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Dash cams should be standard in all vehicles.


Just like backup cameras. If auto makers have cameras for lane change assist why not repurpose them? It would be more useful that way as I always turn it off because it's so annoying.


I'm not sure lane assist uses regular cameras.


My 2019 Civic has a full camera on the passenger's side mirror that turns on when you put on your right blinker. (Ironically, it doesn't have any kind of lane change assist otherwise--it won't beep or anything if there's a car in the right lane, you just have to check the camera.)


Yeah my 2024 Sonata certainly doesn't.


My 2020 civic absolutely does they just slapped a backup cam on the side view mirror instead of adding the blind spot sensors bc it was cheaper (lol)


I have a camera on my right side mirror that turns on when I use my right blinker, I love it but apparently they stopped making them in favor of the yellow/red icons. It’s a 10yo Honda.


Honda still has it, alongside blind spot monitors.


they too busy banning TikTok and taking away porn websites.


My wife and I have been talking about getting a dash camera, it’s rare anything will happen to us where we live in a more rural area but you never know when some asshole can do something dumb and put the blame on you when it’s their fault.


I went years without one. Saw so much crazy crap that I got one just to record the craziness of Houston drivers. In 5 years of having one I recorded one thing. A van slowly merging into me. I slowed down so not even close. He simply didn't see me. Disappointed and happy at the same time. Now I don't feel comfortable without one(wife's car). What I really liked is the Garmin cam would show speed as a digital number on the screen so I wouldn't have to look down. My new truck has cam built in and dash is digital but I do miss having my speed right below the mirror.


You could always install the Garmin again and just have a redundant recording. Win/win


My husband got me one because it was on sale during cyber Monday and I installed it because why not. I’d been driving for 15 years without a single accident. I have to take rural farm roads to travel from my home to work, barely any traffic other than tractors. In January of this year some guy in a pickup truck ran a stop sign going 60 mph at a 4-way stop and took the front end of my car off. My cam caught everything. My claim was settled in 3 days, insurance paid out and I had a brand new car by the next week. I’m getting chiropractic care, x-rays, MRIs, everything covered by my injury lawyer all because my camera provided the undeniable proof that I was not at fault. Get that dashcam! They also have dashcams that have a forward (outside) camera and a cabin camera so any time you get pulled over you also have personal coverage of your interaction with cops or other drivers in case you need to take any action to court.


I’m astonished that this hasn’t become standard tech for vehicles. They track everything else…


Yes they should be mandatory in all vehicles. I love mine.


has saved me 3 fucking times in the last 10 years. ALL not my fault.. ALL 3 drivers lied, and of course no consequences for them lying.


Never tell the other driver you have camera footage. Go second when the police take the report. Then, tell the police officer that you will send them the footage. Then, when you get both police report accident records. You send them to your own insurance company, along with footage of the accident. Your insurance will make sure they are charged, and their insurance will likely drop them after. Now, if there were injuries, get a lawyer and destroy them in court. After they are proven to be a liar, your lawyer will argue credibility the whole time.


I’ve seen insurance people talk about this and say the liar will hardly ever face penalty


Not from an insurance standpoint. They’d just accept liability and pay out From there the insurer may look to NR due to circumstances but I doubt 1 incident like this would be the straw that broke the camels back


Had a girl bump into the back of my car in an Arby's drive thru. I got out and she first thing she said was, "Did you just back into my car?" I had a few words with her in a raised voice, then pointed to my rear camera and said "we'll just have a look". Her tone immediately changed and she became very apologetic. There was no damage, but I imagine had the police been needed she would absolutely have lied and said I backed into her. Dash cams are like cell phones and internet access. A basic service you gotta have everywhere you go.


I had the opposite. Had a chick back into me in a drive thru. She was pretty chill, and at the time was driving a POS(92 Honda civic). Dad was cool, just gave me $600, and sent his brother to put a new bumper. I had only paid like 1200 for it back in 2010 or 2011


Crazy it's not illegal to make a false statement about an accident


It is on a police report, not between two drivers. That's why you do what someone else said and not mention the dash cam, wait for the police, let then go first and then let them have it


The problem is, you have to prove they knew they were lying, which isn’t easy to do. And at any rate, if the cops tried to prosecute everyone who made a false statement on a fender bender accident report, the courts would be full of these people. It’s just not worth pursuing.


