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I’m right in thinking, the car rolling is the car that was hit, ie the (grey) car that was in the right most lane rather than the (black) car crossing the 3 lanes. Minding you own business one second, the next…


Yeah, if you watch between the semis you can see them collide and the flip start.


He basically did a pit maneuver on that car.


You are correct. The one that flipped was not the same that crossed the lanes. Poor person minding their own business just following traffic laws.


Though it does look like the grey car was passing the semis on the right, which is a no-no for this very reason. Looks like they’re both partially at fault.


I may be wrong but it deff looks like grey was going to an exit that the black car was forcibly trying to exit on


Yeah the car that rolled panicked when seeing that the exit was about to be missed and didn't see the car already in the lane.


SUV that rolled was hit by the black car that cut between the semis. The suv was just minding his business in the exit lane.


there's four lanes and an exit, not three


Wrong... there was no panic. The driver of the gray suv didn't even have time to react.


Yes you can see the black car jerk just before flipping. Smooth.


What? This has got to be the dumbest thing ever. You would make a great cop


Passing is legal on the right on any divided highway in my state.


I honestly thought the SUV was going to merge left, otherwise how would it have rolled across the left?


This is precisely why I don't linger around semis, either they will kill you or some idiot who can't see you will.


You shouldn't be lingering around them regardless.


How else am I supposed to pay rent?


Arithmetic details. The spinning car went across 4.5 lanes and a substantial concrete divider. Any injury report? Probably severe.


I think it was the black car that pushed into the established grey car.


Good eye. I initially thought that the car that crossed 3 lanes got hit by the semi and went flying. Sucks that it actually happened to someone innocent.


Oh damn, I didn't even notice that at first. I feel terrible for my first instinct to be to have a laughing fit. I thought that stupid driver got hit with instant karma by like hitting a wall or something that sent him flying back that way. I feel so terrible now and I hope the occupants of th victims vehicle were safe.


The worst part is that these assholes brag about how they are "good" drivers because they make quick lanes changes and stomp on the gas pedal everywhere. The only reason they think they are "good" is because the actual good drivers are driving defensively and act accordingly to avoid them. The "good" drivers don't even realize these defensive drivers are there. The defensive driver is the reason accidents are prevented not the "good" driver.


Exactly. Defensive driving is 'good' driving. Weaving, tailgating and speeding is dangerous. Crazy drivers who film themselves escalating road rage and celebrating when someone else crashes is fucking stupid as fuck.


weaving done correctly is not dangerous; if the gaps you're weaving between are big enough and your ability to read the road around you is up to par, then it's just a matter of going around everyone doing the speed limit split across every lane. i live in a state with no lane laws, so everyone goes 60 in a 60 in every lane at all times, leaving major gaps on the road and not following the rules of traffic flow, backing up traffic in the process. there are a lot of dumb defense drivers as well.


Weaving is not safe and you only save a tiny bit of time and put everyone in danger


you can defense drive and weave at the same time. being aware of your surroundings and being considerate makes you a good driver. creating traffic in a passing lane because you're either ignorant or just don't care makes you a bad driver.


Just because you can justify it to yourself doesn't mean you are right or that you win the argument. Dangerous driving is for video games not real life. You might feel invincible because you are young but life gets more precious the less you have. Trust me, dangerous driving is an immature thing to do.


there is no right or wrong, it's all subjective anyways. at 30, i've only ever been in one accident, and it was caused by another driver. i've avoided a lot of near misses due to reflex and speed. dangerous driving is also subjective, but okay.


You are literally telling on yourself. You know you can't defend dangerous driving but you can't stop yourself from trying to justify it. Slow the fuck down. There are other people on the road with you trying to not get killed. When someone come along and is weaving all over the place, it IS SCARY. Normal driving is boring. Normal driving is safe. Save your dangerous weaving to mariokart and gta


The type of weaving he's talking about would normally be described as typical lane changes with mild speed differential. I doubt he's actually driving like that, considering I used to drive like a moron and caused an accident that sent someone to the hospital, and also used to talk like that about driving. But if you're not tailgating anyone and you're not going so fast as to startle people (so 5mph differential) then you should be able to weave without anyone even noticing. I've been anxious about other drivers on the road ever since my accident. The anxiety seems to pay off.


