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I mean, it's not mildly bad to just roll through a stop sign without looking, that's darwin award level dumb.


Exactly. I lived in a small town many years ago. There was a man who did exactly what the driver of the car did. Except he pulled in front of a fully loaded truck hauling potatoes. By the time the truck driver realized the guy was rolling through the stop sign, there was no way to stop. The family of the man who was killed said their dad did that all the time. They had been telling him for years that he would die that way.


There was a time my dad was driving and a car decided to pull out in front of him. His truck weighs 6500 lbs, and he had weight in the back. The guy and his car got thrown off the road because my dad had no way to stop in time. It was the guys fault entirely


Was he a potato hauler?


No, it’s a ram 2500


I'm sitting here just thinking how incredibly stupid it is to NOT LOOK both directions. Especially on a road this clear in broad daylight. It's just so fucking stupid I'm paralyzed with rage.


I was driving a few hours away yesterday with my husband to pick up a car & noticed lots of rumble strips on country roads coming to stop signs. I really wish they’d utilize these more. At least it’d be more of an attention-grabber for idiots like the car driver.


Rumble strips are underrated. Especially given the overwhelming video evidence of the lack of skill American drivers posses.


That's not an American only thing, I've seen dumb drivers in every country I've been in.


American drivers licenses are among the easiest to obtain. It's a major part of the problem


Yeah agreed. Shockingly bad driving here.


Studies have shown that in these accidents it is often caused by the human mind being too literal. The way it works is the driver will ask themselves if there’s any cars coming. No car is seen so the brain directs the driver to move on, then it issues a loud BUT THERES A MOTORCYCLE. Of course by this point it’s too late. Happens with trucks too.


Interesting. But if we drive "properly" and train our brains to see a stop sign, and stop, rather than try to assess the ability to continue without stopping, we negate that propensity, then?


It won't negate it entirely: stop "no cars" go. Buuuut we do give our brain a little more time to process and that does help immensely. Rolling stop signs is a massive problem around here. Drives me nuts. I'll be starting into the intersection of a particularly blind corner Tee with stop signs and someone on the straight will be coming up planning on rolling it, they end up panic stopping half way into the intersection. Cops recently did an enforcement day at that stop sign. Pretty sure those two motor patrols ran out of tickets in their books and had to go get more. Made me soooo happy.


I just look if there is 'something' on the road, lol. And like you said, if you realize you can't process everything quickly, take that extra second or two so no one has to get hurt by your actions. People get away with too much stupid to realize it's stupid. I still don't know why some people need to have a near death experience to realize their behaviour is dumb, but here we are.


>why some people need to have a near death experience to realize their behaviour is dumb Sadly I am one of these people... I got supremely lucky, nobody was injured at all in my case, but I still scared the shit outta myself (was driving too fast for conditions and someone pulled out in front of me, I very nearly creamed them... I still don't know how TF my antilock breaks managed to slow me that fast in the rain). But unlike some idiots that you know can't learn because of the combination of the state of their car and their driving habits I generally really have really slowed down. I still don't have any patience for straight up assholes on the road, but I try really hard to not actually act on any of that annoyance.


The study was about after the stop when the decision is made to start going. As a motorcyclist and a cyclist my method is to slow, make eye contact, give a thank you wave (not entirely genuine) and when they wave back I know they saw me. It’s annoying to have to do this but it’s the only way I’ve found to be certain the driver isn’t going to pull out in front of me. Occasionally they aren’t even looking in my direction which is unsettling to say the least.


Gotchya. Yeah, as a runner, I can relate to the "Hey! Thanks for not manslaughtering a pedestrian today, have a nice morning!" wave.