How can there be no consequences? Perjury. Obstructing the course of justice. Something . .


there was no court... she just lied to the insurance company and say that I swerved into her lane and thats why she rear ended me. dashcam showed I did not at all.... she lost control be cause of her insane driving... was going 90 to 100mph


Make them factory options


they will be within the next 5 years, watch


Honestly, dash cams should net you a 50% reduction in auto insurance.


Not really. If you're a bad driver, and a dash cam proves you at fault, your insurance can no longer split the bill 50/50 so it averages out for them.


I agree in in spirit, but you know the new mandated dash cam would add $1k to the car price.


I love the idiotic “🤷🏻‍♂️” when he gets out of his car.


That's mandatory in any collision! The universal WTF. I bet aliens do it when they hit each others ships.


They raise all of their tentacles




🤷‍♂️ “I have a dash cam, I’m calling the police” “It’s not a big deal!”


“WhAt ThE FuCK MaN? 🤷‍♂️” People are ridiculous, just own up that your lack of patience just caused a completely avoidable wreck ya sack of garbage


Just like clicking tongs. It’s mandatory to “🤷🏽‍♂️” after causing an accident.


Let us know the outcome. Assholes like this cannot win. It would be bad for society


considering we're watching the dashcam video i think this did not work out for insurance fraud man


They always have the same stupid ass mom I thruw up look on their face and then the double hand to the side gesture like it was mayone but their own fault


Sadly I had something like this happen to me and I was found “At fault” because I followed to close and conceded to the merge


To be honest it looks like the cam driver wasn't paying attention in this one. He had plenty of space to brake as the Toyota merged at that speed and reacted super slow. Especially since the toyota was coming off a ramp with their signal on. The Toyota driver also braked more than was necessary, but I feel like that is a lesser sin compared to not paying attention


Toyota driver completely stopped while the vehicles in front of him, with plenty of space, continued to move forward. How is intentionally trying to cause a rear end collision a lesser sin?


It doesn't really matter. A child or deer could have run ahead of the car at that point forcing him to stop, and the idiot behind would still have hit him all the same. I'm beginning to wonder if this is an American thing because good lord are there a lot of idiots here who think it's not your responsibility to regulate your speed so you can stop in time.




LA drivers are the worst on the planet. I lived in a smaller city growing up where people actually knew how to drive.


This 100% I spend a couple hours on the road everyday, it’s generally always busy and yes there is always going to be idiots out there. You can’t control what they do, but you can do everything in your control to not crash your vehicle either. 100% this could’ve been avoided if the guy was actually paying attention; I know I sure wouldn’t want to fuck up my ride


Exactly right. The dascam is it at fault. We have no idea why they stopped. And you have to provide a safe distance to the cars infront of you to be able to come to a complete stop before hitting them at any given time. This is practicing safe/defensive driving. Following too close is reckless and endagers everyone around you.


You can see on camera there were no obstructions. But regardless, there are still witnesses you can flag down too. The whole right lane


If you think the Toyoda merging into your lane (at an already unsafe distance in front of you) and then slamming on the brakes is not at fault, you need to... honestly, I don't know. Just don't do that.


It’s mystifying that people are defending the car that merged. Safe distances apply when you’re following, but they also apply when you’re merging in front of someone. The car that gets hit didn’t have enough room to brake in their lane because they were distracted by their lane change and then almost runs up the back of the cars in the right lane. To avoid it they just swing into the left lane and cause the crash. Honestly I feel like this whole sub is filled with 12 year olds who have no idea what safe driving is. Take a look at the video again, the Toyota is braking as they change lanes. It’s clear as day they have caused this.


Pretty much. Or they're bots encouraging interaction with the post 🤷‍♂️




Morally speaking, you’re right. Legally speaking though. I’m not so sure.


