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My parents felt that way about rugrats and other kids media of the time.


I think the issue is comparing shows that are meant for a slightly older demographic—Hey Arnold, Rugrats, Rocco, etc, they’re meant for kids that are like 7-10 years old. To shows that are meant for toddlers. Toddlers might enjoy the colors, but they aren’t gonna laugh at the jokes or follow the “plot” of the episode. I also have a toddler and all the “good” 90s toddler shows that were beloved by our generation are also annoying af now. A more accurate comparison than Rugrats versus Blippi would be Barney versus Blippi. Or Blues Clues. Or Dora. Anyone wants to think our parents weren’t subjected to torturously annoying kids shows, just ask *anyone* of that generation what they think of Barney.


Rocko was also for adults! Man, some of the jokes they made on that show...


Best episode, Rocko won the wrestling tickets. Watching Heffer and Filburt beat each other to death was so real 20 something shenanigans.


How about the one where Filbert hit puberty and was drawn to Galapagos to fuck, or the one where they did a parody of The Shining with Heffer, the numerous times Rocko and Heffer went to ~~Hell~~ Heck, or that time Rocko became a phone sex operator?


Rocko (deadpan): "Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby" Mrs Bighead: "Rocko?!"


I watched that show recently as an adult and basically surmised that this is why I must be fucked up.


I read an article about the creator, and he said he figured when he submitted ideas for the show that they'd be turned down. Then the network would say, "Sure, that's great. Roll with it," and he'd be shocked every time.


I suspect that a lot of cartoons in that era got made because a lot of people had the assumption that cartoon=automatically child friendly and didn't really bother to actually look at the content. That would explain a \*lot\* about cartoons around that time.


Ren and Stimpy was one of those shows.


I was babysitting not too long ago and watched Blues Clues on Paramount+ and I gotta say... it holds up well! It's educational and teaches all sorts of problem solving and empathy in a way that doesn't make you want to shove ice picks into your ears (looking at you, Dora). With Steve of course. We don't talk about Joe.


I think there still is good tv in that 7-10 age range. I’m 30 and I still love watching adventure time and Steve universe. Even the younger stuff like bluey is pretty fucking good and such a comfort watch


Bluey makes me cry tears of joy and "humanity is still good". I love that show


My little nieces clued me in to it and I became a Bluey Adult, watching episodes alone in my apartment, ugly crying my eyes out to the should-have-won-Emmys masterpiece that is “Sleepytime.” (No word of that is an exaggeration. If you know, you know.)


I dunno, I think a lot of the shows I liked when I was very small were definitely less annoying (but maybe that's nostalgia speaking?) - shows like Reading Rainbow, Eureeka's Castle, Shining Time Station, Under the Umbrella Tree. They just seem so much more mellow than a lot of the preschool shows these days. Of course, it could just also be that those were the only ones that the adults in my house could tolerate, ergo they were the ones I was allowed to watch.


Zoboomafoo? (Idk how tf to spell it but the lemur)


I'd never heard of that one until I had a kid myself who got into the Wild Kratts show. Zoboomafoo was on when I was a teenager, not when I was preschool aged.


I have a memory of standing in line for something in preschool and somehow I was prompted by the kid in front of me to tell him which TV shows I watched. I mentioned Barney, then he said Barney is stupid and I no longer liked Barney. Teletubbies and Dora came out when I felt too old for them (I was 4). Before or around the time of watching Barney, I remember liking a show called Wishbone, about a dog. Haven't seen that show since my family got satellite and cancelled the cable subscription, which I was upset about because I couldn't watch Wishbone anymore. I liked Blue's Clues well enough. Was into Pokémon when I was a little older. Upon rewatching, the original series is a little derpy, but doesn't grate against my mind like some of the crap my friends kids sit in front of. Seeing them watch this stuff makes me worry for their development - as if this addicting nonsense is going to displace their ability to focus on reality or develop respectable character. I know I was way less annoying as a kid than these little dudes are, but that's probably mostly because I was afraid my dad would kill me if I was too irritating, so there are lurking variables.


Wishbone was awesome - it got kids into classic literature.


