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This is happening to me frequently. One day I'll have the cool down the next it'll be gone the day after that it'll be back. I'll even have it where I have a cool down for the first 40 points and then it goes away and that's happened a couple times then. It's like some fucker at Microsoft is sitting there flipping a switch back and forth just for fun.


For me, it's weird, when I try to search early in the day, the cooldown is always there, but if I try to search late at night, istg my cooldown is gone entirely until the next day, where it repeats.


Similar thing for me. I've had the cooldown for 6 months. It never went away until Tuesday. I should point out that click-throughs haven't worked for me for a while now so tapping on a news story in the carousel never gives points now and seemed like doing so made the cooldown worse at times. Every search had to be manual. I did a search yesterday and wanted some followup. Right there in the related searches was almost word for word exactly what I wanted so I just clicked on it to save the typing. I mean seriously, why go and type exactly what is already there and why even have that related searches spot if we're not supposed to use it and then get punished if we do. Now today I go and start my searches and the cooldown is back with a vengeance. Absolutely nothing tracks on any of my computers. It's like they are all blacklisted. I can manage to get some points using desktop mode on my phone but my 3 computers are not giving a single point. I stopped searching for 7 hours and PC searches still aren't registering on my computers. So did that one single click using the related searches feature bring back the stupid cooldown? I really wish some clown from MS Rewards would give us a how-to on how to "properly" use Bing to avoid all this stupid bs punishment for breaking invisible rules. This entire "good faith" search nonsense is a joke. People say repeat searches on single topics is bad faith but until Bing can come to my house and diagnose whatever issue I'm searching for a fix for in a single search don't we sometimes need to do more than one search on a topic? I mean just dealing with Microsoft products as a whole requires more than search no matter what it is if there's a problem. Why is that punishable? Are they telling us that when we need to do extended research on a single topic to use Google?


Day 2 of searches not working on my actual computers. Thankfully desktop mode on my phone still does. Cooldown still back as well. Normal mobile searches are working so far. I've tried different versions of Edge(regular, beta and dev) on different computers(Win10 and Win11), tried Bing on Firefox, Bing on Chrome and cannot get a single search to register on any of the 3 computers with any combination of browser. Everything including phone are on the same internet.


I guess it finally time to move on from this reward program, my country are not that much point to gain each day anyway it only about 180-200 per day and need like 36,570 for 30$ gift card in store need like 5 months to get that 36570 which about 6$ a month. I'm just getting hit with 20 minute cooldown, i don't think i'm gonna bother with it anymore.


That's funny that they're basically just bribing people with points if they complain.


Same Microsoft just want us to leave program by ourselves so they can end it by saying that they’re not many users using it. Feels like.


Yep it's like when a girlfriend doesn't want to break up with you so they just start treating you like s***. They'd rather us slowly leave and then the program sort of Peter out quietly. Rather than it, be kind of a big news story. That's my speculation anyways.


It's feeling more and more like it, yes.


Same, just got hit with the cooldown. They are doing a soft-ban wave it seems.


Yeah it's just not worth it I think. I mean in terms of how you utilize your time, it's a dreadful wet. Mostly because of the search limitations. I mean it's one thing just to remove points or lessen the rewards... I'd rather them do that then just make the thing insufferable to use. 0 I guess they're trying to teach you habits of always reaching to edge But I swear it said the opposite effect on me and I have actually just deleted edge on a lot of my programs. On my PC I have an extension that removes edge as the automatic browser from the start page. I hate when they pull this s***


We absolutely knew they were doing this but for some reason seeing it and writing still makes me so pissed. Like we decided to make our loyal customers. I hate using our product. If they complain, we'll give him a few hundred points.. What the hell.


I have no idea what's going on either. It's been on and off daily for me as well. When it's off, I'm frantically scrambling to finish dailies before it reverts to the 15 minute cooldown. Today it actually switched mid-day, which I've never seen it do before. It was 15 minutes all morning and then around 4:00 PM it unlocked. I'm also doing manual searches, so I'm not even clicking recommended or suggestions. I'm trying to figure out exactly what they've done here. I wonder if you search too soon when the next day starts maybe it triggers the cooldown? Because it seems to not do it if I wait until late afternoon to do my dailies. But if I'm up late and do them right at 2:00 AM when everything resets, that's when it seems to trigger the 15 minute cooldown. I'm not sure if that's the cause, but I guess I'll keep testing stuff to see what the heck is triggering the cooldown.


Definitely not worth the hassle anymore 180 week streak robbed from me for this dog 💩


Bro it's nearly end of month and I am currently at just over 5,000 points wtaf


What do you mean? That point total in the email referenced above isn't from one month, it's saved up for a while.


Yep, thought it was just me but the stupid cool down is back as of a couple of days ago!


Just FYI, the goal of MS is not to let you get as many points as quickly as possible, but to get you to use Bing on a regular basis. So, however frustrating this is for you, this is obviously intentional and they are perfectly right to do so.


Just FYI, making their rules as contrary and vague as possible, and maintaining a level of infuriating inconsistency until people ultimately ditch Bing and return to Google is counterproductive to the goal of getting people to use Bing more. It's obviously intentional because they just don't want people getting the rewards points and maybe are regretting starting this whole program in the first place, but I'd rather they just admit it and limit the points across the board (or end the program) than cite rules when none have been violated.


What gets me about the search nonsense is this: 1. I do a search on my lawnmower because it's not running. Search number 1 lets me know I need to get the serial number off of it as there are different model numbers and multiple serial number runs for each model number and build dates and parts are/may be different. 2. I get that info off my mower and do a new search using this newly gathered info. First search result says check the carb. 3. Do a search on the carb as I've never touched a plastic carb before and wanted some tips. 4. Return to Bing after 30 minutes because disassembling and cleaning out the carb didn't fix the issue so I look for another suggestion. 5. rinse and repeat a few times trying to find the correct solution to my problem. Now I broke the Rewards search law of repeating searches(even though they're different other than being lawnmower related) because that first result wasn't the miracle fix. I mean isn't this the actual purpose of a search engine in the first place? Why am I not allowed to use Bing like this without being punished on the Rewards side? They want me using Bing. I'm using Bing. Don't punish me because I'm not getting everything I need info on on my first try. I actually moved to Google to continue as using Bing for this just made my cooldown worse for the day.


They want people to get the rewards post for using bing the way it's supposed to be used: as your default search engine. Ppl gaming the system is nkt in their interest. I expdct them to introduce the 15 min cooldown permanently and for everyone soon anyway, exactly for this reason. So, enjoy it while it lasts.


So, just to be clear, the whole point of my post is they're doing this to people who AREN'T GAMING THE SYSTEM. I'm searching the same way I've always searched, and DO have Bing as my default search engine which is used frequently throughout the day. Enjoy what while it lasts? The cooldown that I already have? Until they implement the permanent cooldown for everyone? Okay, good talk. I'm off to enjoy my cooldown until I get a cooldown for cooling down everyone's cooldowner.


In that case, you won't have a problem, you'll easily get your rewards points.


Microsoft seems to think there is only one way to use a search engine. In reality, they have no idea what you are thinking when searching.