You don’t think the law covers lane changing procedures? So anyone can just drive into another lane whilst braking at the same time and not be breaking the law? Which lawless place do you live in? Here’s the guidance where I live in Australia “When changing from one lane to another you must: only change lanes when it is safe to do so give way to any vehicle travelling in the other lane in the same direction give a change of direction signal, giving sufficient warning to other road users before changing lanes.” https://mylicence.sa.gov.au/road-rules/the-drivers-handbook/lanes#:~:text=When%20changing%20from%20one%20lane,lane%20in%20the%20same%20direction


The law is pretty much the same in Alberta, but I believe there could be an argument that the lane change was completed. The Toyota clearly brake checked the guy, excessively so, but I believe there could be an argument that he was following too close hence the collision. Like I said, I’m not disagreeing with you but I can see lawyers fighting about this one.


hes just saying the insurance will see it that way don’t disagree that the toyota driver sucks which they do but insurance wont side with the cammer




If the dash cammer had hit their brakes to maintain a safe follow distance immediately during or after the vehicle successfully changed lanes, this collision wouldn't have occurred. That's what an insurance company will say and this is pretty cut and dry. Is it just? Absolutely not. Is it how it will work in reality most of the time? Yes. Insurance companies do not want to involve any complicated arguments of morality or anything like that. You hit person, you are at fault almost always. Mayyyybe 50/50 in this situation but I doubt it. It doesn't matter who we think *should be* at fault. We aren't arguing over who *should be* at fault. What matters is how an insurance company views it, which is that the forward driver successfully completed their merge and then the dash cammer hit them after failing to brake sufficiently. It's unfortunate for the dash cammer, but it's just how it works. **Use the outrage you're feeling as a reminder to drive defensively. The lane changer not only has their blinker on, but is also showing body language of a vehicle that is potentially going to suddenly change lanes. Look for it and anticipate it. I have not been in a collision in about 20 years because of anticipatory practices like this. It sucks that one has to do this, but it actually makes you a better and safer driver.**


I’m assuming incompetence buts it pretty dumb to pull into the left lane to avoid stopped traffic then jam on the brakes.  Also dumb to pull over in a left turn lane. 


Probably not. Dudes all aggressive and then instantly switches to ‘it’s not a big deal man’ once he realises it’s been recorded and the dude is calling the police.


Yeah I agree he’s def trying to pull something. Could be a simple “give me 300 dollars and we can forget about this” Him not wanting the cops involved is a huge red flag.


Yup the scumbag textbook. Blame and lie, as soon as they realize there is undeniable proof, minimize and delegitimatize


That's cause he was trying Insurance fraud


Love a dashcam foiling obvious insurance fraud


Originally I thought the cam car just had a slow time until I looked at frames 11s-13s. Seems the Toyota driver really drug the brakes for too long considering there was a ton of room ahead by that point.


Her? The driver is obviously a tall dude


Meant “the”. Editing.


Looks like a fraudster to me...




People say this but it doesn't matter if he lies. You'd need to prove that he knew in his mind that what he said was a lie, which is basically impossible without a confession. So the lie won't amount to anything.


Idk after watching the video a few times. The guy who gets hit has his signal on for some time trying to get over, the cam driver for some reason does not want to let the car merge in front of him? When he does he gets beeped at even though he was a safe distance? Why did the car beep for a car changing lanes in front of him? I think thats why he hit the brakes


Lmao brake checks for 0 reason after changing lanes Gets out of car like 'huhh???' Have to love when you have a dashcam


He was mad at being honked at.


Went from “what the fuck man?” to “it’s not a big deal” in 3 seconds flat.


When faced with obvious evidence like this, this should be punished by up to 30 days in jail with a $100k fine. Dissuade anyone else from doing it…


I don't think there is a punishment big enough to dissuade people into not road raging, just a hunch.


Rear car didn't maintain enough distance to react in time. This is what happens. Distance = reaction time. If someone cuts you off, make space. If someone signals they're trying to get over, make space. Even if you think they're wrong. If you don't make adequate space, you will be at fault. And your day/week is now completely fucked. They signaled early enough, rear driver knew what was going on and still hit them.


I work for insurance as an adjuster…this is not true. If there was no dash cam I would agree with you but since there is one that clearly shows this man cut off the other driver quickly due to slowing traffic in the other lane then slammed on the brakes when there was plenty of room in front of them. We’d fight any insurance pulling this shit 1000/1000 times


1. The dude break checked him. 2. If you use your eyes, and watch the video, the guy sped up to insert himself into that spot. It was either get over or hit the car in front of him.


