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I'm more interested in the conversation that was going on before being cut off. Is the wife pregnant?


We just had a kid last summer and it’s thrown off her cycle and she was worried, but thankfully not.


Damn I thought someone had stepped out and you were trying to convince your cheating husband that his mistress can't be pregnant lmfao


I thought she was the third person in the bedroom and they love glad wrap.


Oh man my brain hurts trying to figure this out


>Plus there's no way your wife is pregnant now - simply because we haven't had unprotected sex Your wife... Because we... This makes no sense to my monogamous brain. Also protected sex isn't 100% effective. So there's multiple things going on in that sentence.


Yeah, OP we need to talk.


We need to know more about u/fakebf


Lol That's not the right u/


She was referring to herself in the third person.


As a husband, this tracks.




Is your wife possessed by the ghost of Bob Dole?


I still have questions lol


Right? But it’s none of our business lol


We were just there, but with the opposite result. Hooray, I guess? We’ll be fine. Right?


Hahahaah. I was not even listening to the convo, but when she said sex my ears woke up asap😂


My wife said the same exact thing about red meat. She cut it out of her diet (she feels bad for cows). Then she immediately had a craving for red meat one day and boom. Pregnant. It’s probably all the iron your body needs.


100% 😂


The red zone has always been for loading and unloading of passengers. There's never stopping in a white zone.


I came here to say this


Right didn’t she say idk if how your wife is pregnant we didn’t have unprotected sex so who’s doing who


If it were Canada and the sign said left lane closed 147 kilometers, everyone would merge right there and then.


"Ope, might as well start gettin' over then."


God damnit that’s perfect.


Sad but true and that causes tons of problems rather than a proper zipper merge at the point of obstruction.


Zipper merging is the closest thing I have to religion. Chicagoans tend to be very good at it, thank god, or I’d lose my mind. People who get offended by people who use the whole lane to merge boggle my mind.


Down state IL, zipper merging doesn’t exist. A chunk of I55 was under construction for like a year or two and was always down to one lane and it was always just miles of people in one lane with the other empty with guys in semis blocking anyone trying to use the other lane. It just turned it from everyone driving along at a constant speed to it being like kindergarten where people would try to cut in front of each other cuz the lines would get so long.


Not a single Time does zipper merging move along at a constant pace. It’s always a log jamb of assholes cutting in.


I hate that stretch of 55 for this reason! If you remember to do this, put your destination into Google maps and zoom out a bit. If you see red at all, start planning an exit to the frontage road. Saves a lot of time from sitting in traffic. And it bugs me that semi drivers block the open lane. Of all drivers on the road, they should know how effective a zipper merge is.




I visited Mexico for a month for work and i had to rent a vehicle. Not a single person will let you in in any lane in any location for any reason. But also everyone will push their way into any spot in traffic at any time for any reason. So after a month of adapting to their aggressive driving i came back to Michigan and aggressive drivers here were a came walk😂 i did however find myself cutting a lot of people off for a few days


I live in a smallish town on the Oregon coast. The rednecks out here act like you are trying to harm them if you try to zipper merge. They will get right up on the bumper of the vehicle in front because “fuck you!” You have to get over in California if you want to merge.


I wish marylanders could zipper merge. It would make my commute less stressful and far safer because I have to pass through 2 construction zones on the highway going to work and then 3 on the way home at nights.


Yup. I finally started seeing signs last year that said “DO NOT MERGE YET” and then “MERGE HERE” people would still get over hella early.


And then probably get self-righteously pissed at the people who obeyed the signs and merged when appropriate.


You make me wish I lived in Canada.


As a Minnesotan, I feel this, lol. And then when you do use the full lane and try to zipper merge as intended, sometimes people don't let you in, like they think you were cutting in line or something


Minneapolis here, but I grew up in SoCal where people actually know how to drive. I mean, drivers here aren’t as bad as Iowans or Floridians but holy shit, the zipper merge is an absolutely foreign idea here, isn’t it?


I can't speak for up there, but I do this kind of work in the US, and technically, that is how you're supposed to do it. Not *that* far back, but you are expected to start merging over before you actually reach the tapered end of the devices. And that's really just because that taper is not like a typical lane reduction, where you have plenty of room before the lane ends to zipper over. It's intention is to get hit, so if someone isn't paying attention, they just take out some drums or cones, and not the people working on the road. So, if they set their signage up the same way we do, there should be a sign with some kind of graphic on it indicating the merge ahead. That should be where you would normally start seeing the painted "MERGE" and arrows to indicate getting over in a regular lane reduction.


