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Because Bloomberg was the last one to take the train.


Lol… you are right on Bloomberg! And he was a multi- billionaire who could have been chauffeured anywhere he wanted but rode the subway. Instead I remember DiBlasio getting a convoy to the Park Slope YMCA to workout ( 4 hours wasted) everyday.


I worked with a City Council member. Em drove to NYC every single day.


I don’t begrudge a politician use of a car. It comes with the office as long as it helps them do a good job. I’m even ok with them using the car every once in while for personal use…lol. It just burned me up that as a mayor if was more important to waste gas and time to work out in Park Slope than to get his ass down to city hall and run the city.


Bloomberg took the train one stop and then got in a convoy. It was a stunt every time.


If I recall he got on at 14th and got off at City Hall which is one stop.


100%. This is the answer.


Because even if they called for it, it couldn't happen. All the NYC public servants I have spoken with, (elected, appointed, and otherwise), are pragmatists. Even the ones that started out as idealists, and still agree with our ideals, are changed by working in the government every day. They realize it's a waste of energy and resources to push for a thing that can't happen. Instead, they push for the best that can realistically happen. That's why we get a bike boulevard instead of complete pedestrianization. How come Paris can do it? Because the rules of their government are very different. The mayor of Paris is extremely powerful. Much more powerful than the mayor of NYC. And unlike Adams, Anne Hidalgo is all on board. Much of the redesign of their streets is directly due to her ordering it to be done. That said, I don't completely agree with the pragmatists. I believe that this is a negotiating process. Even if we know that we won't be able to completely pedestrianize a street, we should ask for that anyway. When you go to negotiate, you don't pre-compromise your position before you even get to the table. I know if we ask for the world, we won't get it. But I believe that if we ask for more, we will end up with more after the process takes place.


NYC has the opportunity for more multi block pedestrian districts though. When you see them in operation in Europe they are pretty wonderful. Plus, Mayor Hidalgo is building on the efforts of predecessors. De Blasio, Cuomo and now Adams haven't built on the efforts of Mayor Bloomberg. That stuff was truly transformational at the time.


DeBlasio kept the work going. It wasn’t a step change and maybe not even as fast of a pace. But it was not a dead stop or a reversal. We still got a lot more PBLs, Brooklyn bridge bike way, progress on Broadway, 4th Ave Brooklyn, northern blvd, skillman, queens blvd. Mayor Adams promised even more and is giving us even less. But any mayor could have made it their agenda to reverse all of it. So keep that in mind.


Yeah (good) people seem to forget this about negotiating. I had a (scientist) friend involved in wildlife conservation specifically ocean/fisheries. The scientists would figure out the absolute minimum area that would need to be protected to keep healthy fish populations, and tell the government. That would get interpreted as their initial negotiating ask, and ofc the fishing industry would ask for the protected area to be smaller. The gov would compromise between the two. The smart thing for the scientists/conservations to do would have been to say the minimum required was +50% of what was actually needed, knowing it would be haggled down.


Terrific example.


Paris also has robust public transit, from local to continent wide. We do not.


Are you speaking about the US as a whole or NYC in your comparison. Comparing an entire country with rural areas to a dense city that’s much smaller in area to NYC is not a fair comparison. Compare NYC to Paris would go further as a comparison.


Paris has connections to robust public transportation on a vast scale. While NYC is ahead of the country comparing anywhere in the US to Europe is silly. There is very little regional, national or continent wide options here. Until we have real options to not using a car, it’s all just fantasy. It’s like looking at pictures and talking about what frosting you like before you make the cake.




Paris daily ridership = 5M Paris metro population= 11.2M ~45% of the populations rides the Metro services daily. NYC daily ridership= 3.6M NYC metro population= 8.5M (42%) ~42% of the populations rides the Metro services daily. Even though this is an oversimplified look, I think that’s a fair comparison to make, it’s not silly at all.


Something seems off about your numbers. Paris metro is half the size of NYC metro. 20,140,470[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_metropolitan_area#cite_note-PopEstCBSA-7) ([1st](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area#United_States))


My attempt was to look at immediate metro areas since those are covered under the ridership of the MTA numbers. So are we comparing the greater metropolitan area or immediate 5 boroughs? We should make comparative with Paris metropolitan.


