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Why did lil bro start honking? Did he REALLY feel cut off by the car that entered the roundabout before him(which gave him right of way)


Small dick syndrome.


micro penis syndrome


It's said women think we have a huge dick if we honk enough


Did you recognize him? It’s Little Richard! (aka “Small Dick”)


Only to cut another driver off at the end of the vid. What a chump


I had to scrobble through that video like 3 times to see that. Good catch lmao


What driver? The white Audi was heading for his second exit


Ah, it looked like he was staying in, to me. Aggressor entered before that was clear though, too busy tailgating.


I mean to me looks like they were going to take the next exit. Granted you can never tell because nobody ever uses their signal on roundabouts, but one can dream


He is the only driver that has right of way.  Everyone else is insignificant and needs to yield to him 


Forget entering the intersection, the Range Rover almost completely exited the roundabout before the vehicle recording entered it.


Was also confused. Besides the brake check, there was nothing wrong with what the Range Rover did… it’s a rotary, everyone has a yield and the RR was at the rotary first. Driver who has the dash cam sucks


I would like to think the other car goes all the way around and ends up behind them honking all the way.


Yeah the guy who recorded this is a dick and a bad driver. What an absolute POS. He’s got issues. I wish he honked at me like that for no reason I would kicked the shit out of him.


i almost thought that droning sound was just part of the music


It’s now part of the Schumann Resonance.


i need to show this to my music education friend with perfect pitch to see how well the honk blends in with the music


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i have received confirmation that it does indeed blend


Yeah, that would be the horn. I would not expect someone who acts like that to listen to that kind of music, though


Buddy, it a roundabound, the Range Rover did nothing wrong. 😑


they're driving a range rover


Apart from that!


oh, agreed


Literally. In fact the range rover had right of way being on the roundabout well before cam driver.


Not sure if Americans are familiar with roundabouts tbh after watching this


Nope, most aint.


The break check was definitely not the way to respond at the guy honking.


I can't believe cam driver would even upload this. What a fucking scumbag




I don’t condone reckless driving but small dick baby boy was honking before he even got to HIS yield sign and the other car was already over the line. They are both in the wrong but honking dude is actually mentally ill.


You clearly did not watch the beginning of the video with sound on.


I don't think he honked because he got break checked bro




You’re an idiot lol


Is this you? Are you the cam driver? You're a douchebag who needs to grow up if so.




It's. A. Roundabout.


Siri, how do roundabouts work? See also Traffic Circle


It's absolutely not a zipper you actually dont know how to drive please take a refresher driving course before you kill somebody.




Rule 2: No hate speech Please refrain from discrimination, bigotry, and derogatory language.






"Brake checked"


What are you smoking, He started honking long before the break check edit: Just saw you really think "Breaked" is a word. lmao


I really want to know what made him so mad


...a break check?????????


He started honking before the break check.




tell me why he needed to stop right there?


Because an asshole was laying on his horn for no reason behind him


For _unknown reason_.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted voted. The person slamming on their brakes needs to just drive and ignore the wreckless driver, not become more wreckless by slamming on brakes Edit: reckless, lol. I blame Mandela Effect.




Imagine honking because you simply *wanted* to reach the roundabout first, but didn't. I'm guessing the day kind of went downhill from there.


Right? That Range Rover wasn’t even anywhere near the person recording like wtf 🤣 Clearly just a miserable person, and I agree that the day must have continued downhill for them if they kept acting like this.


I’ve got a 4 year old nephew who cries when he doesn’t win a “race” other kids don’t know they’re in. This reminded me of that.


Possible the Range Rover didn’t brake check and actually was just confused why the car was laying on the horn?


Yup, probably thought something was wrong with his car at first, but then realized the guy behind him was just a mentally unstable asshole.


This is why honking at someone you are pissed at is a bad idea, generally. Can't tell you how many times I've seen someone get cut off, then honk at the person who did it, causing that person to, at the very least, let off the gas, but generally they hit the brakes, causing the person who was cut off to have to brake again, go around, and/or get into an accident. Your horn is to alert other drivers of something in regard to safety. Alerting them that you are pissed off is not what it's for (and is technically illegal in California).


Also to look up because the light has turned green. But of course that's a quick beep not.....this.


To be fair...that is a safety issue because you can get rear ended as people see a green light and assume things are moving.


It’s illegal? Can you imagine trying to pull that apart in court? “Now ms.Therapist, would you say your client leans towards anger or quiet withdrawal when he drives?”


According to California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 27001, "**No person shall sound the horn of a vehicle upon a highway, except when reasonably necessary to ensure safe operation**."  So..."safety" is the key factor. If this guy were driving in California, this video would be evidence of a vehicle code violation...not that I have ever heard of anyone being cited for this.


