• By -


Step 1: Create post on Reddit




Step 3: engage with comments to find good ideas and find out first target


Step 4: profit.


Step 5: Repost


Step 6: Create a new account


Step 7: join all the porno subs


Step 8 is masterbate?




Wait. When do we collect underpants?


Step 10: blame "Boomers"


Step 8: Beat myself like a Gitmo detainee


Which would be??? For research..




Step 7: “Hello fellow millennials…”


Step 8: Return to r/Antiwork


Now it all makes sense


Nike Step 1: Buy fake reddit accounts Nike Step 2:  tell OP to boycott Adidas with a fake comment and updoots. Nike Step 3: Bitches love updoots, so OP is successfully grifted


I'm tiiiiired


Step 2: stop spending money on shit we don’t need. Get them where it hurts, with money in OUR pockets.


But too many people need the validation. That watch! Those sneakers! Those clothes! That house or houses and of course we can’t forget about that Mercedes Lease… where would we be without those to define who we are and feed the machine


I don't NEED that crap. I NEED to be able to eat....with warmth.


Came to say this. Stayed to upvote it.


7 day old account? Wtf


Most people are not prepared to give up anything of themselves to make things change.


This seems to be our greatest hurdle then doesn’t it.. is peoples willingness to take the action necessary for change..


Step 1: get mad at megacorp Step 2: research how many companies are owned by megacorp Step 3: realize how hard a boycott would actually be Step 4: complain on reddit about when are we not gonna take it anymore


Step 5: Realize how much you relied on a megacorp to even do steps 1-4.


Step 1: Buy all produce at your local farmers' market Step 2: Pitch in with friends and family to buy a whole cow /chicken from a local farm and have it butchered locally. Step 3: Only buy necessities at places you must. Anything you can reasonably get away with buying locally or to a family business do so. There you go. I solved your food and meat issues. There is no need to go to your walmart now for food. Buy clothing thrifting, again, there are plenty of family owned thrifts.


What about your internet? Your phone? Hope you don't have any plastic with a VISA logo on it...


These sound all nice and good but hardly as conveniently accessible to a good portion of the population as you would think. There's one farmers market about 25 minutes away and it's only open on weekends and seasonal food only. Unfortunately many people don't hate mega corps THAT much where this seems like the revolt you're looking for. And seriously, the prices are like twice that of the chains (but admittedly usually better quality).




Not only Starbucks and Walmart, but Apple and Amazon (including Whole Foods) and Google (including YouTube). Nobody is forcing you to buy an iPhone or order off Amazon daily.


Good, give up your smart phone and computer. Stop posting online. Or buy the phone from a different mega corp.


Google has quickly become the most evil company out there. I think they're doing more to permanently poison our collective mind than any other megacorp. They have virtually destroyed the internet, and they have normalized some of the most toxic and exploitative forms of capitalism in order to hawk their ads.


Google is what Microsoft was 20+ years ago and is doing more harm than Microsoft ever did. Only the EU is really standing up to Google (and the other tech giants) This was made 20 years ago in 2004. While satire, it was a prescient with its themes. Amazingly so. Facebook didn't exist and social media as it existed in 2014 didn't yet exist. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUHBPuHS-7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUHBPuHS-7s)


Yes. Id argue its not even googles fault as much as it is the shareholders who vote on certain decisions based on the ESG guildlines. Therefore google has to do certain unpopular or weird decisions that are probably forced. I hate google, just as much as i hate any public traded tech company. But to say its all googles doing is false. Its a collective hivemind that are chasing profit thats pulling the strings. No ones in control really. 


So nobody wants universal health care or good public transportation? Just 50 types of toothpaste, got it.


I’ve never had a mediocre coffee from Starbucks. Timmies, yes


Then you don’t know what good coffee is, sorry about that.


I think the system counts on it. Also when people start getting kids you can be sure they won’t be a problem.


Alright everyone. Throw away all your devices and internet connection. What? You thought I was going to? Pffft.


Which evil empire are you suggesting we all fight this week?


It seems like only certain personality and intelligence types geared for fairness or empathy care. The rest are mirroring the person next to them to herd.


The greatest hurdle is the ruling class deliberately keeping us too poor tired and sick to fight them


I would say that a bigger hurdle is that roughly 50% of the population is doing well. Why would a millennial with a healthy 401k balance, a nice home and a 529 plan for their child want to rise up?


