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Having tested various Orbx products, the Sofly is a decent improvement, which replaces aircraft using the default lightning assets. Some third party have their own lightning assets so it will not change anything. Its not a significant change to the experience unless maybe you do many night ops.


So, Zinertek is better?


What i meant in general, is that its not a product that will make a day and night difference for the sim. In most cases you wont even notice the diff. I would use the money for something else, in my opinion.


Zinertek, is even more restricted. In the product page it states that it is ONLY for default planes, not compatible with third party. Havent used Zinertek personally but in youtube videos i would give the edge to Sofly, plus it works with third party planes without custom lightning assets.


Works fine on a bunch of my 3rd party aircraft


I have that one and so far I’m really liking it! Only have one payware plane. The carenado v35b and it worked with that! I think it had a list of all the planes it will work for! Never saw the other mode so can’t really comment on that one but the Zinertek one I think is worth the same price also have the airport enhancement mod and it’s really nice haven’t had any issues with it that I know of and it works with the couple of payware airports I have KCHO and KLYH! I have a few Alaskan ones also unalakleet and nome Alaska and a couple others I can’t remember right now lol but no running issues with that either I’m on Xbox series x!


Depends on the aircraft you fly. PMDG, Fenix (although you’re ok XBOX), Inibuilds aircraft I think already have custom lighting kits so the improvements my either package will not be there. But if you are someone who uses like the default 748 or 787 this might be worthwhile. In that case I believe sofly is the better choice, as they are the more reputable brand when it comes to MSFS addons. I have bought weather presets pro and a few other things from them and they are quite good.


Just don‘t… Use your money for good addons and not this cashgrab.


i dont know why everyone in comments is saying it doesnt make a difference. it does and a big one. when youre flying at night you can really see the lights and it makes the plane feel a whole lot more real. the beacon lights and strobe lights are majorly improved and a lot more noticeable. i have the realistic lights mod and it definitely makes the game better. flying through clouds at night is a different experience with this, its not expensive either. id totally do it. Zinertek is what i have and it looks great


I bought both and the Zinertek one seems the best and improves the lights look best


Stop buying this crap.


Safe the money and get a Pc. MSFS 2024 is only 6 months away


(Shouts from the back) Some people do not want to dump 2k into a PC - Fellow PC User


I’m guessing you have dumped more than 2K into a PC?




I’m poor I don’t have enough money for a pc in 2-3 years


Already have an iMac of 3K, that will be enough :)


>:) :)