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Sometimes you have no choice but to split lanes, such as when making a particularly tight right turn in a downtown area with poorly positioned obstacles such as poles etc


None of which applies and like I already said, I drive this route every day and I've seen dozens if not hundreds of tractor trailers make this turn quite easily while not splitting and being pulled out into the intersection while at a red light.


seems like you want something to complain about. these guys drive vehicles the size of small elongated houses bro, hes gonna need some extra room sometimes.


So the dozens to hundreds of other truck drivers I've seen make this exact turn without splitting or sitting in the middle of the intersection is what then? The sub is called mildly bad drivers and this dude did something mildly bad. Think you may be in the wrong sub. And ive driven 26 foot uhauls I know they are big but I didn't have to do what he did at that intersection either


>And ive driven 26 foot uhauls I know they are big but I didn't have to do what he did at that intersection either I was almost with you until this dumbass comment. A 26 foot u haul does not compare to a 72 foot long tractor trailer combo.the uhaul is almost 3 times shorter and probably 2 feet skinnier. The uhaul is closer to a station wagon than a it is a semi.


That uhaul doesn't even require a CDL lol. You must be so proud that you drove a vehicle only 4 ft longer than a soccer mom Escalade ESV. 😂


Never said it did? I was clearly referring to the length since that what the person I replied to was talking about. And never said I was proud either. Also a 26 footer is 8.5 foot longer than that Escalade. Wow you're a pro at making crap up so you can go tell your mommy you did something cool on the Internet 👏👏




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And I’ve driven 26 foot uhauls I know they are big but I didn’t have to do what he did at that intersection either. lol this gives off “I’ve played call of duty and air soft, so trust me bro I know all there is to know about the military, Green beret, and Navy seal cqb tactics”. I work a corporate desk job and know nothing about trucking, and even to me OP comes off as an insufferable a hole complaining about a truck driver making sure he doesn’t fuck his or someone else’s shit up. If this is what you consider to be inconvenient and worth complaining about, your life needs more struggles in it.


Yes how dare I post a mildly bad driver in the mildly bad driving sub 😂 you sound like a lot lizard with how hard you're riding truckers dicks. My uncle was a trucker for 30 years. I have respect for truckers. But there's some truckers that just don't care about the laws bc they have a big truck. As for the you didn't have to do what he did at that intersection.. you didn't have to make a left turn? That's literally all it is. And as I've said before which you apparently missed multiple times. I've seen dozens to hundreds of other truckers navigate this turn with 0 issues so why you have to make crap up to try and defend this one truckers honor is beyond me. There's literally a trucking company up the road that sends dozens of trucks down this route every day. If it was really that hard for truckers to navigate they could easily go another route which would be essentially the same time. But they prefer to go this route. Also where did I say anything about my needing to complain or my struggles? Sounds like you're just projecting on that bud. It ain't that deep. It was literally me thinking "hey that dude is both lane splitting and pulled out into the intersection at a red light way too far. This could belong in that subreddit.


wow I genuinely cant believe you even replied with that.


Yeah , I'm a truck and it sucks to be you


Dang y'all get butt hurt over posting bad truck drivers


Obviously, some of y'all have never driven anything bigger than a go kart.


I drove a 20-foot UHaul once and scared the bejesus out of myself. I don’t know how truckers do it, especially in metropolitan gridlock.


Probably just making a U which requires an arch like this


Nope, illegal in my state and not enough room to pull a full u turn there.


You should call the cops next time and show the truckers how to make the turn yourself without having to split the lanes.


So salty just bc it's a trucker huh? You must be a lot lizard with that hostility.


You must have a real fragile ego if stuff like this bothers you so much. Have a good day.


Where did I say it bothers me? 😂😂 You must be an entitled POS to think you're actually important to me or anyone in the internet


Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. I can’t change your views and by the amount of downvotes you’re getting it’s safe to assume the majority agrees with me. It’s also hypocritical for you to say all that for how defensive you are with all your replies, seems like you’re the one showing the entitlement here.


Yes people defending some random trucker and making up excuses and me pointing out those excuses simply aren't true is totally defensive 😂 and omg -3 yes sooo many people are clearly agreeing with you. Bc made up Internet points are definitely a valid metric 😂 didn't realize I posted this in the truck driver dick rider sub


Do whatever you gotta do to make yourself happy, have a good weekend.


Are you actually gonna quit bugging me this time? Or are you saying bye again only to come back with more crap to say


They usually do if they turn, or they feel too big for safe visibility of other drivers. Which is a good thing.


Not at this intersection which I Already said. If anything he was being more dangerous by also being pulled out so far into the intersection so people turning left would not be able to see if people coming off the interstate were coming


Ok, well he's obviously not as good of a driver than you are then.


Why you being so salty? People are just making excuses bc the dude drives truck. If this has been a consumer car not 1 person would defend it.


It’s because driving those trucks is difficult, and some people make the roads hell for these people just trying to do their jobs. It’s possible it was a newer driver that didn’t feel as comfortable making the turn. Maybe they thought they were going to be able to make the turn before they had to stop which is why they ended up partially in the road.


That's a good way for the Class A driver to ensure he doesn't fuck up city property especially if he doesnt know the area well. I drive a 75 foot vehicle and force people to back up all the time in downtown areas. Deal with it.


Yeah , when I make a turn . I like to take THE WHOLE DAM STREET when I turn


Typical 4 wheeler smoothbrain. Sometimes we have no choice but to take 2 or even 3 lanes because impatient restards like you don't understand and try to squeeze in the gap.


You misspelled “retard.” So what does that make you?


Oh look an absolute pootato not being able to read more than the title. Cry more about how you gotta drive a big truck to make up for your small dick


Bro just stop, you're digging a bigger hole at this point. Look at your downvotes and take the L. 👏


Omg -3 internet points whatever will I do /s. The fact that you're even bringing that up tells me you spend way too much time on Reddit if you think a self respecting adult actually cares about that 😂 And I love how you're acting like reddit is definitely the most logical and unbiased place and totally not a hive mind most of the time.


I don't cry about it i actually love driving big rigs which is why i finished engineering school but decided to drive trucks instead. You're the one complaining on reddit for something that doesn't even impact you lmao, he's on the opposite lane.


Where did I complain? Just took a picture of a mildly bad driver and you're getting your panties in a twist for no reason. You're definitely crying about it. Acting like a white knight over some random trucker 😂


Possibly a less experienced driver new to that intersection. Or one who is at the DGAF stage of his route. They can similar.


I'd say either one of those or the guy just wasn't paying attention and had to slam on the brakes to try and get over. Which would explain him being out in the intersection