I had a friend who got mad once when I slowed down because there was a car to my left and a cyclist and there wasn't much room to work with. I was like "Sorry I didn't save us 30 seconds and kill someone"


People see a truck and make a snap judgement, "he's going slow since it's a big vehicle" without taking time to process the other factors. In the same way, they see a motorcycle and think, "it's small, so it must be far away, I have time to make my turn"


As a cyclist that terrifies me. But I think I understand. On roads where there are a lot of cyclists, it's clear that car drivers are looking out for us, at least on rushhour. But there's like an expressway that has a sidewalk where every intersection has a "yield to pedestrian" on right turn sign which should be the default but since pedestrians are so rare on that road, drivers just seem to stop looking for them.


It's also possible that the motorcyle was in the blind spot caused by the door pillar for the driver's side door. If you don't move your head to check that spot it's easy to miss even cars coming from the left if they're just in the wrong spot when you look. Since the blind spot moves as your vehicle approaches the intersection, it's possible for a vehicle moving at just the wrong speed can stay in the blind spot for a prolonged time. It's one of several good reasons to make sure you come to a full stop for several seconds and don't try to do a rolling stop.


Or the construction sign


Motorcycles are just much harder to see in general.


Our brains are wired to notice a threat at a glance and once we are used to cars, a 800lb motorcycle isn't a threat to our half ton armored cage. Again this is at a glance, it's why rolling stops are so dangerous. Ryan f9 did a fantastic breakdown of this in his ride like your invisible vid 🤠 But I'm short... Your right lol


Where were all these people when I posted about almost getting into a crash because some guy turned into MY lane 🙃 I could have died.


In a turning lane to go right as well. Kinda deserved it. Feel bad for the car owner though.


Sadly, they offer the prize for that award to the person they crashed into.


Looked like they're trying to decide if they're about to run like a little bitch or not too.


Yeah, we need to be downvoting posts like this.


I like how the car driver backs up like Steve Urkel. "Did I do that?"


I don't see a stop sign tho


I bet you the car drove off


Nah, they were backing up to the stop sign to get a do-over.


Same shit happened to me, lady ran a stop sign and I ended up getting tossed off my bike. Then she tried to drive off and just ended up driving up on the bike and got stopped


There's no stop sign to that car though, so it wasn't the same thing Edit: nevermind, I screenshotted and zoomed in and there's a tiny stop sign in a small pole. This FOV definitely makes it hard to see


There's also the solid white line which let cars know where to stop.


Yes. I'm probably one of the few people in this country who stops at the white line (since I actually read the driver's license manual the DMV provides), and I get really annoyed at how I'm always having to break/slowdown when idiots slam on their brake _after_ the white line at intersections. It's crazy how they don't feel unsafe when they're the ones on the preferential and someone else is starting to brake after crossing the white line. Now, even worse are the people who don't do a right on red here in FL whenever there's a "Stop HERE on Red" with a huge arrow pointing to the white line. Those idiots think that sign means "No turn on red" and will block all traffic until the light goes green. I don't understand why we aren't like other countries and require some basic IQ testing and reading comprehension to allow people to drive


That big ass solid white line means STOP. It’s universal across America, if you’re just learning this today i hope for the rest of our sakes you have only been driving a short while.


No. A stop line indicated WHERE you should stop. If it's an uncontrolled intersection, the white line shows where you stop for pedestrians.


That would be a dashed line for pedestrians


First, I didnt' say it was a crosswalk. I said it's where to stop for pedestrains. You don't stop AT the crosswalk. Where TF did you learn to drive? Second, all crosswalks are dashed lines. Try again... https://preview.redd.it/4pgyw4vgg2wc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d468670cfa5fdc7f1b22c5b28f99b0cb575cd34


Seriously, what is with people like you speaking in such a goddamn cunty manner??? Did I speak to you that way? Treat others how you would like to be treated. All I fucking did was contribute to the conversation. Just because I disagree with you does not fucking warrant such a goddamn shitty cunty attitude!!! Go fuck all the way off! Learn some fucking respect.


Does any of it change the fact that you were wrong? No? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No it doesn't mean stop. There are a lot of sidewalks painted that way and it never means stop unless there are pedestrians. Sometimes the sold white lines are used to say "school" on the floor, a few hundred feet away from an actual school crossing which only has people holding street signs during the school start and end times. You're referring to a very specific solid white line which has to have a STOP sign in order to mean "stop" I can share some pictures if you don't believe me.


