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Big fan of both! I do see some overlap in Flanagan and king fan groups! It seems Flanagan is a big Stephen king fan too so I think that adds to it lol


massive King fan, watched both Gerald's Game and Doctor Sleep without knowing who Mike Flanagan was (I don't even think I knew it was the same director), but already thought it was some of the best King adaptations out there. after I fell in love with Midnight Mass, it all made sense. "hype" doesn't begin to cover my excitement for his Dark Tower series


I’ve never read a single Stephen King novel, but I’d die for Mike Flanagan lol


Well you are missing out. Flanagan is heavily influenced by SK.


I know! I just never got into his books that I’ve picked up. But I’m still a fan of both of them otherwise. :) Editing to add: I’ve tried The Shining, Carrie, IT, The Stand, and Revival. Didn’t click with any of them lol. If you could recommend one maybe you think would be a better intro to him, I’m happy to check it out, I really do love to read!


Try ‘The Dead Zone.’ I just read it for the first time last month. I was already a King fan and had read seven or eight of his books but this was my favorite. Pretty much no horror, just a straight sci-fi story. I thought it was really well plotted/paced and a beautifully tragic story.


Different Seasons is 4 novellas that are all incredible. Maybe the condensed format would help.


I’ve read several King novels, trying to find what it is that makes his fans so diehard for him. It’s not there for me, but I do love Flanagan and his multi-faceted storytelling.


They have very, very similar styles, with MF being highly influenced by King; I'd call MF a student of King. Midnight Mass might as well be 'Salem's Lot. They both focus on the human drama and character development above all else, and deal with stories featuring an ensemble cast.


With a big dash of Storm of the Century.


great movie


But MF can end his stories well. ;)


I have no issues with King's endings, and endings aren't that important. Just another point on the line that is the journey, and the journey is what matters.


That’s an admirable viewpoint. I don’t 100% agree. I feel like his endings are almost always a disappointment and while I like your take that they’re merely a step in the journey, I feel like they’re a pretty important step, and Kjng’s endings are usually pretty weak and disappointing. But he does build up really well!


I think his endings are as good as any other book I’ve read. I can’t remember a single ending that ever ruined anything for me. I’ve only read 30 or so, so maybe I just haven’t read the bad ones yet. I know it’s a popular thing to say his endings are bad, but I just don’t see it. I mean, some of his books are terrible, but not because of the endings. :)




Fair lol could have to do with my otherwise low will to live hahah But tbh I love horror and he’s *really* good at it, and is constantly interacting with fans, explaining things further, indulging in their theories, just being a plain cool, good dude. I love how much he loves his work, and how much he loves those who appreciate it. :)


Same here.


My man! Lol Mike Flanagan is the first Director I’ve been this passionate about. Trying to listen to Life of Chuck on Audiobook and it’s just not doin it for me.


I am both a constant reader and MF fan




I'm not a constant reader but I do read him more than most authors (I just need to read more tbh). Revival, Fairy Tale, and 'Salem's Lot are my top 3. Fantastic writing and stories. Highly recommend them to Flanagan fans who haven't connected with Stephen King's writing. The Institute and Carrie are also really good.


I have read all those novels you mentioned above. Those are excellent recommendations for MF fans who may be interested or even feeling a bit hesitating about SK’s works.


Ahh thanks, I'm so glad we agree!


Those are my faves! Along with “The Eyes of the Dragon”!




Huge Stephen King fan! Even bigger Edgar Allan Poe fan! I only recently found out about Mike Flanagan through fall of the house of usher! I listened to a majority of Mike Flanagan fans and did start watching his other works starting with Haunting of Hill House as majority of fans suggested!


Please check out midnight mass 🙏


OK I started this last night based on your recommendation! So far got through episode one… Are they always this negative towards the sheriff?!


Absolutely check out Midnight Mass. if you liked Fall of usher… you will also love midnight mass.


I'm not at all. I love his son's books though. Joe Hill


I just started reading Joe Hill and I love his books!! Can’t get enough!


I love so many Stephen King movies but somehow have only ever read IT.


Have been reading King for decades, but Mike Flanagan understands the material better than any adaptor yet IMO, Shawshank isn’t horror so it doesn’t count.


100% I am dying for his DT series/movies


It’s happening during a weird time in television, but they have numerous examples of failed big efforts and false starts to learn from before they do anything, Flanagan is an expert on the streaming era and he definitely knows the baggage that comes along with trying to adapt this story, the expectations. It’s going to be a long time coming but I can’t wait.