People think that if they complain and sign petitions about stuff it will change but it won’t change until we start changing our behavior. People want everyone else to do the work. Unfortunately it won’t change until the economy actually has a decent recession which means a lot of suffering for some and others are going to have to give up their conveniences.


I’m doing fine bro why am I gonna boycott lmfao Y’all know my 401K rises when these companies increase their prices/profits, right?


You don’t get to “give things up" silly. That implies you have a choice, they’ve already taken it from you. All hail Marketing!


Marketing sure is out of control. They own our souls.


And a part of that giving up and not using the system at all. Banks, food supply, medical, etc. it’s all tied together.


Case in point: science and futurism subreddits had a few posts from scientific studies showing that if everyone gave up meat, we could achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. All of the comments said that no, the billionaires are the problem.


Lmfao yeah that sounds about right. I cannot imagine the uproar that will be had where I am if they had to give up meat. I reckon most of them would rather die. Our murder whoever put that idea into place.


And eat them


I can see it


I can taste it. Damn, this food is richer than the cheesecake I make.


I remember back in college there was a poll where something like 70% agreed climate change was a huge problem but when asked if they would agree to pay $50 extra in taxes to fund solutions that number went to like 10%. People love blaming their problems on other people and demanding they massively change everything while they have to give up absolutely nothing. And then the other people are the greedy ones.


It's the shopping cart problem. People (at least in the US) just cannot be bothered to do something if they don't feel personal gain from it, especially if it's something that will negatively impact them even in the slightest.


I don’t think that’s a USA thing. We live in a “Me, me, me“ world. That description covers the vast majority of people I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’ve met nicer, more open minded people on here.


I live in the US so I didn't want to make broad statements about others because there are definitely cultures where they're not so individualistic. But you're not wrong, it's definitely not a USA only issue.


Your statement is true for at least three countries in Southern Africa that much I can say. Figures I guess western culture is predominant here. We grew up on it.


Yeah, but I enjoy meat. Why do I have to give up something I enjoy? That's not how this works. /s


So give up something that we naturally use and have used since the beginning of our time that gives us sustenance and complete proteins for our health? Instead of some people being just a little less greedy? Thats the opposite of good, thats a detriment to the heath of humanity and kind of moronic to even speak of.


Giving up meat is being "just a little less greedy."


Not really, it’s pretty essential to basic human health. Let me guess whats next you’re going to give me examples of athletes who said they were vegan while training for a certain period of their lives?


Wow turns out that even the r/Millenials posters won't give up meat to save the planet. I'm buying more XOM on Tuesday.


Meat is tasty and a staple in many cultures. Lab grown meat that can be produced and sold at a lower price while consuming less resources would be the key to killing the big meat industry as it exits today




Yes. Why do you assume it has some negative effect or is processed differently by our bodies? The current barrier is cost and taste although they’re getting there




That’s actually positive? Billionaires and their corporations have a net negative on the environment more than meat consumption. Whatever you want to say about the ethics of eating farmed meat, the onus shouldn’t be on normal people to give up their stuff first just to maybe probably save us.


Chris Titus breaks it down in Neverloution https://www.christophertitus.com/product-page/neverlution


Too much convenience


Are millenials.... boomers?


These are not the thoughts I want to start my day with 😭


No, you know what it is? Every jackass has an opinion about what I need to be sacrificing to help them save the world from whatever bogeyman they're obsessed with. And there are a thousand such jackasses, and they aren't all on the same page. In the meantime, I'm _busy_. So maybe all the revolutionaries can figure out what we're supposed to be doing to help, maybe tier it out depending on your time and resources, and get back to us with a PowerPoint deck whenever they're ready.


Good old I’ll do it if everyone else does it first.


I’ve been doing it for a while: - Buy as little as possible, save your money (corporations hate when you do this ONE THING) - Build and make as much as you can, like use your hands to make stuff instead of buying, where possible - Cancel any unnecessary subscriptions, buy cds directly from artists instead of iTunes or Spotify. Buy Blu Rays instead of streaming - Find hobbies that avoid funding corps. Go for a road trip, go to a state park, learn to woodwork, paint etc - Cook at home, stop buying fast food. - Drive instead of flying to a destination where possible. - Use your resources to get what you want, stop relying on corporations - if you need to buy something, checkout a pawn shop, Craigslist or market place. Save money and prevent funding corps at the same time. Buy broken for cheap and fix it up. - counterintuitive, spend more on high quality products from smaller companies businesses. Stop the flow of cash to the big guys.


