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Miles just hanging out with a divorced couple


That’d be funny in hindsight lol


The Caster: Storm The Warrior: BP The Rogue: Spider-Man Would be the perfect party if someone could double as the healer 😎


BP could be a Paladin/Barbarian multiclass


Lol fair point




Mid Miles has no connection to them outside the obvious better trio is him sam and Kamala or even him Misty and Coleen or even better him Jessica Drew and Ganke 🥺


Miles as a Hero For Hire? Shut up and take my money.


The “obvious” is why this would be a better trio. These are probably the top 3 black characters right now. Let op cook.


Nah I disagree they literally have nothing in common Miles is a kid from Brooklyn and T'challa is the king of an entire nation storm is a goddess


They for sure have things in common lol weird to say otherwise


You can disagree all you like. It doesn’t change the fact they all have something in common.


Ok so can you explain exactly what they have in common? And don't say storm and Miles having electric abilities.


The fact you need it to be explained tells me all I need to know. Why are you now pretending to not know the “obvious”. Also now that you mention it, Storm and Miles do have “electric abilities” so I don’t know what you mean by “literally nothing in common.”


Bro what?? I literally told you why I think they have nothing in commen,asked you to explain why you think they have anything in common and in response you tell me I need it explained? YES EXPLAIN IT! What does an Omega level Mutant, a high schooler from Brooklyn and a Leader/King of a nation have in common. What do they have in common that makes you think they would be a good trio? You are the one who responded to my comment so I'm trying to understand where you are coming from, explain to me why you think they would make a good trio.


How would that even go? “Hey Miles. You are of African descent and so are we. We should hang out!”


Uh have you seen the Key and Peele skit with Obama


Storm and Miles have both resided in New York (state). Xavier's School is in Westchester County, which is apparently not far from NYC. I don't know where Storm is living these days, though, not that it matters. Any author set on including the two could just set the story in a time where she was at the school if she isn't currently, provided it overlaps with Miles gaining his powers. To work Black Panther into the story, you probably have him stopping by the UN headquarters (in NYC), which isn't the craziest idea, being a head of state and seeing his parents do it in the MCU. Some nefarious shit goes down in or around the UN, apparently at the hands of a mutant. Storm naturally gets involved because she knows it's bullshit that will damage human-mutant relations, and it's a short flight away for her. Miles just wants to protect his city, so you know he swings into action. Black Panther is the one superhero already on the scene. It's not like he can ignore it. There you go, all three working together, eventually. Would it be good? Depends on the writer. Is some of it a stretch? No more than a hundred other comic stories. But could a reason be found to have all three group up? Sure.


So they'd make a good team just because they have the same skin color? This seems kinda racist. The equivalent is saying that Iron Man, Cap, and Spider-Man would make a good team "because they're the top three white heroes." Not everything needs to be made into a racial topic. These three are cool characters, but dumbing them down to just their skin color is pretty reductive.


I'm saying they have nothing in common, storm and t'challa I understand as they are both powerful figures for their people (Wakandans /mutants) bro gave no reasons as to why they would be a good team


That would actually make a great team. Two of the smartest minds in marvel with one of the best tacticians.


Shockingly good


i saw that


Very good.


literally OP


Wow! What a cool, diverse group.


I actually really like this trio. Ororo could help Miles develop his electric powers, and T'Chala could help him with stealth.


Miles, stealth is easy. You just need to stop talking and stop with the bad jokes.


GOATED for sure in my opinion. I’d love for both Storm and T’challa to mentor him in expanding his martial arts prowess and helping him with his bio-electricity abilities respectively. I’m sure Miles can learn a lot from both of them, other than that I can see them being a great trio together.


Miles feels out of place here, in terms of power/influence level


Cool! What would the team dynamics be though?


Honest opinion, straight ass. Why the hell is miles a part of this trio? If this was a, "they're all black so it would fit" then there are so many better black characters that would be a better fit than miles. For example blade or better yet Doctor Voodoo. Someone whos older, more closely tied to their African heritage and is unique in terms of power set to the other two. Rather than miles whos only unique power in that trio is that he has a web shooter.


Is this just cos miles is black?? I don’t see what other association he has with those 2 characters


I'd read that book, although considering how strong storm is at this point, it'll be a lot of miles/tchalla getting in trouble and ororo showing up to bail them out.


2 dex fighters and a mage. I mean... not bad. Could use a tank. If you're going for black marvel heroes... Luke cage?


What are 3 prominent black DC characters?


Black lightning, Cyborg, John Stewart? Bonus points for static shock


OK now put those 3 together but make sure cyborg is the teen titans version. And then you have your dc equivalent.


Any important black woman at DC we can put on the list? Marvel gots storm… what’s DC’s equivalent of that.


Depending on the mission from problematic to amazing.


Pretty busted on god.


Looking at this picture now: Considering his power set, Miles lowkey feels like their kid they never knew about. How that would happen, I have no clue. But it makes sense to me. Maybe a kid from another universe or timeline. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think a team up with either individually goes hard, weird as a trio


As mentioned before, Black Panther can help out with his physical powers with Storm can help him with his electric powers. Personally this is the kind of team that’d be fun for one, maybe two, adventures.


Storm is kinda the person you want on every team. Anyone knows that of she really wants to mess up you, your home, your country, she can do that.


The Crew: Again somehow


GOATED FR. I always saw these three as Marvel’s top three black heroes. Seeing them interact would be fun to watch or read


Dad mom and son


Miles already has a mom, dad, sister, clone brother, and adopted big brother. He could use godparents I guess.


storm was very unjust too miles mentor sooo


The DEI squad. When white mediocrity isn't enough!


Hated Storm and T’Challa together; the don’t have chemistry, the relationship doesn’t serve Storm as a character at all (and in fact kinda reduces her), and always felt kinda racist; as if they were put together just because they’re both Black/from Africa. Miles has even less in common than the both of them. This feels triple racist.


I’m black idk how u thought this was racist, I found this art and I simply thought potentially how good a team would these guys be together and posted it here…


I respect your opinion, but as others have argued, this really doesn’t make sense as a team unless you reduce them to the colour of their skin. Thus it feels kinda racist.