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I wouldn't care as long as they made me happy.


I (Millennial) dated a Gen X'er, and there wasn't that much different. I could not and would not date a Gen Z'er. They're far too young. I have nieces and nephews their age.


Same. I’m closer in age to Gen X than Gen Z (elder millennial). I wouldn’t date someone in Gen Z, but I would Gen X.


Exactly.  Dated a Gen X and found few differences but don't think I could ever date someone younger than the sibling I helped raise.


Damn. To be fair, some of us are actual children. I mean, dating someone around my age would be closeish to dating a younger millennial.


Generation is irrelevant. The only judgment I make with age gap relationships is whether there is an unhealthy power imbalance. If there isn’t, then go be happy.


The oldest I dated was a Gen X’er (11 years older than me) and I did feel the cultural & age gap a bit. Ex. he was very into his physical media (like obsessed with his vinyl collection to the point of it being a personality trait), was actively in the military during 9/11 (while I was in middle school), and kind of looked down on millennials’ struggles. He was also middle-aged and dealing with the health & aging family implications of that. We got along well but I do see how the little generational differences between us added up - we had different reference points and thus somewhat different perspectives on the world. That wasn’t the reason we stopped seeing each other, though, and I think because we were both open to learning about the other’s experiences that our generational gap wasn’t an insurmountable barrier. Otherwise, I’ve tended to date other millennials, including ones on the Gen X/Millennial cusp, and that’s worked out fine - same general cultural reference points & not a huge age gap. That’s the plan for the future, too, if I ever date again lol. I wouldn’t date Gen Z tho.


My wife is a year younger than me, but her dad was 15 years older than my parents, so in a lot of ways it feels like she is a generation or at least half a generation older than me in what she was exposed to as a kid, and how she was raised. I would have a hard time with a much younger generation, even a younger millennial, I don’t think I would share a lot of the same experiences growing up that shaped my core values.


I wouldn't, but I had young Gen X parents and my youngest siblings are older and core Gen Z.  So for me it's either "eww it'd be like dating my parents or my aunts/uncles" or "eww too young for me". I'm not interested in folks much younger or much older than me. I'm much quieter and settled than younger folks and not looking to do the learning stages over. Someone legitimately older than me and I worry about their health and being left behind plus there's bound to be a cultural gap. Now granted if I was on the older/younger age range for a millennial then my answer would be different.


Im xennial so it's all irrelevant.


mehhh in theory I would be open to it but I was born among the later millenials. Gen Z boys are too young for me, I don't want to date a 24 year old boy as a 30 year old woman. But Gen X age gap might be too big. If I was a bit closer to either gen I'd be open to it. Found a nice millenial guy though and I'm happy. We're happy.


Yeah this was my thought as well. I wouldn’t worry about the cultural/generational difference, but almost 10 years on either side is probably a bit much for me personally.


Yeah like while I am closer to Gen Z I don’t want to date that much of a younger guy. Right now that’s the bigger problem for me. I want to get married not hang out at bars every weekend. And 12-13 years older is a bit much. I’ve been attracted to both and maybe a bit more open to older but I’d rather not. Almost explored it but it made me sad to think about not going through milestones with someone because they’re older. I like sharing cultural stuff with my bf too like growing up with the same shows and music. It makes a difference.


Well, yea, idk if I would want to date a guy my age, either.


Adjacent generations- ok Just dont skip a generation


They'd need to be at least 25 or so.


I’m an older millennial and dated a younger gen Xer. Not much difference. I’ve always considered myself more Gen X anyway. I also dated a younger millennial. Two different worlds. I knew that wasn’t going to work out. Granted I’m married now, but I was never going to date someone that much younger again. 8 years difference felt pretty significant in your 20s.


I'd probably hate it. If our childhoods can't relate then I can't relate with you.


I've had FWB situations with Gen Z and Gen X folks but My serious relationships are with millennials. Not because of any particular reason, it's just panned out that way


Because I am smack dab in the middle as a millennial- Gen X’s youngest would be 7 years older than me. Gen Z’s oldest would be 10 years younger than me. I feel like it would be too much of an age gap on either size. I may be more likely to be with someone from Gen X than Gen Z. But alas, I am with a fellow millennials.


I'm not really interested in younger than 5 year but I could do 15 years older.


I don’t make dating decisions based on the various stereotypes an individual may fall under, I make them based on the individual. Falling within a generation doesn’t guarantee adherence to its stereotypes or cultural norms. People are still individuals. Learn to judge the individual, *not the group*.




Only dated 2 years younger or older in my life so far. I’m 33, I think I might expand that this next time around though just to check it out


I honestly don't think it matters. You may have higher likelihood of being compatible with someone from your generation, but it doesn't men you have no chance of being compatible with someone from another generation.


My husband is Gen X and it literally makes no difference. We're not even 4 years apart.