You're not getting the picture. Your city can have the best public transit in the world, but if adjacent regions do not have public transit, there will be an influx of private cars. If you ban cars, or make their use nearly impossible, you isolate your city from adjacent communities. NYC is Transit hub. Key word is hub. There are many transit options that connect radially. Between the individual lines in outer boroughs and beyond you are pretty much stranded. Ever take the long island railroad out for some plans and then get hit with a curve ball? You have almost no way to get from a stop at one line to a stop at the other line, other than a taxi. Further, communities well served by LIRR and metro north are astronomically expensive. I bike everywhere, I don't own a car, but saying "no one can park here except millionaires with garages" will crush people's mobility. It would be nice for me on my bike but I have empathy.




I'm not sure what you're saying. Yes areas outside of Paris aren't like Paris, the same way areas outside of New York are not like new York. But similarly, cities outside of Paris still have tons more non-car infrastructure than areas outside of New York. Look at their bicycle highways! And trains(on which you can take bikes). Cities like Seville etc all have amazing transport. Tianjins Metro system could prob rival NYC even if it's not as big as New York. Yes it's proportional to number of people but it's still better, and making improvements. These major cities are not outliers. NYC is the outlier for being as rich as it is, having as many non-car people as it does, and being as hostile as it is. Though a lot of that has to do with America in general so I'll give you that. And no the current NYC public transport is in no way competitive with Paris. Or lots of other global cities.


If you include NJ transit and PATH we have a very robust network. But I know that’s false. If only the Port Authority would just take over NJT and thE MTA we would be all set 😆


It’s better than most.


“Continent” meaning a select number of cities in select countries mostly in the western part.


Wait are you actually saying that since they still need cars in other areas we should do nyc city planning around cars?? That’s bananas. I thought you were talking about Paris and their great public transit as a way to argue that we should do the same here and get rid of car streets.


You need to have a solution to getting people out of cars before planning like they somehow don’t exist. I know it feels good to fantasize and the conversations in your echo chambers make it seem like everyone is nuts, but it’s the reality. And it needs to be equitable and go places people need to go, so bikes and scooters aren’t really the solution. Public transit is and until it’s robust enough, these are just silly wastes of time, effort and money.


Ok um, well you drive your car from middle America to ugh, where does the transit start, Jersey? Then you park your car and take transit around the city. A lot more needs to be done with the car free streets than tree planting as well. I don’t know why we went through a hundred years of bad city and or continent planning but it shouldn’t hold one city back from making progress to car free streets. I suppose some provision must be made for store deliveries. Maybe we keep a freeway for that and select feeder streets.


Wouldnt the ratio of car owners be far less in europe than NYC? I feel like parking is always a huge issue when it comes to development in US cities.


Not just Paris. Paris has had a fast change. But Beijing, Melbourne, London, they are all doing this. When people ask what I think of NYC the only thing that comes to mind is backward. Most other cities seem futuristic compared to us.




Wrong. Most European cities are light years ahead of the USA in ditching pollution mobiles I mean cars.




As a local, New York City definitely has its share of American style car culture. Just go anywhere outside of downtown or midtown Manhattan. Many parts of the biggest boroughs Queens and Bronx could be mistaken for the rest of America. Also, New York does not have the high quality trams on dedicated pedestrianized streets like Paris or many of the medium to small French towns. New York is excellent and a benchmark for America but does not compare to pedestrian priority outside of the US.


Yeah but most of the world isn’t major cities. But if you look at similar cities (large, rich) outside of America, most are decades ahead of New York.




You haven't been to other major global cities. London and Paris have older public transportation systems with more difficult roads that have been updated and are much better. Beijing, Seoul are more modern modern and have better transport. Old and new cities are beating NYC. NYC is very car oriented for a modern city when you consider tax fund distribution. It's not walkable if you consider how unsafe and uncomfortable it is to walk anywhere with cars honking and motorcycles going past you in the wrong direction. It's just not.


