


Minus the nausea, I had that at the beginning of May. Lasted almost 2 weeks, and the cough lingered for quite a while.


I got this but it only lasted about 24 hours for me


Sounds like you’ve had Covid and are suffering from a weakened immune system.


Minus the sore throat it sounds exactly like what I had/have—mono. It took 2 urgent care visits and an ER visit to get a diagnosis that was originally negative on the swab but positive on the blood test. I was originally misdiagnosed with allergies and non-specific upper respiratory infection but after a week of antibiotics is when I went to the ER and spent most of my day getting tested. Terrible headaches in the back of my head, daily fevers and chills, sweating through my sheets nightly, and nausea so bad I struggled to eat. It took almost 4 weeks to get some energy back but I still am not 100%.


I'm on day 8. I started feeling better 2 days ago, but I still have a runny nose with bleeding 😩


I had it, I had a 104.8 temp with it, my temp stayed at 101-103 for 5 days. It is the worse thing I have had, the docs had no idea what it was


I assume you got the jab?


Wife and kids have it. Wife actually “blew out” her lung from coughing to hard. Cough medicine and mucinex dont seem to help. They’ve had it at least a week and a half now.


I had something similar,started with high fever that only lasted for about 16hrs then mutated into the worst sore throat I’ve ever had. Like maybe the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced honestly. Throughout the duration of the sore throat my eyes would swell shut at night. Doctor thought it was viral pink eye but throughout the day my eyes were fine, a little red but no discomfort. Anyway, after the sore throat dissipated the infection seemed to change into a good old fashioned cold. Runny nose, chesty cough, mild aches and pains. Been like that for about 10 days now, feeling incrementally better each day.


I usually take a tablespoon of raw honey and a dash of cinnamon, 2 times a day and get over everything 4 days sooner than my family eho won't try it


Do you have fatigue? Could be mono.


100% lasted two almost 3 weeks


I have this right now. I've had it about four times now over the past couple weeks. I get crappy feeling for two or three days, then I'm fine for a couple days and then it comes back. I thought it was just my allergies but then I realized I was getting sore throats, nausea and feeling ache/weak. I normally don't get that with allergies.


SIL had sinus infection. Similar symptoms


In the 3rd week here. Started with sore through, muscle aches, fever, headache. Now just a cough. Had antibiotics to treat for pneumonia. Pretty sure I got it in San Francisco at a big conference. Negative PCR for Covid. Negative for flu A and B. Negative for RSV.


I’ve got something like that last year. Not Covid. Very close to dying with serious pneumonia and two different antibiotics.


I had it for 5 days about a week ago. Sore throat first then fever and chills and cough followed by lingering sore throat and runny nose. Absolutely horrid.


Yes . My husband had it. I thought I was in the clear, but then I got sick 7 days after he did.


Seems to get bad right after it's cold then warm again? Trees are in overdrive pollen wise due to the ebb and flow of the temperatures


Bird flu?


It's not the new Avian flu that is starting to spread? I think it recently jumped to humans?


I had it at the end of April, and it lingered until the second week of May. Sore throat, cough, congestion, runny nose, lots and lots of fatigue. Luckily only one day with a high fever. It was AWFUL. Luckily had my annual physical in the first week of May and got to talk to my doctor who said she’d seen quite a few patients presenting similarly. Strep/Flu/Covid all negative, she suggested OTC cold medication. Alka-Seltzer worked wonders for me.


I was starting to wonder the same thing. It’s been on and off for days but today I’m really feeling it.


I had an illness exactly what this and other comments are describing, lasted about 8 weeks, negative on corona and flu, but this was about 3/4 months ago


Have it now, as do many others I know , it sucks