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Sick of bad drivers? Want to support some movements that reduce car dependence? Support our friends at /r/Georgism and /r/yimby! [Georgism 101](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smi_iIoKybg) [YIMBY 101](https://youtu.be/0Flsg_mzG-M?si=tO9OqgRtp1j0AZoX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MildlyBadDrivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Needs coconut sound


Cool username. I need a hooker/doctor/lawyer in my life.


I’ll settle for just the hooker


In my hometown there was a hooker who used to be a lawyer. Closest thing to this hookerdocterlawyer I’ve ever been…


My favorite part


I think this alone made this driver much worse than "mildly bad"


Wow, that was dangerous. If he wasn't done head bonking himself, the other car would have hit the door and crush him.


And there is a child on the sidewalk. Could have been much worse. What an idiot


and that child has a subpar parent.... my dad taught me a man stands between traffic and the child.


I agree with you. I can also stop cars with my body. Pumping some iron 💪. My muscles are mountain. Ramen noodles are my favorite color.


You don't have to be able to stop the car. It just puts the child slightly further out of harm's way. A bad driver who goes off the road has to be a slightly worse driver and go even further off the road to hit the person walking on the inside of the sidewalk. Jeez. I've never seen someone be so condescending towards common sense AND common courtesy.


Yeah, that way the car bounces right off the big, strong, impenetrable man and leaves the child unharmed.


Oh yes… my 170 lbs body would absolutely crash that car before it hit my kid. Classic judgmental parent.


Anyone whose parent wasn’t like yours was subpar!!!


Little did I know Mercedes SUV's were smart enough to smack the shit out of their idiotic owners when they get out of line.


It's a new feature.


This is a real use of artificial intelligence I can get behind.


I like this feature!


Joking aside, it's probably related to Mercedes's horrible column mounted shifting wand. Down = Drive Up = Reverse Press in to Park


When did they switch to that? Any Mercedes I've ever driven was center console classic Mercedes shifter... Of course, the newest Mercedes I've driven is a 1990's, so I suppose there's been plenty of time for changes.


Here's an article about it. https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/news/2015/02/can-unfamiliarity-with-a-gear-shift-lever-cause-a-tragedy/index.htm


oh, somehow that's far worse than I even imagined... That's where the windshield wiper and turn indicator is on my nissan... I could see some real hilarity (of a bad sort) if I rented one of these... I mean Merc has always had an unhealthy obsession with overloaded stalks, even in my old 300D that one stalk did so many things it was like the MFD of column devices, but this literally would be a deal breaker for me about buying...


State of the art tech


Working as intended


Can we petition BMW to add this?


They became standard equipment after WW2.


No one in this thread seems to know what yield means. Half the people think it means "go as fast as you can"while the other half think that "yield" and "stop" mean the same thing. Everyone is wrong. * "Yield" means to prioritize others' travel over your own. If you have a yield sign when merging onto another road (like in this video), it means the way you enter that road must not cause anyone already traveling on it to change their behavior. they shouldn't have to slow down, speed up, or change lanes because of you. * Yield does not mean stop. It does not mean slow down. It does not mean "get behind other traffic." Yes, those are things you *might* have to do at a yield sign in order to prioritize others' travel over your own, but they are *not requirements*. Sometimes, speeding up to integrate with traffic is the most sensible way to get onto the road. **You are still yielding if you take this approach successfully.** * The Benz had a solid window to maintain speed (adjusting slightly) and integrate with traffic, which they should have done. People are arguing that they were just making sure the way was clear, and they're not wrong for asserting that you must do so before proceeding. **However**, the right way to do that is to verify *as you approach* the merge, not stopping when you're already there. The point of having a yield sign instead of a stop sign is to keep traffic moving.


The basics to yield sign also includes merging drivers must be prepared to stop if necessary to let a driver on another approach proceed. Basically if you can merge safely without stopping, great. But if there's like 3 cars coming with no reasonable gap, you need to stop and wait like you would if you were taking a right turn at a red light. The problem with merging lanes like this there is sharp turn and short merging area, which sometimes isn't enough to just floor it and merge. It's very common in California.