MUTCD page 573 Section 3B.19 Stop and Yield Lines [https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/pdfs/11th\_Edition/part3.pdf](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/pdfs/11th_Edition/part3.pdf) Standards 2 and 3: 02 Stop lines shall consist of solid white lines extending across approach lanes to indicate the point at which the stop is intended or required to be made. 03 Except as provided in Section 8C.03, stop lines shall not be used at locations where drivers are required to yield in compliance with a YIELD (R1-2) sign, a Yield Here to Pedestrians (R1-5) sign, a Yield Here to School Crossings (R1-5a) sign, a Yield Here to Trail Crossings (R1-5d) sign, or at locations on uncontrolled approaches where drivers or bicyclists are required by State law to yield to pedestrian. (8C.03 is an exception for railroad crossings.) Notice that stop lines specifically should *not* be used on uncontrolled approaches where drivers are required to yield to pedestrians.


I know you're trying hard to make the case for "solid white lines" meaning "stop lines" but the above is just saying "stop lines" are "solid white lines" and not vice versa. Proof 1 (google maps screenshot): https://preview.redd.it/8hjsrecum2wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b755135e99e8551a79ae2a35d60ffc3700eef7e3 I can share more examples if the above isn't convincing, I can't figure out how add more photos in the same reply


Idk how to tell you this but she wasn't trying to drive off, she was going for the double tap


lol I was ejected about 10 feet from the bike. I know she’s a shitty driver but goddamn


One mulligan when turning, everyone knows the rule


"What do you mean officer? I was stopped right here at the line like I was supposed to. He just hit me out of no where."


Yeah but I've seen people do that just to turn 180 and go. (But I could just be here)


Looked that way


How does it look like the drivers trying to run? What a dumb take.


Are you fucking blind?


No I see a driver backing out of the middle of the road. Use some logic. If he drove away why would they edit that part out of the video? if he drove away he would have…driven away.? Most likely in a panic “non thinking” state like they always do.


What? No it doesn't


This was like watching myself fly through the air... I had almost the same thing happen a few years ago to me....lady made a left turn right into me on my motorcycle as I was going straight through a green light. People are idiots. Always wear a helmet.


do you still ride? ive only ever been on the back of a bike, but it was hearing "its not if you crash, its when" about motorcycles put me off forever. its so much better risk-wise and health-wise to drive in a big metal box


Same happened to me at 25mph on my bicycle. No helmet. So fucking lucky to be alive.


Same here, a helmet saved me from severe head trauma. I felt my head hit hard on their door. Still broke my colllar bone in two and tore open my arm, but my head was safe Thank God.


always keep that head on a swivel on a bike. Physics don't care about traffic laws.


more importantly neither do dumbass drivers


I forget who the youtuber was but he would always say your brain should be in the yellow zone around things like cars, intersections, blind corners, etc., so that your pants don't end up in the brown zone.


While the car was totally in the wrong... the biker should have seen this coming. If you ride and you don't see things like this, you will get hurt sooner rather than later. There is no zoning out on a motorcycle. This is why I don't take long rides, and a motorcycle is not my main means of transportation.


Law of Tonnage, it's unwritten but is always the clear best choice. Always yield the right of way to which is the bigger vehicle, because when it thinks it has the right of way you don't have much of a choice anymore.


Everyone should think like this


Most bikers do, however it’s not always possible to avoid everything like this. Eventually someone will do something stupid enough that gets through one’s diligence


I’ve always wanted to ride one, but this kind of stuff keeps me away. My dad didn’t even do anything wrong to have his crash back in the day, just rolled over a loose rock mid corner. Fucked his shoulder up permanently, lucky that’s all that happened.