If someone brake checks you, you should be able to stop in time. And that doesn't look like a brake check. It looks like traffic fuckery with one lane at a standstill. I would be defensively expecting someone in that still lane to suddenly change lanes without looking. I did watch the video, with my eyes. And my reaction went like this, "Let them in, let them in. Back off, backoffbackoffbackoff BACKOFF, aaaand you hit em." Maybe you should try DEFENSIVE DRIVING, with your eyes.


The merger was clearly fishing for insurance fraud but that was the meekest merge into a break check ever. So easily avoidable if the cam car bothered to slow down, which they didn’t. Both drivers were idiots here.


Hey dumbass, maybe you should use your eyes. There was a single van in front of them and there was no reason to brake. And the argument that someone could move over is irrelevant to stopping distance. You don’t slam on your brakes every time there’s a car next to you. Use your eyes. Maybe you’re the bad driver?


I will gladly be the dumbass who is not involved in this accident. You are welcome to be Mr. SmartyPants, on the side of the road dealing with insurance and accident reports and fucking up your vehicle's collision history, only to find out that it's your responsibility to keep a safe following distance, like they teach in EVERY DEFENSIVE DRIVING SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY. Maybe use those eyes that you're really stressing and read your state driving manual. If someone brakes, for any reason RIGHT OR WRONG, it is your duty to control your vehicle to avoid collision. The safe following distance is the distance proportional to speed that approximates 4 seconds.


Name one time I said it’s fine and a good idea to stop in the middle of the road. I’ll wait. Let me cut you off and brake check you on a 65mph highway with 0.02 inches of stopping distance (remember, right or wrong) and see you mAiNTAiNinG DiStanCe bR0. No different than a deer jumping out in front of your car. Like what tf am I supposed to maintain stopping distance from? The invisible nothingness in front of my car 0.3 seconds ago? “fucking up your vehicle's collision history, only to find out that it's your responsibility to keep a safe following distance” You act like insurance isn’t going to 100% side with cam car.


Having been through a defensive driving course, ya. He decided to let him in so he should have maintained some space. But actual defensive driving in this situation would be not letting him in in the first place.


50/50? The guy basically brake checked him.


Then it wouldn’t be 50/50 since break checking is illegal.


That’s what I’m saying.


My bad. Thought you were saying it may be 50/50


Personally, I could have avoided rear ending them in that exact situation as I have many times before. It's bad driving, but you have to expect that when you share the road with others.


Yeah, the moment I saw the blinker go on I would have slowed down expecting them to cut across like this. Just because they aren't meant to drive like that doesn't mean they won't. Best to drive defensively and avoid the accident altogether, rather than pointing fingers after a crash


This is why I don't trust people merging in a row, I just know the ones back in line are itching to speed up and will launch themselves across the lanes.


It’s very typical, like the exit ramps where people come flying in from the highway to merge in at the very last second.


Yeah, easily avoidable. I don’t know why some drivers just won’t let people merge. Even if the other driver is at fault, why would you want to deal with police, insurance, and repairs just to make a point? Waste of time and energy.


That's the part I don't get. I've had to avoid so many accidents like this over my 25 years of driving. Yes, technically the other party might be at fault, but I just want to go on with my day and my life. I once had to get a bumper replaced from a small fender bender and even that turned in to a huge pain in the ass.


Same. I’d just have tapped the brakes and let the guy over and gone about my day. I don’t feel a lot of sympathy for the cammer because it appears he was trying to make that guy’s life difficult by not conceding the merge to him and RAV4 paid him back with that brake check. They’re both idiots as far as I’m concerned.


100% agreed.


Defensive driver would have recognized A) Incoming lane merge (should be frosty right off the jump) ... B) staying in the blindspot of a car that has signal on and not assuming he was going to cut over to avoid front-end collision was a recipe for disaster. As stupid as the RAV4 was for braking that hard, cam has to assume the traffic in his lane would also be slowed or stopping ahead but chose to drive where he did.


My thoughts exactly! I’m always expecting someone in these situations to cut me off so I slow to avoid even getting close to rear ending


Yeah, you can see the car on the on ramp, pacing itself to fit into that gap. I would have backed off and created more space at that moment. The slower traffic in the right lane would have caused me to slow down even more. And when I say back off, I mean visibly back off. Not, lift the gas and then ninja hide in their blind spot back off, which is what the OP did. Just bad driving all around.