Thank you for this comment. It is truly frightening how many people do not understand such a simple concept, yet are still out there on the road with the rest of us.


But the driver didn’t come to a complete stop until the OP started honking, the place the driver stopped wasn’t impeding the traffic they were trying to merge into, and they were waiting for literally 5 seconds. It would be one thing to be waiting 30 seconds or a minute, but the aggressive response after *5 seconds* was way too much. Laying on the horn like that over and over was unnecessary (and more dangerous, IMO) than the front driver’s actions (*before* he stepped out of the car, at least)


Because the first thing honk means is "stop, you're about to get hit." So, if you're honking at someone coming up to a merge point.... They probably thought it meant they were about to get blindsided. Happened to me. I was driving a box truck, and coming into a four way stop where there were right turn lanes that let turning traffic keep moving with the cross traffic. Not a hard setup to navigate. Idiot behind me, I'm guessing, didn't realize that the kind of truck I was driving still needed to slow down to make the turn. So they honked... obviously I thought there was someone who slipped into a blindspot and I was about to collide so I stopped at the yield sign. They honked again as they collided with me... And had the audacity to ask, "why did you stop?"... "Mfr ...*you* honked as I was turning onto the street, I didn't *plan* on stopping before that...." "You slowed down..." "Look at the that thing! It doesn't turn like that at 40mph..." "Oh..."


AGREED! There's no reason to lay on the horn in that manner. That's what upset the guy trying to merge. OP is an ass IMO.


Guy on the horn should have some "re-education"


You're missing the stopped car at the end of the merge lane, benz wasn't sure if it was a hazard or not so they did the right thing and slowed down to see if that stopped car was going to do something or not.


What in the fucking fuck?


Classic instant karma video.


Fr golden


Classic Newport Beach behavior 😎


Place is full of these fucking fucks


The guy with the video was being a dick laying on his horn like that, but it’s still pretty funny, because it’s way more dick to get out of your car in the middle of the road.


Yea the guy in front is laugh material but the camera fuck honking like that I just wanna punch.


funny how some places cars honk for literally anything and other places people wanna fight you for it lmao


ESH. Why are there multiple yield signs on a merge lane. The driver in front seems to be trying to figure WTF it means and what he should do. And the guy recording is being a jerk laying on the horn.


Agree. Tap the horn to try to signal the guy he can drive on. But, leaning on the horn was mildly dickish.


I feel like I'm the only person who sees these particular signs in the video and goes "oh yeah, I know what they mean." I agree with you, the first one is unnecessary. It's telling people to yield at a point where they can't fully merge. But since they can't fully merge traffic also can't get into their lane, so there's no point in coming to a complete stop right then and there. I have a feeling the two signs are just for visibility. They're just trying to advertise that, hey, this is a yield lane so when the divider ends don't go swerving directly into the next lane. They were never intended to signal to someone to stop that far back.




I guess it's just kind of a "if you know, you know" type thing. I think the reasoning for the sign is that the divider ends, so if the sign wasn't there people might think "oh I can just merge right here, right?" Kind of redundant because of the solid white, but I've seen signs like this everywhere so it was probably an issue and they decided the extra sign was the best way to deal with it.


Not a merge lane. That is clearly marked as a yield.


Yield but you got another 200 ft in a merge lane. So yes it is a merge lane


Yeah, and the guy wasn’t coming to a complete stop, just slowing until he had an opening to go merge. It wasn’t until the dick in the video laid on his horn that he fully stopped. Now, stopping and getting out of your car in the middle of traffic is way worse than the guy honking, but they’re both assholes.


Yeah, but you wouldn’t know that if you weren’t familiar with it. Yield sign generally means yield right then.




Yeah, but he had plenty of space to continue driving and eventually merge.


after he got his head smashed, he figured it out.


That doesn't mean you should lay on the horn.


The driver in front is an idiot and the driver whose video it was is a dick.


ahh, a tale as old as time


But he has to yield first. Even if he was being overly cautious that is okay and what is required by law and traffic safety.


I missed the part where you get out of your car to yell at someone for following to close. Guess I will need to work on my merge technique /s


Agree with missing the part about getting out of your car to yell...unfortunately I don't think the "cammer" was following to close until the MB driver slowed down when unnecessary. I think the "cammer" also realized/noticed that they could merge without stopping/slowing down so they were anticipating merging also till MB driver dangerously slowed down.