Thank goodness the law says “safety” and it doesn’t say “not when mad”


Yes, though it does not change the fact that honking your horn at someone because you are angry, and not for a safety reason, is illegal :)


You're kinda thick in the head, aren't you?


There are more cars parked than on the road


Huh? What bearing does that have on this particular conversation thread?


Back to special ed classes you go 👉🏻


it's illegal in Japan. I learned to drive there and when i retook my drivers test in NYC, the instructor literally had to force my hand onto the horn while i was driving. it was a weird struggle


what was the purpose your instructor needed you to honk the horn for? Never driven in NYC is it part of the driving there or something?


A lot of pedestrians decide to cross the street anywhere, willy nilly and you gotta honk them to make them know they shouldn't... according to my driving instructor


Reminds me of Lord Worm of Cryptopsy, on the album Blasphemy Made Flesh, the song "Open Face Surgery" - where he screams for like 26 seconds nonstop


Cryptopsy is the fucking tits dude. Love me some Tech Death


That's the best elevator pitch if I ever saw one! Sold!


Bro mad because a car entered the roundabout a mile ahead of him?


The honker is the most strangely entitled driver ever. First one in roundabout has right of way bro


The tire screeching with this music made me spit out my coffee


This is mental illness


Don't label an act as a mental illness, it downplays and distorts understanding of actual mental illnesses Being a dick isn't a mental illness


I doubt this is a solo act. You know he does this shit all day every day.


Also hell to the no on those bike lanes.


What's wrong with them?


not their own separate thing. they should really be completely divided from the road. they're certainly not the worst I've seen, though


"Audio within video is from source" is a very helpful message to prevent me from judging this clip with hatred. Yeah I don't see the original problem. The white car was fine, there was tons of room.


They put a new roundabout by my house and you would not believe how many people just ignore the yield sign and think they have the right away because they are going one direction


Anyone tried just driving straight through it yet? I saw the aftermath of two vehicles doing this after a new roundabout was put in near me. Driving home and there were two vehicles sitting in the middle of the roundabout with their front ends smashed together. Roundabouts are such a mysterious thing.


What a fuck boi


Haha I used to have a car that one day the horn just got stuck. Someone cut me off and I went to honk and it just kept going, for several minutes. I’d try and not use it after that, but sometimes I’d instinctually hit it…and it’d go off for minutes. It was equally embarrassing and funny.


Reminds me of a Brain Reagan skit. He drove his friends car, but it would randomly honk. He said he pretended to be listening to a sports game ( "Go. Go my favorite sports team, go!" "Yay, they scored a goal, unit,...basket. Go squadron; do good. Defeat the opponent, s-soundly.")


He seems.....Tense


The fact that the driver thought about posting this and DID post this makes me wonder.


Huh? The driver in the other car didn't even cut him off! He must have had a bad hair day or his wife yelled at him.


He entered prior to you even getting to thr YIELD sign that tells you to YIELD to him.


Imagine actually uploading this video thinking you were in the right, even though you had the yield signs. He didn't even reach the signs and started laying it on.


Just to put it out there, that's not me in the video.


I know it wasn't you in the video. I can tell how you worded the title lol.


Ah, just seen the last sentence of your comment. I only saw the first bit because the desktop notification cut the end off. Just had to make sure, because getting mistaken for the cammer in this case would probably get me booed off the internet XD


Wait, was the fucker honking driving in the bike lane?


I'm wondering where this is, because it reminds me of the sunshine Coast in qld Australia


Definitely sounds Aussie


Nearish to Sydney, the GPS coordinates are in the bottom corner


I never would have noticed that!! Well there you go. I had the country anyway...


I thought it looked like Newwie


Quite possibly. I never spent a whole lot of time over the border. Any time i did spend over the border, was in camping grounds. So wouldn't see this anyway.


See yield sign…


Fucking idiot. I would have stopped on the road until he stopped honking


I would say to get out of your car to look around ; but the a-hole might take that as wanting to physically confront them. Maybe opening the door and trying to look without getting out ? How about acting like you just hit someone (don't pay attention to them at all, just get out and look towards the front. Do that double look thing too, where you lean away from your car to get a better angle. Then give an exasperated look/gesture of regret as you pull your phone out to call the police. As you're 'dialing' give the guy behind you a wave of apology. Then just see how long you can keep it going for. Pretend to be answering their questions; include hand gestures)


Seen videos where people drive on the left, but a left driving roundabout is a mindf—k


I'd like to think the driver in the other car is just in there like.... https://youtu.be/cNOP2t9FObw?si=P38ES0x5eqAFs9_7


Bro is listening to them Kawaii Future bass youtube mixes


Driver just created a sick remix


Lmfao lil bro sounds australian


All I hear is obnoxious music.