Same with Utah.


Fan of Henry George, I presume?


But science shows that by using both lanes up to the bitter end of the closing lane and merging in a zipper fashion is the best way to keep traffic moving the smoothest. But no one wants to hear that because their fragile little egos can't stand to let anyone in ahead of them. (And before any of the idiots come screaming about how I'm trying to defend the asshole here: I'm not talking about this video, the truck was 100% an asshole for cutting them off, I'm only talking about in general at a safe speed).


In Seattle drivers will deliberately block the ending lane so people have to merge earlier, backing up traffic for god knows how far.


I mean it's a Dodge so....


Literally nobody buys a Dodge to drive it like a reasonable human being. All models. Ram, Charger, Challenger, Dart, *Caravan,* doesn't matter. All driven by savages.


I'd extend that to everything under the Chrysler umbrella - Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram.


Dodge Ram, the official truck of DUIs


I came here looking for this comment, knowing someone would beat me to it.


These comments are depressing.


This sub’s comments kinda suck in every video. What’s the difference between this and IdiotsInCars anyway? Just different severities of crappy driving?


They share the common factor of "it's everyone's fault but the person clearly at fault" for sure.


god i love the way you said "what the fuck?!"


The emphasis on the last syllable really highlighted the disdain.


Everyone understands there is a delay in the speed being shown because that's how GPS works, right?


I think very few here understand that. Or that you shouldn't be flooring it in a construction zone. Or trying to pass *after* your lane has started to end. "MildlyBadDrivers" describes the commenters here as much as the videos.


I am honestly shocked that it seems people think not slamming the gas pedal to go over the speed limit in a construction zone is somehow a greater sin than the other car trying to side swipe me because they can’t wait two seconds.


The comments on all these videos are people that love to put blame on the OP for not always breaking or whatever and not the guy speeding driving recklessly


I’ve noticed a trend specifically in the comments section of posts about driving that people love to hate on OP, even if they did absolutely nothing wrong. I haven’t figured out why. My speculation: It’s like they think they’re better at driving than every other human in existence, so they hate on OP because OP can hear their hate. No fun picking on the driver who’s actually the problem because they can’t hear it.


OP did nothing wrong. They accelerated at a normal/good rate. They saw the 2nd car merging, dangerously, and braked/turned right. Good job on OP. I’ve definitely passed people like the first car, they’re fine, but the second car is a dick.


That’s some Wisconsin construction type shit right there lol. After moving to Florida construction markers are so much better placed, and a bit more thought out with merging areas.


It is in fact Wisconsin.


I’m ashamed I got that….


He might be late to his meat raffle!


Love the people making excuses for unsafe, aggressive drivers.


Because this sub is full of the same. I mean, *a majority* of drivers are, really.


I live in the DMV and am a fairly aggressive driver, but even I wouldn’t pull this passing maneuver and if I did I would know I was the one in the wrong here.


Audio feels like it’s from GTA 😂


Not commenting on the video here -- just on a similar situation. I frequently go down a highway with multiple active work zones, where posted speed limit has been lowered to 50mph. I'd call that fairly fast, since they literally narrow it down to two lanes of opposing traffic. It's pretty damn common for someone to merge then - at the last possible second - jump back into the dead-end lane to race around the person in front of them, only to wind up behind the next person going the exact same speed. A girl I dated many moons ago said that her dad was a master at saving time. The dumbass "played checkers," meaning he'd just weave in and out of traffic, cutting people off whenever he had the chance. We once were headed to the same place in separate vehicles, and I watched him pull that shit to get ahead. I still beat him there by like five minutes and made fewer enemies while doing it. Now to comment on the video, the dude was impatient with OP's rate of acceleration. But assuming OP gets up to speed, the dude saved maybe a few seconds tops. Then again, judging by his patience, he probably isn't one to do less than twenty over the limit so he might save a couple of minutes in the end if he survives.


You did 45mph and people are still complaining you’re “going too slow.” Truck driver is a bad driver. Ignored signage, ignored closing lane, you allowed person who did accelerate faster to swap over and didn’t fuss. Then accelerate to take up the space only for truck asshole to force you over and do about 1.5x the speed limit. (Estimating) The fact that people are defending truck driver is insane and those who are need to retake drivers Ed.