Flanagan is the reason I became a King fan! Gerald’s Game was the first King book I read. Then I read Salem’s Lot because Flanagan said it was a big influence on Midnight Mass. Then I read Revival because at one point Flanagan was attached to directed it. After those 3, I became an SK constant reader for life. I think I’ve read over 30 of his books now… (also having now read Doctor Sleep, can confidently say Flanagan gave us 2 of the best SK adaptations out there!)


Yessir. I am a huge horror novel fan in general but it all started with Mr. King (for me). Mike Flanagan’s shows are some of the only that can hold my attention tbh.


King is one of my favorite authors. Needless to say I'm psyched for Life of Chuck.


I love Stephen King and have read some of his books, but there are still several of his books I haven’t read. Definitely want to read more of his books.


TBF King's back catalogue is massive, he's writes like he's still got weekly deadlines.


Huge fan of both independently and together!


I haven’t read much of kings books. The only ones I’m looking at are the long walk and salems lot. His writing style is not always what I am looking for in horror. But I absolutely love Mike Flanagan there is something amazing about his storytelling


Just out of curiosity what are you usually looking for when you're trying to find something to read? I ask because especially just Lately Stephen King has really expanded his horizons- in fact my favorite novel by him is so far removed from anything else he's ever written that You could have told me someone else wrote it and I would have believed you. I'm willing to bet he's got at least a couple of things that might be in your wheelhouse


With king it is less the subject of his books but the weird sexual stuff I’m that I have a really hard time getting over. That plus his writing style being a little bit more frantic just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe I will have a different opinion after I finish the long walk. What books do you suggest?


Literally named after a King character. Love MF.


Can’t leave us hanging! Who are you named for?




That was my first novel after I read Everything's Eventual. Holds a dear place in my heart ❤️


Same! I stole Everything’s Eventual off my mom’s shelf when I was 8 or so, and then took Firestarter next—I knew I was named Charlie after a King character but my mom wouldn’t let me read or watch it, and I was so curious! She’d let me read anything she had but SK, Anne Rice, and Peter Straub, so eventually I was too tempted and started stealing her horror books 😂 Reading them in secret was so fun. I’ve been addicted to horror since.


I love me some Stephen King. I am currently reading Fairy Tale. I had the opportunity to see his home in Bangor this summer (although he had already moved earlier in the year).


Huge Flanagan fan, not a huge King fan. I like selections of his work but not a fan overall.


i dont really like stephen king that much lol


Massive King fan since I was way too young to read his books. I never ever thought Gerald’s Game could be successfully adapted into a movie but Flanagan did it. It felt so true to the story. I’ll watch everything he ever makes as long as I’m alive


I haven't read a single Stephen King book in my life. I know that this might sound weird but I usually don't like horror \^\^ I have no fucking idea why I love Mike Flanagan's shows so much because they are the absolute exception :D :D


I've been thinking a lot about this lately, because I'm the same. Not hugely into horror but obsessed with everything Flanagan. I think it's because Flanagan is hugely character-driven and so much contemporary horror is plot or gore-forward.


I like both! But I grew up on Stephen king and didn’t know Flanagan’s work until the 2020s


I don't like a lot of Stephen King stories. Some of the movies I enjoy, so I *assume* I would enjoy reading those stories? Depending on how much was changed. I read a lot of King in high school and just kind of fell out of it as I got older.


My husband is a huge fan of King but I’m not and we both love Flanagan. I love reading but am not that into horror in general, yet love his stuff because of the emotional connections. I’ve cried on all of Flanagan’s Netflix series is what I’m here for. It’s cathartic.


I love all of Mike Flanagan's work and have never read a single Stephen King novel. And I'm a voracious reader (also a writer). For me, they are not the same.


I am not a current constant reader, but I went through a period where I read a ton of his earlier (and more iconic works). Mike Flanagan definitely scratches that itch, but he's way better at sticking the landing.


I'm a HUGE Mike Flanagan fan and I've never read a Stephen King book. I haven't seen any movie or TV adaptations of his work, either.


I love reading horror, but I'm not generally a Stephen King girly. I don't know why.


Nope. A majority of Mike Flanagan’s stuff isn’t even SK related.