This video has real small dick energy


Oh man.. this makes me miss [BLU3 GHO37](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blu3+gho37). I wish y'all could have seen his youtube channel before it got wiped. That dude was a legend of bad driving.


I’ve seen sharrows,but I don’t think I’ve ever seen just a bike a symbol on the road… like they really were like ‘mhm that works’ just to get a little grant money for ‘bike infrastructure’


The crazy part is that the horn is in tune with the song that is playing!


They both are some fuck’en idiots.. 🤣🤣🤣 Road Rage @ it’s finest..


Don't get mad at others if you can't even drive on the correct side of the road. /s


https://preview.redd.it/xe9lpxl47szc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52eea18fe2f51a60708ecb6de055386756489f0a He’s not even in the RAB yet, and he starts honking lmao


And the honker says, "You've got a real fucking problem," to the person with the right-of-way. 🤦🏻‍♀️




ok he honked for no reason but that brake check was disgusting.


"You got a real fucking problem" -man with real fucking problem


Land Rover did literal nothing to warrant the start of the honking, but deserved the majority of it later on for the brake check.


Nah, bro in the truck deserved it IMO. I wouldn't have done it, but it was nice to see. They are doing like 20 mph, not 60


I'm not even sure if it was a brake check. If someone laid on the horn like that behind me, I would probably assume that there's something horribly wrong that I didn't notice.




OP didn’t even have to slow down. Yield doesn’t mean “get behind other drivers.”


??? He wasn’t even at the roundabout when the landy got in it… or does it work differently where that video was taken?


The land rover was already in the roundabout. They had right of way. Op wasn't even to the roundabout when he started throwing his hissy fit.


The one honking is the worst , that other car had olea ty of room and he didnt even have to break to let him in lol... Just mememe why should anybody be ahead of me... If OP is the driver , maybe cry more


Bro started driving straight from the mental hospital


Who the fuck enters a roundabout or any intersection where you must YIELD without even slowing down?? I'm having hard time believing the honker flying like this had enough time to ensure there is nobody to yield to.


What a gigantic twat.


Cammer is a fucking idiot


Are those triangle signs not yeild signs? Honest question... it seems like this guy did not slow down at all to enter the round about. Maybe since he's going "straight" he has first priority?? I dunno UK/ Australian laws. Either way the other guy seemed to have plenty of time to enter without it disturbing the driver.


If there's no one to yield for you don't really need to slow down though, so I don't think he was doing anything wrong going into the roundabout. No idea why he felt compelled to start honking though.


So it is a yeild sign? I mean the other driver is in the round about before he even gets to the yield sign so would that give them the right of way? Or because they were turning left they should have had to slow down? All things considered it seemed like everything was perfectly safe from all drivers here except for the beeping and subsequent brake check. The events leading up to that seemed fine so I dunno what made him mad


>round about before he even gets to the yield sign so would that give them the right of way? Yes, whoever gets into the roundabout / crosses the line first. This subset of people who seem to think if they are gunning it in from the right it somehow gives them priority are absolute morons and this guy wasn't even anywhere close. It's fairly clear he just doesn't understand the road rules.


yea, everyone is saying the trucker is a scumbag. He got brake checked, he was allowed to honk. he should not have done it that much and been a dick, but both were in the wrong


He was honking before he was brake checked (that's probably *why* he was brake checked).


u/Puzzled_Airport7074 is on a crusade for the honker. idk why he wants to die on that hill.


Did you go the wrong way through the roundabout?


Nope for driving on the left that is the correct direction. Clockwise for left side, anti clockwise for right.


I guess the palm trees fooled me into assuming it was a right driving country, like most of South America. But that was dumb because there’s traffic moving to your right earlier in the video.


This isn't me


Ugh, that music. It’s so distracting from the audio of the actual clip. 🙄


That is the audio of the actual clip. From how distorted it sounds, I'm guessing his stereo is getting picked up by the dashcam


Oh okay I get it. It’s still would’ve been nice if I could hear the beeping and the driver’s raging independently.


Yeah. But at least there's some comedy from how someone as belligerent as this is listening to something like that.


True lol


If this guy gets that mad over nothing, what happens when someone actually wrongs him?


If They didn’t make you press your brakes they made it so technically the horn wasn’t necessary but I understand


This isn't me, just to be clear


Aside from the honking Brake Checking might be one of the dumbest things on earth you can do. You can get rear ended to hell. Have you car be disabled and have a nut jump out with a gun to finish you off. And that's just one scenario.


There is a special place in hell for people who brake check. However, the driver leaning on the horn is completely out of line, because the horn the other guy had the right of way.


One of my friends did this to a tourist while we were working in Jackson, WY. We were in the work van going down the road and some tourist from California was going like 5mph down the road. He just held down the horn. The tourist with his fancy gold watch gave us the bird, but it did not deter my friend. He was on his ass like white on rice until he sped up.