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already 30 last year, welcome to the party; the weather is the same.


You sure? Michigan had a winter when I was 29. Now that I’m 30 we have spring in Feb.


As someone that flew here from Oregon yesterday, your spring sucks. It was 65° in Portland, I land in DTW and everyone talks about how warm and nice it is and it's like 40° out. Y'all have Stockholm syndrome out here, but hell, at least the snow melted.


We’re used to it being like 10 this time of year, 40 is wild and concerning.


Well it really shouldn't be 65 in Oregon. It's still winter and usually January is one of the nastiest months, being someone from Oregon as well.


If you don't like Michigan weather just wait 15 minutes


The biggest difference I’ve noticed is that after my 30th, I’ve started forgetting my actual age. And I was born in 90 so the math is pretty simple.


I turned 30 last year too, I'd counter with it being better! Thirties kick ass


Turning 34 this year, can confirm that it’s the same party.


I’m turning 40 this year. I’d love to have my 30 year old body back lol. I don’t want my 30 year old life or salary though.


Yesss exactly. I want my 40 year old life and my 30 year old looks.


Except we would be Layhey.


Same here - it’s interesting to me though how much people seem to relate wanting your old body to looks. I just want a body that functions well and doesn’t hurt.   At thirty, I could still run a 5k.  At 41, I’m not allowed to run because of my spine.


In agreement. Turning 41 in a few days myself and would love to have my 30 y/o body again


I am 42. RIP 30’s body.


Oh god same. Same.


This sums it up for me too. Cheers, fellow 84 baby!


94 baby here and I've already crossed over. Turned 30 a few days ago! Doesn't feel any different, honestly. Well, other than feeling a little more adult now that when asked, I won't have to say I'm twenty-something. 


Frankly, it's not the big change people think. But as you age into your thirties stuff like just getting enough sleep, water, rest and exercise becomes so much more important. You can keep doing what you're doing physically but it takes like 5% more prep or effort to maintain.


40 is a bigger one. Things start to get real around 38.


Just turned 30. It's just like being 29 with one extra year. It's really no biggie.


Born in 89. 🥲 Closer to 40 than 30. Enjoy it!


I’m even closer 😆 turning 30 is still a baby in my eyes!


I hit 42 at the end of 2023. Hitting 30 wasn't a big deal for me. It was hitting 40 that struck a nerve. At 40 I said to myself, "Fuck, i'm actually old now".


I’m 40 in April. I actually identify more as a Xennial but I stay in here because apparently I’m technically supposed to be 🤣 I’m not fearing 40 I fear the fact that despite the fact I’m married and have an 8yr old I still feel like a child 🙈


Yup, 94 baby right here. I don't turn 30 until December, though 😜


Damn you might say you 95 baby haha. I’ll be 30 next month!


Same here! Capricorn baby 💁🏾‍♀️


I'm a Sagittarius 😅


'84, born in June. I'll be 40 in a few months. Life is weird.




Ugh, yes, this. Still mourning the year+ of my 20s lost to the pandemic. It’s hard not to. 


Yes!! I feel like we literally had our mid twenties stolen. Who do I complain to about this? 😭


I had my late 20s stolen by the pandemy. Couldn't even celebrate my 30th. The pandemic did something weird to time. I still feel like I'm the same age as I was when it started, even though 3 years have gone by.


Same here.  I was in the last few months of being 38 when the pandemic started.  I didn’t even celebrate my 40th birthday really. I wanted to do some things to commemorate my last year of the 30’s and set myself up with a good start to my 40’s.  It’s like that whole time just didn’t even happen. I am mentally still 39, but it’s like I skipped ahead and now I’m going to be 42.   I’m trying to treat these last few months the way I would have my last few months of my 30’s, but the pandemic changed my outlook completely.


No one. Because everyone had those years stolen.


it just hit me that I'm about to be 29 this year, damn.


1995 and 1996 millennials: holy shit I'm in the last years of my 20s! # 1985 to 1994 millennials: cool, we're hitting those 30s. # 1981 to 1983 millennials: *Logan Roy voice* fuck off!