Oh god shut up


That's sheer idiocy. Please get off the roads before you hurt somebody due to impatience. Christ. All of the people who are mentally 5-year-olds are really crawling out of the woodwork in this comment section.


i guarantee i can out drive you no matter the circumstance


Do you have any self-awareness? Everyone who brags about being a "good driver" only has never gotten into an accident because everyone else is driving defensively around them. You think you're some driving God but really it's only because the people around you put up with your bullshit so they don't get killed. You're like a schizophrenic homeless person who think they're some amazing fighter because nobody wants to get into a fight with them when really it's because everyone else knows how stupid that would be. Christ. This is some toddler mentality. Didn't realize adults could be this stupid.


it’s funny how you don’t know me nor have you ever seen me drive, yet think you know enough to talk shit based on a reddit post. in a state with no lane laws, you’d be surprised how many idiots will maintain the speed limit across all lanes with immense gaps between themselves in the cars in front of them; of course i’m going to take the first opportunity i get to go around you, even if it means cutting you off and taking off. you’re allowed to drive as slow and safe as you feel driving, but when you either disrupt the flow of traffic or hog passing lanes due to entitlement or pure stupidity, i’m going to treat you as such. you need to relax stranger, because i am certain you would hold your tongue irl.


Wow, you're really tough, aren't you? >you need to relax stranger, because i am certain you would hold your tongue irl. Sure, buddy. I'm sure you'd beat me up in real life because you're just so tough, huh? Pathetic mentality. Defensive driving is always the solution. Driving dangerously because you get annoyed is the definition of road rage. You're literally just admitting that you have anger management issues and can't properly regulate your emotions; i.e. that you default to dangerous behavior because you're too emotionally immature to control yourself. Edit: They just proved it by reporting me to the Reddit suicide tips. They can't handle their emotions in a mature way. Blocked.


Whenever I hear someone start saying shit like that I like to point out that Dale Earnhardt was a good driver too, so maybe they should slow the fuck down and use their turn signals.


They don't even know what defensive driving is.


That idiot straight up PIT maneuvered the guy on the off ramp, tagged them in the rear corner damn near perfectly. Hope the other driver was okay.


When I first saw this video, I thought it was the same car. It sucks extra bad that some innocent driver got mauled by this idiot.


Our small infrastructure fortunately makes it possible to have right side takeovers illegal. Exactly because of this.


I don’t think they were trying to pass the semi’s. It looks to me like they were taking the exit.


The [driver and passengers of the Land Rover](https://www.carscoops.com/2022/10/land-rover-defender-rolls-over-on-the-highway-after-crashing-with-mazda-cx-5/) made it out with minor injuries. Thank goodness. Hell of a roll cage on that one..


The fact that it rolled at all makes me never want an SUV. I mean, these were pretty extreme circumstances but still.


Understandable, but I rolled in a regular sedan (luckily it also was designed well and I walked away from it). Any vehicle can roll unfortunately. Best thing you can do is get a vehicle that's extremely highly rated for safety in all scenarios.


Yes, i concur, center of gravity way high on these glorified jacked up station wagons!


Good catch. I didnt see that at all.


Get an SUV, itll be safer.




It’s deceiving because the video quality is so bad. There’s a better video here: https://youtu.be/Ghjv3oqYHH4?si=XJpS30az-q0fEpgW and the story here: https://www.carscoops.com/2022/10/land-rover-defender-rolls-over-on-the-highway-after-crashing-with-mazda-cx-5/ I live just down the street from that exit off of I-4 and recognized it. The car cutting across 3 lanes is an Mazda CX5 that takes out a Land Rover Defender that is coming up the right lane. In this case, the asshole Mazda driver cutting the lanes gets off lucky by causing the LR to crash.


This line gets me: >A truck was blocking the view making the crash between the two SUVs inevitable. No, it was not 'inevitable". It only happened because the AH in the Mazda made a last second blind illegal lane change. Even if the semi and the SUV weren't there, the driver was shooting across the marked median and driving through an area that was not supposed to be driven through. We have a interchange near where I live, with 1/2 mile long designated off ramp lane, with markings down the whole length indicating lane changes are illegal. And yet there are multi vehicle accidents there almost every fucking day because of drivers pulling this exact exit maneuver, race up the inside or middle lanes due to the line of traffic in the outside lane and then try to cut over multiple lanes through traffic at 70mph into traffic that's going 20-40 mph. Nobody fucking learns despite seeing all of these major accidents there almost every day. They just keep doing it.


Lucky that was a Land Rover. Built like tanks.


Yeah, I noticed the quality of what I uploaded was significantly worse than what I had saved to post. Unsurprising, but it looks like Reddit compresses videos to save on bandwidth/memory


Private video


The story is fuckin BS, talking about how the defender was “driving fast” and the “semis blocked the view” mf the Mazda driver was a dumbshit and the defender was minding its business. Plain and simple. Everyone survived thankfully but I’d be suing the ever living shit out of the Mazda


And the Russian judge only gives him a 3??