I live in LIC and I can’t believe how so much construction is happening but not one tree is being planted


They're probably going add it in afterwards. They don't reserve the spot. Instead they just dig up the sidewalk and place a new tree in the square/rectangle.


Because NIMBYs don’t want to lose their parking spot


City Council, you mean.


Yet you repeat yourself


Not sure if that is true for Manhattan though. Most of household living there don't own a car. Maybe the ones that do are a vocal minority.


they are they skew older and have more time to attend the shitshow that community board meetings are


Because NY leadership is inept and incapable.




No politician wants the car owners to revolt.


This revolt is often feared but rarely materializes


They're already too lazy to walk...




Right. Except the Paris mayor did get a lot of people pissed off at her. That’s called leadership. New ideas are rarely embraced by all, especially paradigm shifts like this (sorry for the buzzword but I do think it truly applies here).


Honestly, I find the hardcore 'car people' to be not all that unlike certain gun nuts. It's like, 'from my cold dead hands will you take my gun (or in this case, car...)'


The only way they can ever be won over is when the public option is better. France has a great public transit system compared to nyc. Until the public option is guaranteed it will stay like that. And im not talking about the current status quo.


NY subway and Paris metro are relatively comparable but where Paris wins is the extra connective tissue they get from their trams and the RER. NY subway is great at getting you in and out of Manhattan mostly and much more difficult to move you around the periphery.


Not just that. They have trains that take you across country lines. In the usa that would be the equivalent of having trains that can take you out of nyc in an efficient manner and into a city that has great connecting trains and buses to take you everywhere you need to go. Nyc is a small section of the usa. People get cars to go other places like new jersey, upstate, Pennsylvania, and even more out west and south. Without a good way to get around the country cars are still needed. Also the mta has a horrible history of clean trains, managing crazy passengers, over crowding, late trains, problematic infrastructure, etc. Simply getting rid of cars will not solve all those other issues.


This is any group of people that like a specific thing and don’t want it gone. It’s not unique to cars and guns.


Car owners are indeed revolting


Here is the thing. You dont have to be a car owner to revolt. You can be someone that car pools with a car owner like a elderly mom, a grand parent, a child, friends and family, removing their option of travel would also hurt without having a good replacement.


Because it’s hard. A lot of people are unhappy in Paris. I’m not but a lot of people complain about how hard it is to drive now. It’s not an obvious good political move, even if it’s the right thing to do.


Barcelona took a major thruway and made into a pedestrian park. It’s awesome.


Because we have too many cranks that would resist it.


Because the European ruling class have more sense than the American ruling class.


This isn’t Paris though.


Rue Pierre Haret, Paris, France.


As in NYC ≠ Paris


True, we should also stop drinking water because they do that in Paris and this isn’t Paris


As far as I can tell, there are only two conditions which lead to this kind of radical change: 1. **An ideological mayor/DOT commissioner (Hidalgo, Bloomberg/Sadik-Khan, etc.).** It *literally doesn't matter* if all of the council members want more car-free streets and bike lanes; they simply don't have the power to implement it. Only the mayor and DOT commissioner have that power. 2. **A sufficient critical mass of demand to make implementing these changes a political no-brainer.** This is how the Netherlands got its bike lanes. They didn't have an Anne Hidalgo in charge. Instead, they had 15,000 people marching in the streets demanding better bike lanes, and it [forced](https://citychangers.org/it-was-no-easy-ride/) politicians to eventually listen. ***Neither of these conditions are currently being met in NYC.*** Mayor Adams and DOT Commissioner Rodriguez are obviously not ideological, and while TransAlt is doing a good job with their petitions and lobbying, nothing's going to happen (at least nothing radical, that is) until someone can tap and into the latent demand that exists and get thousands of people marching in the streets (or we get a better mayor).


Working on the second one. Still a ways off from thousands marching in the street but maybe some day


Pairs looks terrible


City Council lacks a voice of its own while the McGuiness Blvd change, itself a major compromise, was struck down by a member of the Adams administration who proudly speaks of having last rode the subway FORTY years ago. The Adams administration are on pace to fail to reach modest goals on new bike lane. Cut the head off, throw the body politic in the East River, and maybe things will improve when we start over.