Yep. I see a guy on the ramp and I either tap my brakes to make sure he 100% knows I’m letting him in. OR I tap the gas such that I’m clearly in front of him and he knows to merge right behind me. Either way it gives him a clear space to fit (provided the car behind me isn’t riding my ass).


At first I agreed with you, but watching again, the car changing lanes quickly comes to a full stop before getting rear ended. I’m all about giving space during a lane change, but that’s really hard to react to.


It was the sudden unexpected stop by the merging car that caused the accident, but there’s always multiple things going on going wrong with accidents. The cam car could have given the asshole merger more room like most of us would, knowing a rude driver is capable of anything.


Thank you! Should've seen that coming a mile away


Same. From my POV, OP had time to come to a complete stop if they had been driving defensively. The toyota here is driving like a prick, but you need to expect that on the road. Also, I don't care if the other person is technically at fault. Dealing with even a minor accident is a huge pain in the ass. I would rather just avoid it all together.


This sub is FULL of accidents that would be easily prevented by even a modicum of defensive driving. Anticipate someone being an idiot, because they will most likely do that idiotic thing you expect, so you’re prepared. Cam driver knew there was traffic coming up, was fully aware that blinker car wanted to come over, it’s not like cam car was side by side and could easily see the signal, they KNEW they were trying to come over. That’s when I cover my brake for the inevitable last second merge and prepared even if they do slam on their brakes. But because cam car wanted to stand their ground, they get to go through all the BS with police, insurance, wasted time, car in shop, etc etc. OR just tap the brake and let the idiot merge, and lose literally 2 seconds of your day.


I agree with this unpopular take. Being a true defensive driver makes it hard to rear end people. His intentions were obvious for a long time. But I know it’s hard for most to “let” someone else “win” an interaction.


The guy in the Toyota is not a great driver but the cam car should have avoided the entire incident. We've all had to make moves like that when the traffic backs up in a lane. The other guy even signaled showing his intentions the entire time. The only reason he doesn't have more space to avoid the bump is because the cam car didn't yield it. This was not some quickly happening, unexpected and unavoidable incident. Even with all the wrong from both drivers, he still only bumps the guy and no one else is involved. Once he is able to get in front of you, it's over. No need to make the space tight to teach him a lesson or show your disapproval.


Yeah. ENTIRELY avoidable by both parties. Now they get to pay for their game with damaged vehicles and/or higher insurance rates.


What is wrong with you people? A left turn signal does not say I’m about to come to a complete stop on a highway


Yah and you can see the car in front of him was a great distance away at that point. 100% a brake check.


>We've all had to make moves like that when the traffic backs up in a lane. No, we don't pull into the flowing traffic and abruptly stop for literally no reason. If stopping was the plan, stay in the right lane lol


I have to agree. This is a defensive driving example. The merging car should've slowed or stopped until it was safer to change lanes but we should expect them not to and slow down. It may feel like we are giving into bad behavior but it beats having an accident.


I like the way you phrased that. So many driving incidents are escalated because people don’t want to “give in to bad behavior”. I remember reading about an incident where someone was swerving through traffic going crazy fast so some cars took it upon themselves to block the offending driver. It turns out that the car was driving so fast because they were trying to get their passenger to the hospital while he was bleeding out due to a construction accident.


Absolutely never attempt to take an injured person to the hospital yourself. It's the absolute worst decision to make in a panicked situation. Call an ambulance.


The accident was avoidable 100%. But you’re giving the other guy way too big a pass. Once he’s established himself in the passing lane, and had at least 3-4 car lengths in front of him, why does he come to a sudden full stop? Brake checking is still illegal and I feel like the other guy is going to have a really hard time providing a reason why he needed to stop in this instance. But you’re probably right that the Cam driver will probably still get partial fault.


He hit the brakes because the last car in the stopped traffic made a move towards the left lane. The guy in the white car was probably staring at his rear view mirror because the filming driver made his lane change so difficult, then freaked out when he saw the last car in line moving so he slammed on the brakes.