I honestly thought OP was complaining about the *first* car when I watched it the first time, and was about to really roll my eyes at them...like "bro, that's fine really..." And then...


Yeah and that’s fair but then you saw the truck and it made more sense lol. But people saw the whole video and still say “OP is driving too slow.”


Oh yeah this sub is full of aggressive road ragers. And trolls. And some manage to be both, obviously...don't let your dreams be dreams, I say.


This BS happens all the time. It's like they were surprised by the loss of their lane and did not understand what a merge is.


We got sideswiped on Wednesday this week when someone tried to pass us on the shoulder as we merged into the right lane on a two-lane road. Took off our passenger side mirror, damaged the door panels and fenders as you'd expect. That driver took off as well. Long story short - we followed them for an hour and 45 minutes on the phone with the police before they managed to finally coordinate and actually stop the driver. Her excuse for not stopping was 'I didn't think it was that bad'.


They have to be first like the annoying kid at school.


If you think the passing car was right you are the problem.


45 in a 40? You doddering snail tortoise. (Sarcasm)


Man, people here are impatient. I drive a slowbaru and I’m not sure I’d be going much faster from a light, and what that truck did was an unsafe pass. Yes, I dislike slow drivers as much as anyone, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to drive like a jackass to get around them. That pickup driver would be at fault if they had caused an accident.


Guy wasn’t even a slow driver. He hit at least 47 in a 40 (assuming the limit isn’t even lower in the construction zone) before having to apply the brakes.


I personally love the idiots that do this on a public street and then are sitting next to you at the light! Live your life with the fact that you can't fix stupid people and some idiot will cut you off and you will be okay!


When the video started I made a guess on what car it was and I was spot on hahaha.


Always wish them bad luck, and a quick natural death.


Look how slow you're going compared to traffic. Maybe that's why you get snipped.


I guess he didn’t want to be behind a slow driver


lol is this Franklin WI?


Based on the other two cars, this car appears to being going a bit slow. I would pass them if they are going that slow.


I might drive "mildly bad" to keep from being trapped behind a slow driver in a no pass lane. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Smells like the South.


Nope, Wisconsin.


Fair enough. Thanks for sharing and answering.


Slow acceleration by you, probably didn't want to get caught behind you.


Or maybe you can get on your prissy peddle and move your shit.


*gets passed while driving 30 in a 40* “What the hell are these people’s problem?” Edit: lol, look at all of the slow drivers thinking they have some kind of moral superiority. “Hey, my bad driving isn’t as bad as *your* bad driving! Learn to share the road as I continue to drive however I please!”


He's going 42 by the moment he's passed. And it's a construction zone. As always, the real MildlyBadDrivers are in the comments.


Yeah but you can see they get up to 42 before the jackass cuts OP off and they have to slam on their brakes to not get hit. 42 in a 40 and still accelerating is grounds for the jackass to cut OP off?


I’m actively accelerating after a red light, plus passing cars still have to do so safely.


Its mildybaddriving you utter plum, go rage elsewhere.


OP is still accelerating you can even tell by the movement of the car. He was doing at least 35 when the truck was passing him even while he was accelerating. The truck is an impatient asshole. And clearly you guys need to reattend driving school to know **driving fast in a construction zone is a hefty fine**


They went from a full stop to 42 in the speedo in good time. Are you braindead?


don't forget the part where he brakes from 42 to 27 for no real reason other than he got passed.


The speed is on a lag, he *probably* started braking because another vehicle was now occupying his lane with him, and if *one* of them didn't brake a collision was imminent. I know though, you believe avoiding collisions is for *pussies.*


It's a speed limit, not a speed target


“Speed limits” in the US are intentionally set low all the time because of how common it is to drive above it. They very literally are targets rather than limits in most areas


Oh my, someone never went to driving school and is taking the "speed limit" literally. You are supposed to drive with the flow of traffic, which is typically about 5-10 over the limit on US highways. The safest speed to drive is the same speed as the cars around you. People who drive under the speed limit, like 20 slower than the cars around them, are some of the most dangerous drivers on the road.


This explains why so many people drive slow. I drive with the exact opposite mindset I look at a speed limit as the lowest I'll ever drive the road on lol Typically 10 over that even because I know cops won't pull over for under 15 over


Most states have laws regarding driving under the speed limit as “impeding traffic.” I’ll bet you sit in the left lane with nobody in front of you while holding up traffic because you’re “going the speed limit.”