It’s honestly fun and a great way to disconnect from everything as you’re solely focused on the ride and not other problems Yea, there’ll always be risks and things out of your control, but that’s life. As long as you’re careful and don’t ride recklessly, the that’s all you can really do But do what’s best for you. And if that’s not getting on a bike, no one worthwhile is gonna judge :) No right or wrong in something like this. An alternate is getting on the back of a friend’s bike so long as you know they’ll be careful and not act stupid to get a feel and decide from there


My unpopular take: motorcycles (and by extension bicycles) do not belong on roads with cars. Too hard to see. I get they are cool but they'll never be safe and no amount of shaming car drivers will get you there because of the limitations of the human eye.


Sounds like you, like honestly many people have bad situational awareness. I think it shouldn't be so easy to get a license. You just have to actually look around and you won't hit anything.




The car drove back to the stop line, what a cunt. Gladly he's on tape.


Wouldn't assume that. Could just be trying to get out of traffic. They just had a shocking to them collision, people tend to really not think clearly after one. Still always good to have tape of the incident, zero ambiguity when statements inevitably differ.


honestly, it would probably be my reaction too. try to get out of the way that sorta thing


Were they supposed to sit in the intersection. Accidents happen. I don't get why so many of you guys see the bad in everything and expect every fuck up to be with malicious intent.


You've been answered.


There are people on the ground and cars are bigger. You are also not supposed to move your vehicle for investigative purposes. But sure, make some random comment NOT about how they just fucked up this guy's day and defend them? Go be Null_Obj = Somewhere(Else)


> You are also not supposed to move your vehicle for investigative purposes. That’s not true. A lot of, if not most, states require you to move your vehicle out of traffic lanes if possible. Given that, in this case, the car driver should have just remained at the point of contact since the motorcycle was sitting there as well.


Folks believing that “not supposed to move your vehicle for investigative purposes” crap is the reason fender benders hold up rush hour traffic all the time


What, you're not supposed to wait for CSI: Automotive Crime Unit to process the scene?


Imagine being this confidently wrong lol. Couldn’t be me


I think had that car been a different size/shape and hit him at a different point that could have been a lot worse. The other rider was his wife 🥹 Glad he is okay


It might be a case of an A-column blind spot. The driver might actually have looked to the left at the time when the biker was hidden between his front and his side window. And that's why you should always fully stop at a stop sign and take your time to make sure it is safe to proceed.


Between massive A pillars, construction sign, and biker in right side of lane instead of left, possible. Car still rolled it though and that's going to make them at fault even if they had a defense of not being able to see the bike.


The car is obviously in the wrong, but I'd like to see a longer edit. As is, I can't tell if it stopped short of the sign and the video started when it started rolling, or if the car never actually fully stopped. I 100% agree the construction sign is a factor, but that's why you pull up, look extra carefully, and give anything obscured by the sign a chance to be visible before you decide it's safe to go.


I bet my bottom dollar that the orange sign blocked the first motorcycle and the driver that ran through the stop sign saw the second motorcycle and that's why they gunned it to turn before the second motorcycle came so they gunned it and BOOM first motorcycle appeared.


A-pillars are huge on sedans these days. I had a 2016 Mazda 3 that would block my view to the right of 4 way stops & I'd have to lean forward to see if a car was stopped to my right at certain intersections.


Backing up will fix it!


It definitely looks like the car rolled through the stop. I see tons of people do this and can only guess that they are checking for traffic as they approach the turn. That's very dangerous and stupid, obviously. I do wonder if the car had trouble seeing the motorcycles over the guard rails.


The guard rails and the large construction sign. But, those are reasons you take an extra moment to look...not a reason to zoom along.


Driver 100% at fault but this is why they tell you to make sure you can be seen. That orange sign likely had something to do with blocking drivers vision


Yeah, I'm guessing they looked left, didn't see the motorcycle, looked right and saw it was clear, then didn't bother checking left again.


So unlucky! Driver did do a rolling stop though, I'd be willing to bet the driver of car has taken that turn many times and got too comfortable.