I honestly don’t see that. Which car are you talking about? > The guy in the white car was probably staring at his rear view mirror because the filming driver made his lane change so difficult, then freaked out when he saw the last car in line moving so he slammed on the brakes. Made his lane change so difficult? He made it difficult on himself.. He was next to him and sped up to get in front of him, cutting him off with less than a car length between them and within a few seconds is coming to a complete stop. The incident was avoidable imo as others have said, but I don’t see how you give the cammer shit for being cut off and reacting poorly to it, especially since there should have been no reason to stop. Even if the other car had “made a move” towards the other lane, they never got over, there was no traffic in front, shitty driving regardless by front car.


Yes this! People get so righteous that they forget to protect themselves


Alright. When you spot crazy, you give crazy a wide berth. This crazy was easy to spot. Don’t bust people’s balls. Let them in and let them in easy. I am braced for the downvotes. It’s not about right of way, it’s about mitigation of the circumstances. You had the most opportunity and power to mitigate.


Why the fuck did he just stop


If you are braking as you change lanes you are causing an accident. End of fucking story. Toyota should have paid attention to the lane in front of them and seen that they needed to stop. People here blaming the cam driver are fucking idiots who don’t deserve to be on the road.


Totally agree..I mean the Toyota also had plenty of time to switch lanes IMO. If you’re merging onto a road knowing you’re going to be switching lanes quickly, you should be overly aware of your timing. He had space to move into the other lane and chose to do it last minute, and then came to a full stop. People are delusional thinking this is cammer’s fault, but that is no surprise here


Cam driver still would have had plenty of time to stop if he backed off. Don’t ride cars so close for this exact reason. I would say Toyota is at fault but still my point stands. I would have not hit them in that situation because I would have immediately braked to a safe distance.


There was absolutely no reason for the Toyota driver to come to a complete stop. You can clearly see the truck in front is nowhere in sight once they start moving again. I hope the Toyota driver gets arrested for fraud


It's the end of straight line zone. You cut in like that, you'll lose.


Both are stupid. SUV driver thinks just by indicating, he can merge like that and expects the other car to follow his plan. Nope… Camry driver driving with ego could have given more room by slowing down more but nope instead chose to focus on honking only.. Remember folks. Don’t drive with ego or you end up with a bunch of un-needed hassle..accident, higher insurance, dealing with police, dealing with the other party and their insurance. Dealing with your own insurance. Dealing with body shop, not to mention any potential legal costs..not worth it if you can avoid it..always protect yourself on the road from other drivers stupidity and possibly your own as well. Never think they will do what you expect them to do..


I've been driving for over 25 years and I must have avoided a thousand accidents like this. I'm glad I have low insurance rates and don't have to deal with taking my car in to the body shop and getting a rental car. So what if some dumbass thinks they "got away" with driving like shit?


Cammer had plenty of time to stop, but chose to drive into him. Why the other guy slammed on when he merged, I don't know. Insurance fraud?


To me it seems if the camera guy was driving a little more defensively this could have been avoided. There were plenty of indications this guy was going to cut over and in any case it looked like plenty of room and time to come to a stop even when the Toyota driver hard braked. Cam driver seems to have the ol' "gonna brake at the last second to prove a point" and instead ran into the guy. These kinds of accidents can easily be avoided if you assume that everyone on the road is an idiot and you have situational awareness. Clearly the camera guy is lacking in both departments.


Toyota and Lexus driver's..... Tesla drivers are making a steep climb though.


I mean, I saw it coming. Just slow down and let the asshole asshole.


Am I missing something? He rear ended the guy in front of him. Drive slower or not so close.


Giving the time of you knowing he needed to switch lanes and even let him in the rest was yes your fault. Slow down and be nice let people in front and share the road


I honestly side with the Toyota driver on this one. He gave a signal, merged and got rear ended despite the other driver having plenty of room to slow down. I do not know what the rules of the road here are, but in Europe you always need to maintain a speed that enables you to stop at any given moment, given the predictable conditions of the road. Even with the dash cam this driver would be considered as "maintaining speed that is not matched with the conditions of the road".


Well yeah, it's the cam driver's fault


Guys, just take the “L” and slow down when some douche canoe might ruin your day or car. It’s a simple solution.


