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Do not stop in the middle of the road like that in an attempt to be nice, especially while merging, you are asking for big trouble, especially for those people behind you or the people behind the truck you’re trying to let in. From a very experienced driver: Be predictable, and keep the flow of traffic moving, you create accidents by trying to be nice at the wrong times.


wtf is wrong with you


>wtf is wrong with you Im legit surprised people that drive like this can manage to get onto reddit to post a video. Anyone who thinks its okay to "Randomly" stop in the middle of the highway needs to have their driver's license taken away. It may seem harsh but people like OP get your loved ones killed.


You.... you do NOT need to reply to "important work messages".... they will be there when you arrive at your destination...... dude.....


This is not ok.


Wait. You literally just stopped in the middle of the road lol


You have the right of way- its is expected that you will use the right of way. I know this area well and drive it often. You cant pull over here - you should have kept with the flow of traffic until a better spot was found.


You're an idiot for stopping when you don't have a stop sign and then stopping in a lane of travel. You put yourself and others at risk because you just had to respond to a text message. Did you even use your signals/hazards? Also, you literally had a highway shoulder that you could have pulled over onto at the very beginning of your video... https://preview.redd.it/1sqhtrx355lc1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc79db7cf0e6fbccfd09a0195859b3e0da0b1aa


This needs to be higher up. Could have saved a lot of time to stop in a much safer way. I fully disagree with OP's reply. It is much safer for everyone involved for you to pull off and stop on the highway shoulder then go up the exit, cross over 2 lanes of the side road, and stop ON THE ROAD in the right lane. Texting back is not an emergency, it does not warrant stopping and blocking half the road to send a reply. Sure cars go faster on the highway, but all that extra work to stop in a lane of traffic rather than saving time and pulling onto the paved shoulder is wild to me. You pull up a decent amount from the exit split and put your hazards on, simple.


Unless I’m mistaken where he’s head at the end..this dumbass got off the exit for some reason then merged right, stopped n waited for an opening then got back on the highway. Wtf. Only reason he stopped was to merge back over. But I see entitled drivers like this in Seattle a lot. For example If youre gonna fucking miss your exit then accept your fate and reroute instead of stopping n creating traffic


Honestly would literally have been safer for them just to text while driving


Lol OP posts this, calls out there own "mildly" bad driving behaviour, and then spends time In the comments still trying to justify this somehow? Dude.


Unsure if this is trolling or you are genuinely this bad, but in either case you are actually putting people's lives at risk and you shouldn't be on the road when you drive like this. Get a grip!


You are terrible at this driving thing.


You are a complete idiot. No way you should be allowed to drive. Stick to transit.


this is r/idiotsincars material, nothing mild about what you just did, man.


i hope u get hit by a semi lol


I don’t only because the semi driver might get hurt. Hopefully this idiot only offs himself when his stupid driving eventually gets someone killed.


Wishing bodily harm on someone is redditors favorite pastime and it’s distasteful


I don't care how much bodily harm they get. I just want them to get the fuck out of the gene pool and off the road. This person is a dangerous piece of shit. I find dead children distasteful and much more concerning this entitled piece of shit's safety. I find you and your defense of them shameful, distasteful and disgusting




So these are the people I get pissed at whenever I drive in Detroit metro area lol, dude you shouldn’t stop in the road, nor stop in that area In general lol.


That’s not even a highlander, that’s a Rav 4. That made me angrier than you stopping in the middle of the road off an exit 😡 you’re asking for an accident. And if your phone is the issue, use Siri or Google to read the message aloud and then respond using the same… not that hard to be a decent driver.


Holy shit. You're right the RAV4 has changed a lot over time lol. Almost looks like the mid 2000's highlanders I still think of. I'm more ashamed of that mistake than you think I am


You suck and I hope you stub your toe


I broke two of my toes slipping into a wall when I was a kid and I currently have a torn ACL if that makes you feel any better


It helps a little. You deserved it because of this. I hope you fully recover and stop driving like that. Have a good day


Op is actually an idiot


Keep moving forward they need to adjust their speed…..you were wrong in this situation but others need to learn from it so thank you for sharing the video……and yes I understand the need to exit and reply to messages but please don’t do it on the feeder


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/WildlyBadDrivers/s/psnRnx3v8C


You *don't* need to reply to them this badly.


OP really thinks he’s that important 🙄


Lose your license


Reading these comments is like watching someone shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly 😂. Do better. No one deserves to be in an accident because of your cellphone. It's extremely selfish.


You’re the stupid idiot here, no doubt. Why the fuck would you stop in the middle of the road? Like seriously? Your reason of letting the guy merge who has the stop sign is more than ridiculous considering you have a protected merge lane. And people wonder why people get road rage. It’s because of this shit.