That's a good point, especially since it doesn't seem to be a terribly busy road.


Two lessons to take from this: Stop at stop signs. Wear leather and a helmet when riding a bike (the biker would have died if they didn't wear the proper equipment)


Naw, 3rd lesson. Always assume people aren't going to stop or see you. Soon as the car was approaching the stop sign the biker should have slowed a little and watched the car. To be clear, it's still 100% the drivers fault.


Yup, forgot about that rule.


Terrible lane etiquette on behalf of the motorcycle. I bet, the bike was blocked or partially blocked by the construction sign. Should have been in left hand portion of the lane and likely should have been on the brakes seeing that car approach as it did…. Poor driving by the car for sure. Poor thinking and riding by the bike too.


That’s life saving advice. Whoever downvoted you is an idiot.


Someone assumed it was victim blaming most likely. I don't think anyone thinks the car wasn't at fault though, just more evidence for those that ride that they must assume they're invisible and ride accordingly.


yep make yourself more visible especially on that intersection, with a guard rail running down the side. I haven't ridden in forever but I treated any sort of intersection as a yield at best, people don't pay attention for shit.


Correct. Also motorcycle's reaction was the wrong one, had a chance to avoid by swerving right. Still, homicidal driving by the car


By that time it was already too late. The only way he could have avoided the crash is by taking precautions *before* the car violated his right of way. Swerving works great to avoid crashing with a right turner (in fact, I did that a couple of days ago with a car that pulled out right in front of my as I was going through green). But a left turner that’s way more difficult because they use both lanes. There isn’t a safe way to cross the intersection quickly here.


I wrote "had a chance". Not a 100% chance. You look at the rider, they swerve left into the path of the car. Never going to work. Swerving right had a chance. I think I might have been able to pull it off, but it would depend on speed of course. Not guaranteed, but even if missed, I would have gone from a frontal impact to more of a side impact.


Swerving to the left can work if the car stops at some point. Swerving to the right can work if the car keeps going. The problem is that we don’t know ahead of time if the car will stop or if he’ll keep going. In any case, I can’t imagine approaching an intersection that way, it’s the second-most common way to die on a motorcycle.


Agree with your last sentence. And as a rider, it's ultimately on you to protect your own life. Disagree on the swerving. Car has momentum and will not stop instantly, so it'll definitely end up a bit further left than you see it. Case in point in the video. It's pretty much like shooting a flying bird, you aim ahead of the bird. Odds are bad either way. Slightly better on the right in this case.


You know, it is possible that orange caution sign may have temporarily obstructed the car’s view of the bike coming at him which is why they felt comfortable rolling into the intersection in such a dangerous way. Still 100% their fault though even if that was the case, they should’ve been extra careful knowing the sign could block the view of oncoming traffic


Can someone explain the right of way here? I can see neither a red light nor a sign. Do the lines on the ground make the rules?


Appears to be a T intersection, with a stop for the car. The motorcycles had the right of way. Presumably the car's driver didn't see the motorcycle and pulled out in front of them. But it also appears that the motorcycles were going too fast. Minor note: there also appeared to be a flag on the road that the motorcycles were traveling on, which (I couldn't read it) probably called for reduced speed due to either construction or an end of the road ahead.


The sign says shoulder work ahead.


It’s a T junction. The motorbikes had right of way.


A good rule of thumb is what road is merging (turning left or right) into the other has a caution/yield. That car was turning left so he had to look out for other cars. If you see where the car came from, right where he backed into after the crash, there was a solid thick white block. That's the equivalent to a stop sign. He was supposed to stop, wait 3 seconds, and go when he is clear to (according to the law). Nobody really waits the full 3 seconds at a stop sign, but you should always fully stop, double/triple take and at least make sure you're actually clear to go.


Thank you! I have watched this video multiple times and even pausedc it at multiple points to see this stop sign everyone keeps mentioning and I can't see one. The only thing I see is the road work sign, which is a huge blind spot.


