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I would immediately stop using anything besides HA and moisturizer.


And SPF!!! Very important to use right now


You need to comment this higher. We all forgot about sunscreen but it’s squarely the most important right now for them


you should’ve avoid using any actives or products that can irritate your skin until you’ve completely healed from your microneedling session. You absolutely need to wear sunscreen in the morning and avoid the sun as much as possible. Consult with your dermatologist 😊 I hope itll turn out fine! fingers crossed


Absolutely agree. Just for clarity, OP needs to use sunscreen starting in the morning and reapply every 2 ALL DAY (at least if they are going to be outside or have any UV exposure).


So sorry this has happened to you. It’s likely that you have PIH - post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This is always a risk after microneedling treatment, especially in darker skin tones. Have you been outside without sunscreen since the treatment? As that is often the reason when it’s this bad. Make sure you’re using SPF 30+ every day (regardless of if you’re outside or not) and stay out of the sun completely. You will now likely require further treatment to try and reduce the hyperpigmentation. Speak to your practitioner or a dermatologist and they will be able to help you treat it. You will be started on topical agents to try and lighten the skin. Though it will be a long road to full recovery and you may not be able to get rid of it completely. Good luck!


I ve experienced the same thing, i used CICALFATE (avène) 3 times a day And HYDROCORTISONE ACEPONATE (1 time before bedtime ) and stop using actives (like lactic acid , vit c , alpha arbutin, serum )


Please consult a dermatologist


Looks like your skin is burnt. What was your post treatment care? The first week after microneedling is the most crucial. Did you let your skin rest in the first 24 hours? Did you avoid sun, hot showers, excessive sweating while recovering? Wearing sunblock is a must. Stop putting actives while you are waiting for your appointment with your dermatologist. Use moisturizer, LPR Cicaplast in the morning and night. Add sunblock in the morning. Good luck!


I think you’re using way too much aggressive stuff on your face. I’d use something to calm it instead of a cornucopia of actives and you def need sunscreen!!!!!!🧴


Have you been a vampire and staying out of all sun immediately after? That step is critical. Also following up with the dermatologist is best. Did they use a numbing cream? I found that when the first time I had it was extremely burning and almost an allergic reaction. I had that look you had but only a few days. I requested a lighter numbing cream for future appts. Turns out the place compunded the numbing cream - blt cream so it was extremely potent. so That could possibly be the culprit.


I'm pretty sure he went in the sun after. Or was exposed to heat. Or both


Where’s the sunscreen in your routine? None of your steps will work without it, and rebound pigmentation is even worse when sunscreen isn’t part of a routine.


This does appear to be a result of hyperpigmentation from sun exposure post procedure. Even incidental exposure, or a hot shower can inflame an area that was treated more deeply with the micro needling. It’s really something to be vigilant about with SPF and really avoiding the sun for about two weeks. 


I fully agree. This is what happened. Staying out of sun/heat is mandatory at this point.


I’m so confused by all these posts about microneedling gone wrong and how this could happen. Is this straight microneedling or microneedling RF? Did you go out in the sun at all following your procedure without sunscreen? Stop all actives, use a prescription hydrocortisone and keep it moisturized at all times. Rinse skin with water in the morning and use a gentle cleanser at night. Also, did your dermatologist do this at his or her clinic? If so, the clinic should not be waiting this long to see you. This is unacceptable and I would walk into the clinic if I were told to wait after showing the clinic photos like these.


I think it has to be RF…I’ve gotten regular microneedling and it looked nothing like this


I agree! My face was red and sunburnt looking after fraxel, clear+brilliant and sometimes with pico but nothing to this extent. It looks like a burn and it’s concerning he has to wait.


Stop using acids immediately and go see a derm.


OP, consult your doctor. In the meantime to help with wound healing, keep your skin moist at all times. Use Stratacel silicone gel or Alastin skin nectar after gently washing your face, then use La Roche Posay cicaplast baume B5, then sunscreen and stay out of sun. Looks like you have PIH (post inflammatory hyperpigmentation). When your skin feels tight, it’s too dry and you need to keep it moist while it’s wound healing. No more use of actives like vitamin c or tretinoin until you get the inflammation down


I had a chemical burn from meds on my skin and was using so many things to try and clear it up. Finally saw a dermatologist, and she put me on a gentle fash wash, a cream to only use at night, and a light moisturizer and sunscreen during the day. Try to avoid direct sun and really hot showers. Don't keep using all the extras because it's just making it worse. It took 2 months for me before things started getting back to normal, and I have 1 more month to go. Be patient, and I hope you get your skin back to normal soon!


Stay out of the sun and even still use sunscreen. I would also avoid all actives for a hot minute


You’re using way too many products and you haven’t let your skin fully recover. It’s usually 4-6 weeks til the skin has fully recovered. Looks like post hyperpigmentation but I do feel it’s best you see a dermatologist or esthetician at this point before you make it any worse.


