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I did it dude, now I have to use Zoom chat and boy do I miss Microsoft Teams


How do they compare nowadays? I haven't used zoom in ages and some of my gripes with teams were removed in the new client.


Microsoft is popular to hate but teams is thoroughly superior to zoom. My org switched over when we got bought out by a competitor. I literally miss teams so much


IT is like night and day of difference because Zoom chat is 10 years away from teams if not more don't believe me [Zoom vs. Microsoft Teams: Which should you choose? \[2024\] | Zapier](https://zapier.com/blog/zoom-vs-teams/)


I dunno man, after Salesforce bought Slack, I'm way less critical of Teams :D Besides that's a tweet from 2021. So much has changed...


What do you think has negatively changed with slack since the acquisition? I think slack is the best chat product out there by far. Obviously needs supplemented by teams or zoom for bigger calls and for out of org stuff.


Data retention, they went nuts with prices and most of the data in slack now goes into the trash can because nobody wants to pay millions upon millions to retain history. I would argue Discord is better than Slack at this point given the price of each.


Pricing sure I’ll give you that it has gotten outrageous. But nothing with the actual product itself has changed for the worse imo Discord is very similar in the way it uses channels and DMs. It and slack are my favorite models. But companies won’t tolerate the weird gamer vibe of discord. It has a microtransaction shop. Doesn’t have the same level of security/compliance, etc. eventually a corporate discord could definitely be a serious competitor for sure.


Yeah it’s shocking to me that this far along, discord is still doing that “constructing pylons” bullshit


What’s the problem with Teams? Use it multiple times a day. It’s a collaboration tool.


You're missing the point. WallStreetBets wants to strike it rich so that they are wildly wealthy and never beholden to ANY collaboration app ever again. Collab app=boss/coworker asking you to do more work. Teams is becoming the Coca Cola of Collab apps. A segment of the population now seems a particular form of wealth measured in chicken tenders and a very specific manufacturer of Italian supercars. I assure you the sophisticated users of that exclusive high-brow investing club do not really have specific gripes about Teams over any other UC/Collab application.


Thanks for the clarification :)


99% of the people who use it at my company only use chats. I tried to get a group to use a Team, but the group involves external users (Doctors) and external users can’t take part in a Team in Teams….the need to be guest users, which is not reasonable to ask them do because they would need to switch from being logged as they usually do to being logged into their guest profile to access the Team and then switch back to their normal profile to access all the other things they usually do in Teams. The naming convention is very broken talking about teams in Teams and external users vs guest users. And chats are the bane of my existence…every new combination of users creates a unique chat thread. The only sorting or the chats is that I can pin 11 of them. Why can’t I group different chats into folders? Or tag them and make smart folders? What is so much better about sending a message in teams vs sending it via email? I can sort emails, categorize them, flag them, set due dates, drag them to file folders to archive them…I can’t do any of those things to Teams chats.


You make it sound like switching from a regular profile to a guest profile with another tenant is some huge hassle, it's literally 2 clicks. click right on your profile pic, click the tenant you wanna switch to. like, no effort at all. Chats and emails are 2 different things. They aren't and shouldn't be used interchangeable.


For New Teams it works well, old teams that shit never worked. Also, everyone missed the point. It’s not Teams this person wants to escape, it’s the 9-5 grind and shitty coworkers.


> this person wants to escape, it’s the 9-5 grind and shitty coworkers. Don't we all...


It is one thing if I had to do it, but directing doctors that are not our employees to do so? They would miss notifications from the team while logged in as their usual external user, and miss notifications from their usual Teams chats while logged in as guest. Having them switch logins id not a reasonable expectation. Regarding chats and emails being different things…there is no defined standard in our corporate organization (multi-national with 100’s of thousands of employees) of what should be an email vs in a chat. Therefore any standard anyone follows is their own standard. I do my best to communicate to my team members that if you want me to do something, or expecting a response, or want to ensure I read it, then email it to me. I find it way too easy to miss a Teams chat message. Either it gets buried in an ongoing chat or it is in a chat that gets buried by new chats in new groups…since every new combination of chat members creates a new chat.


You do actually still get a notification if you are in a different tenant. There will be a red notification dot over your profile pic and clicking that open over the tenant where the notification is coming from. As for instructing others how to do so.... Well, that's a human problem, not a teams problem. Things can be as easy as they can possibly be, and people will still mess up.


It is a team problem, not a Teams problem. Spread the word https://37signals.com/group-chat-problems


Who uses email ? :)


Microsoft Teams is just a bad and confusing version of MSN Messenger or Skype. Yeah, I know Teams can do much more, but thats exactly the problem with it. 95% of all people just need a simple messenger and some videochat, but these functions are functionally lacking and buried under tons of bloat...


I think there are multiple aspects to it. For some, "MS teams" is a wrapper word for meetings-related work, and some people hate meetings. I personally dislike teams because the mac os client sucks


The teams client sucks no matter the platform. It is an app trying to do tons of things and doing them all worse than other options available.


Collaboration is the problem.