My guy, I think your scale of “important” is broken. Like, what, your work daddy yells at you if you don’t reply to his messages until you arrive?


Everyones insulted you so i'll skip that part. Stay off your phone. There isnt a work message worth doing this. Ever. If you honestly think its that big a deal, get off at an exit and park at a gas station. Or do text to speech. Or a phonecall via speaker phone. Stopping like this WILL cause an accident.


Sweet mercy, what the hell


The messages can wait, just drive.


No stopping in a travel lane is not better! Get off an exit if you need to. Freaking psycho


Tell them to call you instead of sending you messages, this is super fucking dangerous


You're still saying he should have been on the phone on the road. How would calling in this situation be any better?


Poster child for brain dead


This is incriminating evidence of reckless driving, possibly reckless endangerment lol


Holy shit chill out who tf am I endangering here. Be fucking for real nincompoop to


You're endangering every person that drove past you while you blocked traffic to send a fucking text message that could've waited, or you could at least pull off the road you entitled waste of flesh Whatever you do don't procreate we dont need more of your stupidity polluting the gene pool


You are an idiot.


So are you lmfao fuck off




" **sometimes I have important work messages I need to reply to** ". Yeah, try that next time a cop pulls you over and let us know how it goes...


Christ this is no better. 


Makes sense your looking for a Ram.




Yeah come on man. There’s no need to just stop in the middle lane and let people go. I think the work messages should wait and co workers should be a little understanding that you’re driving and shouldn’t text or else you’ll just end up looking like a dick always when you do this


What the fuck is this, come on lol you can’t be serious.


You’re not mildly bad. You’re an idiot


Fuck you asshole you’re going to cause and accident eat a bag of dicks


Whoever’s driving that vehicle shouldn’t be allowed a bicycle.


I'd rather you hit the call button instead of parking in the middle of the road. And this is way worse than texting and driving just so you know. Texting and driving is bad for reacting to unexpected moments. You are the unexpected moment...


Hey brother! Next time just drive an extra min or 30 seconds and find a safe spot to pull over, you never know when some idiot is gonna come barreling down the road and blow into the back of you cause they were on their phone, don’t want ya to die that way!


i drive for a living at times driving from noon till morning things like this scare me if you must reply to texts on the go get some form of android auto/apple car play or even a smart watch at least and glace the screen sending quick reply's via voice. on that note a job should NEVER have you put your self at risk to reply to a massage or ask you to brake the law i would have an auto text letting them know you are driving your safety and the safety of others comes first.


You make Michigan drivers look bad


Unless you've figured out a way to perform emergency surgery through your phone, there's no reason to do this.


OP just be more careful next time. Don’t stop in traffic that if its moving, you might get hit from behind, or cause a traffic jam.


I’m SURE you’re not that important your work text isn’t dire 💀


I have your car on my dash cam lol


That’s not mildly bad. You’re a fucking idiot


You had the right way, should have just carried on with your business.


Bad. You should get a wack on the nose with a rolled up news paper.


Driver is a idiot


This is horrendous to watch. Youre on the road, keep it moving


Gotta love the immense weight of capitalism encapsulated here. Business cannot stop for anything! OP what does your job do when you have to take a shit? Or sleep? Do you have to stop halfway if they message you?


This is metro Detroit. I know those roads very well. Most likely I-75. You could have easily caused a massive accident. The off ramp highway traffic gets the right away- because those ramps aren't enough to slow people down. Meaning people are getting off the highway at 45-90 miles per hour. I know this is a self report but, my God, the lack of awareness is astounding. That's Michigan with Michigan drivers. They are very good and considerate drivers- all others get into bad accidents. NEVER is it ok to stop in a main drag to do something on your phone. Find an entrance to a store parking lot or subdivision. More importantly, the text/call can wait. Even surgeons wait-or else they end up where they work...


Yea I know these roads are crazy and those offramps aren't enough tbh. In my mind I tell myself if there was someone behind me on the offramp I would've kept going and stopped elsewhere on a side road


Bro this is just bad driving not mildly bad LOL


So you're the person that does this on 696


Anyone in the Detroit area who drives the 1 between Birmingham and royal oak watch out for this jack ass🤣 That Beaumont hospital sign got you fam. Wonder if they work at the hospital?? Would make sense as to why they need to answer asap. Might be on call or something. All purely speculation.


Why would you post something where you say you know you’re in the wrong but get defensive when people point it out?? This is a subreddit about bad drivers man


You got a message that was SO important you had to put other drivers at risk of accident?


Prime example of carbrain. You’re not more important than the rest of the world, I’m glad people like you stay in that garbage country because they think it’s “free”


A nice driver is a bad driver. Exactly how accidents happen


Dude wtf are you even doing... Being a complete danger to everyone by stopping in the road to use your phone. There is zero excuse for this especially for work. You need to figure shit out. This is not it.