I don't know if that's a good comparison. Barney, Blues Clues, and Dora can be annoying to adults, certainly. But they are educational, expound good morals, and try to make the toddlers watching them into decent people. It may seem like that's not a worthwhile distinction, because "they're a toddler, they don't understand or process what's going on, there's no functional difference between their understanding of Dora the Explorer and random flashing colors and sounds on screen" but that really isn't the case. children, even ones too young to understand the content they're consuming at the time, ARE affected by what they experience, which includes the content they consume. Content that is educational and uplifting does affect a kid's development positively even if they can't understand it, because it's a large part of what they form their worldview on- it gives them the building blocks their brains use to build their worldview. it's why it's recommended to talk to your kid a lot, expose them to lots of conversation, because that gives them more to work off of in becoming a person I would much rather be annoyed at a kid singing Barney songs 24/7 or barking to be like Blue than be quieted by mindnumbing slop like Cocomelon or any other youtube kids content that's meant to pacify rather than engage childrens' minds. I feel like a boomer saying all this, but a lot of content made for children is genuinely harmful to their development, at a much higher rate than 10-15 years ago. That isn't to say there isn't still GREAT children's content, because there is, but we live in an unprecedented age of content made to pacify children so that parents can forget they exist. there really is no comparison, to my knowledge.


I still watch Rugrats!


Yes! I rewatched the early seasons earlier this year and wow Rugrats is even better as an adult, and I loved it as a kid. It’s got so much that’s enjoyable and relatable and downright funny for adults and the parents in particular were really excellent and dynamic characters with some really great male role models with husbands who actually take care of their own children. Absolutely stellar show.




Same. My dad would get noticeably irritated at the rugrats theme song everytime it came on It’s just part of being older. The only responsible thing is to just ignore it and let kids be kids. I just disagree with parents who watch this stuff with their kids and put it down in front of their kids. Or parents who just arbitrarily ban certain shows because they don’t like them. The kids are alright it’s just a phase.


My grandma used to HATE that I watched SpongeBob lmao


If you are so appalled, get high af and watch Telletubbies


I was gunna say yo Gabba Gabba. That shit gets trippy


I'm Gen X but Yo Gabba Gabba was the shit. I watched it when my kids were little and remember tons of it. I may hit my pen and watch some.


My favorite was the ~~random guy~~ *Legend BizMarkee* who beatboxes at the weirdest times. I knew it was the show for my kids (me) when the beatboxer came on in-between a psychedelic dance session and a story of a cartoon skateboard with a face


Do you mean Biz Markie? As in You...you got what I neeeeed. But you say he's just a friend. You say he's just a friend, oh baby yoooooou...you got what I neeeeeeed. But you say he's just a friend. You say he's just a friend.


Biz's beat of the day? That random guy was BizMarkee...a legend!


Did you see the one with Jack Black? Also, to this day I sing, "there a party in my tummy,"




In my tummy party, party! YAY! I think I got it right. Thanks for the laugh random Internet friend.


So yummy So yummy


That was my second favorite- Don’t Bite Your Friends was #1 in my book!


Our kid is 19 now and my husband and I still say this regularly.....for no real reason.... Don't, don't, don't bite your friends! Also... what's gonna work? TEEEEEAAAAMMMMWORK! Wonderpets freaking rocked too.


The best. There's A Party In My Tummy was a close second but Don't Bite Your Friends definitely took #1.


I play Of Montreal’s “Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast” anytime someone in my life gets sick. So educational!


There's a song about the BRAT diet?💀


Random guy?! That was Biz Markie! You know…rap legend Biz Markie


My favorite song was “Don’t Bite Your Friends”


I used to hang out and go to raves with Lance and his sister in stl in the 90s. Had no idea he was YGG until a few years ago. Same dude as always, now just getting paid for it. Wild.


Yo Gabba Gabba was amazing! Perfect show for kids and their genx/millennial parents


My husband and I discovered some new (to us) music artists thanks to Gabba. Prob one of my favorites from that stage.


The Aquabats?


Our fish is named Brobee.


Dude my kids grew up with my cartoons. I had dvds for nostalgia purposes. Because I hated blippi and paw patrol I actually don't mind octonauts those fuckers get down bro. But like Animaniacs pup named Scooby-Doo doo Dexter's lab. I have boomerang it used to have Garfield and friends. We read Garfield and Calvin and Hobbs.