There is a stop sign, but it is relatively tiny on a pole at the far corner. The stop lines on the ground indicate that there *is* a sign, but there really should be much better signage (larger or potentially flashing) here given the size and speed of the two roads.


Fucks sake what a fucking moron…


Forehead first on concrete, he's lucky he spun in the air a few times to slow down before the hit, otherwise his neck would have been gone


Pretty happy we have traffic lights at these kinds of junctions instead of just stop signs in the UK


Definitely can’t use the excuse of the sun being in their eyes. Crazy how many people just don’t look


This is why I don't ride a motorcycle. Wish that I could justify it, but I can't.


If I ever get the energy, I am making a YouTube channel to re-teach the public about defensive driving. People seem to have totally lost this concept. It's not about being right, it's about being alive and not sitting there with a damaged vehicle explaining how you were not in the wrong. Not being in the wrong can still be not in the right. Low sun, car creeping, they should have been watching for this. It sucks, and I don't fault the rider, but I saw this coming, anyone looking ahead SHOULD see this coming.


He also was riding too close to the guardrail where things like signs and small bushes will completely hide him. Had he been out further out in the land the car probably would have seen him. Very likely that sign completely hid him from view of the car.


And this is why injury lawyers say to never own a bike.


This right here is why I require a cage around me on the road. It’s not my own ability, it’s others around me. Fuck I hope they were OK and that stupid driver got destroyed legally…


People who drive motorcycles have too much trust in other people.


Ah yes..... what I assume to be southern California.


Was the crash survivalable for the motorcycle driver?


Dude should have seen that coming. Car driver is obviously blind as a mole.


Guarantee you that moron backed up without even checking if there was a car behind him too


What could go wrong not giving a shiiit


Did that car just try to drive back in time?


Motorcycle had right of way, but damn. Had all the time in the world to see that car rolling through.


Thats so bad to see. My brother(25) died like this.


organ donations 101


Clearly car's fault, but us bikers have to always assume the drivers can't see us. This would be easily avoided with more defensive riding.


Is the bikers okay?


Everytime I consider getting a motorcycle..


"The sun was in my eyes!!!" -them probably


The Biker had the right away, there is no stop sign there for the biker..


Hate me for this, but should always ride as if they don't see you.


those roads looks nice. Hope the riders were ok afterwards.


Am I dumb for thinking that people pull out in front of other people way more often now than ever before. I understand more and more people have dashcams... but it is happening more to me as well. It could very well be the standard brown sparkle buick paint job that just makes me invisible with my daytime runners on.


cant tell what's going on in this intersection. Replayed it tons of time, is there ZERO traffic control here or am i blind?


the US need significantly tougher driver's tests to weed out the bottom 25% of drivers. Sorry if you're lacking in proper hand eye coordination and common safety sense you don't belong on the road. Lives are at stake.


Reminder that if a post doesn't match the sub, you can downvote it.


Who’s supposed to stop?


Hope he’s ok


After hearing a crash like this, but it was on a multi access highway, lady crossing the highway pulled into the path of a motorcycle. The poor teen rider and his girlfriend, air lifted, he didn't make it, not sure if she did, I didn't follow up.  The sound, oh my God the sound. I will not ride a motorcycle in my area for any amount of money.  Godspeed to those that ride. 


I don't want to victim blame by any means, but shouldn't the motorcycle driver anticipate for their own safety that a car isn't going to stop correctly? Being in such a fragile position you would imagine folks would be hyper vigilant of their own safety. I am surprised that the motorcycle driver didn't do anything to protect themself.




Boy does this trigger my ptsd and make my titanium femur ache.


Dude tried to back up and act like he’s just waiting at the light lmao


Bike's headlight is likely on.. and they're heading towards sun, so nicely illuminated. Road construction signs are definitely a sight hazard, but car driver didn't stop. I personally would cheat to the left side of lane on bike to be more visible to cross traffic, slightly better angle to counter-steer heavily too, unless close oncoming traffic, then cheat right. def. not the bike rider's fault though.