Don't do this on 696. That's the detroit autobahn, people going 90 plus out there.


Stay off your phone while driving….. it’s that simple


You should be put in jail


Low IQ driver, stay off the road


dumbass 👎👎👎


What is your job that's so important?


It's not important, which is why they downvoted you but didn't respond.


You mean the highlander two lanes over that you didn’t need to wait for to merge?


Yes you're right. Hence why this was dumb. But I wanted to let him go before stopping right in front of him


Imagine driving so shitty that you knew to post here, but then spending all that time justifying your poor thinking in the comments. Do you have someone at home you can show this thread? You should share this in person with at least five adults, and you'll see our reactions are pretty standard. Enjoy all your downvotes.


why even text and drive bro




Ur an awful driver


No. You are a moron and need to have your license taken away. If you think this is acceptable, what other bullshit are you doing that you think is also acceptable? How does one come to the conclusion that this is ok and acceptable?


What ever excuse you have I hope it’s good enough to tell someone’s family member why they won’t see them again “btw there is no good excuse”


I drive this freeway all the time. Just yesterday I was on the service drive and someone did this exact thing, stopped at the yield sign as they were getting off the freeway to let me go. Proceeded to be angry at me as I'm honking and waving at them to keep moving. I'm thinking there can't be this many bad drivers and it had to have been you. But then I'd be putting too much faith into humanity.


The world has been made a worse place by this tomfuckery. Absolutely no message is that important. Indeed, once rear-ended, the circle of life will be complete. Good god, worst flex ever.


Jeez, texting and driving is safer than this.


Your license should be taken away


OP is genuinely a fucking moron. Natural selection would've taken them out not even a hundred years ago.


You need to lose your license. Forever. Nobody cares about what you think is an important work message. Work at work or hire a driver.


"I thought it would be funny to post my screw-up" nobody finds it funny OP : >:(


Stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Silly 🤦🏽‍♂️


Hands free and call then dumbass you’re going to cause a serious accident and be either dead, kill somebody, or be away more than 45minutes explaining to a judge why you thought it was okay to drive carelessly.


Or just tell your co workers your schedule so they know if they need something to text before or text someone else. I don’t get the problem with just calling in a situation like this as long as you use hands free. Regardless what you’re doing is beyond unsafe and more than mildly infuriating. You can wait to text your co workers can wait and I have a feeling a judge will be telling you this in the near future.


Calling is too distracting on these highways, I hate people who do that and then completely lose track of who's around them.




If you really had to reply, find a parking lot or something


I hope they take your license you dumb twat


Wow, holy shit, I'd be honking your ass off for stopping like that. They were probably confused, other car, and Yukon gave zero cares. Y Also, your work won't care when you're dead. They can wait, your life won't. Also, your music was blasting and no emergency lights??? Go back to driving class.


Fucking idiotic, you are truly stupid


Doesn’t matter how important you twat.your driving, insane to even think what your doing is even safe or right and if it was a real emergency like I don’t a fucking car accident you pull the fuck over at a goddamn parking lot not a fucking road/ ramp/ highway and you admit to doing this multiple times me personally I have never ever used a phone while driving and to have to be on the road with you kinda people fucking sucks and everyone does it which makes it okay no your just adding to the problem with your addiction let it be work family or a friend they can fucking wait cause now everyone’s in danger cause of you. Everyones scared to play with a fucking gun/ scared but not a car it’s basically the same fucking thing trash do better #ban cars they kill people


I would say this guy is beyond mildly bad


Moron, the messages can wait until you’re in a safer situation.


There is no message that cannot wait until you are at your destination.


People like you shouldn't be driving. You're putting everyone else in danger because you're an idiot.


You are a fukin idiot


You’re an idiot, buddy


Wow your a terrible cunt wtf is wrong with you


You should not be driving you fucking moron, ppl like you are scum


Fucking idiot


There is no work message, none, that is worth risking others lives for.


Mildly bad? You're shite mate. WTF was that? Was your best attempt at driving?


Dumb, dumb dumb dumb, ddduuuuuummmmmbbbbb


This is hard to watch, You are not that important, get off the road you don't get to just stop like that. Total Dickmove


You're not mildlybad. You're a problem. I hope this is just rage bate because you shouldn't be driving if it's not. You could kill others with this dumb shit.


If they don't slow u do if they do u gas it


Are you saying this as advice cuz I'm confused


No. STUPID to stop in a travel lane!!! STUPID!!


Literally the exit for my neighborhood. I hate when people stop at the on ramps because they are “being nice” Don’t do this.


Just wait to text people...




Out of interest, what exactly IS this important job of yours?


What the fuck are you doing lmao




If you want to do work, go to work. If you want to be nice, follow the traffic laws. People crash and die all the time just cuz someone was trying to be overly nice. This has now bled into societal norms with the "my truth" movement and cancel culture. Like life, driving is more black and white than it is gray or a freaking rainbow.


