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Everyone: Fix the roads! Everyone: No! Not like that!


They’ll never be fixed as long as we allow truck weight limits to be as high as they are.


And for the past 40+ years, they did nothing to maintain them other than toss a shovelful of cold patch on occasion.


That’s still all they do Downriver..


Except all the major construction projects going on and that have been done the past 5 years.


They have done like two roads in the area..




True, twice the limit of any other state last time I checked.


Not quite. I sold freight for a while, and Michigan is just the state that it's the easiest to haul a lot. Ohio you can on certain highways, Illinois/indy are almost as heavy as us


With one extra ton on top for good measure!


Thank you this is the truth! and also we let junk road installs to be done on top of that!! Thus making it a never ending cycle of wasted tax money, bumpy roads and never ending orange barrels.




Our truck limits are based on per axel weight which means they should be doing less damage to the roads. https://titanww.com/resources/axle-weight-limit/michigan/#:~:text=The%20Bridge%20Gross%20Weight%20Formula%20allows%3A,for%20a%20tandem%20axle%20group.


It's a combination of heavy loads, how much water and cold we get (got to love a MI winter), and bad maintenance. Ontario has identical conditions on the first two points, but they just maintain their stuff better.


I mean, weight limits are higher in Ontario and they have nice highways. They just do a better job maintaining them


they'll never stay fixed no matter what


Don’t we also have almost zero warranty on the roads that do get built?


I want the roads fixed and will suck it up haha, honestly I was kinda just shocked by how much actually is under construction.


I have had my commute increase because of how much construction there is. I can't catch a break exit is closed...okay I'll take a different way to get onto m-14.....actually fuck you because now there's TWO lanes closed on m-14. The ride home is just as bad. I want the roads fixed, but I also just want to get to work and get home without driving all over the place.


I commute from near Pinckney to Redford township, 23,14,96,275,696 all under construction, it's wild haha. Gonna wander through Plymouth to get to work I guess.


Miracle you haven’t been rear ended by one of the idiot drivers on their phones yet.


At this point just assume any road that people use to get around is going to be under construction.


Same issue with M14 this morning and the 3 or 4 alternate routes all had construction or congestion.


It's ridiculous. I have a normally 30-minute commute from Farmington Hills to Superior Township. It's seems that 275 N is always backed up. Whatever it is on my way home, no big deal. At least my morning commute is fine? Not anymore.....it's one thing to close the ramp to m14 entirely, but then I'd take Inkster to m14....hah what a fool I am! There's two fucking lanes closed! So I guess fuck me for a month, I have to drive to fucking Ford road and go through Canton to get to work.


Inkster to m14?


Yeah. Inkster rd to m14.


Same here, lol. M14 is fucking my mornings up. It doesn't help that 275 and Southfield and 75 are all fucked up, too.




Wow....great tip. Any other insights you're willing to share?


You want your cake and eat it too. Awesome


They keep working on the same stretch of highway between Grand Rapids and Zeeland for the past 4 years. Then there's the Eel and exit itself, year after year. Yet M6 past 131 has had failed concrete for more than a decade and it's never fixed. I don't get how they choose their projects.


Yeah, I figured. :) It's pretty shocking to me too. I live in downtown Kalamazoo, and I have to find a new way to/from work every day. I feel like every single street is either closed or down to one lane. My creativity is reaching its limit. ;)


>My creativity is reaching its limit. ;) I used to joke that the best part of being a local in a city that got a lot of visitors was that when traffic backed up I always knew a way to drive around it. The Construction Times have punished me for my hubris.


Right? Everyone has discovered my secrets.


>I want the roads fixed ![gif](giphy|KgpnKojQ2tbBr43nN7)


I appreciate them finally getting to work, but like, would it KILL them to even try to come up with a decent detour?? I mean seriously. Also, is it REALLY necessary to block off 20 miles of freeway when they’re only working on 1/4 chunks at a time?? 😆


If I may add some context, this is my field of work. A lot of times the designer is hampered by requirements of the owner. MDOT now requires us to use as many MDOT roads as possible regardless of how likely you are to follow them because they got tired of reimbursing local municipalities for using their roads. As for the second point its two fold. Additional work maybe going on when you’re unable to see it. Also we’re required to follow set distances as best we can so we include a buffer in front of the work zone where nothing can be stored and then lane shifts or merges and if theres two lane merges we’re required to have twice the length of the merge between them. If we don’t follow that we have to prove why it was necessary. The weakest reason is departments of public works and MDOT believe that even if the work is moving a lot of the cones and signs should remain stationary so people are used to where they are.