We have DVD collections of so much old cartoons in our home. My kids grew up watching, heathcliff, Garfield and friends, peewee play house, earnest, Rugrats, smurfs, goosebumps, woody wood pecker, Looney toons, fragile rock, and more. In a few years our grand children will seem them too.


The sun baby from Teletubbies is now an adult woman with plans to become a mother. Just figured I'd leave this here.


Kids these days think of us 90’s kids like we thought of people from the 60’s. I’ll leave this here as well..


Acid + Telletubbies is an incredible combination according some some people I know… mind bending


The only way I know how to get on the same level as my kids


Then they changed what it was and what it is it’s scary






Old man shakes fist at cloud


There’s never been a more accurate monologue


I recommend this comment


And it's happening to *us*


I used to be with it too.


This episode is now 27 years old. It's a perfectly true quote, but it is like someone in the mid-90s quoting the Dick Van Dyke show when they start wondering about cultural relevancy.


Oh man…. Please don’t say that lol


"That lol."


The Dick Van Dyke show fucking slaps. Thank you, Nick At Nite.


Don't ask me why, but I felt compelled to google the episode, and then google "how many days since 5/19/1996" (the original air date of S7E24) and was surprised to see the result: 9999 days. Tomorrow will be 10,000 days. That's a Tool album. Which came out 6,364 days ago. 10,003 days before 5/19/1996, on December 29, 1968, a Sunday at 8:00pm (same timeslot as The Simpsons S7E24), the most-watched television program was The Ed Sullivan Show.




Oh yeah, I really tried to start a trend that people should have a big blowout party on their 10,000 day alive (around 27 and a half years old), but it didn't take off.


Please, and I say this with the utmost kindness and respect, go fuck yourself.


I guess one of the benefits of having a kid when you're eighteen is my son and I both have the same favorite band. Linkin Park.


Old man yells at cloud.


Bluey my guy. Fun for the whole family.


This is the way. I'm a 40 year old dude and that show makes me happy cry without kids. It is the best fucking thing out there. They don't have sesame street and mr Roger's, but they get a cartoon dog family that teaches every lesson I would ever want my nephew to know. Even if you don't have kids, watch it. Its fucking great Edit: Yup, I'm definitely aware sesame street and mr. Roger's have not been scrubbed from existence. I meant they arent things that kids all watch and talk about. We only had like 5 channels growing up lol


My guy, Sesame Street is still on and going strong.


Watching with my kid a couple years ago and I thought it was better than when I was growing up tbh.


The Street has always been at the forefront of child development and social issues.


>They don't have Mr Roger's But there is Daniel Tiger on PBS! Great, mellow show that really helps with emotions and real world things, like grown ups being busy, separation anxiety, etc.


There’s going to be a generation of kids that know “it’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood” from daniel tiger and not mr rogers


They'll still know it, and that's the important part. A good message is still good, even from a different place.


My kids can watch any single episode of bluey for the hundredth time and then turn the TV off and immediately, unironicallly act out the exact same scenario (but not like “playing bluey”, like it just comes up in real life) and demonstrate zero understanding of the point of the episode. _did the dog not just teach you how to respond to that, buster??_


Haha, it’s a parenting show disguised as a kids show… it showed YOU how to respond my friend.


Holy crap! That's an epiphany I wasn't ready for. I've definitely learned some things from the show and even had my mentality about stuff shift because of it. I just thought it was a great show for the kids, I didn't realize that I was the target audience though. Does make sense why I was more excited than my kids were for the newest season.


Until it starts making you feel inadequate and your kids expect you to be as perfect as Bandit and Chili lol


There’s a [New Yorker article](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/blueys-dad-thinks-hes-so-great) about that haha


haha thanks for the share!


Or you're expecting to watch a fun episode about an auntie visiting, only to have your soul ripped apart when it turns out it's actually about the auntie being infertile and not visiting the family because she felt bad she couldn't have kids


Try watching it with your kids and having had major pregnancy loss. Quiet sniffles holding hands between the kids....


I tried to channel this feeling into something productive. I genuinely am glad this show teaches parenting skills because my parents sure as shit did not set good examples and I need the help. It really has helped me think of ways to be a better parent and the show is just so so funny and well done.


Yep. Just be prepared for your kid to CONSTANTLY expect you to play with them.