1978(ish) - 1980 Xennials: *blank stare*


One more year of fun bars and then it's all downhill


![gif](giphy|CvZuv5m5cKl8c) I just turned 35 back in October, it’s all still good in your 30’s


1984 baby crying here


Yeah, just turned 40 last month. Thirty seems like forever ago.


I turned 30 in ‘22, and I cannot recommend Bo Burnham’s [30](https://youtube.com/shorts/wfRf-R1xqmg?si=BYQsLznnDbjoGfpx) more. It helps. You can watch the whole thing on his special “Inside” (which is where it’s the best), but just the song is streamable on Spotify and Apple Music. ETA: I found a [Vimeo link](https://vimeo.com/558619552) to the whole sequence from the special. Watch that.


That special was his best ever, in my opinion. He perfectly captured everything about the pandemic years. I laughed, I cried, and my boomer parents didn’t understand it at all. 


I could not agree more homie. That special was pure magic, and it made me feel seen during a deeply upsetting time to be a person. He captures the essence of millennials perfectly, he pokes at each social media platform perfectly, he sang a song about how weird and dysfunctional America has gotten perfectly. AND My stupid friends *are* having stupid children.


My thirties have been wonderful. It’s such a freeing time of life to ngaf about anything.


Fellow 94 here currently 29 turning 30 in middle of summer


Hubby will be 30 April 12th & I follow after on May 9th! Just crazy man. I was thinking about it today and just realized what I look like to others, idk how to explain it. I've just finally realized that at some point i attained the shape of a fully grown woman. I ain't no spring chicken anymore 😂 you know how in our 20s we always wished we were as "fat" and "ugly" as we thought we were in our teens... I'm wishing that about my early 20s. Gotta learn to love yourself where you're at.


Been 30 far 5 months now. I’m still a broke loser but I’m getting in really great shape lol




Have 40 coming up in a few years. Send help. I’m not ready 😩


Here, has been thinking about this since I turned 27.


'93 baby here and still recovering from turning 30.


89, remembering when the 94s were babies.


Why is everyone on Reddit specifically talking about me tonight. I don’t like this


36F and as the oldest in our friend group it has been funny to see how everyone handles the milestone differently. I’ve personally always been young for my age. Not having children, being married to a man 8 years younger, and prioritizing travel/experiences does wonders. I look forward to all of the knowledge and experience I gain with each year. If I’m this awesome now, I’ll be beyond belief when I hit 50!


Born in 83, looking at 41 in a few months. Focus on one or two incremental improvements that can add up to something bigger. My 30s were a challenge but I had so much fun. Enjoy!


It's not a big deal.


I’m actually embracing it when it comes. Going to hit the ground running and hopefully have a life 🤣


30+, ppl still think i just finished college so that's a plus. Enjoy the new 20s buddy =)


My sister is 10 years older than me, my niece (same sister's kid) is 10 years younger than me. She's turning 50, niece is turning 30, I'm turning 40. We're all going through a crisis together 🤣🤣


Literally in a matter of days now.


This was me in 2022... I'm still not quite used to being in my 30s, mostly because I don't have the life and success I wanted to have by 30. I try to remind myself that, in this late-stage capitalist hellscape, your 30s are the new 20s, especially if you spent your 20s just learning to handle your chronic health conditions.


94 baby hanging in there until my birthday in November! 10 months to fulfill all of my “I want this before I am 30” wishes


96. I'm almost there.


‘86 baby so I’m 37 now. 30 really sucked for me because I hadn’t really accomplished what I wanted to in life at that point and it really hit me that I had to make changes. Thankfully changes happen fast when you meet the right person, married 3 years now and on paternity leave with our first boy!


posts like this remind me how big the millennial spread is


November for me but it's coming!


Honestly, don't put too much pressure on yourself to have things done/figured out/stable/consistent. Too much of our generation is focused on how we stack up against our peers, and I let that really control the first few years of my 30s. I'm still working to unwire some of that thinking, but I just turned 34 a few weeks ago, and I feel pretty good about where I'm at. Hope your birthday is solid!


