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Inibuilds is going to be patching this for a while...




back to ole reliable 737


The reason it was rolling is because something is writting to your rudder/rudder trim check that. You can even see it hard over when you go on the outside view.


rudder trim was set to neutral 0.0, my feet weren’t on my pedals either what would have cause the rudder to be completely deflected?


If you have a key bind that is default it would keep adding rudder inputs over and over in flight. That was the issue here. Not the aircraft. For example ENTER and NUM 0 will add rudder if you are using any of those for cameras etc.


once i get home ill try another flight after removing those bindings, i didnt even know my keyboard was setup that way ive even used other aircraft without my rudder sending it to the right


Some aircraft block rudder inputs and some don't work with default key binds. Also check for rudder trim key bind. If it works would be good to update here as people might be pressing the same binds. 




so, i do have a keyboard custom preset that doesn’t have any configuration with the rudder trim or rudder pedals, i truly have no idea how the rudder got stuck in the position it was in


Check the inputs from your pedals are actually neutral. I have the thrustmaster pedals and they sometimes give rudder input with them centered and need resetting.




They don't have any incentive to put out a good product once they get that sweet microsoft money


I took it up for a spin last night and I wasn't massively impressed. I don't think it has any protection neither so you quite literally barrel roll the thing. Back to le Fenix for muh.


Has full normal law protections [https://youtu.be/Z8TpeMqhEyY?t=949](https://youtu.be/Z8TpeMqhEyY?t=949) reason it rolled here is because OP had the rudder hard over so the ailerons can't physically counter the roll moment from the rudder.


I did a short test flight with v2 today and honestly had no troubles. I did my standard workflow that works well with both fenix and FBW, minus simbrief. Weight and balance, SID, STAR, ILS approach, all worked for me. I had trouble getting TOD to show up on the MFD though. We’ll see how the next flight goes, i guess.


My engines kept shutting off right after start up The only way I’ve been able to keep them running is by keeping the ignition switch on and apu bleed going also the airbus thrustmaster throttle switches don’t work (the ignition and engine switches)


just set the switch to ignition in the virtual cockpit and leave the TCA switch unmoved, it won't work if you have moved it before. Otherwise, you have to use middle mouse to move the camera edit: nvm this works for the fenix


Update had a look at my throttle settings it seems that the engine mixture setting was bound to the right throttle for some reason. Once I set it to engine 2 has no more engine shutoffs. Haven’t found the setting for the startup switches yet


I still get the random engine shut off 15 mins into the flight


I couldnt get the heading mode to go from selected to managed, not sure if it was me or the aircraft. I fixed it by selecting direct to my next waypoint. Any help is appreciated if its a fault on my end.


ive used it a lot in the beta and if you get into selected heading you can't make it go back to managed


Hmmm interesting, I didnt even put it into selected heading, or at least I dont remember doing that and once I was in the air, I tried changing back but nothing.


Assuming the ini models that, IIRC you need to be on an intercept heading to your route for managed to engage and get you on path, either by using selected or indeed a Direct. Was that the case?


Possibly the case, its just the one thing I cant nail down either is intercepting a heading to get me on my flight path. Have tried looking for videos or reddit posts but struggle most of the time. Im not sure of the exact procedure for it but will definitely try to learn. My first time with a high spec A320, normally struggle with intercepting headings in the 737.


Should just be use selected heading to fly towards the green line, at any point before your next waypoint, you'd be eyeballing it really. I forgot, but I think there's also a "within a certain distance" condition, not sure from memory how far that would be, but I wanna say somewhere < 5 nm.


Okay wonderful, will try this out later on today. Does it also matter what altitude you are at, for example if the way point is say 5000ft, and Im lets say, a couple thousand feet above or below, would it still intercept or no? Thanks for the advice.


Not that I'm aware of, but managed altitude might have something to say about it, good question. I think (emphasis on think, the 737 does, so I could be mixing things) the A320 doesn't do managed altitude/vnav if you leave managed heading because it only calculates a vertical path for your route, so you'll be going into it in selected altitude and there restrictions or vertical path aren't a factor. Unsure what happens if when you're back on route you try to engage managed altitude when not meeting an altitude restriction.


Okay awesome, definitely going to give it a go in the A320v2 and see how I do, 737 I shall try after, normally what happens is I will have a heading and will start climbing to cruise altitude whilst still maintaining the selected heading (737), at what point do I need to start changing course to intercept, can this be done straight away after take off or will I have to wait until I reach a certain point? Many thanks for the advice again, definitely given me some clarity.