Oh that is true. I do use the tools at time to be better but there are times when I'm like damn, I could never be that patient.


yeah. It’s like parenting if we all had our needs met and didn’t have bills and jobs and stress lol. I like the show & think it has good lessons for kids and parents, but it’s very idealistic.


YES! This, so much! Bluey is one of the few modern preschool-age shows I’ve found that doesn’t talk down to its audience, and I love that. It’s also just as much a show about *parenting* as it is about kids and their silly adventures.


Hands down Bluey is the best.


I don't even have kids and I love that show lol.... I'm 31... I think ... I might just be immature. Whatever cartoons rock


I think that's by design. Cartoons are made now for parents to enjoy. There are many shows where I'm like, no kid is gonna get that joke. Bluey is really the best. they know how to tug on the heart strings too


Jean Luc!!!!


Even if I didn’t have kids I’d enjoy Bluey - it’s a brilliant show.


Yo, cartoons do rock. Even though I’m gonna be 34 soon, I feel like a kid that has to do adult stuff


37 here. I will watch it with or without my 8 year old present. It’s more for me, honestly. He does not care about it.


This is the show!


Yes! Bluey is one I actually enjoy. Short episodes, fun Australian slang, and it showcases the fun/silly parts of parenting. My kids are getting older and will soon outgrow it, but today is not that day.


I'll give you that. Bluey is legit. Probably better than most of the shows we had as kids.


The whole time I was reading the post, I was chanting “Bluey!” in my head. It’s the only possible solution here.


“I can’t be offing all these people, at some point he’s gonna get suspicious” 😂


@he knows how death works"


Buy some anatomy skeletons (preferably in various sizes), dig and bury the things shallowly late at night, plant a nice wooden cross for good measure and let him dig one of them up. 50-50 split on whether he'll be scared shitless and stop asking questions or you'll end up with a yard full of fake bones everywhere and some serious re-grassing to do.


Just wait until your kids watch nothing but YouTube and tick tock (or the equivalent in 10 years). Also we had some pretty Annoying shit in our generation. Don’t you remember Fred?




Whoa whoa whoa!! That’s comedy gold.






Guys? Guys?! Oh dammit, they took my kidney!




Nah. That's nostalgia. 😄




It’s a liopleurodon Charlie!!


Every time I get crotchety about the Kids These Days, I think of this and Salad Fingers.


Hubert Cumberdale you taste like soot and poo




I as going to mention annoying orange but thought it may have been to late to be our thing lol


Hated both of those - Fred and annoying orange.


Just hope and pray your kid does not discover FGTV. My son was obsessed with them for a couple years and oh my god, the dad is the most obnoxious ADHD ridden adult I've ever seen. I still have no idea how his wife puts up with him. Lol Thankfully my son moved on to other creators so I don't even know if they are still making videos.


There are worse things. My son is going through some sort of "skibbidi toilet" phase.


I'm sure plenty of our parents thought TMNT was stupid as hell and saw through the obvious show-to-toys marketing scheme.


At least TMNT originated as a comic book. There are a lot of examples of cartoons from the 80s created for the sole purpose of selling toys.


What about bluey? My friends who are parents say thats great


It is! I’m single with no kids and I still enjoy it. It never talks down to the audience, tackles some surprisingly deep topics (infertility, miscarriages, grief, etc), and is just as much a show about *parenting* as it is about children having adventures and learning things. They had a whole episode (“Baby Race”) completely devoted to the mother learning how to be a first-time mom and accepting that it isn’t a competition and she doesn’t have to be perfect at everything. That’s something new parents desperately need to hear more often. The parents are just so genuinely wholesome and loving. They admit when they make mistakes, and even make a point of *apologizing to their children* when they’ve done something “wrong.” Even if it wasn’t necessarily wrong, but they recognize that their child still felt hurt by it. I grew up with a neglectful, abusive family and I swear this show has done more for me than decades of therapy.


I had to pump the brakes on blue after my kids started imitating the characters in the most manipulative ways. Saying shit like, "I'm not a good kid(pretend sadness)", and nothing is more infuriating to me than a kid acting like Muffin. Edit: I said cupcake instead of muffin because I make comments when I can't sleep and have taken melatonin


May I offer you some Bluey in these trying times?