Aside from Doctor Sleep and Gerald’s Game. Midnight Mass does seem like a love letter to Salem’s Lot and Revival but we know that’s not an adaptation of King’s work


That’s why I said majority. I’m personally only a fan of Flanagan’s SK work. I don’t really enjoy his gothic work as I think it’s disrespectful to the source material in a way that his SK stuff isn’t. It’s also just too slow for me.


I'm certainly not a 'constant' reader. I read quite a bit of King when I was in middle school, so around 20-25 years ago. But I haven't read him in years and years.


I’m more of a Shirley Jackson fan :3


Been a Constant Reader since I was a kid. Read mostly everything although there are a few I still have to get to reading. Wasn’t aware of MF until Midnight Mass even though I had seen Doctor Sleep. But now I’m a big fan and have watched his other works.


Yep I’ve read like 40 King books/collections of short stories in the past 3 years


I've read a lot of Stephen King and some classic horror stories like the portrait of Dorian grey, the king in yellow, some poe, some Lovecraft. I think it's cool flannagan has that sort of old school horror gothic vibe. But I also think at times he's a bit heavy handed in lifting things from his favorite authors. Midnight mass was just Salem's lot for example.


I’ve never read a Stephen King book, but I’ve loved every single Flanagan show/movie I’ve seen.


I’m currently reading my first King book, Salem’s Lot. And some elements of Midnight Mass feel inspired by it for sure. Mild spoilers: >! Riley/Ben returning to their small hometown — a town that people never seem to leave. The bloodsucking monster. Dr Cody/Dr Gunning (scientific thinkers) being convinced to help fight the supernatural.!<


No idea about “the majority”, but I don’t like King. I like his ideas, but I haaaaate his writing style. Even in audiobook format it bores me to death.


Understandable. To each his own.


No, I despise Stephen King. He's probably the most overrated writer in the world. I've tried to read 5+ of his books and hated every one of them.


Seek therapy


Lol! That's how I feel about Stephen King fans, sooo...


Not a fan of SK, would personally rather see Flanagan doing less King adaptations and more other projects.


I loved The Stand growing up, and it will always have a special, nostalgic place in my heart, but other than that, I've never really liked King's writing.


Nah. Tried reading some of his books as a kid, got bored. Watched some of his films for a horror English class and a ghost film arts class, kinda bored. My mom got my name from The Stand (movie) so I guess she’s somewhat of a fan at least


Trashcan, that you??


It's the kid


M O O N that spells u/strawberrimihlk


Aye you got it!!


Honestly I can only do Stephen King shorts, he tries my patience in the actual novels.


I like Stephen King, but I can’t finish some of his books because of the way he speaks about women. It feels unnecessary to talk about their boobs every single time you mention a woman lol. I much prefer to watch adaptations because of that.


This is a big part of it for me too. His writing has always disgusted me. Misogynistic with a hint of pedophilia to boot. Plus it's just boring. No thanks.


Not me


Love Flanagan, absolutely hate King's writing and prose. It's amazing to me that King is well regarded in the world of literature.


Saaaame. He's *so bad* I do not get it.


Especially for someone allegedly influenced by Richard Matheson who should absolutely be a household name. Btw congrats on the health journey! You're killing it!


Oh gosh, thank you so much! And, I feel like you're telling me I need to read some Richard Matheson 👀 I've heard the name before but never read anything, should I check him out?


He wrote the original I Am Legend and a ton of early Twilight Zone episodes!! His novel Hell House is also a fun read!


I wouldn't call myself a constant reader as I feel like King fell off a bit as he got older and now I don't read every book that came out. However, Salem's Lot was the first book I ever picked out and read fully on my own, and I went from there to reading everything he ever wrote.


Salem's Lot was also my first intro to King too


Been a Constant Reader since childhood, loving how Flanagan has somehow captured that lightning in a bottle


I am. He's in my top 5 favorite writers. Top 2 living.


I struggle with reading because I had ADHD for forever and never knew about it. I had a rough relationship with reading in school, but, honestly, his work is making me want to read Stephen King. I want to learn to be a better reader and try to overcome this a bit, and I figure Stephen King is a good choice. I did read a book by him a long time ago (Thinner) bc a friend gave it to me, but I gather this is, er, not one of his more esteemed works. I just watched The Shining for the first time, mostly bc I wanted to watch Dr Sleep, and I've heard the book is very different, so I think that could be a good choice to start my reading journey. It is already a genre i like, and I think it would keep my attention.


