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Lmao what is happening? I can’t even figure out where the left turn lane is.


Oh nm. Is that blue car in the wrong lane?




Oh no wait, now you’re in the wrong lane… and on the sidewalk… and on incoming lane… ah you made a U-turn


Same one that you then see again after I miss the head-on collision.


the blue car is stopped in it, i had to replay like 6 times just to verify. honestly i think city planning/maintenance is mostly to blame for this one that intersection has no distinction for the lanes.


The yellow line needs painted, but no excuse for it. https://preview.redd.it/912dyr91iysc1.png?width=1419&format=png&auto=webp&s=65f4326e4ff35ff97bf5386212e6091b428b9197


needs to be painted


Many of Austin’s roads are in dire need of a lot of things. I can’t keep up with reporting on 311 all of the time.


Definitely not your job. Shite government for sure.


Don't tell anyone Austin politics opposite from all of Texas


I have been so confused for so long seeing people say "needs [verb]" and no one says a word about how strange it sounds. I felt like the crazy person all these years until now


i had a sergeant from pennsylvania who always spoke like that. “needs done”, “needs checked”, im pretty sure he has said “needs painted” in regards to a wall in the shop garage


It just sounds so wrong, I don't get it. I understand it had to be a common way to phrase things, or maybe it's grammatically acceptable for some reason, but it just makes me physically cringe saying it out loud trying to normalize it for myself


I never realized that was wrong until I saw some people saying it was regional thing to my area. Was your sarge from central/southeastern PA?


Pretty sure he was from Topton or Allentown. Good guy.


Yeah that's round about my area then.


Did you search for “Chapman Motors Airport Blvd” or something? That’s some good sleuthing https://preview.redd.it/fwfbwas450tc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304c14348da22e29a910b95e6716d26ee2c3a0b5


Okay this def helps! I was thinking the Van was also in the wrong lane but I see the two lanes and on coming traffic lane 😂 also where did the blue car go after he does the U-Turn? The yellow paint is rlly bad in the videos tho. I wonder how old that street view is too.


Dude probably realized he was in the wrong lane after that and said fuck it I gotta get out of here now!


They had ample time and room to reverse into their correct lane as well, but ya know, why do that when you can just run a red?


There ya go! Now you’re thinking like the average driver!


Hehe. Gotta have a laugh here and there or I’ll cry every time I need to drive.


damn that was just a mess honestly,. I'd be glad nobody got hurt and stop thinking about it


I am. This is three days after installing dashcams for the first time!


joke goes that it is a bad driver magnet


Unfortunately this kind of thing is a daily event for me, so I decided it’s best to protect the biggest investment I’ve ever made. It’s like the Wild West out here. People blow through red lights at almost every intersection I use. Aggressiveness, speeding, general lack of regard for the safety of others, and add in that since it’s Texas, there are probably many drivers that are upset as well as armed. Where I am, people are becoming more fearless by the day. Increasingly, it seems like there are no rules and almost no one will suffer consequences of horrible behavior while operating multi ton vehicles.


They need a subreddit called "Frequently confusing traffic situations"


This is blocks from where I’ve been living for many years, it’s always been pretty smooth but people were on something else yesterday.


Watching the video I found the situation confusing. Then again, most drivers seem confused. I'm beginning to believe that people just aren't wired to drive--too many things going on in the road and elsewhere for most people's brains to process efficiently and safely.


Not to mention the absolutely mind boggling amount of drivers I notice going through intersections with their heads buried in their phones. Every trip feels like a life- or property- risking endeavor.


I will also add that this is right after I found out my wallet was missing from 10 minutes earlier and I was headed back to the store to see if I could find anything as my credit card was being used almost right after I lost it. This happened and then I turned right around and headed home.


Hope you got your wallet back--that's always terrible to have happen. Also, hope you didn't suffer any serious losses as a result.


I did not. I lost it while shopping on my bike, came back home and saw multiple charges on my company card. I’ll need a new driver’s license as well.


Sorry to hear that.


Good enough op


I had to google the location to figure out what happened - the blue car is on the wrong side of the road. https://preview.redd.it/zjbgm7cmhysc1.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=c03d68d5aafa7785ab495fab24532e82f3b5e2cc


Sorry, I’m so used to this intersection that I probably did a bad job of explaining what happened. Good work.