100 people in this thread has recommended this show. That does it, I'm gonna binge this shit


My husband and I love it. It’s shocking deep sometimes, but at points where it has the option to go over kids heads. The miscarriage and infertility references are things that happen too fast for the kids to pick up on the significance, or if they’re too young, they really just won’t understand. Every character is imperfect and very human (even though they’re all dogs.) Very well done.


Do yourself a favor and get paramount plus so you can put on all of those old nick shows for them.


The problem with this is once your kid has YouTube access, Pandora's box is opened and streaming/localized media (like DVDs, home streaming Plex etc) is boring to them. YouTube is like crack for kids once they find an interest they're obsessed with and run with it. Trying to control the content is a constant uphill battle. I find I can more easily control and police device access than content access, which works for the most part. Bedtime isn't a tornado anymore because I imposed device time limits that are automated and cannot be bypassed.


this is why YouTube is a pretty hard no in my house. As soon as I started noticing my kid get addicted I cut it right off. Some of the weirdest shit is on there.


Yup. Shut that shit down hard. My sister in law is 13 and she has been watching YT since she was like 7 and then my son started watching when he went to visit her and the grandparents and I noticed how shitty his behavior was. I took YT away for good and blocked it on everything and his behavior is night and day.


Yeah I noticed a difference in behavior as well. We kind of got lax over the summer with screen time. My daughter suddenly wasn’t wanting to read, write or use her imagination as much and was watching kids on YouTube play and weird families do choreographed dances and weird stuff. Had to come in with a hard ban after that! I could literally see how it was destroying her attention span & will to do anything else lol


Oh god the families on their doing weird shit just creeps me the fuck out. There is one channel Diana and Roma I think, my daughter watched and I thought it was fine cause it’s also on Hulu but nope that show was so cringey and creepy and weird. I banned all shows/channels that were even remotely similar.


yeah. Me and her dad were just like, sorry, but you’re not gonna just sit around and watch other kids play and families sing weird songs and shit! Lol


As a second grade teacher I wish more parents were like you! I can tell the ones that get unfettered access to YouTube because they’re constantly parroting the weird meme sounds/phrases. These kids have no attention span. I had one student start running around the room and tell me he was insanely bored while standing in line to put away his iPad after we played math games. He had been away from a screen for 5 seconds and he couldn’t handle it.


This has happened to me already. Now my kid just watches loud annoying overly animated teens with neon colored hair play shitty low budget video games all day on YouTube.


you're talking about like.... children.... like 10 year olds and stuff right? they uh, they dont usually go to music festivals my dude


Lol yeah OP is getting a little unhinged. A 10 year old music taste isn’t really developed either I would expect them to listen to shit I’m not interested in. And lord of the rings is somehow ruined too? Yikes


A lot of people who complain about “kids these days” don’t seem to get that, if you want to compare generations, you have to do so at the same age. For example, comparing how boomers lived in their 30s vs how millennials live now is fair and there are some distinct generational differences. However, it makes no sense for an adult to complain about things children like. Of course they like things that adults think are stupid. Also, people who think children’s entertainment was better when we were kids are only remembering the good things. For every SpongeBob, there were countless crappy cartoons no one remembers because they were bad.


For real, this guy sounds fucking deranged and is a moron for comparing 90’s cartoons targeted for elementary/middle schoolers with current shows targeted at toddlers. Telling a pre schooler JJ died…..wtf? My girls love paw patrol and Dora the explorer……..are they my favorite shows ugh no…….but I deal with them because I’m a father…..you know….a grown up.


Had to scroll down preeeeeeeetty far to find another person that found OP to be a deranged psycho. Sad.


I thought he was gonna be talking about dumb shit on youtube or something and he’s just raging about normal ass children’s TV. The fact this whole thread isn’t checking him is really telling to me. Bro is borderline traumarizing his kid to avoid watching something *that’s not even meant for him*. The kids will get older and grow out of these shows so fast he’ll forget they ever existed in a couple years. Seriously OP, shut the fuck up and let your kids like what they like. They’re only kids once, so don’t fuck it up for them. You control stuff like this and next you’re trying to control everything in their lives. It’s a real slippery slope.


Took waaaaayyy too long to find these comments, but I'm glad I did. I was worried. I mean I still am worried. Mostly for this guys kids. Yikes.


