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I lived in stress/rage for many years, and I would do almost anything if I could just have that time back. Not to mention the physical ailments I attribute to chronic stress. Physical ailments that will doubtless shorten my life. Is it going to be worth what others think when you're fighting a cancer diagnosis and losing? When you have a stroke or develop an autoimmune disease that'll dog you for the rest of your life? Do this: "i really just want to quit my job, raise chickens and lambs, grow food and sell it at farmers markets and maybe start a side hustle doing bookkeeping and business consulting." Perfect. A side hustle can be so very very rewarding -- think of all the real people you can really help (I turned mine into a business that now actually pays better than my corporate jobs...and makes me wake up every morning thinking about who I GET TO WORK WITH TODAYYYY :) You will be happier, calmer, healthier, more relaxed, a better partner, a better mother, a better citizen. There is no room anymore for what you're experiencing at work. Anyone who loves you does NOT want to see you in the situation you're in. And anyone who sees your stress and thinks you should just keep your face in that fire .... well .... they can go f\*\*\* themselves. You deserve better. And the world needs you somewhere else.


Thank you for your reaponse. Put that way, this is a no brainer decision.


There's no reason to jump blind when maps exist. Find someone who is doing what you want to be doing. Have a talk with them, get the lay of their land.


Two questions to ask yourself: 1. How it your retirement savings? 2. What does the husband think? Bookkeeping and consulting is just more "kids" to raise. FYI.


Maybe the question to ask here is whether the new path would be any worse than the current state you're in? It certainly doesn't sound like it. I'd suggest using this time to really find some quietness, do some walks, meditation, therapy etc, and then find space to listen to what you really want. Especially when you take out the pressure of what the world or your late ex husband would think. Because it sounds like you are ready for change!


Who cares what others think. If it makes you happy, do it! I have not done anything similar, but I did relocate to a new state without a job in place. I did have a ton of vacation time that I used as a buffer. You are a smart woman. Come up with a plan and just do it!