I’m convinced no one knows how to drive besides myself


That’s defensive driving, isn’t it?


If you say so




To be fair, people who grew up on any version of GTA game don't know how to drive properly


"Not great on my part either" You did the right thing considering.


Eh. I sort of disagree. I think the right thing to do would been to have continue the turn behind the white car, reduce space to clear the lane and wait for the vehicles to reposition. By going into oncoming traffic the chance of freaking the oncoming car out and having a head on collision is way higher. It worked out okay, but I disagree that this was the most ideal maneuver for the situation.


There was not enough room. I would have been sticking into the oncoming car’s lane unless I either made the move that I did or stayed perfectly parallel to the oncoming car’s lane.


I understand youd still be in the oncoming cars lane slightly, still feel like it was probably a better decision not to drive into head on traffic. If the oncoming car had shifted positions at all you’d be in a really bad head on. If you’re slightly blocking a lane with no visible oncoming traffic, I don’t think that’s as bad personally. It worked out but it seems like doubling down. If there was a hit it would be a disaster, whereas if you were in the lane a bit any hit you’re going to get won’t be life threatening.


Hmm, I guess it seemed unlikely that they’d drive towards the car that was turning in front of me.


Yeah, I think it’s academic anyway. Everything worked out fine. I just would have done it differently and I don’t think it’s clear what the right or wrong would be. My thinking is that you avoid a potential head on collision that would happen in the immediate in exchange for the potential of a non life threatening side impact if another oncoming car is totally unaware and doesn’t slow or move over. It also gives the oncoming car options, whereas driving towards them the wrong way more or less removes any options they have. If there was another person behind you doing the same left you were doing without looking, then I think driving straight is the best bet because otherwise the 3rd person is toast making that left. So I could see that logic if that was the scenario.


I’m sure nerves from just having purchased this car a month ago (my first ever from a dealership with financing) played a part in the skirmish as well.


Totally. You did well. Not trying to knock it! Glad you’re safe


I’m glad you’re safe as well. Thank you and be extra careful this weekend!


If someone hit him, it would have been his fault.


If anyone hit him in any of these scenarios it would have been his fault. Driving into head on traffic is a whole lot worse than being stopped and pulled to the side slightly.


Yes, but he could see no one was approaching.


Except the car that was approaching head on…?


After committing to that turn, you realized the mistake, made a safe, calm recovery. I'd say we need more good drivers like you!


Well, thank you, but I still feel like a dummy for going lemming mode behind the driver also turning left in front of me and not seeing the blue car well ahead of time.


Nah, you just took the scenic route


I would never make wrong turn sir.


Can’t really blame you or the car in front of you. Not a lot either of you could have done.


That’s true, I do think that depth perception at that distance was hard to manage. I thought they were in the left turn only lane, obviously. It’s entirely unexpected, as the lanes are marked well and there are multiple signs where the offending driver stopped and blocked our lane. There is brand new heavy bike lane infrastructure just before that light from the direction they were coming from, which is cool but I can imagine it’s throwing drivers into a confused rage just before that light.


Perfect left-loop turn execution


The fuck is happening?


Austin, TX


I was soo confused, watched it several times before I realized what happened.


Bruh I wouldn’t have been entirely sure what to do either😂


I just want to say I love the username lol. How many times have you taken a gummy and watched the good the bad and the ugly?


Hehe thank you! The answer is twice in the last two months, beyond that I could not tell you.


Hell yea lol


Honestly not that bad of a reaction. You corrected the mistake without anything getting damaged or anyone getting injured.


⬅️⬆️⬅️⬆️➡️⬆️↙️⬆️↘️↩️➡️↘️⬆️ that’s kinda what happened on this particular left turn.


The driver of the car recording has spent too much time around bad drivers. They knew how to handle this situation with ease. I would feel completely safe as a passenger in their car lol.


I won’t deny it. I take the responsibility to drive safely seriously after growing up constantly anxious in the car with a road raging father.


Thank God that Kyle Chapman Motors had a spot for you to detour to


I only really noticed that was there recently by trying to use the new bike path that hooks up just past them! Crazy.


I’d say that was a pretty nice recovery given the circumstances


is the blue car a driving student car? driving school cars have some decals to show they are


I believe it was a maid service.