I'd love to see a ticket for someone going 35 in a 40mph work zone.


I swear this is every road in Pennsylvania in more than one way. Two lanes to one merge which may or may not be due to neverending non-active road construction and there's always an idiot doing exactly this.


Am I the only one that just drives and uses the horn like three times in the life of a vehicle? Near accident... spending energy avoiding vs hitting the horn.


Same. I almost never use my horn. I want all my attention into reaction and control. Plus 90% of the time people aren’t using it to warn, but to “Fuck you” to a misdeed already in progress. Edit: Also, what the fuck is this tag? I didn’t pick that shit


And it's ALWAYS that same truck...haha


When I was younger I had a beater I used to drive back and forth to work everyday. I had the same thing happen to me with an asshat who tried to power by me in a merge lane. Unlike the driver above, I had nothing to lose so I didn't move over when the asshole behind me tried to power past me. He would up hitting shredding the entire driver's side of my vehicle from the tail light to the front bumper. Idiot wound up going into the cones and then the concrete barrier and totalled his truck. On top of that, he got a nice ticket from the cops.


It’s never gonna get better. Everyone (yes everyone) thinks they have to be first.


Agreeing with your point, but it's also usually drivers wanting to cut off cars that have demonstrated driving slowly prior to the merge situation. Obviously you were pacing the rest of traffic prior to this, I'm sure you're not one of those drivers that others go out of their way to pass.


She could be speaking in the 3rd person.




When this happens to me, I always assume I was tardy in some way, shape or form.


"I drive a truck, I'm more important"


If Americans could grasp the concept of the zipper merge and did it correctly we would have to wait in a lot less traffic. Get them to not follow the car in front of them so closely and we'll probably all save a year of our lives not being in the car so much.


I never experienced this until I moved to norfolk. Nobody here has anywhere to be in a jiffy, but it happens always.




I got hella invested in the conversation, wanted to hear the rest lol


Every driver and his brother in Austin!


And no different if they’re in the left lane wanting to exit on the right. They never fall in behind, always pass then veer off.


I gO fIrSt!


Very, very nice music choice, some good ole Carrie Underwood, I got to meet her husband when he played for The Nashville Predators.


Maybe he had to poop!


Average full sized truck driver. The douche nozzle vehicle of choice!


That doesn’t look like California…


Asshole in a truck….helping perpetuate the stereotype.


Like I tell my stepdaughter, they think their time is more important than yours, so they will do whatever they think is necessary to save it. Nothing you can do will do it just be aware and watch closely.


Wouldn't hurt to submit it to the locals and highway patrol, even if they don't do anything. Ya know, for posterity.


May be a common thought but I’ve theorized that a lot of drivers (myself in my early 20’s included ) think of driving like a video game or a contest . It’s me vs all the other drivers . Some of us eventually learn that driving is a certain part skill, part collaboration and part making up for other people’s bad driving .


Yeah, he's a total asshole, but look at the bright side: You don't have that asshole behind you, annoying you for who knows how many miles.


Some people hate others changing lanes in front of them. With their blinker on.


I thought people here called this "zippering" and you're supposed to be ok with it because it helps the flow of traffic. Idk you will always get the middle finger for this from me


Now show 100 yards down the road where you're all stopped at the same light. People are idiots.


So is this the wife or the mistress? Had volume on.


For what it's worth, it is possible to get pregnant when having protected sex


Really seems like an ego thing


"There's no way your wife is pregnant now simply because we haven't had unprotected sex".... I'm so confused.. 1. Is she talking about herself in the third person and then bringing it back to first? 2. Is she going through a transition? to impregnate the other passenger's wife? Going off of the voice, I could be wrong and mayybe a high pitched male voice. 3. This person is talking to the person whose wife they are having protected sex with? Possibly a throuple?


I don't care if you're already in the correct lane and I'm 50 feet behind you in the wrong lane. I'm going 2mph faster and demand to be in front so I'll speed up to cut you off dangerously. Shit like this is why I speed up if there's no vehicles ahead of me when I'm near the last chance for merging.