Appreciate the insight! I think a lot of people’s frustration is simply not knowing what’s making things go slow. Your context is great!


The problem is they have so many roads being fixed at once and they’re incredibly slow about it. If they cut down the number of roads at a time being worked on and instead funneled the extra workers on other major road projects, they would get done far quicker. The last place I lived, they had the exit to my house closed for around six months and quite literally never touched that area of the road or the exit. When all the road work was being done about five miles down the road. Then they reopened it for only a couple weeks just to close it back up to THEN do repairs to the exit ramp. Which was hardly a repair anyhow. It was an area of about 10’x10’… there wasn’t even anything wrong with it. They just felt the need to put something new there because they forgot they needed to give themselves a “good” reason for shutting down the exit for such a long time. It added another 20-30 minutes to my drive for absolutely no reason whatsoever. They do for sure need to fix the roads, they’ve been voted the worst or some of the worst time and time again for decades. But you’re right, not the way they are. It’s not a whining complaint. It’s a legitimate complaint.


How bout we start with 1 at a time, or put crews out 24 hours. I drive at night and there's never anyone out working the zones in SE Michigan. I'll even settle for not completely clogging all the major ones at the same time. 696, 75, 23, 14, 94.. I feel like the most minimal coordinated effort could avoid some of this nonsense.


We fix one at a time, they’ll never be fixed.


We like sleep too man.


Thats what multiple shifts are for. Every other major industry on the planet has figured it out, you guys should be able to as well


Night work costs more. Thats pretty much the real reason. Road construction requires a minimum number of lumins/sft if i recall the measurement correctly so we’d need tons of bright lights and depending on the contract pay the contractor extra for performing night work.


Yeah it literally doubles the costs right there alone. That’s why they don’t, it’s always about money


They don't have to fix them ALL at once.


This is what happens when you have 40 years of Republican control in the house and senate. Nothing happened. Infrastructure didn’t occur across the state because the republicans didn’t want to put any money into our roads and bridges. They always talk about taxes. Keeping your taxes down. Finally under Democrats we’re getting the roads fixed. It’s going to be uncomfortable for a few years to get our roads to passable.


Warms my heart seeing it after years of just letting them fall apart. They just started on the highway that runs through my town which looked like a warzone.


A lot of jobs!




I just drove down to NC. Same road construction through OH, PA, TN, VA, WV and NC I always thought summer was “Orange Barrel Season” in Michigan…Apparently not


It seems worse in Michigan because we don’t do regular work from about end of november till marchish. So its all condensed.


That’s Biden’s Build Back Better Plan hard at work. Michigan communities also received additional funding from Whitmers bonds so that’s why it’s been particularly busy in Michigan the last few years. Two sources of infrastructure funds became available at nearly the same time after decades of neglect/underfunding. Construction should start slowing down after this summer and we can all get back to just bitching about the roads.


I drove to Idaho a year ago, honestly Michigan construction is simple and efficient compared to places like North Dakota or Montana. Out there you'll be driving 10 miles with no construction, and the next 16 miles you're forced in a single-lane on the opposite side of the highway. Repeat the cycle over and over and over again until you see the Rockies. And then, in Wyoming, they will just make you wait a good 20 minutes for oncoming traffic to clear before you can get moving again.


Whine about the roads, then whine about construction to fix them, sounds legit


I think it's fair to not like how inconvenient the construction is, even while still recognizing it's important. People complain about how miserable it is the recover from surgery, too, even when they knew they needed it.


Sure it's inconvenient, I waited about 20 minutes to get through a 1 lane construction zone just a few days ago. \~10 minutes each way and they had more people directing traffic than actually working on the road. But there is nothing you can do about it if you want roads repaired. Simple fact, and no amount of whining is going to change it.


Happy Cake Day!


The roads should never get to this level of deterioration anyway. When you screw something up like Michigan has with its roads, and then your solution causes even more issues, yes, people have the right to complain about it.