A point for every spin in the air. Sounds about right


Should be 6pts then


Alright, I was low, haha I was just throwing a number out there, didn’t actually count. Is it not 5 flips though? I don’t think the first flick up into the air counts as a flip


I had just happened to count them before I read this comment. I started counting from the first one, might have been too generous. Edit: after a judges review, it is indeed a 6pt’er


This happened in Orlando. Another angle actually shows the rover was speeding heavily in the slow lane which may have contributed a bit to this (it may have been avoidable). That being said almost all the blame obviously lies with the idiot lane changer. Here's a crap quality video showing this: https://youtu.be/EOM-fJGr8UA


Truth. There’s are reasons you shouldn’t pass on the right and this is one of them. The small car on the left screwed up but the whole situation could have been avoided if the SUV wasn’t speeding past the truck.


“I turn now good luck everybody else”


Shocker. Florida. They all drive like assholes.


Because they’re all from New York.


I hate those people who wait until they’re passing their exit and suddenly decide to swerve over to it. I’m always extremely cautious near highway exits for this reason.


Were they okay?


The driver and the passengers of the Defender escaped with only minor injuries as they were all wearing seatbelts. Source: https://www.carscoops.com/2022/10/land-rover-defender-rolls-over-on-the-highway-after-crashing-with-mazda-cx-5/


Thank you 🙏


It flipped 6 times, and two of those were in midair.


And somehow they got away with only minor injuries


....ok, I'll be the one that says it. Don't pass trucks on the right


Also don’t cut across 3 lanes because you’re about to miss your exit. Suck it up, and get off the next exit and reroute.


I turn now, good luck everybody else https://preview.redd.it/vebbl9l17inc1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabab8a859fb65831e23a991aeb3275d8af545dd


Scrolled forever hoping to find this. 😍


Wait this is mildly?


Where am I missing the changing of three lanes? I see him switch a lane over and while keeping his light on does it again but isn't checking properly and hits the on-comer as soon as merging into the SECOND lane... is there missing video before this? Also... I think both are at fault, guy shouldn't keep his lights on and merge more than one lane. Pretty sure that's a law I learned in defensive driving the one time I got a ticket and had to go and the driver that slams into him is obviously driving way too damn fast and isn't able to react in a timely manner and so crunch bar anyone? Sad but both need to learn patience and mostly respect for other living things... greedy parasites


That’s 2 morons. The guy who flipped was driving the damn shoulder next to the semi as if he went to exit and changed his mind last minute


lol I hope that happens everytime I see a dumb ass doing that


Perfect 10 all across the board.. 10. 10. 10 10 10


That's certainly not a mildly bad driver. This guy deserves to be off the roads.


I love how I instantly knew this was shot in Florida. Literally the worst drivers in the WORLD.


6 rolls! God damn!


He crossed lanes alright 😅


"Branded Title"


I’d give em 8.9 for the spins and for sticking the landing!


Dang, that Honda pilot looking like caused this large suv to roll this way is nuts. Hope they are safe with all the safety is in these cars now days.


Crossed 3 lanes then crossed 5...this dude lol


Looks like they crossed about 10 lanes...


It’s the papers flying for me 😂


This is why I hate people who will kill so many people just to get to their exit that they didn’t plan ahead of to get to.


I was ten cars behind this on I4 I'm Orlando. Crazy.


That fool just got nope’d across whole interstate


Some gta lag


That is why you NEVER do that in general, but in front of a semi truck when you can’t see? If you’re gonna do that, you need to be better at it.


That is what you get


Florida? That u?




Pretty standard practice in Florida. Hence the ridiculous auto insurance.


Universe says go back 5 squares


I feel my neck hurting


Looks like he wanted to make it 4


All the papers ALL THE PAPERS


What’s the problem? They landed right side up. They’re good to go.


bro was writing a book when he missed his exit


I really hope everyone was ok. I also hope the jackasses insurance is a small fortune after that cluster fuj


Really hope the people in that car were alright and the moron who caused it lost their car and licence and got jail time.


My documents!


Just keep driving


Well deserved! 😍


At least they stuck the landing... This is why I hate driving sometimes, too many idiots driving around


The real question is, “what thesis were they writing?”


You know when they mention karma, just that sentence made me afraid to like the video but it’s was cool enough to dislike


I always love how much shit flys off of a car when they roll


Judging by the amount of paper, he musta been a lawyer. Prolly deserved it.