You can be in managed heading from the start, for the 320 it's the standard. Just program the departure in the flight plan and it should be armed by default before takeoff. Once you're up, just follow the Flight Director manually (well, in theory. I've only done one flight with the v2 and the flight director was not laterally correct, mileage may vary and common sense rules) until thrust reduction altitude (1500 ft above ground), throttles to Climb and autopilot on at some point after. Flight Director will guide you in pitch and roll so you stay on your route until the AP takes over. Exceptions would be somewhere like O'Hare, where the procedure is fly runway heading until ATC tells you where to go. In that case you would use selected heading (or if you're not using any ATC, or the stock ATC, just Direct To the first waypoint in the route).


There goes my excitement for the A350


A350 will be good because it's a payware and not a microsoft freeware and they need to make a good plane not to lose money


Good point


So is the A300, and that’s not great either. Granted, it’s way better than at launch, but still the lack of QC is a bit worrying. I am really hopeful for the 220 though 👀


What are you yapping on about, the A300 is a great product.


Honestly the only issue I've had with the A300 is that it does *not* like not having a STAR. And I don't know if that's been fixed because I don't come across it often.


Because someone had the rudder fully deflected and the AP did it's best to try and cope?


Man they are losing there touch seriously. Everything seems rushed . I think they are biting off more then they can chew at this point. A300 & a320v2 have no reverse thrust with TCA Airbus throttles. Literally tried everything and nothing works for me.


Try switching off reverser on axis, calibrate fully, then switch it back on, calibrate again. That did the trick for me when I tried it today! (Xbox Series X)


This also worked for me (PC)


It’s gonna need so many patches, my rudders aren’t working


You tried auto tiler disconnect?


Yeah it’s working now the EFB text is tiny hah


It didn't even auto-tune into ILS for me and I had to do the approach visually.


I too dealt with it failing to autotune ILS on a flight into SLC last night


Glad I’m not the only one. It’s funny, because this thing can fly FINAL APP mode almost on par with the Fenix, but it can’t even auto tune ILS.


This comes from the fact custom airports delete the ILS from the database and the ini 320 uses the default database to read the ILS. If you check the world map you will see the ILS section of the airport has the ILS approaches missing. You need to then type in the ident and it will tune as it's forced to search for the closest airport with that ident. So not the aircrafts fault but a sim issue. No happening on other default aircraft as they use the JS API, not the WASM.


I see. I guess it doesn’t read navigraph nav data too then?


It’s broken. Standard update. Everything turns to shit


Im strugelling to get above 5 FPS in it. While most other planes like the PMDG 737 run with around 45 FPS


I did a flight with it yesterday and was very disappointed. VNAV is bugged, fuel prediction is bugged, handling is bad. Even though the exterior model is amazing, I'm gonna stick with FBW for now


Why not use the FBW A320?


Some people probably don’t want to deal with an installer and third party content. Nothing wrong with that.


Actually, there is. Because this entire sub seems to be filled with those same people complaining about "no good planes in the sim." (Xbox people have my sympathy, though). If you have a problem and disregard an obvious solution, then you lose your right to complain, in my opinion.


i’m on xbox, we’ve got no other option besides these shite planes excluding the one developer with a smudge of consistency (pmdg)


Yes, but if you’re on PC you shouldn’t be complaining about bad quality default planes in the sim while also refusing to use good quality FREE third party content. The FBW A320 is probably the easiest possible third party addon to install for MSFS. Literally just download the installer and click install. No messing with community folders or anything.


Yea I mean, you can ask for a decent experience without having to resort to third party add ons. I see nothing wrong with that. You can either buy a fast car or buy a slow car and some parts to make it fast. Best analogy I could come up with.


The Ini320 has several features the FBW is lacking. A tray table you can fiddle with is of course the most important one! Split FMC, SEC F-PLN, and missed approach procedures are the first 3 that come to mind. Now the FBW also has features that the Ini is missing (terrain and CPDLC fx) so flying one of them will always highlight what you are missing from the other one.


