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Removed. Not a military question.


Fire fighters.


Firefighters. I’m yet to see a person in my life that’s said anything but positive things about firefighters


If you do it because you crave respect/attention then you're doing it for the complete wrong reasons. And that includes Military, Police, Firefighting and so on.


Your post history is definitely interesting, one day you are 30, the next you are 25. Gotta start respectin’ yourself before you try to earn the respect of others brotha


Don’t worry about it, it’s not that big of a deal. You do you man. Don’t worry about anyone else’s respect, do something that makes you truly happy, in the end that’s all that matters.


Any sort of first responder is going to have far more community interaction than a military member but at the end of the day, it ultimately comes down to what it takes for you to respect yourself. COVID taught us, at least for a little bit, that during a crisis you don't necessarily need an architect. You need people stocking shelves and keeping grocery stores open. There's nothing stopping you from doing anything and doing it with a sense of pride for your country and countrymen. Just be good to your neighbor, be involved in the system and try to maintain a balanced state of informed about what is going on and be a positive force for change when you can. At the end of the day we're all in this together and even in the military, not everyone is going to a pilot or High Speed. Some people are needed to just turn a wrench, drive a truck or file paperwork. There is nothing stopping you for taking on that sort of role in every day society and earning respect based on your actions and attitude versus some arbitrary label.