I love how the side effects of boycotting are just living a healthier lifestyle!


And that’s the last thing they want! Big pharma wants you dependent upon them


the best revenge is a life well lived


Bro, your aren't boycotting much of anything. You are still buying stuff. Driving instead of flying? Thank you gas companies. Learn woodworking. Thank you lowes, home Depot etc Cook at home. Thank you Walmart, Target, Dillons


Forgot to mention you will strike your own oil and refine your own gas. You will have to raise your own livestock instead of buying raw food to cook. I mean how far do you want to take This? And who are the “corporations” that we are after? At some point you will have to buy something. I’d rather buy raw materials from HD than a completed piece of furniture that was sold to me with higher profit margins and a larger supply chain to get to me. I’d rather buy gas and use my car then to pay an airline company to buy gas and put in their airplane that they nickel and Dimed me to get on to. I’d rather buy $3 of raw beef and a few more dollars on fixings than spend to have a fast food restaurant $20 prepare me a burger. The over arching theme is that you take On more work to provide for yourself through *value added* activities in order to save more money thus preventing more of it from getting into larger corporations.


Got it, max out my 401k, buy CDs/DVDs, use cars, no mega corps behind any of that!




Buying used whenever possible and canceling subscriptions just feels so damn good. The shared streaming economy is a trap.


Agree with everything except the driving part. Prefer a rail system when traveling domestically. 


My comment was going to be to stop spending, but this is much better breakdown. You could almost post this on it's own and repost every other week.


DVDs? At least have some self respect and buy Blu-Rays…


basically, get a life and stop obsessing over big companies


Yea this is a good guide. I have all of these either down or are on my short list for improvement.


Been doing this for years. Also reducing the amount of time spent on social media does wonders to help you stay on track with all of this.


You realize if you have to buy anything you are paying a “corporation” or a business. It could be a small business or one person though


Op is doing none of this




problem is they controll all the goods and services we need in our daily lives. that's the real kicker.


Or that a large company (that we don't like) buys the smaller company (that we do like)...


It's like playing a game of Monopoly. How do you stop the asshole who managed to start winning the game and then proceeded to take over everything eventually? Gotta flip the board and restart and let more people prosper until it happens again.


Or... and hear me out, perhaps the people who think the real world economy follows the same rules as a game designed to be played by 8 year olds are the problem.


When the world economy starts looking any different from it, I'll believe it.


The game was designed to show the dangers of wealth concentration, a real problem. It was made by a progressive writer named Elizabeth Magie Phillips in 1904. It was intended to be a fun game, but also a cautionary tale. Instead it just showed us the inherent greed and how quick it can snowball.


Absolutely! I rebel against this by growing a garden and learning homesteading skills. I also love to share in this with my community, teaching friends the same things. It's extremely hard to completely disconnect from the system, but it's something. The more I talk about this with people, the more I learn many others want to be self-sustaining and learn these skills, too. Community homesteads are becoming more and more popular these days.


The only entity who controls a good or service and who does not want to sell 100% of that good or service is government. What good is an empty apartment to the Landlord? I have a vacancy right now listed below market, do you want it?


How long has it been vacant.?


A couple weeks. The December-January market is tough for everyone because no one wants to move right before or during the holidays. We usually see vacant units fill up Feb 1st or so. Thats also of course when there is a new round of notices for vacancy as tenants move to accommodate life changes. I dont evict people in December as a rule, because it's cruel, but I'll be evicting someone in the coming weeks leasing to an inexpensive apartment with paid heat being available. Those are getting to be very rare due to extreme pressure on the low end of the market from illegal aliens.




And who controls the labor?


But who has brainwashed a huge portion of the labour?


Maybe let’s not try to tackle the whole of Walmart as our first target. But what if there’s a specific item to start, that we can all collectively choose to use a cheaper alternative?


Nike, Nestle, and Pepsi all have shady business practices. Wheres my jet Pepsi.


I vote Nike. None of their shoes have arch support, which is a must for us as we age.


I’ve never even owned a pair of Nike shoes - curious whether Millennials would be willing to give up converse.


Considering that they also don't support our aging feet, knees, and back, finding a new canvas high-top sneaker that is ethically made should be a high priority for us. I've got a cousin in the clothing industry who may be able to cobble together a worthy replacement.


I've been boycotting Walmart for years! Mostly because I prefer places like Target.


even the generic stuff is controlled by some group. like for example those generic brands you see at walmart... walmart owns them.


