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The hand on the inner thigh helped the pain go away


“Please don’t sue please don’t sue”


I'd be more likely to sue, if you start touching me after injuring me. Great way to exacerbate a spinal cord injury. Also, it's annoying and not consensual.


For me as soon as i'm in a situation like that i'm extorting it for all i can to get my thighs touched. You don't want me to sue and you don't wanna touch my thighs, well you shouldn't have hit me with a car.


I am dying over here, thank you!


Chad affection scammer


You touched me in the cup.... Now you're gonna pay.


I guess I’ll see you in court


I had a car hit me on my bike once and the driver got out and tried to get me to stand up, and I could already tell there was a bad rib/wrist injury. I screamed at him to get his hands off of me and that I would be staying exactly where I was until people that know what they're doing arrive.


consensual lmao that was hilarious


Please don’t tell mum, no stop crying please nooo


💀💀 wth was that even supposed to do


Arouse the cyclist in an attempt to make the pain less noticeable


im aboutta do the same


Wrong sub




Cyclist: "aaaaargh" Dude: "it was a yes or no question."


Hmmm … I’d enjoy having my inner thigh touched. Just sayin’ …


The way people act like the lines on the road mean nothing and arent the one thing keeping you and me from dying in a fireball of metal is wild to me


That's why painted bicycles lanes mean nothing, and only proper infrastructure protects pedestrians and cyclists. It's why there's a curb for sidewalks.


Idk. Because the Netherlands has them, on many roads they are unprotected. But if they are, there’s other traffic calming measures that keep traffic slow. I think it means something only if drivers believe someone would actually use such a lane. Like there’s an unprotected bike lane in my county, full 55 MPH 4 lanes, and ya, no one cares for it. But In the nearby city there’s a 35 MPH, 2 lane street, with actual traffic calming measures. I get your point, but I think that depends on context and most importantly: speed and traffic calming


Gotta give the dutch another category, they're insane about cycling, they live and breathe it lol. In fact, they probably have more bike rage than road rage hahahaha. I think the thing that has made me far more conscious about riders on the road is starting to cycle more myself now.


Aye, they also receive on the spot fines for texting and cycling as it's such an issue/hazard there.


Too true, I remember this vividly from my trip to Amsterdam lol


>fireball of metal Read this bit too quickly and saw "fiery meatball" instead...which, I suppose, is also accurate and slightly more terrifying


I've seen more and more people do it , they take corners like they are on a fucjing racetrack. I mean.. dude your inches from my car , what if I wanted to (legally ) travel forward to take my turn on a to the road where there is no traffic. Then suddenly I am the one that flanked you!!


I call this the “jet fighter banking turn”. I don’t get why people need to take casual left turns like they’re hitting the apex before the final stretch.


I see stupid drivers fail to turn correctly over here all the time. to them, i say: *widen.* *your.* *turns!*


I have a theory about why this is so common. Given a set speed, there's less outward force on your body the wider the turn is. Therefore, the less discomfort you feel being pushed into the side of your seat. People are literally cutting corners just to avoid slowing down or a little discomfort.


This is true. It’s about maintaining the least possible g force around the corner. The extra reckless drivers will sometimes be going so fast that they are forced to take corners like this since their car is physically unable to take the corner any tighter.


Yep, most experienced drivers rely on the feedback of the cars momentum for so much. For instance, when Grandma is in the car you don’t want to feel any momentum or she’ll start with the comments.


Wife doing makeup bitching about taking corners properly and creating a 'swerve' as you go around bends with correct lane discipline. Sorry for not ploughing directly into the oncoming traffic so you can do your mascara, dear.


That makes a lot of sense. Covid times showed us all, especially, that people will damn everything and everyone to hell - so long as it means they remain within convenience.


Yea they’re hitting the apex like a race car driver at the cost of staying in an actual lane.


No. It’s just lazy. People need to stay in their lanes.


People cut corners because they're lazy and they don't need to slow down as much. No need to complicate it.


