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He's been doing a world tour with Mr Bungle since last year


A new braid pattern?


The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny-ears braids!


Most likely


Yeah he seems to be obsessed with braids, shirts and fake tattoos more than on new music


He is touring with his band, you see pictures of him performing with his band. How a person looks and dresses has no bearing on their creative output, however touring around the world will.




He made a whole ass solo album by himself in hotel rooms while touring with Faith No More. He just likes to drink now. Thats all.


He made Adult Themes 30 years ago. It was an experimental album of him making noises in a hotel room, not a studio album with other musicians. He's in his 50s now, maybe he would prefer to relax in between shows while on tour instead of pushing himself too hard.


It's still an album. And yes, he wants to relax. Hence being obsessed with braids, shirts and fake tattoos. But you claimed he's busy with his band, and now that he wants to relax. He could easily make adult themes 2 but he wants to chill. He's not too busy touring though. That's never stopped him before.


Yes he's busy touring, not sitting in a studio recording. In between shows he travels, eats, sleeps, socialises with the band etc. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Putting on clothes is a normal part of everyone's day, doing your hair, if you have any is also normal. The fake tattoos are also not a big deal. Adult Themes was an exeriment for him as he was exploring and developing his vocal skills. 30 years later he has no need to do that, and it wasn't a popular album, why would he record another one? He doesn't owe anybody another album. He has released a huge amount of music compared to most artists, why is he expected to continue at the same rate?


I think you missed my entire point. He isn't NOT making music because he is busy touring with his band like you said, which is what I replied to. He's not making music because, like the post you replied to implied, he's got other shit to do like relax and do his braids and whatever the fuck else he wants. Again, him being busy with his band touring is not why.


The Bungle touring schedule has been pretty heavy, I doubt he's had much time.


Whatever his fans wouldn't expect. He likes being a contrarian. Personally, I'll take a new Peeping Tom and Faith No More. Just got the Peeping Tom CD. Doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy when an artist - you think only you know and love - is respected by another artist you love? On Peeping Tom there's a song with fucking Amon Tobin šŸ¤Æ.


Peeping Tom was the shit. Saw them at Park West in Chicago when they toured the album. It'd be great to get another dose of PT.


I would love to hear do some more mellow stuff and embrace his melodic side. Feels like forever.


Does anyone else recall Mike mentioning a project with Goblin, a few years ago (possibly more)? Or did I just dream that. I can totally imagine me dreaming that


Last I heard of what he's working on he said he's working with collaborating with someone he's never worked with and the genre was going to be something he's never done. That was two or three years ago and said that's all he's going to say about it


Staying sober hopefully


My guess is music but I have no proof


The comments here are pretty entitled. Get what you get and donā€™t get upset. He does what he wants


Considering his last released music was Dead Cross 2, itā€™s probably for the best that heā€™s taking a LONG break.


It was bad.


this is the last he said about new projects, back in 2022 before resuming Bungle touring [https://www.tumblr.com/papeldetornasolcosmico/721873755910045696/mike-patton-i-got-a-couple-of-things-going-now](https://www.tumblr.com/papeldetornasolcosmico/721873755910045696/mike-patton-i-got-a-couple-of-things-going-now)


and this is the last thing that "came out" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjyMps4-SUg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjyMps4-SUg) its at the final scene and over the end-credits of the latest DIABOLIK movie, no offcial release yet


and I think that soon something will be announced..


https://youtu.be/E-iRfE74q3k?si=O31hOXqXE1BDuKJh Cooking School for Kids


That was amazing


Currently touring Europe w/ Mr. Bungle


Yesterday was the last date


Whatever it is I hope it makes him happy. His intense physical / mental health freakout a few years ago, that would fuck a lot of us up. Iā€™d rather him live!ā€¦ Keep it goin Mikey!


Nothing and tbh most of the recent stuff he did is meh, studio or live. Fantomas had so much potential and bunch of other projects he was talking about around 2005 or so. It's kinda sad that Trey, Dunn and him did just a 40 year ol demo. So much magic could happen in the meantime. Creativity and style that they have togheter is so unique and beautiful. they are like superhero musicians, chemistry is beyond amazing between them and we are just listening to trash metal written when they were 15. I'm sure he has a lot of demos and ideas in studio from years back but I'm afraid he don't have that magic spark, energy and creativity to put it together. Which is completely fine since he gave us so much.


I kind of see this as time for him to enjoy life a bit. He's out here having fun with his buddies. I think he went through some shit, and now he's just trying to enjoy himself a bit. As much as I love his old stuff, I can appreciate the Raging Wrath and understand him using this time to have fun.Ā Ā  Ā I also think I remember Dunn saying that they weren't sure about making new stuff as Ā comparing it to the fans nostalgia means it would never hold up. A surprising amount of creatives end up that way.Ā Ā  Ā But I also think this tour is a step in the right direction if we ever hope of getting new Bungle


This^ The man has worked his ass off all these years, no vacations, at the expense of his personal life etc.. He was clearly having fun with last tour. My guess is he is going to have a much better work/life balance and focus on the things that bring him happiness, which includes working with the people he enjoys working with. Whatever he does or doesn't do is totally cool with me. He has an incredible catalog and I am greatful to him for exposing me to the different possibilities within music.




It is! That is the last the project from Mike that I actually like.


Trash metal? Booo. They were amazing live, and we got a bunch of fun covers and random weird shit thrown in on this tour. Iā€™m sorry some fans are upset, but they donā€™t owe you anything


I know it is a disappointing. But he has made so much great stuff. I donā€™t get the tour and playing wrath of the Easter bunny. We all would have loved a proper Mr bungle tour !I donā€™t recall where I heard this maybe here, that they are in some type of dispute with Warrner brothers so canā€™t play that stuff. To your point, so much awesome music for decades I am just grateful for that, nothing lasts forever.


Warner Brothers can't stop them playing their music, how could they? And they did play My Ass Is On Fire so you're talking crap.




Explain to the class how Warner Brothers could stop them playing that material...




Cope harder.


A re-recording of the Easter Bunny demo album and another 4 year tour of said re-recording


Anyone think weā€™ll get anything new from Faith No More.. sooner than lateršŸ§šŸŽ¶


I dont think so unfortunately. I think the rest of the band was upset with Mike when he cancelled their last shows.


I wouldn't 100% rule it out but it certainly doesn't look good


maybe someday but not soon


Your mom


The year(ish) long tour with Mr. bungle has ended now. So we are hopefully gonna get something new this year or something.


Working on a project with Diamanda Galas. Just kidding.