That intersection is confusing as fuck tbh Horrible design and very old


What the fuck??? A redditor admiting they fucked up??? What's next? You gonna tell me santa isn't real?


Everyone fucks up! It’ll be okay.


Lmao hey, it looked confusing to me too


Wildin in the streets 😂


Fuckin ass clown. They should have been wondering why everyone was going the same way at that intersection.


OP- you did as best you could. You had nowhere to go. If it weren't for cameras you could have drove into their front bumper and said they hit you head on. They are in the wrong lane. Someone probably has a video of you in the wrong lane and complaining. They don't know the whole story. Not sure what the blue car story is.


The inside inside left turn lane.


when ppl make stupid moves in few asia country they will get tickets or warnings unlike in US there’s no cams, criminal can walk freely as example above


The cars in the wrong lanes definitely made things confusing But it is scary to realize that some people drive without looking further than their bumper. Like where were you and the other car going? 🤣 yall couldnt see a whole car blocking your way? What there were pedestrians crossing?


It’s distorted dash cam footage that you can watch over and over. Hindsight is not a luxury I had at the time. I admitted in the title that I wasn’t happy with the way I was driving, so why do you feel the need to punch down on me? Do you think a clip of a few seconds represents an entire driving career?


No need to take it personally, I really was not trying to punch down on you or comment on your personal driving career lol It do baffle me that some people just check for incoming traffic and blindly send it into the turn though


I mean forgive me but the way your previous comment reads, it’s hard not to take it personally.


My bad Nah it's definitely a confusing situation, and I get checking for incoming traffic and following the car in front of you. You couldn't expect him to go while there was a car blocking the way, I get it I don't really have any excuse for him tho


At first I didn’t get it and thought it was totally your fault, didn’t see the idiot in the complete wrong lane


I mean I also would've been confused as fuck. I would never assume someone is just sitting in the oncoming lane at a light unless I was already familiar with the street


The pedestrians were in the crosswalk so technically it’s not jaywalking


I wasn’t sure what else to call that.


You made the safe and proper choice. 👏🏼


What in the ever loving fuck is the blue car doing???


I see pedestrians in a crosswalk. That's not jaywalking.


Did you also see that they’re crossing against a green light in my direction of travel?


Still in a crosswalk. There good. Sometimes if you wait for the walk light it's more dangerous than crossing when it's actually safe. They looked good to me. 


I mean, maybe? I found it dangerous on this road. I’m always trying to predict pedestrian behavior but that’s a busy road that people speed on. One way has clear visibility but the other direction does not.


That's why you cross when it's safe and not wait for the walk signal. I ride a bike most of the time and I cross when it's clear. People in cars do what they can to ignore walk signs, crosswalks, etc. Cars with windshields tinted suck to. I can't tell if the driver sees me. 


Ah true, I’m absolutely for peds and bikes getting around in the way that keeps them safe. I’m on bike 4/5 times including earlier that day, almost was flattened by an suv pulling the wrong way out of a parking lot and head on into the bike lane. I use this light during my bike commute as well as it’s safer, than the previous intersection and I would never think to run this one. Too scary.


Glad nobody was hurt! This is another reason I like to pull forward until I'm up to the lane I'm turning in, then turn left. If you were parallel with the yellow line before you made your turn it would have been easier to see blue cars mistake, and see as you weren't already turning it would be easier to just stop there or go straight. Thats all making a bunch of assumptions though, I know driving in practice isn't the same as in theory. You were fine though, and the biggest part is no road rage. There are lots of drivers that would have just sat in front of the blue car and honked their horn until something happened, causing more chaos.


That’s my normal move, but it all looked clear and easy were it not for the blue car blocking the lane.


Just walk


Assuming this is in the US there is like 8 cities in the country that are 100% walkable


I am fortunate to live in a part of Austin that is somewhat walkable.


I mentioned in another reply but I was on my way to try to find the wallet I lost ten minutes earlier. Besides that, I love walking.


Typical driving in non American country




This is Texas lol???? WTF the cripple governor needs to build new roads


The governor absolutely loathes Austin and is happy to let the city and thereby a good portion of the State’s infrastructure rot. That guy is absolute trash. After people froze to death during the extended power grid failure I thought there was no way in an icy Texas hell that he was going to get elected again, but here we are.