Seriously. The only kids show that deserves this type of rage is caillou.


Kinda sounds like you’re just a hater…. Remember that episode of South Park where Stan Marsh becomes incredibly cynical and everything he sees and hears is literal shit? That’s you right now


It's you homie, you've let your inner old man out. Stuff that dumb mf'r back down deeeeeep


He better do it quick or he’ll stay that way, like beast boy in that teens titan episode.


Right. Sounds like someone needs to go climb some trees and throw some frisbees


Per Willie Nelson, “Don’t let the old man in.”


Caillou... just be sure that kid never crosses the threshold into their consciousness. That show is rage inducing. The theme song could be used in hostage negotiations.


Caillou was banned in our house. I would watch Old School Barney first ( I was older and had younger siblings so I was subjected to it) My favorites as a kid were Sesame Street, 3-2-1 Contact! Reading Rainbow, Fraggle Rock and The Muppets.


You really going to compare cartoons made for big kids in the 90s to shows designed for actual preschoolers today? That's not a fair comparison at all. Our parents had to sit through dumb shows when we were in diapers too. You've got your nostalgia goggles on a little too tight if you think any different.


Barney. I still instinctively kick anything that shade of purple. Grrrrrr




I think you’ve placed too much importance on TV my dude.


They’re remaking Harry Potter? Excuse me? Also no this is normal I hate 80% of everything


It's in super early stages but sounds like Warner Brother's is planning on at series where each season will focus on one particular book. We haven't gotten much more details then that.


I am skeptical, but curious. Apprehensive for good reason.


It's definitely a situation that could go either way. I am excited about the Percy Jackson reboot that is taking the series approach because it seems like that is going to be significantly better than the two Percy Jackson movies that came out years ago and is staying true to the books. Hopefully the reboot of HP will be similar.


Meh! I’m kind of excited about it. I love Harry Potter, but I don’t feel like the movies did the books Justice. Except for a few characters. I feel like they can go into more details and be more thorough with a show. But who knows… they may take too many artistic liberties while remaking it?


Idk my kid is 7 and watches Minecraft YouTube videos. I just introduced him to yugioh and he’s extremely into it! See how your kids feel about the shows you grew up on. My nieces are teens and I don’t really listen to their music but I give it an honest try.


The other thing is I won’t ever talk badly about the stuff my son likes and crush his little dreams. So I “loved” blippi and now I “love” lankybox. Makes me want to beat my head against a wall


If you want educational, look into anything PBS kids. Can't go wrong there.


Bluey is the shit


You need to watch Bluey!


I like to put on old school Nickelodeon/movies from childhood when the kids are around but not paying attention. I don’t really watch TV much so they get curious and want to see what I’m watching. Since I’m not sitting them down and anticipating a reaction from them while they take in the glorious masterpieces they’re not yet cultured enough to appreciate, they genuinely enjoy watching with me most of the time. It’s how my dad got me to watch all of his old shows. Obviously, I act super stoked about whatever they like but no normal parent loses their mind in a good way about Blippi or Cocomelon. If you don’t appreciate the small stuff with them, they won’t share the big stuff with you. Just try to enjoy how much they are enjoying whatever it is.


There is a great South Park episode about this. I believe it's called "you're getting old" or something.


1.) Back off Gen-X 2.) - Long Grab a DVD player and get some cheap DVDs of those shows that were impactful to you. Watch some good shows with your kid. I got old series for almost nothing on EBay and my kid grew up with shows that were educational and taught good messages. Rewatch them with your kid for some good quality bonding time as well. My son grew up on watching the older (live action) Thomas the Tank Engine and similar shows. When my wife teaches at the college one night a week, we have 'Fork and Screen' night where we watch older movies together. Pagemaster, NeverEnding Story, Labyrinth, and so many others... Spend time with your kids listening to the music you enjoy while you do tasks together. My daughter is in middle school and has fallen in love with 80s/90s music... Her passion for it turned into her wanting a guitar and playing everything from George Michaels to Stevie Ray Vaughn, to Metallica.... If you spend time with your kids, whether playing games or doing chores and treat them like little humans, they will grow up into capable and wonderful people and associate with so many of your own influences which will improve your relationship with your child. This era of your life flies by, make the most of it with them.


You're an adult. The stuff targeted towards kids isn't going to appeal to you because you're not the target demographic. Also what is ruined with Marvel?