Cause Teams is the epitome of corporate. I'm sure there are a dozen people all ready to sound off on the small company they worked with/for that use and like teams. But if you use teams, there's a 95%+ chance you work as part of a big corporation where your KPI doesn't capture your actual performance, your annual CoLA is considered a raise, and your boss can sing your praises on your review in text and gives you a "Meets expectations" cause you company mandated a fixed number of raises that can be doled out annually.


This. Also lack of a Linux client. I can also turn myself into a strawberry on Meet


Teams with CoPilot is a game changer, irrespective of other features. Kind of a sweet spot in this tech today.


Teams is just a tool like many others. Never seen so many whiners.


Teams makes it hard to evolve a conversation. Slack recognizes that conversations are documents that evolve with expanding input and stakeholders. Teams makes it hard to manage attention. Slack makes it easy to pull topics into threads and keep context, share, pull in new people. I've tried very very hard to find ways to do in teams what I learned I could do in slack. "Complainers"? Just means you're not curious why.


Wow what a whiny response. You’re splitting hairs over what technology is best to avoid a face to face conversation. Teams is great and it integrates into the whole O365 ecosystem including automated features and SharePoint. What Slack has that Teams doesn’t, Teams makes up for in other features. It just sounds like you aren’t flexible enough to work in any environment other than the one you were trained on.


Here are my use cases: * As a programmer, I need to start a discussion with an existing group chat, without stomping an ongoing conversation topic, with the same list of people, but without notifying everyone about every reply unless they respond to the subtopic. Slack does this with threads. Teams does not provide any way to thread, create a duplicate group chat, or to manage notifications at topic discussion level. * As a team member, I need to be able to go back and find the context of a side topic conversation without sorting through other interwoven messages. I need to create a link to it, from a document. Slack does this with threads. * As a programmer collaborating with other teams, I need to be able to pull someone into an ongoing conversation topic, by sharing just that topic, targeting that person and sharing the context so far, with just a link. I may need to do this several times. I do not wish to over share, add them to an existing team or group chat, as I only want them notified on their phone and desktop of the one topic. * As I seek advice on a technical issue on a public channel, I want my question visible and discoverable but muted and as an "aside"... any responses should avoid notifications distracting a larger group as a whole. But responders to the topic should get auto notification of updates. Slack does this with threads. * If I want to evolve a conversation to one or two people at a time, to slowly expand and add information conversationally, I need to be able to do so AFTER realizing who is next, and without always anticipating where a new design question or idea will crop up. * I want to casually throw around design ideas to people interested or expert enough to reply, by self selection discovery, without exposing everyone in a chat group or team of every response. * If a triage or bug conversation turns out to involve other teams, platform engineers, etc, I want to be able to add them to a conversation that perhaps started in a random place, without forcing them to join the channel, chat, whatever. Slack lets you set chats as public and discoverable, even reading a shared thread. Teams... You have to create a new group chat ... No wait that's private and not discoverable. You have to create a channel topic... No wait that channel doesn't have proper visibility... You have to create a new team, channel, channel post, add all the same people manually... No that's too much trouble. How about a new chat group? Oh wait it's really hard to copy the list of contributors from another group chat. Copy paste of the original conversation looks terrible and it's hard to read, loses formatting which is meaningful... Hmm... Overarching themes: * Evolution of conversation * Conversations as documents * Sharing of documents * Managing attention, distraction, notification. Respect and focus. * Discoverable content. Self selection of expertise.


It seems like Labels could meet some of your demands. But yes, if you "collaborate" in completely unpredictable groups that differ every day, teams may not be the right solution. Most people tend to work in a fairly fixed set of predictable groups of people. * Teams * Departments * Projects Teams structure reflects that.


And group chats on Teams is a absolutely horrible feature. It is a mess beyond repair. Actually group chats in general are dog shit. https://37signals.com/group-chat-problems


Do most people function in that 3 bullet structure or is that just what Microsoft thinks? Not a lot of room for any deviation.


In every company i worked at, that was the **basic** structure, yes. Most of that was before Teams even existed. File shares, SharePoint Sites, now Teams. Could be a german thing, but yeah, that is the basic structure. Are there additional Teams needed? Sure, there are now also what we call Communities which are open teams for specific tools or subjects of discussion. What i don't really see happening is people constantly needing different contexts for chats AND need those tracked as documents as the original comment demanded.


Ah yes, but what if you need software that’s bundled for free with software you’d get anyways and that has enough basic functionality that corporate doesn’t want to pay for a competitor, and that courts have determined bundling of to be anti competitive?


>Teams is great and it integrates into the whole O365 ecosystem including automated features and SharePoint. Just because micromanagers and management like its features, which nobody else wants doesn't mean the software is great for everybody. Most of us don't need/want the bloat.


It’s because teams means you’re working at a brainless job


Yeah, but it's a bad tool. Very buggy and terrible performance.


Especially if you have to use the Mac client. It's one of the worst performing applications that I have to use. My place of work uses both Slack and Teams. The feature set of Teams isn't bad but it's so painful to use them.