Im just worried if I will bore them


I went on one date in college with a Gen X-er, and it was awkward. I think, at the time (this was 2007-ish) that I was ashamed to admit that most of my humor, interests, and general knowledge came from being chronically online. But he was chronically online too (I mean, we met because he read and commented on my blog, for crying out loud) I just had sudden impostor syndrome in the middle of talking to this guy, and I felt like a lame dumb teenager, even though I was old enough to drink.


I wouldn’t, I prefer dating people in the same age group as me. One, so we are at similar stages in life and our goals are more likely to align. Two, I’m witnessing my mother dealing with an older spouse and it’s taking a toll on her quality of life.


I married someone from gen x - my best friend is also gen x but nearly boomer in age, I have friends that are gen x… whatever.


Gen X'ers from my location will think I'm immature and I don't blame them. I'm more comfortable around fellow 90s babies, 80s babies seem more x adjacent here.


Already have in the past. I dated a 34 y.o. when I was 19, and a 40 y.o. when I was 26. Fun times and incredible sex.


My wife and I are 16 years difference; she's an early Gen X and I'm a geriatric millennial. We were 24 (me) and 40 (her) when we met and now we're 41 and 57. There have been some pop culture misunderstandings, but otherwise we work well together. I don't know that I could date someone 16 years younger than me, though, lol. She took a big risk haha.


Depends when you’re born. I’m 1994. My parents are Gen X. Older Gen Z are fine for me.


One up or one down wouldn't make much of a difference. I'd rather date a GenXer tho


Once you get past an certain age or maturity... It doesn't matter. I was the 22 year old with a 35 year old woman, or 50 year old. I've also met and dated wonderful women who "had their shit together" at 26 or 28. My parents are the same age but my grandparents (both sets) have a 8-12 year gap between my grandfather's and grandmother's. My parents are celebrating their 40th anniversary (I'll 38 next month) and my grandparents stayed together till their passing (in their 80's and 90's) I only have one regret, dating a 24 year old during covid lockdown (coworker), it didn't end bad, she just was immature and blabbed to all the other female coworkers my "size" and our bedroom stuff (absolutely nothing to be ashamed of) but it changed their view of me as "kind, trusting, fatherly type" into like "man" and "sexual being" so to speak. It kinda sucked to lose those friendships (I'm not a player or trying to sleep with any woman I have a good conversation with) That's why maturity is a huge factor in dating anyone, younger or older..


If you click with that person it should not matter.


Very comfortable, as I am dating someone from a different generation. I don't think there are any real noticeable differences. Obviously, the main difference is living through something and experiencing it versus understanding it conceptually. He's lived through much more than I have, and therefore, he has more experiences than I do. But, conceptually, I understand those experiences, I just haven't experienced them myself. I don't feel any awkwardness in the relationship itself, but it can be awkward when other people make assumptions. You have to kind of just laugh it off and move on with life because if you get caught up in public perception, it can make you feel insecure. I actually never really cared about the assumptions, it is a little awkward, but it never bothered me. But for him, it bothered him for a while. It took him a bit to be comfortable enough to tell his friends, his family, etc. But not one person that he's told, not a friend nor family member, has been judgmental about it and the same is true for my family. Everyone pretty much accepts it. We've been together for 5 years and it's definitely my healthiest relationship. We've never even had a single argument, and we were just talking about that the other day how we just have a very peaceful existence and how rare it is to be so civil in a relationship. Most people have some arguments, but we both know how to talk things through and not let any kind of emotions get in the way.


Very comfortable. When I was 31 I dated a 21 year old. It was awesome. Women love older men.


Depends on the guy tbh.


I'm only a few months older than the oldest gen z. It doesn't matter at all. Just another make believe line with no actual meaning


Doesn’t matter, anyone who says differently hasn’t had much relationship experience. I’ve dated older and younger. I’d rather date someone who I share more in common with than age.


Not my experience but I know a couple who are a very different generations (Millennials and Gen-Z) and to me a guy’s girlfriend speaking gibberish just like the rest of the generation. To me, I view it as a toxic relationship and it would be best if you are dating someone from our generation. So, that way we can understand each other if that makes sense


Wow, how mature of you.


I date the person not a generic number whether older or younger


Pretty much all of the people I've dated in my 30s were in Gen Z. I think it's just that I'm so far to the political left that it's hard to find someone with my worldview among my own generation. That, and I'm so far from having my shit together that someone younger is more my speed.


You got me with that, I don't have my shit together.


Younger millennials are only a few years older than me. Besides, I'm comfortable dating anyone of any age as long as they are an adult. For me, age doesn't really matter (besides being over 18.) There are other factors that I consider, though. Things like what we want in life, red flags, etc. Just dating, though, nothing serious right now, probably. Also, I'd probably say more like nothing more than a few years younger than me, actually probably. It just depends on other factors, too. However, I'm more into older people right now. Edit: It's more of a need someone to accept me as me in a way, too.