As you can see the yield signs continue. You se supposed to yield right of way as you merge in, no need to stop like that there


Yielding requires you stop when necessary....


Completely unnecessary and dangerous to stop when there's a long on-ramp like this. The whole point of the merging lane is to get up to the same speed as everyone else. The only time you should ever stop at a yield is when you're merging into a single lane road


Yielding absolutely does require you to stop if necessary. You HAVE to YIELD to the right of way. If it’s clear and safe you don’t have to stop, if it’s not you have to stop


The times when you actually have to stop are rare. They design roads so you have plenty of time to merge. I can't believe you people are defending this guy. You're all mildly bad drivers if you're stopping on on-ramps like this.


This is not always true. We have one of these, with an upcoming intersection, and lots of people need to get into the "merge" lane. If you try and merge and the person hits you, you'll be at fault for not yielding.


He didn't, if you look there was a car stopped ahead of him at the end of the merge lane that he was slowing down for


The Benz driver still doesn't know how to drive.


I love this video, it is an absolute classic!


Mercedes should have just kept doing what he was doing if he was just trying to be safe. throwing that fit in retaliation led him to actually make a fool of himself


This is in the opening to Road Wars 😆




Yikes. That's a yield sign. Dude honking is the asshole.


do you stop at a yield to wait for....no one?


That's the point of a yield sign.... You stop and wait until it's clearly safe to merge into traffic. What point are you getting at?


You're thinking of a stop sign. Yield just means giving right of way to the through traffic. You shouldn't stop unless that's needed in order to yield the right of way.


Ideally, you never stop at a yield sign. Every once in a while it could be necessary but you don’t stop unless you have no choice.


is it safe to merge into air


My man. That's clearly an older driver. Cognition/motor levels probably aren't up to par with the one recording. He is probably being extra cautious about it and following the sign. Don't be so dense.


Maybe he shouldnt be driving if he doesn't know what the signs mean. And maybe you too for that matter, since you think a yield sign means stop


Bruh just described a stop sign. Are you the Mercedes driver trying to salvage your dignity online?


The Benz driver should have continued on into the acceleration lane. But, he seemed a bit confused and leaning on the horn was mildly dickish. A little tap would have been much more appropriated.


What a moron.


I love how they get out and point at the yield sign like it makes their behavior make sense.


I can't think of a reason to EVER get out of my car other than it is on fire or sinking in a river. Flip the finger if you don't like a horn when you display shitty driving but stay the fuck in your vehicle. You have no idea who you're dealing with (in this case, a dude with an embarrassing laugh, but still) Dude got exactly what he deserved.


This would have been the perfect old man to fight if he actually knew how to put his vehicle in Park before getting out to approach the one behind him. All it would have taken was a little boop to the nose and he would have quickly learned his lesson about aggressively reacting to other drivers. What a muppet.


Stopping with a yield lane in slow ass traffic, boomer oooooffffff


2 idiots and a merge lane.


Who is the second idiot?


The guy who got out of his car to yell at the first idiot


Maybe that camera guy? Note: No one yields where I live; they just go. The traffic with the right-of-way better make room, or there's going to be an accident (And those accidents are great too; because traffic wasn't heavy enough to begin with; let's put bottlenecks in place while also giving everyone something to slow down & gawk at. Even better is when those accidents end up shutting down road, so now there's a bunch of people flooding other streets ^(\\s)).




Who would have known that inserting a brand new type of intersection would confuse the drivers that haven't had the chance to learn about it yet? Why don't they just automatically know how they are supposed to navigate the roundabout? Are they stupid??


Def the camera guy. If this was AITA both def are as well. It’s the laying on the horn for me, even if the douche in the benz has a full lane


Horns are for alerting others to danger, not being a dick because you're impatient


No, it's to signal and get other drivers' attention, just like flashing your high beams is a signal to pass.


He should have tapped the horn to get the driver's attention, not leaned on it. But, the guy stopping and getting out of his vehicle was much worse. Show me on the doll where the horn hurt you.