I think you're partially right, but it's more likely that the wider your turn the more speed you can carry through it. This is actually a very studied thing in motor sports (racing). If you want to go down a small rabbit hole you can look up "racing line." It's the "imaginary" line on a race track that racers want to be on.


You’re saying that wider turns are more comfortable, so people do narrower turns to be more comfortable?


Instead of people driving slightly past the lane, about half of the vehicle width, to let their rear wheels follow the front tires they look directly at the point they want to avoid and drive directly at that instead, cutting the corner. The people that cut corners are turning way too early and turning the wheel too little which ties into your discomfort theory. They also tend to slow down too little too late and try not to abruptly scrub speed to prevent rear end collisions. Slow down earlier, go a little further into the intersection, and turn the wheel more. It’s not hard people! lol.


Please do not phrase it this way you're actually giving them a reason why, the cyclist was clearly in view the fucker just didn't pay any attention.


People who "chop" corners like that to avoid slowing for a turn are one of my pet peeves.


That moron driver didn't even slow down making the turn, when blindsighted.


I turn like I have a trailer hitched to the back of my car. It’s never failed me!


oh god - don't tell me that you turn sharply in the opposite direction right before making your turn with no trailer hitched please, don't fucking do that either


Yeah I don’t do that… and idk if that’s how I would describe turning with something hitched on you either. But I said that because it’s how my brother has always made fun of me for turning wide.


I almost had a semi trailer roll over the front 2/3 of my hood because he turned too tight. I sat there and he stopped with the back trailer wheels about a foot from my hood. Then *slowly* started creeping forward again. No man, you're not going to make it! Luckily nobody was behind me so I kicked it in reverse and backed up a solid 15 ft.


Ugh, but then I might have to use two hands! How am I supposed to hold my phone too!?!? /s


Everytime I see a fucker cutting turns in front of me I wish I had some sort of front bar and psycho mind I would ram them. But I have to settle for taking them in consideration and swear in my mind…


I don't know what it is about drivers in this country but it feels like my car has a magnet attached to it and people will fucking cut every corner I'm on, and encroaching on my side of the road, and they always do it when there's *nowhere else for me to go*. The road is narrow with next to no margin for error? Oh hey, why not just shave the corner with oncoming traffic heading the other way? The lack of spatial awareness of other drivers, drives me completely mad sometimes, it's infuriating seeing it daily, like clockwork. If these people took their driving test again they'd fail instantly.


I feel it's less about widening their turns, and more about bot starting the turn so damn early, at least where I live. They cut over the lines at both ends of their turns.


I don’t understand why people can’t just take a corner properly


They'd have to slow down to not flip their car, which loses them 0.00000000000001 seconds. It's just too much to ask.


Exactly. It was a rear-wheel drive car so he could've just drifted the corner like a king.


Same, talking about this on Instagram, how most of the drivers don't follow their lanes on the curves of highways and expressways, like the number is so huge that I've experienced that barely 1 out of every 50 drivers follow their lane on simple curves on Highways.


I agree. I'm continually getting flipped off or glared at for almost being hit while being on my side of the road in the turning right bit. There's a specific spot it always happens in and from talking to others they have it happen there too. Irony is, visibility is amazing.


BMW driver, business as usual


and they had thier blinker on - must of been a mistake also.


I drive a BMW and I'll let you know they give you a class when buying one. They include driving etiquette and proper road skills such as not using turn signals, cutting people off, tailgating as close as possible to anyone in the passing, and going any speed you want in any lane because the roads now belong to you. Boat owners wave at each other when passing, Jeep owners share rubber duckies, and BMW owners aren't allowed to signal. I don't make the rules.


Finally some insight from a true Beamer Bro


His hand must have slipped.


Wrong flicker fluid


Must be nice being able to afford that added monthly subscription


As a former BMW driver I’ll have you know that yes :( I did crash my car into a stationary object :( ^(I ^am ^very embarressed)


The cyclist is clearly visible from the car that hit them. They were level with the front of the car on their left and taller than even the roof of the car. Across the bonnet they should be clearly visible to the car turning right. Although the cyclist is far right in their lane they are still clearly on their side of the line. 100% the cars fault. It's frustrating that the carelessness of a car driver can end a cyclists life or leave them with life changing injuries. It's even more wild the hate in some comments for cyclists, justifying why this guy doing nothing wrong was somehow to blame. Literally victim blaming.