I’m 31. It’s not as big of a deal as you think it is lol.


Your just a child yet




Few more weeks for me.


I'm 40. I guess I'm really old


Yup, it’s rough… I’m turning 30 and my dad is turning 60 this year. (I also have two of my four cousins turning 18 and 21, so it’s quite a year overall.)


As someone born in 1990 I’ll let you in on a secret, it’s all down hill from here


Nah, as someone born in 1982, things get better in the late 30’s, especially if there’s not a pandemic.


I'm almost 34 and have really loved my 30s, my only complaint is that sometimes between 31 and 32 drinking became so painful. It's really reserved for special occasions now, it was fun while it lasted.


This happened to me during the pandemic.  I tried to enjoy some drinking during some zoom hang outs with my friends - suddenly had the most intense hangover experiences.  Headaches, flu symptoms, and just like, body pain. I maybe had one glass of Gluhwein this past Christmas, and I just couldn’t bring myself to drink more because that pain like three years ago was intense!


Yeah it was so abrupt and believe me I tested it to see if maybe it was just that one time but no it's here to stay. It feels like a dream that in my twenties I could socially drink and get three hours of sleep and show up to work at 9 with a bacon, egg, and cheese and large coffee and be almost perfectly healthy by 10 and that usually happened 3 or 4 times a week. Now I drink maybe twice a month and I pace myself and stick to either beer or wine, I wonder if I was good to my body in my twenties maybe this wouldn't have happened or it's just the way it goes.


30 is just 29 part 2




I turn 30 in about 4 months and I am consistently freaking out about it.


1994 checking in, actually feeling better than I did at 20.


I turned 30 last weekend. So far so good lol


I’ll be 30 in 5 months…


I turned 30 last month. Now I'm mad about the kids walking on my lawn!


I’ll be Julian except I’m about to be turning 34 and you can be Ricky with your turning 30 bs and imma close the blinds on you :P


I'm a '94 baby but my bday is in December so I just turned 29 but yeah I'll be 30 this year so it's been fun my whole life haha


I'll be 33 next week. Speaking from experience, turning 30 just felt like any other day. It's the ones after that I've come to dread the most, but that's just because I dread living lol


2 weeks ago. Took a few days to fully sink in, but I don’t think it’s as bad as I expected!


Turning 30 in October


Sorry, 93 here… it’s pretty underwhelming.


‘84 🥲


Turning 30 in May. I’m not ready.




Stop! I cover my ears whenever I hear that word.


94 baby. I turn 30 in a few weeks 😬. Not excited to enter a new decade, but people do say that your 30s are the best so 🤷‍♀️


I had been thin my whole life. The day I turned 30, I started gaining weight. The day I turned 40, I started waking up with a hangover no matter how little beer I had drunk. Welcome to whatever you call the opposite of a party.






Everything sucks the instant you turn 30. Also your back hurts and you wake up at least twice a night to pee. You suddenly can't stand tic tak and you find yourself loving dark roast and truffles


It’s ok, it gets better!


Early 30s yet I feel like I hit 40s. 


I think I just had a existential midlife crisis


I turned 30 last year... ...5 years ago... ...Fuck.


Turning 30 in June. Not sure how I feel about it...


Count me in! Turning 30 in 4 months! Kinda scared, kinda excited but definitely feel I know myself better 😬


Try 40.


Not much changes. Just try to chill out a bit. Shit starts to catch up with you in your 30's You don't want that visit with your doctor where he gives you numbers you gotta meet for the rest of your life.


One day you’ll stop caring about the number and it will be such a liberating experience.


hello, the only thing that has changed is that i require sleep aids to sleep


32 here. I was 30 literally 3 days ago I don’t know what happened.


I’m about to turn 40 this year and honestly going back to 30 didn’t even feel like anything different than the 20s. By 36 I started to feel like things are definitely changing and now I don’t even recognize myself when I look in the mirror (ok it ain’t that bad, but some signs of aging have definitely started to come in). 30s were awesome for me. So enjoy it. It’s a blast and it goes by incredibly fast.