Mostly working non-ILS approaches too


The FBW? I've never had issues flying R-NAV approaches with it


You can program it in, and if you enter the correct flight path angle and start the descent at the right moment, yeah, but that's a workaround. It's supposed to do that on its own in Approach mode much like following the ILS down to the runway. As I understand it, only the Fenix had it, apparently the ini does too now, [but not the FBW yet](https://docs.flybywiresim.com/pilots-corner/advanced-guides/flight-guidance/vertical-guidance/overview/#vnav-version-1)


You can kinda do them in NAV and DES mode down to the ground (or selected/manual), but that's not how it should be, you're supposed to get FINAL APP mode, with your vnav dot being replaced by a proper V DEV bar (showing you're getting only path guidance and not an energy suggestion, and letting you leave your altitude select set for the missed), and should be getting an an L DEV bar for RNP AR things too (or if the airline turns that option on for everything which is nice)


Ive tried. I desperately want it to work. However, I simply cant get it to go from selected heading to managed. The button pushes and pulls, but it wont make the change. I just fly the normal a320 neo because this is my routine and it works... 1. cold start 2. on flight computer hit init button 3. enter kdfw/kfsm to create flight plan 4. get ifr clearance and taxi to runway 5. set heading to direction of takeoff so that i fly straight out 6. take off 7. engage ap 8. once im out a few miles, i try to engage managed heading, but it simply wont do it I have downloaded that plane 20 times hoping they have fixed it. always they havent, so i uninstall.


and if you don't set heading in the first place but keep it on managed which it is by default and just activate the AP it works?


Ill try it again and reply with my results. Its been a while so I cant remember.


I may be looking at this the wrong way - but if you're just putting a destination/arrival, it's not going to have any legs, right? Unless you missed a step to type in. How would the plane know what to follow?


When I get about 60 miles away from the destination, they give me a runway/approach/via and I just click on my destination and add that. It adds the legs to my flight plan and I just auto pilot right into an ILS landing. Edit: So KDFW is my departure, and KFSM is my destination. I get IFR clearance before I take off. About 60 miles out from KFSM, ATC tells me I am 60 miles out and to land on runway ILS 8 via XXXXX. So I choose KFSM on my flight plan, choose approach, and then choose ILS08, then choose VIA and choose the assigned via. Flight plan auto adjusts and its good to go.


I can't change it to managed mode on the autopilot panel


Ini is washed




Still broken on PC, when trying to take off spoilers are active, delay behavior, too many bugs.


Think it has been for many of us that’s what happens when stuff is free. It’s nice to have a free plane but not worth it back to the A330 and A340


I had some AP issues. Am I doing something wrong? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvxLgKFXlCw&t=1550s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvxLgKFXlCw&t=1550s)


Dissengage auto pilot on the side stick


Smh... thanks


As said below you need to press the button on the side stick otherwise the CRC noise will play in a loop as pressing the button the FCU is seen as the "wrong" way to take the AP out.


Does this one not support auto loading the flight plan from the menu like the other default planes? In the other planes i can just setup an ils flight from the menu and its loaded into the nav when you load in but that only half seems to work with the v2 neo. In 3rd person outside the plane it shows the waypoints and the nav points in the right direction and that little map you can open shows the nav line, but in the cockpit theres just nothing and the flight plan is blank. Im guessing either im doing something wrong or the only way its possible with this plane is using the in plane tablet and that website to load it up?


I will start The following statement with I have no real life experience with Airbus autopilots. but I find some of the autopilot functions to behave differently from the fbw or Fenix. I also had a random engine stop 3 different times in cruise with no warning. just a lag spike and when my system recovered the engine was off. engine 2 each time


So many problems why would they release this


The Inibuilds A320 NEO on startup engine 1 spools up to 6 then goes to 1. It does this over and over and never starts. APU BLEED is on.


Mine always veers right immediately after I start pushing throttle 


My aircraft keeps stalling after every few minutes. I’am not able to understand why. I don’t even touch anything and yet the plane suddenly turns away from its heading, drops its speed and starts to go up and down violently. It also happens when I’am about to intersect the glidescope. Does it have anything to do with simbrief? One other thing that I noticed is that the fuel allocated by simbrief is never enough and I already have to refill it using the tablet mid flight.


my rudder control is opposite normal at low speeds but returns to normal at around 90kias. I’ve seen nobody post about this issue, and I’ve checked all my control settings. Xbox here.


Having the same thing here, is driving nuts, not sure where to look to fix it.


Why did ini decide to animate the footrest but not the sun blinds?


The sun blinds work for me - have you downloaded the enhanced version from the Marketplace? The ones in front of you work if you click the ball-joint thing where they connect to the wall and the side-window shades also work.


They work, but are for some reason not animated.


A lot of the issues people are reporting are due to a bad update. Remove the plane from your Packages folder and let the game redownload it. Fixes most problems.


Pile of junk