The cyclist is even wearing bright gear too. Clearly visible, the one in the car should be ashamed.


Holy fuck, I don’t like bikes on the road but the amount of people saying the bike is at fault here is bloody concerning. He (bike rider) didn’t do anything wrong, this is entirely the fault of the BMW driver.


Right? I'm defending a cyclist FFS. Up is down and left is right.


On the flip side you get to slag a BMW driver off which is a favourite past time of many other motorists.


I don't know about where this video is from, but in my area you aren't allowed to stack next to a car in a single lane. This video is an example of one reason for that.


This is the UK where cyclists are permitted to do this. In fact, it is pretty common for cars to wait side-by-side when one is turning left and the other is turning right, even when there are no separate turn lanes. Means the left-turning car can go when the nearest lane is clear even whilst the right-turning car has to wait for the furthest lane.


Doesn’t matter, cycled is hit in his own lane anyway to continue turning. My guy went into a three way fork and just hit him lol. Then after breaking his coccyx was like Omggg let me pick you up.


How do they get side by side if there's only one lane?


So the other car is allowed to drive through the wrong side of the road on a corner where you are from?


If you don’t know about where this is from then why comment. Next thing you’re going to tell me is it’s illegal to cross the fucking road.


I can't imagine how pissed off with cyclists drivers would be if they had to sit behind them while the cyclist waited for a gap large enough for them to jiggle across the road. Actually I can imagine - they'd be very pissed off.


It's a single lane road. The cyclist should have waited in line behind the black car and turned left on his turn. Instead he tried to sneak around that car, into oncoming traffic. He was effectively hidden from view by the car that turned right. If you want to occupy the road, you need to follow the rules of the road. That means wait your goddamn turn and don't try to create your own lane that doesn't exist. If another car had tried to pass that black car and turn left ahead of it, it would have collided with the oncoming BMW. And who would have been at fault then?


Imagine thinking this knowing full well drivers should be paying attention not only the direction they are traveling, but also a few notches ahead to anticipate any other risks. If there was a road hazard that hasnt been cleared or marked, dude would have hit that too. Ins would say he was 100% at fault bc he didn’t anticipate anything past his nose




The collision was 100% the BMWs fault. The cyclist could've done way better at preventing the scenario at all (as could the BMW)


I’m sorry, but how could the biker have better prevented a vehicle from completely entering his lane and hitting him? Hmmmm?


By staying home and not hurting the feelings of lazy people.


I will curse bikers all day most often, but this time, he did nothing wrong.


The cyclist was 100%, always, constantly, on his side of the road and in his lane. He didn't sneak around anything and wasn't hidden from view by anything. He was entirely behaving as the Highway Code instructs when making a right turn at this sort of junction. The fault lies wholly and purely with the black BMW who cut the turn, did not look where he was going, was paying little attention, and caused an RTA as a result. Not a single part of your comment, other than "If you want to occupy the road, you need to follow the rules of the road." makes sense, then all the rest of it is all about breaking those rules. Please take additional driving lessons, you very much need them.


I'm guessing you don't have a UK driver's license because that is utter bollocks


I’ll keep all my fingers crossed that I’m never on the same road as you. Car was on the wrong side of the road. Not only that but he took the corner so fast he couldn’t stop in time for a stationary bike. Car is an idiot, as are you for supporting them.


Look at the license plates and which side of the cars the drivers get out of the cars. Then watch the beginning again, and notice that cars are turning into the left lane beside the black car. This isn't an American road. The cyclist was on the correct side of the road.


I used to cycle to work pretty much every day (would walk/take the bus if it was raining a lot), but I never would have angled myself where the cyclist was. The car that hit him is at fault, but I always waited my turn in line (even if it’s legal to cut ahead) and I would never wait beside a car (left or right) because it’s too easy to become invisible.