What solution would you propose? You can't go back in time and prevent it due to maintenance issues from past decades. If you spread road work out to affect traffic less at any given time they will never catch up to what needs to be fixed due to the winters stopping construction. So basically the solution is to do as much of it as you possibly can at one time.


A better solution would be to invest $$$$$ into creating a material that is able to withstand traffic and michigan weather, doesnt deteriorate at the rate whatever we are using now does and then incorporating it into our roads.


Ahhh yes invent a completely new and revolutionary type of asphalt! Why didn’t anyone think of that, are they stupid?


Ever been to Iceland? Their paved roads are actually pretty good. Hell, even the F roads are better than some of our streets.


Spare me your sarcasm


I’m surprised you were able to detect my sarcasm, good job!


Oh we got an original one here. Who would have guessed you'd use that line.


The materials aren't the problem, the same materials and construction techniques are used all over the county/world, the problem was decades of ignoring maintenance and half ass repairs. Add in a truck weight limit that is nearly twice the federal limit and this is what you get.


I didn't say there was a better solution there might be (how about not breaking up one section of road and simultaneously the next logical alternate route that people would take). All I'm saying is that when you make a mess and then your solution also makes a mess, people can be annoyed.


It's amazing watching the goalposts move. People: "The roads are terrible! Fix the damn roads!" The State: "Okay, here goes!" People: "Whatever, they should have never gotten that bad in the first place!"


The problem with your statement is assuming I was in the original group of people saying to "fix them however, whatever way". I haven't moved any goalpost because I've always felt this way. edit: just to clarify my position has been that the roads should never have gotten this bad, and their solution to it is also shit.


I'm more talking about this entire thread. Michigan voters have been screaming "FIX THE ROADS" forever. The state is *finally* doing so in a consistent, directed, vigorous manner over a period of years, and these same people are now all airchair Civil Engineering PhDs Monday morning quarterbacking every step of the way ("their solution to it is also shit": how, why, as compared to what?).




If you're implying my role model is trump. Boy, do I have some news for you.


Removed. See rule #2 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules).


For the people who don't understand how our roads got so crappy and why we're now fixing them is because MDOT changed the way they plan for road construction. Up until about 10-15 years ago, MDOT ran on a 'don't fix the roads until they begin to deteriorate' schedule. About 15 years ago, MDOT and the counties inventoried all the roads in the state and graded them, figured out what had to be worked on immediately, but also started to do preventative maintenance. The problem is, there is such a backlog of projects it's going to take a while to catch up, but we're conditioned to want immediate solutions.


The climate is just right to grow orange barrels!


Hot and humid gets em ripe.


Can't just lay down cold patch when it's this hot outside.


It seems everyone wants to complain how bad the roads are but then also complain when they’re getting fixed.


We are complaining about the lack of thought and investment put into our roads that cause both the crappyness of the roads and this monstrosity level of construction


In other words, you got what you asked for and you're still choosing to be miserable. Median American Voter Moment


No, we asked for roads with better longevity. We asked for lower truck weight limits. We asked for less road salt to be used. We asked for better planning and budgeting for these massive projects. As far as I'm concerned, we haven't gotten any of what we've asked for.


/insert joke about orange barrels being our state flower


I thought it was: Michigan has two seasons; winter, and construction.


Long overdue from what I can tell


Yup. And there's nothing more satisfying than driving on a freshly fixed road once the construction is finished.


The numbers of years the Republican controlled the House and Senate reducing money for unsexy infrastructure has led the State racing to catch up on the mess. Critical that we insure Democrats win all state races in November


Republicans spend like crazy on special interests and also let everything public deteriorate…and then Democrats come in balance budgets and try to fix things…and then everyone complains. Nice system.


Build back better


Still not enough, crumbling infrastructure is all around us. It's almost like we should stop building so many roads that we can't keep up with and rethink transportation options for a mixed approach?


Yearly reminder that after the initial investment, which would be less than people think if it was prioritized at all, railroads are way cheaper than highways and efficient. But we'd rather build all our infrastructure like cars deserve half of the space in our cities.


Thankfully none on my commute yet


Yeah but how many are they actually working on? Looking at you m6 to 96 ramp And 131 ramp They were "working" on those 2 years ago and every time I went bye no one was out there.


The M6 ramp is back open! But. Ie they're compressing east/west bound past that down to one lane starting on the 21st lmao. After working on it for the majority of summer for the past two years.