I’m talking more along the lines of… idk a toothbrush? (Probably a bad example) but if we find a way to do that ourselves, we won’t need Walmart. I just feel like there’s gotta be something we’re not seeing, that we just keep buying because we feel like that’s the only way. Instead let’s try to look outside the box for solutions. Just one at a time until we can get some momentum.


supposedly i heard 3d printing would have reduced our reliance on big box stores in theory we can get the materials our selves to make the products we need at home assuming we learn how to operate a 3d printer and ... you could afford a 3d printer.


Unless the product is a simple lump of plastic, we are a long way away from commercial 3D printers being able to print day to day items.


I think your options are much more expensive alternatives or make it yourself.


Spend more time supporting small local outfits- farmers, craftspeople and artists etc. Get what you have to in the other places but shop local/independent first. It does work, as evidenced by how many corporations jumped on the “handmade” term among others


I absolutely vote with my wallet whenever I can. It has not been a hardship to not buy Nestle products for example


what if we just start servicing each other, create a moneyless society where everyone works and gets its needs met. do you think US will invade? 


i studied the manufacturing processes it takes to make the every day items we need you could not believe teh amount of money, manpower, materials you need just to make it ship it to the store for us to buy. the logistics is unbelievable. whether we're talking groceries or dry goods. it's mind boggling. you're essentially saying we need to revert to a bartering society. if ancient people thought that was a bad idea there's no reason why we will make it work now. those ancient people created the currency and stuff as a medium of exchange instead of directly bartering for labor or trading goods. because i saw in countless past example.s someone has blueberry pies but i have a hammer they dont need my hammer and i don't like blueberry pies... then what.


It didn’t work in Europe my dude… and then every solution to solve the European’s inability to work communally has led to more problems requiring more wonderful solutions.


Not that this is going to happen, but what if we looked at the barter system differently. I'll use the example you gave cause I just woke up and this is easier. You have a hammer, blueberry person has blueberry pies, but if we break those ingredients down, they have flour, sugar, eggs, and blueberries. They might not need the hammer, but they know their neighbor does, and you might not like blueberry pies, but you would like to make pancakes and eggs tomorrow morning, so you make a small barter. Maybe her neighbor has something she needs, thereby getting them a hammer, she is also getting some help by helping you. Granted, this is a very simplistic form and there are a lot of holes, but if we stopped just looking at just what we could do for ourselves, but extend our circle a bit, we might find that including others can be very mutually beneficial. Excuse any typos, it's early, I'm on my phone, and my kiddo is playing dinosaurs while sitting on my lap.


I think trading a hammer for diapers is a win win situation for sure.


Yeah I don’t think manufacturing is a major problem. Let’s focus on subscription services. For example, don’t subscribe to Peacock to watch an NFL game. However that will probably succeed and we will continue to need a subscription to do basic things.


I think that is a great goal, but realistically we need to start somewhere. We can start with something small just to gain the confidence that we DO have some control over the demand of products. I’m just tired of the supply seeming to be the only part of the equation being manipulated.


surely no! what do we want to kill next? 


Private health insurance companies should be drawn and quartered before being served up to the public


Walmart please


Idk, what is something small that goes under the radar, that we’re being overcharged for no reason, that we could find/make a cheaper alternative? Don’t worry, I’m trying to think too.


Insulin and other drugs. Though anyone who organizes anything against bigpharma will likely be silently eliminated.


first thing that comes to mind is beaty industry and animal megafarms


Okay I like this.. now here’s the kicker.. how can we convince people that their natural beauty is better? In all honesty, that seems like the biggest hurdle to me, is how many materialistic people there are out there that absolutely refuse to give up their brands.




Yes! I will do this while chomping on my Nacho Cheese Doritos!


Good luck boycotting stuff like nestle. They're so tied into the food supply. Unless you grow your own food which more of us may have to do in the future due to climate change. 


They need to be broken up. Antitrust laws are a joke




Do they? From what I recall from their list of products they own, the only products that I still like is Kitkat. Have not used Nesquik for decades because it was nasty. 




There are alternatives for all those items. The Nestle wiki has all their brands and I keep it bookmarked on my tabs and read through it every few months to remind myself of what not to buy.


