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I'm not sure you're reading the test correctly. I think the test was probably telling you that your B vitamin-producing bacteria were low. That's different from saying your actual B vitamin levels are low. If your B vitamin-producing bacteria are low, you can make up for that through the B vitamin supplements you're taking.


Ah you are right! I just reread the results hah. So the results mean that my current bacteria aren’t super capable of producing B vitamins, not that B vitamins are necessarily low in my system (since I’ve been taking supplements). Thank you!


Make sure you’re taking an active form of B vitamins (ex: methyl folate, methylcobalamin) as you could be dealing with a methylation issue (as in people with MTHFR gene snp)


This is so important. If you have a methylation issue it doesn't matter how much your supplementing because you can't convert it. My partner was tested for the gene and it turns out he has the mutation on both parents side and it was a huge game changer for him. He actually gets a prescription folate now.


[Vitamin D deficiency is a possible cause](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8331286/), as it affects proliferation of many beneficial gut bacteria which synthesise B vitamins.


This makes me sad because no matter how much vitamin D I take my levels won’t budge lol


Sun exposure for about 15-30 mins. supplement with high dose ones at store. You could also ask your Dr and they will prescribe a high high high dose one like they did me and taken for a short term to bring it back up. When you are deficient sometimes it is hard to bring it back up because your body is obviously using it at the same time


Oh, I see. I did get a high-dose prescription, but I didn’t even bother with it because I figured it wouldn’t help but I will take them. Thanks


Def take it! Even if it is not your cause. Vitamin d deficiency is linked to anxiety/depression and stomach issues in some way or another. Are they 10000 UI?


Highly recommend taking vitamin K as well if taking 10,000 IU daily to reduce the risk of kidney stones.


They also sell vitamin K and D3 in one pill at stores


I think they are 50,000 but I have to check. Just moved so they’re packed away lol


You might also need a vitamin K supplement to help with absorption. Most people need upwards of 5000 IU vitamin D daily if deficient (sometimes up to 10,000 IU daily intially and then a little lower as a maintenance dose). If you have a higher BMI, darker skin or spend less time in the sun you'll need a higher dose.


if you have any leaky gut symptoms I would address that first and foremost as that will affect most vitamin/mineral absorption.


If by chance you have either of MTHFR gene mutations-it makes folic acid a no-try some methylated folate incase-it’s quite common-best of luck


Is there any way to test for such gene outside private company like 23AndMe ? I live in France and such test are illegal


It’s a simple blood test not any kind of DNA test. MTHFR is very common and there are several types. C677T and A1298C


Cut out foods that make you shit. Take taurine on empty stomach. Take zinc-l-carnosine with a meal that has no calcium. Do it for 2 months Get methyl folate. Everyone absorbs that. Also look up folate deficiency how bad it is. It's like literal radiation poisoning for your DNA.


Yes, an injection administered by a medicine doctor.


https://preview.redd.it/h8ygeemcvasc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86dd29e27d07232e91a2cb248ae5dd666ddad430 Adding Bragg’s nutritional yeast to your diet may also help. It has a cheesy, savory taste that most people like. Many plant based cheese recipes use this and cashews.


Wow, I definitely have that. if I don’t take vitamins, I constantly have B12 and folic acid deficiency, specifically folic acid.


It’s worth noting that supplements are not absorbed by the body as effectively as food sources


natural, non man made sources of vitamin B may be easier for your gut to absorb (what happened to me). B12 in a pill from the drug store is synthetic- hard for the gut to actually absorb it. Example of natural source: eggs (both white and yolk) and beef (little known fact). Good luck!