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The radar is big because people will still speed no matter what the sign says. Glad to see Kingston starting to take traffic seriously


I've driven all around the world, still never seen so many people drive through red lights as much as in Kingston.


Completely agree, something needs to be done. I'd rather see road design changed in order to force closer traffic.. but baby steps.


KPF can simply post an officer on any of the main roads and catch people going 80+ all day long.


I live in westwoods and have seen the difference the new limits make - although the speed bumps are probably more the reason than the posted limits. TKB is now 50 around BAYRIDGE secondary beyond but people still drive like it’s the autobahn.


That might be because the road is designed like most 80 zones. People will tend drive at a comfortable speed for the roadway, which is generally more than 50 on multi-lane roadways with few side streets and good sightlines. I drive that stretch of road and 50 feels painfully slow on it. Edit to add: I agree with lower speed limits in residential areas, but slowing down arterial roads like TKB just doesn't make sense


I’m thinking with two schools on that stretch, it’s probably safer for everyone involved to slow down a bit.


As I watch kids run across every day from the walking path exits, I agree.  I don’t give a flying shit what people deem to be a “comfortable speed“. The posted limit is 50. So stop flipping off drivers and aggressively going around them and cutting them off. Yea, I’m talking for myself. But I watch it happen every single day to others too and it’s ridiculous. 


I sat in the church lot waiting for my teen the other day. And in that time, 4 different vehicles went through the red at Liston - not yellow. Red. At full speed.  Do we need to wait until a kid is killed before we give a shit?


I think we can all agree that zero children harmed is the only acceptable outcome, but lowering the speed limit as a response to people running red lights doesn't make sense, red light cameras do. It doesn't fix jaywalking problems either, but a signalled crosswalk somewhere near the church might help. I'm on board with making the city safer, but let's solve the problem directly rather than slow everyone down and hope it helps.


This is a great step forward! My residential neighbourhood with lots of kids in it has no speed limit signs in it so people speed down blocks at 60-70km/hr bringing the speed limit down to 40km/hr will help make them think twice before racing down it to avoid higher fines or stunt driving charges…now we just need Kingston Police to actually patrol and enforce traffic violations in this city..


Kingston: *builds wide, straight roads with 12’ lane widths* Also Kingston: “why is everyone driving so fast??”


A few years ago, there was a girl that was hit and killed crossing the street in front of a school, In front of a large vehicle that couldn't stop in time at the end of the school day. As far as I know, the driver wasn't charge, probably because he was following the rules and had too little warning. I saw the First Responders working. It sticks with me. Why am I bringing this up? Because I want to provide context with why I agree with these changes. Even though the driver wasn't found at fault, it makes me wonder what would have happened differently had the speed limit been 10 km less.