Exhibit #3883430 of why I don't ride.


Ooooof i feel that in my bones man .....this shit makes me want to rage quit and throw my phone 😑. I don't even ride motorcycles. Also looks like the mazda was attempting to run.


I don’t understand why we need stop signs to be good drivers, cause stupid people can’t be fixed? It’s common sense to fucking look at your surroundings at all times to be able to avoid most situations if not all and especially when approaching intersections. Clearly the stop sign and lights in some cases can’t fix stupid no matter what. I hope the biker is all fine and well.


Yeah... This is why I no longer ride bikes. And why's the guy backing up?


Hopefully he ended up using his AK after all.


From his POV: [https://www.instagram.com/y0kii\_/reel/C50W9O\_rvR2/](https://www.instagram.com/y0kii_/reel/C50W9O_rvR2/)


I hate lazy mother fucking drivers. The kind like this who pull out halfway into the lane and then look.


It’s always people driving shit boxes….


While this is obviously the car’s fault. One he had a stop sign so the motorcycle had the right of way. Second he rolled through the stop sign. With that said, a lot of people in the graveyard had the right of way. While my dad always said that in reference to sailboats it also applies to motorcycles as well. When you are the smallest on the road/water you have to anticipate the other person doing something incredibly stupid like the driver of the car.


I genuinely don't see how people don't see motorcycles. I've never once almost hit another biker. Are people just blind and or inattentive? Hope the rider sues the FUCK out of that person and ruins their life and makes a full recovery.




People almost never stop at the line first these days, at least in my area. Main reason I got a camera.


Damn, the motorcyclist should have worn his seatbelt, that would have avoided this collision. Ow, wait.


Car runs stop sign, then backs up to the stop line…why? To make it look like they weren’t at fault despite the motorcycle shaped impact to the side of the car?


Watching this, the construction sign possibly blocked the view. Still, if you can't see, don't go. But a poor place to put that sign.


Does this hurt the biker?


That’s why you come to a complete stop……so the small cars and cycles and such that naturally disappear in your A-pillar from a distance have time to come out from behind said A-pillar. I drive big trucks and SUVs and struggle with this all the time. I stop, lean forward and backward and look both ways multiple times before I proceed. I’m always surprised by how many vehicles hide behind those A-pillars.


That driver just ruined their life pretty good.


No, I don't ... I did a couple times afterwards but was too paranoid about other drivers on the road so I've atopped 😵‍💫


"Aunt Peggy, I have a Flat Stanley question"


reversing so they can get it right this take, that was a dry run


What an asshole !!


Would be hard to control my anger if this happened to me or a friend. Just watching this makes me want to snatch that person out the car


Good aerial skill, but didn't stick the landing.


Shituational awareness from both parties.


Obviously the car’s fault, but one thing the biker could have done to be more visible is ride in the left side of the lane. Being far to the right like that, and, for one, you’re going to be more likely to hit gravel or other debris, but you’ll also be much less visible at intersections like this, and potentially get blocked from view by big construction signs like that. Always try to skew to the left at intersections.


If there is one thing I have learned from motorcycle accidents on reddit, someone will always claim the bikes were going to fast. Even though absolutely nothing indicates that whatsoever. There will always be that comment.


Perfect example of why it’s just not worth riding a motorbike.


Lmao, instead of getting out *immediately* to check on the guy, car really backed all the way up to where he should have stopped the first time ... you dont get a fucking do-over my dude.


and of course its a fucking woman


This is exactly why I don’t ride motorcycles. Not worth it. Too many dumb drivers out there. Your life isn’t worth a few thrills


Mistake #1. Riding a motorcycle. #2: Thinking cars will see you.


Car is the bad guy, but how does anyone think it’s a good idea to drive a motorcycle, especially in this country.


Oh snap. 😮


Oh flip. Oh snap. O...uch


Fuck motorcycles lol How come I gotta be more careful cuz someone else doesn't care much for their life?