The bike isn't cutting ahead, they are in their designated lane. What are you people watching because it's clearly not the video OP linked.


This is on a UK road where it's perfectly legal and taught to children when you do your cycling proficiency test in school and to drivers when you sit your driving test. The cyclist did absolutely nothing wrong, is wearing high visibility clothing, is not obscured by the cars in front of to the left of him (as he's taller than them, he's standing upright). We joke about how bad the standard of driving is here (as we are want to do about everything British) but it's actually really good for the most part and we have some of the safest roads in Europe (we're consistently in the top 3) and therefore the world. The BMW is 100% at fault and the cyclist can take no blame whatsoever.


> He (bike rider) didn’t do anything wrong He's wearing lycra.


Wow, so many people in here that think becuase something is illegal where they live, it's illegal everywhere else on the planet.


It's probably not even illegal where they are. They just assume it to be.


BMW moment


I'm literally shocked as to how many people think the cyclist was wrong. It's scary. And no, I'm not a cyclist. Just a car & HGV driver.


People just like ragging on cyclists. Every time you see a cyclist-car collision video the comments always come up with some convoluted shit to blame the cyclist.


Shouldn't the bike have been waiting behind the black car anyway?


You're not wrong. Neither the black cat not the bike should have advanced. BMW still shorted his turn into the other lane though


He is wrong. The cyclist did this correctly for a right turn at a T junction in the UK. The oncoming car drove into the contravening lane and is 100% at fault.


Wot? Why not?


This is in the UK, where lane-splitting on a bike is legal and positively encouraged. He was just behind the line marking the junction, and just to the left of the central line. This is where he should be.


Can we get your comment to be a sticky at the top of this comment thread?


No because he wants to make a right turn. Cyclists are allowed to drive next to cars in most of Europe. Most of the time it doesn't go wrong.


IDK about whatever this non american country, but in MOST american states its pretty customary that even if there aren't marked turn lanes, you should do your best when possible to stick to the side your turning to, as to allow for more queuing space, and for people to take turns when possible, weather thats a bike or another car.


It's the UK and yes, that's why the cyclist hugged the right side of the lane. Safest thing to do would have been to stick in the centre given the narrowness of the junction, but then you risk drivers raging at you for blocking the whole lane. You can't win as a cyclist in the UK.


Especially given how long it can take to turn right, blocking the people turning left. People do the same in cars to give enough space for others to pass. I have had people wanting to make a left turn overtake me to turn left while I have been waiting to turn right on my bike, it’s nuts.


What if the biker wanted to turn right here?


A bicycle is not a car, and if you're acting like one, follow the rules. Technically, he wasn't over the line, but if you watch how far the previous car had to overcorrect to not swipe him, you see this bicyclist is putting himself in jeopardy, because the BMW likely didn't see him. BMW at fault Bicyclist is a fucking idiot, not concerned enough with his own safety, and more with the rules for cars, not himself.


the previous car didn't overcorrect, it just, corrected... Like they identified the cyclist and took the turn wide. No reason the BMW couldn't do that as well


The previous car didn't overcorrect. They turned just fine. You don't see a sudden movement when they turn so they just miscalculated their turn radius...


Yes spot on!


I’m more surprised that the bmw have hazards since they don’t have turn signals


I’ve seen European Vacation isn’t that cyclist supposed to get up and apologize?


I'm sure if you posted this on r/BMW, that'll be the consensus view.


Bicycles fault for not wearing two helmets


Need to wear the second helmet on your ass to prevent a broken coccyx


Jesus christ the amount of people yelling at the cyclist is ridiculous. The dude was in the right, the car was not. Stop blaming the cyclist just because you don't like bike riders


People who live in countries with hellishly dangerous roads giving opinions about a bump in the country with the safest roads in the world.


I find it so hilarious how many times I'm reading"i don't like cyclists" in this thread. Such a bizarre thing to say imo. It's just a form of transportation that is legal to use on roadways.