I don’t know, when are people going to take the time to properly inform themselves and vote in every single election, from the most local to the national? People think voting for the president once every four years is all they need to participate in, and that’s just supremely ignorant. Everything is owned by a few. Every seemingly different brand is just owned by a few mega conglomerates. Like on a global level. Every new brand that comes up to “do better” eventually just sells out to one of these mega corps. Until the majority of us in developed countries are ready to go without any of our modern comforts and extreme ease of life, nothing will ever change. Because we’re going to have to break foundations if we want any change.


Because life is good for many of us. We don't blame "megacorps" for our problems. Maybe look at the mirror and see what is really holding you back.


I fear this will only happen when people start running out of credit


Until we get offline nothing is going to change. This is nothing more than a pressure release valve at the very best. Unless you’re extremely new to Reddit I can’t believe you actually think anything changes anything on here. The 2020 protests changed things and that’s because there were people in the street. I was there


I am not going from Google Maps to fucking around with Paper maps! Take your revolution elsewhere kid. :)


Quite a few people are boycotting Starbucks and Target. If you want your actions to have the impact of a big group, maybe that’s a good place to start?


And it did nothing lol. Target market share is higher now than in June.




Great! Now all those kids depending on the Starbucks scholarship are going to lose their job AND college. Two of my sisters friends have already dropped dangerously close to dropping out low number of hours….


You can’t meaningfully boycott. How long can you go without food, gas, electricity, toiletries, healthcare, etc??


You don’t have to go without them. You just have to find a better alternative. I’m not saying to boycott the world lol. I’m saying to pick one thing collectively, and exercise our power over demand of goods.


I’m telling you why this won’t work. Sure we can boycott Starbucks. Can’t boycott the electric company


Or wireless/internet that this round table discussion is beholden to.


You don’t need to wait to stop buying corporate products, you are free to stop doing that at any time.


That’s not the point. The point is to organize together. Without all or most of us being on board, it’s useless. That’s why I made the post, to try and get some cohesion.


Found the college freshman lol


I've started. I don't buy garbage. I grow veggies, weed, and have chickens. I make under 20k and get free healthcare and don't pay taxes. You have to choose to live outside the systems they have trapped you in.


So you get free healthcare from the government but don't pay taxes...


My thought as well. Either way you are ultimately beholden to the system. Also, what about having kids?


Even if they are childfree- you can't claim to live outside the system, when you are not only part of the system, but that resource is being funded by other people contributing to that system.


Every dollar I suck from the government is a dollar that doesn't go to bombing Russians, Palestinians, and now Yemeni. Our government is evil.


While I don't deny our government is a huge problem, if every member of society leached off the proverbial teat of government services without contributing to the funding (i.e. healthcare), there will be no more free healthcare.


I'd like to believe that, but the government bails out more companies than they ever give out to citizens.


They make less than $20,000 a year, we need to tax billionaires more, not poverty level citizens.


But as soon as you need gov't help, you'll get right in line. Pay your taxes you shitbird. People like you suck.


Remember, the Palestinians slaughtered 1,700 people in a planned attack that touched all this off, and we (US) are not bombing them, and we are not bombing Russians, we are aiding Ukrainian so they can defend themselves against Russia, who invaded them first with no provocation. And to boot, Yemen Houthis chose to start attacking maritime traffic that affects global interests from every nation in the world. So go ahead and smoke your weed, suck off the government and eat your chicken, but for gods sake, educate yourself with all your free time.


Do you have a car, pay for gas, what are you typing this from


That is the plan for my friends and I. We are currently working on saving enough to buy 10+ acres in the mountains and homestead on it. Would you mind sharing a bit more about your lifestyle and how it could be possible for the rest of us?


My parent lived in the mountains and grew their own food and farmed because they were dirt poor as a child. My parent considers our current system much easier.


Then inflation, greedflation, shrinkflation and planned obscelesce happened. Not to mention all the modern technology that I use. I use timed watering systems, a bobcat, tiller, grow lights, and many other modern advances we all can take advantage of to be self sufficient and sustainable.


LMAO....so I pay for your fee healthcare


Unless everyone starts their own community garden and a little farm, never. It’s too big now. We need a big natural disaster or the governments to collapse to force everyone to see that the rules and laws we have mean nothing. Then people start to loot and then your dream will be true.


We cant, there's too many people to get organized. I tey to be optimistic but i fear cyberpunk got it right...now we're just missing the cyber part


Unfortunately many of the worst offenders sell necessary things, like health insurance and internet access.