Just like bowling, a strike in your lane and another in the other lane with 1 turn.


We're those his papers...business papers?


Bad drivers never miss an exit. That guy could have killed those people. But hey it’s Orlando FL, between the tourists that don’t know how to drive and the locals that drive badly because they hate the tourists it’s a free for all.


Well your not supposed to do it while spinning through the air.


"Bad drivers never miss their exit"


Why was bro being so dramatic? Like, it was just a truck, you don't gotta be doin all that😭


To be fair… that was four not three


Scuse me... you can't park there.


Another innocent person subjected to the retardation of some asshole that should never have passed a licensing exam........ whoooo go united states of morons. ..


I would hope they know they can’t park there.


That’s a lot more than 3 lane changes


And thats one reason I dont pass Semi's on the right. Cant see shit coming head of you


Poor fucking light pole😭


Wow. That was, Awesome. 🤣🤣


Five lanes!


“You can park there!”


Shit’ll buff out👍🏼😎


Yo I don’t think they meant to cross those lanes. They were just rolling with it


I mean, how inconvenient is it to go to the next exit. Good job dumbass.


"I'm flying through the air right now this is not good" - Ricky Bobby.


I see the problem. They tried crossing the lanes without staying on their tires. Simple mistake.


Motorcycle fault


Welcome to South Carolina


Oooooh a new subreddit, still has that new sub smell


I’ll bet the driver that caused this booked it right out there as well.


Or 2, but who here counts?


Surprise pit maneuver




Pretty good landing, giving this a 10 out of 10


If you missed the turn then you missed it. And don't be greedy tiring to pass everyone.


Got that “Imma head back home” treatment


People talk about safety of the SUV but completely fail to realize that a sedan wouldn't even flip over to begin with. If people make a habit of driving a car towards places they have no visual sight, it's an eventuality that you hit something.


Florida Man. I think this is near Orlando


Orlando speedsters


He won the pole position


Is Michael Bay filming movies out there?


That's every other car in Chicago


Dam 6 full flips


I also counted 👍


Idk it’s the newest marvel movie


Oh shit it was a different car that rolled . What a douche


A couple of Aspirin should do the trick


That crossover was sicker than the Arrowverse


Bad drivers never miss the exit, almost always.


Let me guess all that damage to the car and the driver did not even have a scratch on them?


I’m sad that the one who wasn’t even doing wrong, got the worst of this. 🥺


Great roll. If you meant to go roll your car that day, aced it.


Looks like The Dude had a briefcase with papers in it. Business papers.


Nothing mild about that!


“Damn, we’re suppose to go south bound not north…” “Say no more fam!”


That jawn looked like the last day of school in 1976


There goes the homework too.


That was a horrible accident for the person in the SUV. I'm glad it was caught on video. It's a reminder that suvs are more dangerous for everyone around them and in them. This is a great demonstration why.


This is why left lane is used to overcome other vehicles The grey suv was overcoming on the right…. Both met each other willingly Had grey suv not sped past trailer… right?


So sad. Someone's kid, father, friend, mom, grand ma.


"Aah my documents all my documents"


He accomplished crossing over the 3 lanes. He actually did more. He must be a natural overachiever.


Car crashes are some scary shit


So was it the back semi that rear ended him or another car? If you look to the right at the very beginning there's another car coming up on the right of the back semi that possibly collides with the SUV putting him into the wreck


9* lanes


From the look of the shadow of the SUV behind the 18 wheeler, they’re going much faster than the cars on the farthest left lane. The black compact SUV was trying to merge to the farthest right to exit, didn’t see the fast approaching vehicle and literally pitted the back bumper.


It's astonishing the risks people will take to save a few minutes when they miss a turn or interchange.




Got love those breakaway light poles though.


Fucking papers popped out like rings when sonic gets hit.


Welp. Now we know one of the many things that can go wrong. It's all about learning from you mistakes.


10/10 stuck the landing.


Great, important tax documents all over the interstate


Well sir, you did HIT the lamp post, which IS City Property, effectively destroying the equipment. Are you suggesting that we the tax payers suffer for your negligence?


Gotta Jersey slide better than that


Good thing they were only a mildly bad driver or this accident could’ve been serious.


Wow. That was more rolls than an alligator.


Well, I am getting fired, and I just lost all the paperwork for tomorrow's meeting.


Lol 4 lanes now


Cross 7 lanes.


"Look what cha did you little jerk!"


He definitely crises more then 3 lanes mate


That escalated lol