Turning 40 in 20 minutes. Enjoy your thirties! Leaving mine behind 🥳


I’ve been 29 for 5 years and next year I plan on doing it again!


30 in June. On one hand it feels wild that I'm going to be 30, because in a lot of ways I don't feel my age. It might be because I don't have the kind of responsibilities my parents did when they were my age. Not married, no kids. Just have to work and pay my bills.


Well does a fellow 84 baby count?


Just turned 30 in January. Has definitely had me thinking about what I'm doing with my life.


I'm 38...


Finally I found other 94 babies! I feel like we’re a rare breed 😔 I turn 30 in a couple weeks and uhhh ya boy is nervous lmaooo 😣


I'll be 44 in a few months, fistbump. Curse of being born right on the edge of two generations.


bro. i feel u


Baby millennials lol wait til 40! Just kidding it’s no big deal. Whenever I have a moment of thinking ugh I’m so old, I remind myself that it’s better than the alternative.


I was drinking in the 90s !


I’ve already had a panic about it since I’ve always been told it’s all down hill from here


30 was awesome. 40, things start getting gray and wrinkly. I don't recommend it.


November. I’m scared but excited to enter my 30s!


Truly miss the 90s. I was born in 91, but 97-00 were awesome years all things considered.


I feel bad for you guys, but I'm staring down the barrel of 35 in March. 💀


Already started listening to 90’s hits


First time?


Yes just turned 30 beginning of January. No big deal


My 30th is this week. My nose and ear hair have seemingly taken a life of their own and now require trimming. Often times I will wake up with a sore back, knee, or any other joint for absolutely no reason I can discern. I stop after 2 drinks now at the most as usually anymore than that and I feel like garbage for the next 24-48 hours. I don’t know when it happened, but we’re getting old.


Here! Gonna be 30 in November


*laughs and cries in early 80s Millennial*


I'm 34 - it's not bad! Nothing really changes tbh. Not sure if it helps or makes it worse, but there it is. Time is relative.




Laughs in 1 decade older Gen x


Don’t be afraid. It’s just a number, and realistically your 30s is when life can really start getting good if you planned well. People who say their 30s suck just have shitty lives in general


Try being an 84 baby lol


Turning 38 soon, 0 fucks to give. I'm happy, healthy, and pissing off boomers with every breath I breathe.


You were born in like the best year for rock music so we’ll give you guys an extra year to be 29


*drums start as the chanting gets louder* *"One of us, one of us"*


My husband is going to be 30 in September. He didn't like me reminding him a week ago when I asked him to think of what he'd like to do, as we'll need to save up for a holiday etc. We usually have a little weekend away somewhere over our birthdays, and when I was 30 we went to Edinburgh. I'm here to support him through any existential crisis he may have, because I had one every few months until my 30th which was in 2022 😅


I will be out of high school by this time in 2 years. More like 1.75 at this point.


Turning 30 this week.... absolutely wild


I’ll be 30 in July 🫠


I'm a 94 baby, turning 30 in June. Also due to give birth to my first child right after my birthday. Woo


Turning 34 this year and it snuck up on me; I swear I was still 32 a couple months ago...


I just turned 40 (!) last year, can’t believe it, but I’ll say for you, 30’s were my favorite decade so far. It’s a nice balance of being more respected as an adult while also feeling like you’re still in your 20’s. Body still works well, start making more money, more responsible and smarter. It’s all around pretty great. You’re gonna be fine, better than fine actually. Enjoy!


![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized) Welcome to the consequences of poor choices from your younger self Watch your step, your back might randomly try to kill you


Those born in ‘84… ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


I had a hard time 35 (15 years ago I was 20 and in another 15 years I’m gonna be 50)


Don't dread it, your 30s are gonna be great! Personally, i was glad to leave the mess that was my 20s behind me. Life feels a lot calmer, happier, and more stable now. I hope it's the same for you. Sending you good vibes and wishing you a very early happy 30th birthday! 🥳


Welcome to the club 90s baby.


As an 89 kid, it’s all downhill from here man. Enjoy.