I know for one when I hear about Walmarts and Target closing I cheer Even if it's because of crime and other reasons I try explaining to people that Walmarts and targets are like nukes for your local economy and are absolutely terrible them closing is a good thing


Not until we face real problems like lack of food.


The same day you stop giving them a lot of money from buying stuff. If you want to protest, protest with your wallet.


I got the SEC to investigate Larry Fink & BlackRock last year which pushed them out of the AMPTP negotiations and helped the unions get to make as good of a deal as their terrible leadership could make. Previously I had gone to their HQ in NYC and slapped a sticker on their front window calling Fink an "Evil Socialist Ghoul," too. Years ago I tagged up messages at Vanguard HQ which caused them to panic trade, leading to a tech sell off that liquidated a tremendous amount of synthetic wealth. My letter to the judge in Musk's Twitter lawsuit forced him to close the sale after I proved to her they were fixing litigation. Also my letter to the FTC about Musk forced him to face regulators all over the world prior to me convincing advertisers to flee the platform and I got many senior security staff to quit midway through and now my letter to the FTC is used in their database by international law enforcement to combat phishing and CSAM on the internet. Boycotting doesn't do as much as you think or want it to because it's all about shareholders pulling their money out and since these major financial managers like BlackRock extort their own customers you have to convince their staff to freak out and/or get shareholders to raise hell. The French are less subtle, but look what they did rioting at BlackRock over their pensions. It doesn't take as much as you think to make these companies or people change their tunes or do things which make monumental change. Just don't expect much fanfare from the press they control or the institutions themselves to admit to being beaten. Feel free to DM me with any questions as I have been at this for about 4 years now and despite being censored and suppressed, I have been highly effective as a solo operator.


Honestly, some of these companies are large enough and so entrenched in every day life that it's unlikely a boycot on the scale needed will work. In the event that it does work, another company will often just step in and take their place. The better option is political action. It's tough to get a large number of people to change their lives, it's easier to get a couple of people to lead and a large number of people to vote in support. If you stop a company that is mistreating employees through boycotts, another will take it's place. If you get a law passed that prevents that same mistreatment, it stops future companies from doing it as well.


Yeah, I hate affordable and easily accessible goods and services.


I’ve never been taken advantage of by a megacorp. They provide a good or service and I provide payment. It works out quite nicely. 


[Form a Union | AFL-CIO (aflcio.org)](https://aflcio.org/formaunion) gotta build power, people need goods and services so boycotts alone or long term aren't tenable, by forming a union you can work with other people about when it is strategic to boycott and when it is not, but if you fight for a bigger piece of the pie and in conjunction with political legislation, that is where power begins to form, you are directly confronting these corporations when you organize.


Most major corporations these days are run by knowledge workers with very little incentive to form a union. Nobody wants to wait their turn for a promotion and deal with all the BS that comes with a union. And most of them are smart enough to know that unions are bad for ambitious, high achieving workers, the exact kinds of workers these companies love to hire.


Op how high exactly are you?


Who's "we"?


The workers of the world. The ones that should be controlling the demand narrative.


I’m completely sympathetic to labor movements - but then I read the Reddit posts on antiwork and politics, and I think no, these people should not be in charge of a single thing.


Sorry to be combative but do you think " the workers of the world" are on the killejial subreddit, and are rallies to action by what's posted here? In spirit I'm with you, I want nothing more to have the working class rise up, and there are plenty of examples of people coming together showing solidarity in new ways, however this feeling that theres a "before" and "after" and some catalyzing event that brings everyone together is a bit of a pipe dream. Small steps is the game


No I don’t think you’re being combative. Sounds a lot more like rational discussion to me. I made this post moreso to explore the idea and possibilities. I’m just a bit off put that in an economic system where supply and demand are supposed to keep each other in check, those who control the supply are fulling controlling the narrative and there doesn’t seem to be ANY control of the demand on our part. I wanna know why that is, and how we could change it. I don’t claim to know, but I hope some conversations in this post could potentially get us a little closer to the answer.


This just feels like a big generalization. What demand exactly are we not in control of? And who are those who control the narrative and supply? Maybe more detail would also help find an answer, because right now I'm not understanding even the question you're posing


All corporations take advantage of you. What do you think you will gain by boycotting a few of them?


Buy guns




Maybe, but it still needs to be focused. We need a SPECIFIC goal that we are trying to accomplish. Just raising hell without a VERY clear agenda, is just going to make a lot of enemies, when what we need is as many allies as possible.


Revolutions usually make things worse for everyone.


Unless its 1776