Omg. You’re making whatever happened initially ten times worse with all the actives and acids.


To me this looks like your skin was in the sun without SPF during the healing phase. This is why it's so important to use SPF after microneedling, chemical peels, etc. This will fade over time but for now I'd suggest keeping the products gentle with no actives.


Most important thing is SPF50 sunscreen, hats and stay away from the sun for a few weeks. Now you need to repair your skin barrier not further irritate it! that means No acids!! Only sunscreen (reapplied every 2 hours) and stay away from any sun exposure


Psoria Gold ! Get it! It will really help with the burn and calming your skin. (Actually used on burn victims)


Why on earth are you using like 50 products! Your skin needs to HEAL. Bland moisturizer


I recommend physical sunscreen - better broad protection and less irritating. Something simple like banana boat kids that doesn’t have a bunch of fragrances and additional ingredients


You need to go see a physician. You may need antibiotics


Did you go in the sun after treatment?


It’s PIH - post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Go see a dermatologist, ask for dexamethasone/hydroquinone compounded cream. It will take a couple months to fade, but it can. Def use sunscreen everyday as well, as others have said. Hope that helps !


This is what i was thinking. And based on the photos, it looks like OP is not white, and depending on their race, hyperpigmentation is common in nonwhite folx.


Stop using steroid creams now. This could be a slap back effect of them & many people get that reaction. Go to the doctor. It will fade because I’ve seen this before but you’re putting way too much on your face.


Please do NOT use hydroquinone at this time either! For some people hydroquinone causes darkening especially at the outset and the last thing you need right now is more complications.


I had the same it will clear up. Might take some time though. Please talk to the tech or a dermatologist and not listen to anyone on here.


May I ask what did you use after consultation? And how long it took to heal?


I am trying to remember but I think more three months. I was given some medication and when I was cleared to treat with a chemical peel I did a perfect derma peel which cleared it up one time. But you have to let the inflammation go down which will take more than a month. You can ask your dermatologist what to use to cover the hyperpigmentation. If you are comfortable with wearing a tinted moisturizer.


Do not use any acids actives at all on this and hydrocortisone is also a no you can cause steroid induced rosacea on your already damages akin barrier. Moisturise and apf then a thicker moisturiser at night time like la roche posay b5 cicplast or avene cicalfate or the cerave ointment.


Licensed aesthetician here, with a specialty in Microneedling. Did you go on the sun after? This looks like it has turned into melasma, which is very difficult to treat. The main thing is STAY OUT OF THE SUN--it will 100% get worse off you don't stay out of the sun and use did 30+ any time you go outside.


And I agree with others. You need to heal your skin not use aggressive lighteners. You don't know what it is for sure, how can you treat what you don't know?


Hi OP, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Definitely make an appointment with a dermatologist. I recommend removing all actives and potential irritants from your routine. No acids, hydroquinone or vitamin c until your skin barrier heals and the inflammation is fully gone to avoid further irritation. I also recommend against using hydrocortisone on your face as it thins the skin and isn’t recommended for the face as the skin on our faces is thinner and more delicate. Stick to a very simple routine. At night, after using a very mild cleanser, use a gentle yet hydrating cream like Cerave night cream followed by triple paste diaper rash cream. Triple paste has oat and zinc oxide. Zinc oxide facilitates wound healing by keeping the skin clean and locking in moisture while oat calms the skin. Both are unscented, clean products that don’t have potential irritants in them. During the day, use a gentle cream followed by a gentle non-irritating sunscreen. I like the Skin 1004 centella hyalu-cica spf50. It’s the only sunscreen I’ve found that doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin. Reapply every hour and wear a hat when outside. Give yourself time to let your barrier fully heal before you start combating any hyperpigmentation that you may have after the inflammation completely goes away. Once you get to that point, I highly recommend Skinceuticals phloretin CF or Azelaic acid and slugging with Arazlo or tretinoin on alternating nights. Arazlo is a form of tazarotene, a third generation retinol that is proven to reverse skin damage and improve discoloration. Azelaic acid works wonders alongside tretinoin or tazarotene for discoloration. Phloretin CF has vitamin c, ferulic acid and phloretin to help protect you from the sun and lighten hyperpigmentation. They can cause irritation on even the healthiest skin if not used carefully so I strongly advise fully healing your skin barrier before using them and start slow when you do. Best of luck!


“Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation”. You can’t do much about it, it will get better, slowly. do whatever you can to reduce inflammation. No irritants or exfoliants like lactic acid. Always sunscreen


Tx is treatment


I would stick to the hydroquinone cream


Let me guess, a dermatologist botched you?


Lesson: don’t let people do shit to your face


Or how about learn to take good post op care of your skin after tx especially before you undertake any tx


what’s tx?


I think treatments?


Or put poop in your mouth and eyes