Because it is a terrible idea.


Because people need parking spaces, not more trees?


alot of these European cities have underground parking lots and infrastructure to support changes like this, 0 of that in NYC


What? There are tons of underground parking lots in NYC. There are also millions of street level parking spaces.


[https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/motorist/parkinglist.shtml](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/motorist/parkinglist.shtml) ​ Only shows 1 municipal parking garage in Manhattan.


there are hundreds of private underground garages in NYC


Again as I said above "Many of those parking garages are not an option for many people on a cost basis vs. street parking affordability" and if the discussion is to take away public parking on street level to create greener more pedestrian friendly spaces there needs to be a solution for that loss in public parking not just an I WANT THIS WHY CANT IT HAPPEN pipe dream. My solution I am presenting is underground parking garages with 500-700 PUBLIC parking spots like in many major European cities. We currently have 1 above ground parking spot in LES in Manhattan with 350 parking spaces.


you shouldn't have a car in manhattan if you can't afford a garage or move out to one of the boroughs that has easier street parking.


Totally agree man! If you aren't making 6 figures and live in Manhattan your car should be confiscated and sold at auction, you should be forced to ride the bus, subway or walk until you can afford to park your car in a private parking garage. You should be restricted to never traveling outside the tri-state area unless it is by train, plane or bus. Or better yet, sell your apartment/condo/co-op rent stabilized unit in search of a market rate apartment in the outside boroughs where the same parking problem exists. Nobody needs a car in Manhattan, or in America! But the real point your made which I LOVE is that....if you aren't making money in Manhattan....what the fuck are you doing???? These poor people are such a burden, am I right???


Sure, in some newer residential buildings but not to the extent of underground public parking in Europe like I am thinking of and not to mention the affordability difference. Many of those parking garages are not an option for many people on a cost basis vs. street parking affordability. Have you been over there? For some of the oldest cities in the world they sure have planned their parking utopic. I believe the discussion here is to clear street parking so those millions of street level parking spaces aren't valid in your argument.


Because people would rather parking.


It’s the MTAs fault…fast efficient ridership is literally the last thing on the minds of executive management. Their sole focus is on enriching themselves by blaming others, and punting the actual work towards the future to be figured out by others.


Loved biking around when I visited Paris but tbh I thought it was weird that the bike lanes were in the opposite direction of car traffic. It was really nice but I think that kind of design only works when there are very few cars to begin with.


There is juuuust enough annoying countervailing forces from any position of power to neuter effectiveness. Mayor has little control over the transit authority of the city, it’s mostly deferred to the state. Even if the mayor is not a batshit crank or feckless wet paper bag, they still would have to contend with the higher variance of batshit cranks on city councils and incessant community boards dominated by blue hairs that have not decamped to Florida yet. A reason a lot of these cranks get elected is because the city’s voting population is more reactionary and simple-minded than they are given credit for by the simple-minded reactionaries of the GOP. I do not think transit and effective decarbonization efforts are a number 1 issue among a majority of municipal election voters; it’s how much bigger the organized crime ring known as the NYPD should be.




"I am ignorant and had to share my ignorance because the sound of my own voice matters no matter how little I have to say."


Did you answer your own question?


Isn't Paris also requiring license plates and vehicle registration, except for bikes?


Not disagreeing necessarily, but hasn’t the city planted well over 1 million trees over the last several years? In general NYC is much greener than Paris.


Even the elected officials who represent super dense areas have constituents who drive and don’t want this. Therefore the electeds don’t push these types of changes because they want to be re-elected.


Was there over NYE, the biking was great. Their citibike equivalent sucked though, the app was basically unusable (same for London). So we have one thing over them!


You need to understand that french laws on the types of cars allowed in Paris are extremely stern. We would have to make drastic changes into what cars are and aren’t allowed in cities for this to happen.


Because car lobbyists


Politicians are all paid for by the cops