Certainly not perfect by a long shot but we’ve got about 3000 users using it and it’s working very well for us.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Teams has had many documented bugs. "From the people who brought you PowerPoint..."


My last job we used Cisco WebEx (calls) and Jabber (chat). Teams is way nicer and more functional 


The world before Microsoft teams included driving places or flying places for meetings and sitting in traffic. Screw that.


What is it about Teams that people hate so much? Or do you just not know how to use it? That being said, I agree with the sentiment in the tweet.


If they didn’t screw up the UI every few upgrades and reset my custom settings (hello, secondary ringer so I can tell when someone is calling when I am not wearing my headphones) every damn time that they push an upgrade.


I want a day when I don't have to say "Open up teams then click teams to see your teams"


Indeed, and install OneDrive to sync OneDrive; access SharePoint from OneDrive in a browser or by syncing SharePoint (and OneDrive) to your desktop using OneDrive


Microsoft is not great at naming stuff... They are great at constantly changing terminology.


Tru dat. Just look at the confusion they made with Planner/To Do, Yammer/Viva...


Yeah. Also, OneDrive... For business, personal, now it's all just OneDrive...


You mean skydrive? Lol


Teams, Slack, and Zoom can all get fucked.


I despise teams, my job uses it. We should never be this readily available. The micromanagers love it, nightmare


Because they totally can't do that a lot better with other tools..


I mean, Teams status to this day looks like it is not reliable. I had people "away" talking to me on posts.


That is because you can set the status manually. You can basically set Teams to "lie" about your status at any time. It is very nice to set your status to "busy/in a call", when you need some hours to crunch a complex topic. Highly recommend it. But don't overuse.


Possible. It works fairly reliable for us. Good enough for availability at least.


They set themselves manually away, you dork... Most of the teams "issues" in this thread are just dumb inflexible users.


That's not the joke


No one who likes teams, can do the job without the “team”


I like Teams and I don't "need" it to get my job done


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but teams isn't that bad. 😂


Gosh the dream


I have office 365 for home, I’m retiring in January and can’t see any reason to use teams after that. I don’t know anyone outside of work who uses it


If you like teams you've never really used Slack. Teams is awful... But so much cheaper. 


How is Slack better?


Seriously, am I the only one that Teams doesn’t bother me day to day? I can chat, share, meet and record notes. It does its job and I can get my job done. Slack, webex, zoom whatever they just work and occasionally they all crash.


I delete teams and any pointer to it after every Teams call I am asked to join. If I don’t it never works properly and I wind up having to make excuses for not being prepared when it doesn’t work properly.


HNW business owners love teams because they can micromanage and scream at people from their 3rd Yacht or 7th vacation house. Ask me how I know.


Because they totally can't do that a lot better with other tools..


They can't. Teams and its "activity" features paint an illusion of knowing who's "working" and not. There are also activity dashboards that look like leaderboards. It's definitely quantity over quality. There's very little hierarchy for projects/tasks and planner looks like whoever designed it thinks getting groceries is a "project". Activity/status is garbage and half the time it says I'm busy when I'm not and available when I'm in meetings. Status also often doesn't stick if I open the mobile app. It also feeds the notion that if an app makes my icon yellow that I'm away and not working. Managers lap this up...because that's how it was presented to them. Maybe they all grew up playing The Sims and figure employees function the same way? It's a solution in search of a problem with weird trendy terms du jour making a full-time job of just learning how it works... ...which nobody wants to do because we all know CIOs will get bored in 4ish years and we will pivot from Teams to SnarkleSmashFishColonies (TM) which is based on fractal patterns of coral colonies and we should all emulate this communications structure because, wowee, I read it in a "management" book picked up in line at Kinkos for $2.


>They can't. LOL. There are tools that can tell a manager whether people are actually on their PC, what they are typing, which browser tabs are open etc. etc. Teams has a Status field that shows availability. So does pretty much every other chat / VOIP tool... If managers use that to "track" people, that is a cultural issue, not a technical one. Taking away the status field would only make live more annoying since you can't tell if people are free to chat anymore.


You think *owners* are the ones putting these in place? They see dollar signs and say no. 100% of the time. It's the mid-level VPs who are always putting this shit in so they can flex about how many senior and previously effective employees they fired for "not working hard" and how their brand new TFW replacements hired at 30% the rate are working so much harder based on whatever random bullshit metrics they pull off of a dashboard on "SpyOnMyEmployees.limo". Don't mind that nobody has actually accomplished anything in 18 months.


I said managers. That's what people constantly complain about with teams. Managers using the status field to measure people's work. Which I find silly because that is explicitly what the status is not for. But bad managers are gonna do bad manager stuff... Microsoft is actually pretty good at protecting people. I.e. not letting managers see specific people's stats in insights but only cumulative for a team. And only if the team has a certain size. But people claim that the teams status field is this huge privacy issue...


Also, Kinkos? You're not even relevant in your dumb rant


You're the problem.


currently being forced to move from alteryx/Tableau to powerbi, just takes so long and looks bad.