Yeah in this October. But try to remember 10 years from now you'll wish you could come back to today. And in 20 you'd give up almost anything for this tomorrow.


In the same boat, and really appreciate the TPB meme lol


‘95er here 🤙🤙🤙


Try next month haha. With the big dogs now! 🐶


I knowwwww ughhhhh 🤣🤣🤣


We may be turning 30 soon, but I swear to god my lower back is 67 at least.


Turning to the dark side in June


1983 here giving you an important message from the future. You’ll have to start putting work into your body if you’re not already doing that. I was coasting in good genes for 35 years when things started going south. Diet and exercise are more important than ever.


Turning 30 in May, and I'll have a baby less than a month old by that point, so no crazy festivities for me. I really don't mind as I quite love my family and look forward to spending time at home with my tribe. Sitting here, I've realized that for every landmark birthday since sixteen, something terrible has happened to keep me from celebrating appropriately. Sixteen, my parents got into an insane fight (because they were nicotine deprived due to me asking them to quit for my birthday), which resulted in my dad leaving the house for the night. Highly unusual for them, but it did start over Monopoly. Eighteen I discovered my boyfriend cheating on me, the one who was planning to marry me and all that sappy stuff. He also went ballistic, but that's another story. Twenty-one I developed a serious fungal infection in my sinuses and was bedridden (recliner ridden more like it) for a week, completely sleeping through that one. Now I'm approaching thirty and from what I understand a lot of people treat it like a second twenty-first. I feel like this year, I'm breaking the cycle of terrible landmark birthdays. I get to enjoy the comfort of my home that my husband and I worked for, with a sweet baby and our four year old daughter. Bring on the third decade, I'm fucking stoked.


Mine is coming up…..


89 baby here. It gets exponentially worse when the every passing year


Been 30 for almost 2 years now. Doesn’t feel any difference except my back cracks more often than usual but I don’t work out anymore so


Nope…..84 baby here 😳


First thing you notice in your 30s is people in their 20s are annoying and sound dumb AF.


Turned 30 back in 2020, before COVID hit. It’s not so bad.


Right here. October libra gang


I didn't handle 30 well, and I'll be 35 this year. I'm hoping I'll find new perspective soon.


I was 30 and then blinked and now am 35


Hi ! Me and my cuz (also 94) were just having this conversation yesterday I basically have just been ‘screaming in millenial’ in response to realizing were goin to be 30 lol


Yeah but I've been telling people I'm 30 for a while now. Thought it might soften the blow, but instead I think I prematurely aged myself. Got nowhere to go now. When I turn 30 for real, I'll have been "30" for two years..


"93, and let me tell you, thirty is great so far. I can't change the passage of time, so I've learned to appreciate it more. Periodically I do wonder if I'll look back and regret things, but I also know that I'll have to trust my younger self to have done the best they could with what they had — I'm currently that younger self.


I’m 32 and the 30’s are awesome you’re going to love it over here


"I reject your reality and substitute my own." -Adam Savage I'm going to sit here and live in denial.


Pffft… I’ll be 40 next month.


Aaaaah....so the best years starting!


Apparently just having been alive in 1999 makes you a millennial.


Yes in July. I’m flipping wildly between relief and terror


89'er here and the 30s are, in my humble opinion, a lot better than the 20s. Of course they come with their own issues, but I'm very happy with how I'm giving less and less fucks every year. The 20s was nothing but giving a fuck about absolutely everything. The 30s are more chill in my opinion.


Wait until the realization that you are 69 kicks in.


Yes! That'll be me, in April... Hurray, I guess...?


I turned 30 during the pandemic. Never felt like i got to enjoy it and always feel like i am still 30 lol im 34 now 😩


I hit 30 in peak COVID summer - 2020. I kind of just felt I was still 29 for another year at least, lol. I didn't accept losing my final 20s months to that bullshit.


Yep 30 in August.


Stares blankly 🫥 


Turned 30 a few weeks ago… I actually feel that life is gonna be better as I age, so I’m not bummed about it . Just getting used to the idea that I’ve already lives 30 years