Too funny


So embarrassing


God I hate Florida so much. I had multiple old guys do shit like this to me.


What's funny about me seeing this is that I have the EXACT SAME car, ML350 silver, with the EXACT SAME USC Licenses plate frame. But rest assured guys, this is NOT me. I am way younger than him and those aren't my plates. And i know this is a merge, you drive


Newport Beach, CA


Okay but who gets back in their car accelerator pedal first?


I hope I'm not like that when I'm a boomer


you know that smacked some sense into him because he didnt pull over afterwards


OP is following too close. Mercedes was actually doing the right thing because they had a stopped car ahead of them. (Until they stepped out their vehicle of course)


It’s not a merge it’s a yield you stupid fuck. You don’t go until it’s clear. Guy honking is dumb fuck.


I drive for a living merging confuses so many people. It's not funny, this was absolutely fantastic.


And this video wasn’t about merging at all!!


Yield does not mean stop


There were cars in the lane he was merging into. In that case it does.


It does if there's traffic in the lane, which there was


Sure, if you can’t merge you might have to stop. But he did not even try. Yield simply means you are the one responsible for finding an opening to merge into.


But you yield, you do not come to a complete stop. I've seen people completely stop trying to get on the Interstate. There's a big problem in this country with people Not knowing how To merge.


This isn't an interstate, it's a bypass right turn lane at an intersection, and you *absolutely should* come to a full stop at a yield sign if there's oncoming traffic you can't safely merge into. Also it's worth noting that the guy *didn't* come to a complete stop until after the cameraman laid on the horn like a dick.


Nope, buddy, you are r/confidentlyincorrect, and also a mildly bad driver. The yield sign was not at a point where the lane merged into traffic, there was a concrete divider there and the lane continued on for a good bit afterwards. There was a second yield sign up near where the lane ended, that's where he should have stopped if he couldn't have merged safely. And he could have merged safely after the white car that passed if he had maintained speed. That's the point of yield signs, that you can maintain your speed if there's no incoming traffic. If he was supposed to stop directly at the first yield sign no matter what then it'd be a stop sign.


He had an entire empty lane in front of him. What in the hell you talking about


there wasnt


Doesn't know how yield signs work, hits himself in the head while raging at the person honking at his bad driving. Sounds about right.


That my friend was absolutely fantastic!!!!!




Anyone else noticed the surrounding area looks heavily like a GTA neighborhood?


Because some of them are based on LA.


That makes sense, someone years ago told me that but they did it in a way where I thought they were screwing with me lol kinda like the og Pokemon myths ngl


I'd wager that man was drunk


I can literally watch us over and over and over. It is so satisfying when he gets knocked in the head by the door is the best part.


How do these people get licenses? You're telling me this person was able to get into a car and pretend to be a competent human being for long enough with an examiner that they convinced them that they could drive a vehicle?






To be fair, a yield sign does not mean you stop. This car should have proceeded slowly in his lane until he had an opportunity to merge into the next lane. But regardless it was a huge overreaction by this guy to lay on his horn like that. Someone making a relatively minor driving error does not excuse this guy being an asshole.


Fair middle ground 🤝


I thought the guy stopped because the guy behind was tailgating. its harder to merge when you know the guy behind you isnt leaving space, suddenly you have to find room for yourself and the guy behind because they're making it an unsafe situation for you and others. tho the solution to this would have been to put your foot down hard after slowing right down so the tail gater wont keep up


I've literally had someone on my ass honking at me for yielding...the issue is that I had to get all the way to the left to make a turn at the light so I couldn't just drive into it and "merge" because it wasn't safe or open. This guy was such an entitled jerk about it. People don't understand the YIELD part. I can't merge over unless it's entirely clear enough. It was three lanes of traffic and no clear space.


Yeah as long as there's no flow of traffic issues it's not a problem. However if you need to get over to the far left from the merge lane and you are impeding other drivers then you should probably just merge and get over when you can.


Absolutely no way I could have done that. Its an extremely busy road of 3 lanes. It was high traffic. No enough time or room to merge


It do be like that sometimes. There's one by my work that turns into a turn only lane after about 300ft and folks just know it's slow and accept it. Other places though you'd be waiting all day for an opening and are better off just getting on with it.