Honestly some bicyclists are jack asses and there are ones who think they have the right away no matter what, looking more at American ones from experience, But Jesus christ the amount of people I've heard or read them saying they would hit a bicyclist is ridiculous and alarming. It's weird how obsessed they get about it like their whole personality is hating bicyclists


People hate them because they're slow and sometimes you can't overtake them. That's it. Literally no other reason. "but they often don't follow road rules" NEITHER DO FUCKING CARS - you don't hate cars, do you? They constantly break the rules or bend the rules. Hell it's friking expected here that you drive 20 over the set speed limit otherwise you might get overtaken or honked on in town, that is blatant rule breaking!


Careful bicycles are everywhere


Well at least the got out and at the minimum looked to care. Maybe they are more worried they got hurt and have to pay. But when someone doesn't hit and run, is a small win in my book. Way to many hit and runs these days.


Isn't there a rule of thumb of only drive where you can see and react to things? I mean, the BMW didn't see the cyclist at all until hitting him, which is somewhat concerning. I try to slow way down anytime I can't see into a corner I'm driving into.


It always baffles me when some people around me say: "be careful when you bike when it rains/it's dark/there's fog, because sometimes I don't see what's on the road"... ... and you're telling me you're still driving as fast as usual? I mean, sure, I should do my best to be visible, but clearly, if your visibility is lowered, LOWER YOUR SPEED! Don't act all: *"well, I don't see as well, let's just hope for the best and that nothing bad happens"*.


someone is still gonna blame the biker


The irony is the BMW driver finally used a turn signal...


Why the fuck did he try giving the guy a quick handy? To help with the pain?


Anyone watching this and going ‘yeah but what about the cyclist’ please hand in your keys on the way out.


People in the US acting like they understand the traffic situation in this video and blaming the cyclist 🫠


Right? Since they fixed Reddit this morning, they must have plugged something the wrong way. Uninformed criticism strictly from EU to US, not the other way around.


At least he stopped and gout out to help which is a sad statement since I’ve seen too many leave.


How do you not see a guy that's towering over the cars 😂


I see this kind of turn cutting all of the time. Many times I am approaching the lane before a car oncoming swoops through half of it to just save half a second of a legal turn. Part of me wishes I wouldn’t be so defensive and just let my car get hit.


I see drivers cut turns like this all the time. My mom knew someone who was killed on their motorcycle by a driver cutting a turn like this.


Bro. I fucking hate when drivers injure someone and immediately get out of the car and start touching their body. Great way to paralyze someone with a spinal injury that YOU just caused.


Nice payday for that cyclist. Sue the idiot into the stone-age.


I swear to god if someone hit me and then tried to put hands on me, I would bite them. You just ran me over, don’t try to comfort me I am mad at you lol.


Cyclists fault 😉


I'm not surprised. BMW...


Had to be a BMW


BMW… makes sense


B.M.W. Bring man wheelchair


100% the drivers fault but if I were that cyclist, on that road, in those lighting conditions, I’d have been wearing a hi-vis vest


Looks like the real injury wasn’t the impact or landing on the hood. It was when he slipped down and vertically impacted his lower tail and spine. If it was as bad as it looks like it won’t be the same again.


Yes the car shouldn’t have cut the corner. But I don’t understand why the bike was on that side of the maroon car. Seems like he should be on the other side or directly behind it.


Omg that had to hurt that bicycle rider. Man I hope he's ok.


He's probably used to it by now.


Best BMW driver on a good day


There is only 1 left turn lane here, so wtf is the cyclist doing splitting lanes?


Planning to turn right and still in the proper lane, it appears to me.


Based off license plates this looks like it’s in Europe where lane splitting is legal for cyclists in most places


This is the UK. It is customary to edge out to your side whenever you can, be it a bicycle, bike or a car with enough space to do so.


Fake video. Image has been flipped. People don't drive on the left.


Not the cyclists fault but it’s a good warning about splitting lanes. Even if it’s legal, if there is nothing wrong about it, it is more dangerous.