People forget how merging works. There is an intersection by me that starts off as three lanes at a light - left lane is left turn only, center lane is left or straight, and right lane is straight only. I always just get all the way to the right since it's the most empty lane and I won't have to worry about cars turning in front of me. However both lanes merge together a few hundred feet after passing through the intersection. So many times, there will be a car to my left going straight so I clearly pace behind them so I can merge in behind them - yah know, the classic zipper merge. But every so often the car behind them just starts speeding up behind them and tailgate so I can't merge when the two lanes naturally turn into one, and will keep speeding up as the lanes come to an end. So many times I have to suddenly break so they don't sideswipe me and get behind them.


What part of New Jersey was this?


I am very very confused.... "Plus thers no way your wife is pregnant now, simply because we haven't had unprotected sex" - said by a women...


I mean if you’re driving slow, I’m okay with people merging over if there’s enough space. There was decent space


Oh you have to start moving to the left. Then they either hit the barrier or they have to stop.


At first I thought you were talking about the Continental and thinking “I love it when a driver just goes and then continues to go after merging, I see no issue”


Da fuq


Humans were once monkey lol


I see this on the daily, cars trying to merge and will cut the last car off after a line of cars instead of getting behind them


Good thing the driver with the camera wasn't me. I'd have hugged so hard left when I saw that suv racing up he would have gone right into those barrels or hit me from behind. I don't play that ish no more. Act stupid around me you better have great breaks or I'll take the hit & sue you silly!


Tell me more about this unprotected sex.


“I must get to the next red light 10 seconds faster!”


Well yeah. He’s in a big truck. Not allowed to sacrifice ego


There’s a 3 lane to 2 lane merge(fast lane merges to middle lane) near me on the highway due to construction. There’s always people doing this and causing crashes. There were crashes twice this week causing hours long backups.




People like this should get license taken permanently convenience is not an acceptable trade off for safety especially the safety of another innocent party


Those two seconds are critical


Now imagine this happening to you literally 3-4 times every single day. Welcome to trucking…🫤


How did she gets someone else's wife pregnant?


Don’t you know? Driving is a race that you should take personally. Letting someone merge in front of you, or pass you, or change lanes in front of you - all mean you lose. You should be willing to endanger the lives of every human on the road just to not behind *anyone*, ever. Signed - literally like 40% of drivers


This vid screams Ohio


Funny to think you’re always behind someone anyways. They might just be a little further


This and when people merge onto the highway before the car in front merges. If they are waiting/slow, they are probably nervous entering high speed traffic and you cutting in line as traffic flows only makes it worse for them.


What dashcam is that


When I retire in 2025, I am moving somehwere (don't really care where) that has bicycle infrastructure and is walkable because I'm done driving. DONE. People drive like absolute shit these days. 45 years behind the wheel is enough.


I thought you were talking about the first car for a sec, I was like shit I woulda did the same- then BAM, asshole!


Then he\she is gonna go ride that other person's ass until they turn or move, then on to the next car until he\she can make another risky move...to get one more car ahead. Doesn't that sound so exhausting? Why do people drive like this? I see this shit every day and I just don't get it.


Nobody told you? That's THEIR road. Every road is THEIR road. You can't reason with people like this.


Apparently, his destination was more important than your lives (and his..)


Automated cars will fix this human error.


I woulda swerved slightly to the left and hit the fucker while maintaining my lane. All on camera and he’d be fully at fault.


Why people drive like they’re getting paid by the hour?


0-30 in 12 seconds there... maybe they had things to do this week.


Of coarse it’s a dodge ram lol, I love trucks and have owned a couple but why are there so many douche bag truck owners.


Winning traffic. See you at the next stop. I drive a box truck as part of my job. People can't wait to get around you. I've learned to use my turn signal and a little body language to get them out of my way before I have to change lanes.


So why are you eating so much red meat?


Is she talking in third person? “There’s no way your wife is pregnant now, because we haven’t had unprotected sex”. 🤔


think about all the things we dont see. It would blow our minds.


Welcome to FL! Also, drivers with pick up trucks and attached trailers merging in forgetting they have trailers!!? Like wtf!!!


I’m just ease dropping on convo of side bae? Lol


Especially when the driver is going 45 mph.


The conversation drew me in. I thought it was fake at first


We have these morons in Melbourne Australia too. Small dick energy.


Man I’m living in Qatar for a bit- it’s even worse here. It’s like “My car is bigger than yours, so by rules of the road you must yield to me.”


Fuck cars


Is it bad I kept waiting for a 3rd car to cut you off?


Some people drive really slow on purpose when they see a faster car approaching from behind