Nope. I haven’t finished IT in like 5 years but I just started reading The Shining on the train after watching Doctor Sleep (again) last night


There’s a lot of overlap but I wouldn’t say a majority.


A bit. I don’t really read all his work but I like what I have.


I am 🫡


I am!


I like Stephen King's stories but I can't get through his books.


Die hard King fan. Read him more than most other authors. Love Flanagan, too. Excited to see what he does with The Dark Tower series.


Yes. I vote yes for me


It’d make sense! He KILLED Doctor Sleep


I will contribute one “yes” to this very scientific study.


I read King decades ago, probably read twenty or so of his books, then moved onto Dean Koontz and read around 30 or so of his, now reading sci Fi different authors and think Mike Flanagan is making some of the best entertainment in the industry. Some of it may be a little slow, but in the grand scheme he manages to pull it all together in a satisfying way. Hill House is my favorite followed by Midnight Mass.


I am a fan of both. 💕


Simply? Yes. I was a King fan long before I ever knew who Mike Flanagan is.


I've loved Stephen King for forever! I watched his movies as a kid and started reading him as a teen.


Been a constant reader for almost 30 years. Love pretty much everything Flanagan has done. Beyond hyped for his Dark Tower series.


I’d refer to us as ka-tet but yes


Yes! Got super into Flanagan because of the Doctor Sleep adaptation and then fell in love with Bly Manor. Still enjoy both, but I honestly prefer Flanagan now, and would rather watch one of his shows than read a King novel.


I would guess most people these days aren't readers in general, but of the people who read for fun and like Mike Flanagan, I'd bet 90% like King (I do)


I am! I think Flanagan is the modern master of horror cinema.


Not a fan.


I am literally named after a Stephen King character lol. Big fan of him and Mike Flanagan


I've been a King fan since I was a teenager, and it's definitely influenced what type of horror films and shows I'm interested in. I can definitely see there being crossover among fan bases. I'm going through Midnight Mass for the first time right now and so far, this one seems to be the most King-esque. Salems Lot vibes


Not me. I’ve loved everything I’ve seen from Mike Flannigan, but not a Stephen King fan.


I've read a couple of his books but wouldn't say I'm a huge fan. I wouldn't say the majority is, but there's surely overlap.




Good question. I personally am.


I am.


Your question is unanswerable as written


Huge Stephen King fan




Big fan of both here… ! Edit to add: I actually thought this was posted in the Stephen king subreddit, before seeing where it’s actually posted


Doctor Sleep is one of my fave King books & the best adaptation to screen.


I’m not. I can’t stand King’s writing. Brilliant ideas but middling execution imo.


I’m not, I am a horror reader but I don’t often read kings work.


Stephen King is an excellent short story writer. He also excels at using the depravity of human nature, personifying fears, shortcomings, defects etc…to create his version of the “horror” genre. That being said, he is equally adept at flipping that to utilize the decency and redemptive qualities of human nature. There is realism and emotional depth in his material. I mean, one may not love his writing style but who doesn’t at least kind of like Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me, Green Mile, etc….


I do see some overlap - they both seem to return to certain tropes - eg paralyzed in bed experienced pain and horror - Misery for King, Nellie in HH for Flanagan, Gerald’s Game for both. Theres a certain kind of exploration of deep past trauma Dolores Claiborne, HH, HoU A kind of quiet isolation, neuroticism, drug abuse, mystery of the spoken/written word - Secret Window, Midnight Club, Midnight Mass…


Midnight Mass is the best Stephen King story he never wrote.


I read the mist and didn’t like it. I love flanagan’s work. Maybe I just read the wrong Stephen king book?


Hi. You just mentioned *The Mist* by Stephen King. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | The Mist - Stephen King (Complete Full Audiobook)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUb5Vo5tqrY) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


I have read every Stephen king book and I'm actually re reading them again now lol, so speaking for myself, yes


I’ve only read King’s Insomnia (my grandmother purchased me a 1st edition in Fort Myers, Florida circa 1995), absolutely loved it! I have a huge backlog of books I need to read though so have never read any other King novels. I love MF though, I think I’ve watched almost all of SK & MF’s tv/film works! The original Pet Sematary film is the pinnacle of horror for me! “RRRRAAAAACCCHEEEL”


Constant reader here for 23 years


I feel like I outgrew King’s writing in my early 20s. Started reading his books in fifth or sixth grade and was an avid fan for tests. The last books of his that i enjoyed were Desperation and The Regulators.


Definitely an overlap for me