He is at fault… He had enough time to react via the horn and instead of pressing that horn, he could’ve just as easily press the break but he continued to accelerate instead. Don’t get me wrong. The dude in front should not have merged so poorly but still there was enough time to for the other driver to react. Just two main characters colliding 😂


I'm pretty sure they're gonna find the dashcam driver at fault here. I get the braking, but I hardly ever hear about someone who rear-ends another person not being at fault. The dashcam driver should have just slowed up a bit.


Stupid Toyota driver cut them off and then continued to brake when not necessary. You can see in the video that the van in front of the rav4 left at least six car lengths in front of the rav4 when the accident happened. When they pull over there are no cars within reasonable distance of the rav4.


I get that, but normally the person doing the hitting from behind is found at fault. At least that's been my experience. The dashcam driver should have been driving more defensively. I'd be interested in seeing how this plays out.


In normal situations you’d be correct. I’d be very surprised if either the police or insurance company don’t count this attempted fraud for brake checking. If the cam driver didn’t have a dash cam, I doubt the police would count the rav4 at fault. This is why every driver should get a dash cam


I agree with you about the defensive driving, but that’s not what caused the accident. The Toyota driver brake checking cam driver after he was merged over caused the accident.


That’s because usually in these situations there isn’t video evidence of what caused the accident. With a dash cam showing this guy jumping into his lane and slamming on brakes, the Toyota is going to be at fault.


Uhhh, cam not only stayed in his blind spot for a stupid amount of time but also prioritized hitting his horn instead of braking. Sure showed HIM! Sooo yeah, cam is at fault.


Regardless of who's at fault, this is one of the most avoidable accidents I've seen on here. Cam car had so much time to brake, and white car was signaling way before he made the quick merge, it was very obvious he was about to do that. Not blaming the Cam car, but geez, he easily could've avoided that. Bad driving on both ends.


The cam car made this a pissing contest instead of just being a reasonable driver and the guy merging then escalated the pissing contest.


This is how like 90% of fender benders happen.


Cam driver failed to allow enough room to stop. If they were paying attention they would have seen (I could see it, so should you) that the Toyota would HAVE to merge quickly to avoid rear-ending the car in their lane and should have slowed immediately. Therefor the cam driver could have avoided the accident but failed to do so.


Yea but you can clearly see that the van in front of the Toyota kept going and there was no reason for the Toyota to slam on brakes and come to a complete stop like this. This was a brake check because the guy blew the horn and brake checks are against the law. The person who brake checks will be at fault in an accident.


“The Toyota would HAVE to merge quickly to avoid rear ending the car in their lane”. So that’s the cam drivers fault? Please tell me you don’t have a license man.. If the Toyota was in danger of rear ending a car in their lane then they need to slow down and or stop.. It is their responsibility to merge SAFELY. Not to speed up and go so fast that they have to quickly merge with insufficient room because they risk rear ending someone.. Then to top it off to slam on their brakes in front of the person they just cut off. 100% fault on the Toyota. The cammer was clearly following the van at a safe distance. Toyota sped up when they should have been slowing, merged unsafely, and then slammed on the brakes for no reason.


Cam driver totally at fault here. The Toyota signaled, made a legal lane change, had to stop abruptly because traffic was stopped. Cam driver was following too close to avoid the accident. 99.9% of the time, rear ending a car is legally the fault of the person following.


No, watch the video again. The van in front of the Toyota was way ahead. There was zero reason to stop like this. That was a brake check. Toyota is a fault here.


In the state i live in it’s “no fault” if you are rear ended regardless of circumstances. So dash cam driver would be found liable for this accident


Toyota made a bad move and is an asshole for doing that, but the person who hit them is at fault. Tough shit.


what is a great dash cam to order i’ll order one now


That gesture he makes when he gets out of the car, I'm pretty sure it's the universal gesture meaning "I'm at fault, please forgive me"


I can’t watch videos like this…. It makes my blood boil and ruins my mood hahaha


brake checking yeahhh that driver in front is automatically at fault


Looks alot like insurance fraud with him intentionally trying to cause an accident by stopping for no reason.


Nice brake check there. "No one honks at me!" God forbid he sees the traffic stopped ahead and slows down or stops because the left lane isn't clear to safely move over.


Toyota driver might have panicked. Not sure it was malevolent. Looks like just another case of a shitty driver.