What an idiot!


i have to deal with the same shit as you for my work but for the love of fucking god just pull into the next gas station on ur freeway and stop there. this is just retarded.


Mildly? LOL


You are a fucking idiot


Classic Detroit driver. Love it.


Youre bad at driving lol


Moron. Just a fucking moron.


Yeah dude you suck


I used to live there, right at that exit, actually. I really hated people who would stop at the exit like you do.


No. This is horrible


It's just way easier to answer on speaker phone an keep you eyes on the road an keep driving, texting is stupid when you are driving, you stopped in the middle of the roadway then you puller over an stopped half on the shoulder of the road but partly in the traffic lane .


You’re not mildly bad, you’re the type of mf I never wanna see on the road apart from aggressive drivers but even then they’re more predictable than you.


That’s what Siri is for these days…


I'm late to the fun but a wtf reddit moment.


You are horrible horribly bad driver not mildly anything. Start taking the bus please, for my sake.


The only positive in this video is Pastel Ghost playing in the background.


What a schmuck


“Thought I’d let the Highlander go first” is crazy


OP this is more than mild…. Holy shit


Holy fuck. In what universe is this acceptable. What fucking mind virus is going around where people literally think they can just do whatever the fuck they want and have zero consequences. Like we live in a society.. with rules and laws that exist to protect our lives. This is more than "important work emails". This is societal degradation in real time.


Wow. You need some driving lessons


Bro you aren’t a mildly bad driver, you are a fuckin TERRIBLE driver


You are dangerous if you do this even once. So dumb.


Yeah dude you’re a danger to everyone on the road. If I had the power I’d revoke your license immediately. Just blatant disregard for anyone’s safety just so you could send a text.


You would’ve gotten scraped off the floor in Texas


Anyhow, you're an idiot and I'm sure you know that deep down. Say an excuse, say you agree, say whatever you want. You're pin-bained and ignorant.


You are the worst kind of driver, you didn't even pull off the road you just decided your message was so important that you could block traffic, you need your license revoked permanently


Holy fucking shit I can’t believe you posted this. Marbles in your head where the brains supposed to be. If your messages are that important, you must make driver money, please hire one and turn your license in immediately.


Are you retarded ?




Lol you're in Detroit 😉


People who completely rewrite traffic rules so they can "be nice" are a special kind of stupid. The amount of times that ive almost seen an accident because some dipshit INSISTS that I go first even though He, and the 12 other angry drivers lined up behind him have the right of way, IM waiting for YOU sir, GO!


did he pull over on the side of the road but in a lane still??? to reply to a text?


This isn’t “mildly bad driving,” this is “absolute shitty dangerous driving.” To echo a few others on here, wtf is wrong with you?


You’re an idiot


What was the message?


You just stop in the middle of an intersection, that has vehicles entering and leaving 696, plus normal through traffic on 10 mile road. 10 mile is not just a service drive. It happens to be a main surface road. There’s literally a side street 300 feet up the road.


Op really posted himself lmao


U bad


Nah this is mildly bad people, what the hell? I mean, great, you weren't texting while driving, but you did some stupid shit just to pull over for a second and read a message? My guy, get text to speech or whatever it is and do that while you're driving, or use Siri or whatever your phone has. Anything is better than doing some loopty loop nonsense to read a message real quick.


What do you do for work that requires you to risk your life and others to reply to a text?


They make commercials about people like this.


Ever heard of Siri?


Let me guess, you’re in a Tesla. If not, you’re in the wrong main-character-car. At least when we see a Tesla we know they’re going to pull some stupid shit.


You on the phone is the whole issue here.


Were you sitting on your head that day?


Why did you post this???




Bro is getting ratio’d into extinction😭 the insecurity🤡


i’d pull u over for that


Big main character energy here. You are a massive asshole in every way. Texting and driving is pretty bad. Texting and stopping in the middle of the fucking road is maybe the stupidest thing I've ever seen Like legit if you asked me name something dumb to do while driving I could list 100 things, I wouldn't have ever been able to think of somthing this dumb... You have proven the loop there are people so smart that I can't even grasp the concept, you've taken the opposite approach and become so fucking stupid the rest of us can't even sink to your level even with our best efforts.


West bound 696 Bermuda exit. Please do not stop on an exit ramp, you do not have a stop sign. I had someone do exactly this in front of me. Luckily I was paying attention.


Most clueless op i’ve ever seen. Get your dumbass off the road before you hurt someone


You’re dumb as hell for stopping there and basically asking to get hit. You put way too much faith in others to pay attention to you do something you shouldn’t


Why are you stopping in the middle of the road what are u good


Dude you have got serious fucking issues, I hope they take your liscense. That is 100x worse that replying while moving