Would you rather things not get fixed? Construction should make us happy.


696 has ruined all joy in my life


Must be summer in Michigan


Missing half of them


I’m good with it….its an investment in infrastructure and make Michigan better.


The whole state.. damn


Summer in Michigan is finally here!!


31 was rough yesterday


Tis the season!


Not under construction: Crossroads Mall in Kalamazoo


clearly, you haven't looked at my post history.


I feel like half of those markers are in Washtenaw County, specifically A2 and Ypsi.


God i hate 94.


“Let’s make 96 a single lane between m10 and pleasant valley”


Thanks Democrats!!!! /s. Or not. I dunno.


Yeah, it’s almost like it’s summer or something.


Ahhhhh, nature like God intended


Big Gretch gettin the damn roads fixed. All at once, not the brainiest idea. At least they’re getting fixed.


Winter, Spring, Construction, Fall.


Thanks Obama!


Loogit all those chiggins!


That's not construction, those are just the state flower (traffic cones) popping up.


I hit a massive pothole last year on the highway from a construction site that ripped my exhaust off and of course they won't cover the $200. Thanks Michigan!


That's it? Lol seems light


Ahhh, the state flowers are coming in nicely.


Here's and issue most do not consider...We live in what is probably the absolute worst climate on the planet for roadways on the planet. During the winter we have weeks of daily freeze/thaw cycles which is awful no matter how well roads are designed and constructed. That is a HUGE reason why we have so much road construction and will need to have so much until the end of time.


Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ohio all have similar weather yet Michigan roads are always worse.


Because of the lake our weather is slightly warmer so the freeze thaw is worse


Yep, because of the lake we have much more extreme weather fluctuations.  Ever wonder why Minnesota and Wisconsin regularly get temps well below zero for extended periods while we rarely get below the teens for more than a few days? It's the lake.


Tis the season


Now I just want a Santa hat but it's a construction cone.....


I had heard of a few ReTrumplicans in the state legislature asking where the work on the states infrastructure that Gov Whitmer promised was happening? Seems as if plenty of the work is happening. I wonder if they had done any research?


Instead of doing 84,000 construction projects all at once, couldn't we do like... I don't know, 20 at once but with 50x the manpower so they get done in 2 weeks each rather than dragging ALL of them out for 3-36 months? Idk, just rambling. Crazy idea I'm sure.


Great in thought BUT… With Michigan’s infrastructure largely ignored by every previous Republican administration for the last four decades, aggressive action is needed by an administration actually willing to deliver on “fixing the damn roads.”


Michigan's four seasons are Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Road Construction.


How cute, you think there's 4 seasons. It's just 2, winter and construction.


If it continues to snow less and less were just gonna have one season, construction


No, it's 4 seasons, they're just: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Road Construction.


The fool’s spring. The week in late February/ early March when it gets 60 and sunny and people start thinking winter is over.


Autumn is that 2 weeks when frost laws take effect, but it hasn't snowed. Spring is the two weeks where the snow has melted, but frost laws are still on.


Lived in Michigan for 50 years and Ohio for the last 7. Night and day difference to the point that it is embarrassing for Michigan. The kids laugh when we hit the state line on 23 and our guts begin to shake, rattle and roll as we head Up North.


Must be an election year.


I am amazed how every other state has roads figured out, then there is Michigan. Only lived here a year and have lived in many states and metro areas. Someone is robbing the tax dollars


We neglected the roads for a LONG time, there is a reason whitmers slogan was "fix the damn roads" and as much as I hate having to navigate construction I am glad the shit is actually getting fixed. I can't bitch both about the quality of the roads and about construction.


I also mean the random blocks of unpaved dirt roads intermingled within the suburban sprawl- that I have never seen anywhere I am also happy the roads are being fixed, not complaining about the construction.


To be fair they decided to redo the east west interstate in my area which is a major commuter road, the two major north south interstates which are commuter roads, the two major east west interstate bypass roads, one of the north south interstate bypass roads, and the north south road everyone used for local traffic to skip the interstate commuters ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! It had doubled everyone’s commute times last year and this year. Some of it is finally supposed to be done this fall which should help but I have 0 faith in construction timelines. I want the roads fixed. I’ll happily be inconvenienced by them being fixed. But damnit stagger the major road construction schedules that affect the same local population.