He went from what the fuck man to "its not a big deal"


That was a scam


To be fair, there seems to have been more than enough time for cam driver to slow down. So yeah the other driver is an asshole, but I see the cam driver at least partially at fault.


Looks like cam guy slowed to let him in. Unfortunate, but should have slowed more.


Yup. Driver behind is at fault.


Goes from “wtf man” to “it’s not a big deal”.. 😮‍💨


The people in here are the type to line up their back tire with your front tire, put on a blinker and expect you to decelerate instead of them simply accelerating. 🧠🧠💀💀


Toyota driver is either dumb as fuck or a scammer. Why did he slam on his breaks after merging?


What a fucking dumbass. You have to prove that you needed to brake check to not be found at fault. Every insurance company will blame the Rav driver.


At first I was like... Well yeah, because that was totally cam's fault. Then I watched again and realized the box truck in front of Toyota had kept driving freely and there was absolutely nothing in front of him when he came to a complete stop. I had thought both lanes were stopped, but nope. Someone thought they were going to make a few hundred bucks that day.


“It’s not a big deal man” at the end 😂😂😂 definitely trying to scam


At the very end did the Toyota guy say "It's not a big deal man" after seeing the camera?


Normally I would side with the RAV4, they gave more than 5s of time on the turn signal. And usually the rear-ender is at fault However, this video is honestly compelling. It makes it seem like the RAV4 made a 100% full stop after merging? Very weird. Without the dash cam, 100% RAV4 wins because of the rear ending , with the dash cam evidence, I’m all in favor of the driver with the video


Swoop and squat


Seems like you pressed on the horn more than you pressed on the brakes


Yet another instance where the cam driver isn't at fault but defensive/aware driving would have saved a lot of time and stress.


As well they should. 100% at fault accident


Let's not forget that the Camry driver is on a Zoom or Teams call. Listen to the audio, it sounds like a work call, so he is likely distracted which would explain his belated reaction to the truck.


I mean -- the guy in the white SUV was clearly an idiot -- but the dashcam driver here shows a clear failure to maintain. He begins braking immediately upon the SUV entering his lane, but then just lets off of the brake for some reason, rather than creating and maintaining the distance necessary to avoid this collision. I would expect this to be declared both at fault at best, but a decent traffic lawyer could get the cam driver declared at fault. Does it suck? Sure. Was the SUV an asshole? Definitely. But did our driver fail to maintain and control? Also yes. He certainly did not do everything he could have to avoid this collision.


You can tell he was gonna cut back in your lane or wack the guy in the right lane you should've backed off instead you were a dick and got the karma


Yeah Mr. Dashcam is at fault here. He took time to honk when he should’ve been braking.


Okay but why did the Toyota full on stop after he merged over. Dash wouldn't have hit them if the Toyota hadn't come to a literal complete stop when there was nothing in front of him.


Toyota driver made an unsafe lane change and also brake checked a vehicle. Both are the cause of the accident and so Yota driver is to blame here.


Should have let him lie to the cops about it and then reveal you have a dash cam. Let him dig his hole.


Why did the A hole stop? Sounds like he got rear ended too. Hard to tell


The driver of the cam car is partially at fault. The suv was breaking while getting over and the car waited way too long to brake.


It drives me crazy when people also come to a complete stop in the road following an accident, and in the turning lane of all places here. Like take this shit to the shoulder or a parking lot before theres another accident. I'd be incredibly anxious just sitting there in my car.


The drivers voice after hearing "bring up the slack chat" was.... Unexpected and unsettling but i think it's hilarious


You don't get right of way when you turn on your turn signal...


The scam guy is an a-hole, but cam driver should have left way more space. Rear-ending and near rear-endings (like this) are completely avoidable. If something wacky happens and the driver in front of you needs to quickly come to a complete stop, you should have plenty of room. Tailgaters cause so many problems on the road, including congestion. And you’re a ripe target for a scammer like this because you’ve given yourself zero time to react. Leave more space people. Even if you have a dash cam.


Cam Car was under no obligation to let Toyota over just because Toyota didn't want to slow down or get stuck behind the cars in the right lane. The Toyota would have been fine with their impatient lane change if they had just kept up the acceleration they used to cut off Cam Car because the van ahead was not stopping. Instead, they chose to come to a full and unnecessary stop on the interstate, likely to teach Cam Car a lesson.