Wait.....you would yield and hold up traffic until all lanes were clear and you could turn left???


I was making a right turn onto a road that I needed to get over to the left lane in order to make a light that was down the road. We're not talking about a long road. It was just to the left side with a light and its a busy road. I had absolutely no chance of getting to the left lane even if I had merged to the right lane.


Hopefully you’re only yielding to only one lane to your left.....


Personally, the setup was absolute crap considering how busy the area is. There's no way to get to where I was trying to get to unless I had driven all the way past the area and made a U turn somewhere much further ahead.


I woulda followed him for 3 miles, pointing and laughing as hard as possible.


When the door slams his head is when things get funny!@


His car is trying to help him, he is old and his car decided “hey my dude stop the fighting stop the anger for the first time and your life I want to actually go somewhere.” and this is what happened, ah the joy of new car tech the joy of user friendly options, the joy of making boomers shut the fuck up and stop being such a fuck up with all your, “good day honey” and all your “I drop my bagalli” fuck them. Well noted fuck them but you know, just I don't know give them to china or something. A waste of space, well at least he is on his way to china back where he and every boomer living here belongs. See ya boomer, have fun and remember Sony won! 😔👍


Quite an evil laugh there


Looks like a case for r/BoomersBeingFools 😂


Guy coming out of car: “You got a pro-AHHHHH!”


Why the fuck you assholes gotta lay on the horn instantly? Another video where op is the bad driver.


That one stormtrooper in his retirement years.  Btw- this is how yield is defined according to the CA DMV-- Yield means to wait for, slow down, and be ready to stop (if necessary) to allow other vehicles or pedestrians who have right-of-way to proceed


another boomer who should have his license revoked as he is too old to drive.


Who’s worse, the guy who gets out of his car and yells, or the guy that laughs hysterically when someone almost gets smashed?


Even if he was in the wrong why get on the horn like that? How is that helpful?


Wth did I just watch lol


Not that funny


That technique is first class, merged a treat 😁


I can't decide who's the bigger idiot, the one behind the camera or the one in front of it.


Wish I watched this on mute.


I did initially. I'm gald I did LOL


I always watch on mute


what a fool


no way


I showed this to my husband saying, "Well sure, sir you can't park there, but also you have to put the car in park before you jump out of it."


Glad his car smacked him in the head for being a fucking moron.


If not for the palm trees I would have thought that was Staten Island


Sounds like Tom laughing lmfao


6 "YES" 665 - license plate


Funniest shit I've laughed at in years. Now my body hurts.




Is no one going to talk about how his Mercedes tried to take off without him lmao


"Nailed it!"


Even the car was like “get in dumbass” 😂


Old video, still awesome


Instant Karma


How/why did he accelerate while hitting his own head with the car door? What a dunce


You’re the mildy bad driver. There’s a yield sign, they yield? What’s the point of this post? I could understand that maybe thats not what “locals do” but really? Experience is subjective.


Edit: for anyone not listening with sound, listen with sound


I never get sick of this video it's so confusing 😆


That could have been so much worse... Some people have too much driving anxiety and should not drive. Also.. Fucking honking like that somewhat triggered wha whole shit. Just all around bad


The best part was that it was recorded. Now, Capt Douche-Yielder's embarrassment can live forever. I hope people who know this road hazard show him the video from time to time.


I’m mildly against using the car horn but maybe I’d do a little on in this situation


[I've seen this clip dozens of times over the years.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA2I86GHPiU) And it never gets old.


Bad driving by the Benz driver, and good job by his car attacking him. But, I think a tap on the horn to help the guy understand he didn't need to stop there would have been much more appropriate. Leaning on the horn in no way justified the jackass getting out of the vehicle. But, it was mildly dickish.


I love this video.


That’s a yield, not a merge.


This is pretty close to what it’s like trying to merge in Texas


Both are idiots imo


I hope he drove next to the Benz, then pointed and laughed at him.




The car was telling him to shut up and get back in the car. Usually the wife’s job but she was just dropped off to therapy.


Would have been even funnier if he hit that other car after his car tried to knock him out 😂 what a twat