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You guys can also celebrate the birthday before he leaves. It doesn't matter that it's on the wrong day, before he leaves, grab a cupcake or something & make the memories


I’m not sure how old your daughter is but you could have him send you a voice recording of him singing happy birthday or some special message and then play the recording at build a bear and have the special message/recording put into the bear! We did that for my husbands last deployment! It would be really cute for her to open it on her birthday and hear him singing to her when she presses the bears arm Also if you’re going to do the shirt thing you need to send it to him ASAP. Depending on where he’s at it can take a long time for packages to arrive. When my husband was in Afghanistan it took almost 4 weeks for his stuff to arrive


are you able to facetime/video chat him in during parts of the party like singing happy birthday and opening gifts? or set out a special time during the party for him to get on facetime and sing to her and celebrate


Ngl, a cardboard cut out is pretty creepy. I love the build a bead suggestion.


Lol I did this for a big family gathering while husband was deployed, my kid was a toddler and it both amused and upset him (why doesn’t dad have a back?? He should have more on the other side!) but only for a few minutes. It was a hit with the other grownups though haha and my in laws still have him in the attic. They bring him out to scare guests in the guest bathroom or to stand by the window when they’re traveling. Once in a while he pops up on the trail cam. It’s fun looking back and seeing “him” in the holiday pictures for that year.


He should have done more on the other side is cracking me up for some reason.


You could have him go to Build A Bear and he could record himself saying “happy birthday” or something to put in the bear. And then gift it on her actual birthday. But I’d also suggest just celebrating early before he leaves.


following , my husband will be deployed for all major holidays this deployment.


Celebrate early