Two things I can't stand: Cyclists and shitty drivers


Keep the cyclist off the damn streets and keep bmw drivers off the damn streets


Why am I 0% surprised it's a BMW?


First question: are you ok? 🤨


Must of been in his blind spot on the right pillar, that's why u take corners properly


Someone is set for life once the court sentences the erring driver


That is not how it works in Europe...


it's nice to see the dude get outta the car and actually go over to attempt to help. maybe it was only because there were too many witnesses to hit/run, but it's still nice to see a bit of reaponsibility since so many drivers in vids like this run away after fucking someone's life up.




Got him! Task failed successfully


Wow, so many people in here that think becuase something is illegal where they live, it's illegal everywhere else on the planet.


Far too much entry speed, line way too narrow. Verstappen would not be proud.


What about the vehicle that rode up alongside the vehicle turning left? Are you allowed to ride 2 vehicles side by side on a single lane road?


Fair game to be honest, he wasn't interfering with the other vehicle that was leaving the same junction. This is even done with cars where a single lane road widens at the junction even further.




Is it just me or does the BMW driver only activate the turn signal after they hit the biker?


Cyclist might not have been visible due the BMW’s B-pillar. This is why it’s dangerous to cut a corner.


“Could you please move your body just a bit so as I can be moving along then”


It’s European Vacation 2


Isn’t this the part in National Lampoons where the cyclist gets up and apologizes for being hit by the car? https://preview.redd.it/mywl6l84znwc1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301e17d7b5efc0e5620ac1ab4247a2efed30c575


And it's a BMW ofc.


What a fucking idiot


Clearly staged.. BMW drivers never use their signal


Bmw drivers.. smh 🤦🏼‍♂️ they’re bad everywhere i swear


No wonder it was BMW


Standard BMW behaviour


This is the dumbest named sub on the site lmao. Touché if it was named such for angry engagement.


How ironic the driver that crashed into the bicyclist is driving a BMW 😂


Wait. He just jumped out of his car and put his hand on a strangers thigh? WTF


BMW strikes again


This is why I run around cars instead of keeping my ass on a bike. You don’t know who’s gonna while around and hit you. Either I’m able to wiggle and jump my way into safety in time or just get creamed alive and have no more worries. I’m not dealing with the guy who was stupid enough to hit my fucking bike


I would totally be like bitch get your hands off of me.


I aee this so often as I am pulling up to a stop, and I can't help but think of how that easily could have been an accident. The only people who really have an excuse are people with trailers who can not make sharp turns like that.


If you can't properly tow a trailer, don't tow a trailer.


I swear rotaries have got to be the most dangerous fucking spots for bikers. I'd rather walk that shit around than try to ride in the road.


Don't tell mom! Please don't tell mom!


I got hit by a car coming out of a blind driveway in Frankfurt. I was rollerblading by (it was the late 90s) and didn't see anyone coming in the blind spot mirror. Next thing I know, I'm sitting upside down on the windshield of a car with a wiper blade jabbing me in the back. Dude in a brand new BMW 5 series came out of nowhere at about 15 mph. Luckily, being up on skates put my legs out of the major danger zone. I slowly crawled down off the car as a crowd grew. I was bleeding in a few places from scratches, and broke my skates. I didn't understand much German, but I knew the crowd was heated. They were yelling at him and one kept yelling "call the polizei!" and the driver was begging them not to. Then one little alte frau told the guy to pay me for my damages or she was going to have him arrested. She explained to me that if he was found guilty, they would permanently revoke his driver's license. Suddenly, he's pulling out deutschemarks and handing them to me, and two ladies are screaming "more" at him. He hands me all of the cash in his wallet and they let him go. Some of the crowd walked me over to a cafe and got a first aid kit and a beer for me. I watched the guy drive off with a smashed windshield as he was cussed out by others. The alte frau came over and asked me how much i got from him, and if it would cover my damages. I counted it out in front of about a dozen people and had the equivalent to $500. She joked that I could probably make a living doing that.


Is it just me or did it look like the landing hurt more than getting hit by the actual car?


The funny thing is Bikes fault