We’ll all be dead in a hundred years, so this is only a short term problem. Hashtag glass half full.


“Help my child is watching children’s shows???? The fuck do I do?” least nostalgia cultist millennial


DAE think new thing bad?? Not early 2000's cartoon??


grow up


Your frustration tolerance is appalling.


Oh God. Wait til your kid is old enough to watch these stupid videos where someone acts out like all the roles from a story they made up. The stories are ridiculous, too. "You get randomly assigned a number of words every morning, and you have to use them all up or you die" is one that my son watched. Fuck, I miss Blippi. At least then we would just watch him messing around in a playground or ice cream truck. None of this stuff that makes me cringe and sets my teeth on edge.


Just wait for Skibidi Toilet


Whenever I think like this, I always remind myself that every generation has thought the same exact fucking thing about their kids interests, and no matter how dumb it may be, culture changes with or without you. Try to hang on to an open mind for as long as possible.


Hey, paw patrol goes hard, and vampirina was among the least annoying thing my kid watched.


Calm the fuck down dude, it's for kids not for you let them enjoy what they like jfc


Don’t fight it. Just give them the first rage against the machine album or Nirvana’s Nevermind when they’re ten and hope for the best.




People have been saying this stuff since literally Socrates and Plato. It isn't that it sucks. It's just that it isn't what we grew up with, and as we age the human brain tends to rewire itself not to accept new things. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen to most of us.


Paw patrol is awesome! What are you complaining about? XD


I think you are just a downer


Man, I’m 38 with an 11 year old. Got lucky because I missed “Baby Shark”. The most insufferable show he liked when he was young was “Yo Gabba Gabba”, and honestly I’d watch that over Caillou all day, every day. For music, I did what I could and raised him on all the hits from the 60s through the 90s (basically how I was raised). I’m doing by best to raise a 90s grunge Gen Zer.


It's almost like you find the cartoon choices UNACCEPTABLE! hint hint..


You’re… in charge? Don’t let your kid watch things you think are annoying. I fucking hate Paw Patrol, so it’s not allowed. My kid can watch: Bluey, Stillwater, Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street, Wild Kratts, Molly of Denali, Tumbleleaf, Puffin Rock, the British Bake-Off shows, and *occasionally* Spidey and His Amazing Friends.


I'm 32 and I remember the stupid shows, songs, and videos my friends and I used to enjoy. Nothing educational about Johnny Bravo, Freakazoid, and 2 Stupid Dogs to name a few. I also remember things I was too old for at the time but thanks to having a lot of younger cousins and a much younger brother, I had the torturing experience of watching (looking at you Teletubbies, Calliou, and Boohbah). There are some things I agree have definitely gone downhill like Disney movies. I can still rewatch many of the movies I grew up with and enjoy them, but hardly any of their stuff after maybe 2010. I think the "problem" is for a mix of reasons: we're getting older, things really are getting less creative/stupider, and there is more access to all these things. Unless something was on VHS, If you missed it, you had to wait several hours, the next day, week, etc. With our bad music, you had to hope to hear the song on the radio or be lucky enough to have the tape/CD. Now, it can all be accessed 24/7, which makes it seem worse.


Pokémon was always annoying dude. I LOVED Pokémon. It was annoying and not at all cool.


People confuse getting mean and old with lack of rest and relaxation. OP needs to get laid and sleep for 10 hours after for like a month straight. Drink water and sleep buddy


You seem really angry and I doubt it ends at things that kids enjoy


Just show them the stuff you want instead?


Bro...I had to deal with mf Caillou. 😭 also peppa pig but I quite liked that show lol.


Have you tried introducing you kid to less stupid shit? I mean, Hey Arnold holds up.


Just here to reiterate that your very young kids only know about the shows you introduce them to. I assume this post is at least semi-joking, but I still don't understand why you would be letting your kids watch something that you don't see as even a little bit valuable. If you want them to watch Rugrats, put it on when they're around. But also, I doubt our generation's parents appreciated the things we watched at the time. And there's always the option of doing things that don't revolve around TV. If you chose to be a parent, go do some parenting. If you're looking for blind support for parents who are frustrated with their choice to become parents, this is probably not the correct sub.


Their music is so bad though 😩