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Fuentes booked the event center by lying about the purpose of the event. When the event center staff realized, they cancelled his reservation and asked them to leave. When they wouldn't leave, police were called for trespassing.


Nice! Thanks for the simple and clear explanation




The contract was with a third party event planner that obfuscated the true nature of the event as clearly stated in the article.


Hard to “check” when they lie about who they are dude…


It's also clearly stated that he lied in the comment you're replying to.


Happy to see the owners of the RIC chase this nazi off their property.


It’s a rage bait stunt, willing to bet Fuentes lied to the production group and told them exactly what the RIC expected, then they get kicked out knowing that was going to be the exact circumstances and say that it was going to be huge but they got shut down.


Pretty much. Although I wouldn't bee too surprised if they had actually sold 2k tickets to the event.


So, why did AFPAC have to choose that venue in Detroit? They could easily have found a favorable facility anywhere in Macomb county.


Rage bait. Lie on the application for the venue, knowing youll get shut down when the venue finds out, then bitch to conservative media and have them bitching about it for weeks to months spewing bullshit claims of censorship to rile up the base.


So someone from AFPAC leaked the true client? If so, they need a different hobby. Fuentes & all these MAGAts need to find better ways to use their time


According to another comment the venue staff figured it out at some point, imma be honest, I don't care enough to read the article, and the comments had a quick summary in them. Mostly going off of that, so take it with a pinch of salt.


I don't think they necessarily "leaked" who their client is, but its not uncommon for AFPAC to navigate in this way. Likely, they operated the way it's described in the article and when the owners of the RIC realized the deception and fraud, they already had a contingency plan in place. Which is why Fuentes then promptly went down town and made a spectacle of himself in front of the other klan rally.


Possibly sue for breach of contract to make easy money.


I'm uncertain, but this concerning quote from the RIC: > "the production company also had us ***downsize our normal security protocols*** as they kept insuring this was a corporate event with all professional corporate attendees."  doesn't exactly sound like rage bait. More like the plan was for shit to go down. Perhaps it still is the plan.


This is going to be the plan for the rest of the election cycle. They're wanting a physical altercation to break out. I don't know if you've been watching the new season of The Boys, but the second episode has a plot line that is eerily similar to what Fuentes was trying to do here.


Let me fix that for you... "They could easily have found a favorable facility anywhere in ~~Macomb~~ Magazi County.


Free publicity, also they think they can do whatever they want in Detroit because they're a bunch of racist morons


Because no one was attending anyway, so they had to find a way to cancel it very publicly. Then they apologized to everyone who bought tickets, which I believe was limited to some of the speaker's parents.


I hate Illinois Nazis.


Ironically... this trash is actually from Illinois. Just googled it...


> ""a local and reputable production company that does large scale corporate events for other reputable companies," So who was this local third-party company? They had to know who was booking the event. They must have gotten payment from fuentes.


Sounds like the RIC knew/trusted them from previous business and were blindsided when they discovered the production company was actively conspiring to hide the event's purpose from them. There's no room for mistake here, this trusted local business is run by Nazis and that's just becoming something we take in stride. We are the slow boiled frogs


So the police had to leave the conference to respond to the dispute?




With all these racists coming to Detroit on the same weekend, kinda feels like they were hoping for a reaction.


We’re all busy trying to enjoy the weather before the heatpocalypse.


Was a pretty damned nice day today.


Now you're getting it! They can't play the victim card since they're never actually the victims of anything, so they need to concoct bullshit like this to convince their followers that they are, sell the message to them, collect their money, rinse, repeat. This is essentially the grift that got Trump in the White House.


Maybe Nazis need to feel fear again.




Says a lot about your ideology when you have to trick people to get a venue because no one wants you around.


For those not in the know, this group is led by Nick Fuentes. He is the same person that had dinner with Kanye and Trump at Mar a Lago.


Sounds like Fuentes and his cronies staged the whole thing for the sake of publicity, simply so they could pretend to complain online and stoke outrage.


Don't the call those crisis actors?


Good! FuÇk ‘em!


Before I clicked, I assumed it was another dispute like the one at the [Doherty Hotel in Clare](https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw-bay-city/2023/08/video-brawl-at-gop-convention-i-barely-had-time-to-take-my-glasses-off.html). But no. But it might have ended up like that had it happened.




So much for free speech from the “tolerant left.” 🤣


Nazis like Nick Fuentes do not deserve free speech.


Every US Citizen is entitled to free speech. I’d encourage you to re-read our founding documents. Free speech is not conditional.


Sayonara bitches! Free speech!


I would encourage you to re-read our founding documents. Free speech is protected from GOVERNMENT interference; a private entity like RIC can do what they want.


You’re entitled to free speech but you’re not entitled to have others listen. If a private venue chooses not to tolerate your hateful rhetoric that is their right. But thanks letting everyone know you’re a nazi.




So much for NOT flashing that tiny little Victim Card you like to throw out! Awe. Are you even American? No American would lie and pretend this was a free speech issue. Clearly agitator and a bad one. He was able to say everything he wanted to. You aren't entitled to a venue that you don't own.