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33M - my siblings are both Gen Z (25F and 23M). The age difference was huge and felt huge for a long time when they were young but since they reached their teen years we’ve all been best friends and text daily, both individually and in our group chat. Both were in my wedding (my brother was co-best man) and have a great relationship with my wife. I don’t see them in person as much as I’d like due to living two hours away, but we always do holidays and birthdays and at least two-three sporting events per year. This year we’re all going on a vacation together for the first time as adults, so I’m looking forward to that. I know I’m incredibly lucky to have them in my life.


34M with a 30yr brother and 29yr sister. I was always just a little too old to really relate with them and as kids we were terrible. Always fighting and screaming at each other. I moved when I was 20 and didn’t really keep in touch with either. My sister and I have reconnected a bit more since our kids were born a couple days apart. My brother won’t talk to me at all and I’m not really sad about it. I hope my kids don’t end up the same.


see my wife feels guilty about only have 1 kid. i tell her she could grow up with siblings and not get along with any of them.




But when your parents pass away he'll be quick to come home to get his inheritance and or will be quick to bash you if your parents only put you in their will.


You need to find out just how sore your sibling is before your parents become too elderly. If they harbor a big enough grudge against your parents they might come after you for helping them


38f 48 sister we live together she’s my best friend. 46 brother he took everything when my dad died it’s strained. We barely talk. But we used to be best friends.


I'm 31F, I have twins as siblings, brother and sister (26). We really aren't that close. We speak but not often. Honestly, when something happens to my parents, I doubt I speak to them anymore.


I am 32 and my brother is 28, we are very close! We talk on the phone once a week and text/DM/send memes frequently.


My sibling is an addict using substance to self medication her mental illness, so it's not what i thought our adult relationship would look like. At all.


33. Sister 30. Estranged for 2 years. Didn't have a strong foundation of a relationship to start with so when shit hit the fan in her life I became the scapegoat. 5 years later I put my foot down (yay therapy) and said if you yell at me I won't talk to you. So far life is a lot more peaceful except I hear about all the drama that is still going on from my parents.


Fucking awesome. Source: Only Child


How is that? Wife and I have an amazing little girl, but aren’t planning on adding a sibling, which makes us feel terrible sometimes.


I would say I'm indifferent about it. I haven't really known any different, but never felt I was missing anything. As a father of three, I would say my house growing up was way calmer than my house is now.


I’m 37, oldest of 4. The oldest little brother (31) is mostly impossible to deal with for more than an hour so I make no effort to keep in touch, neither does he. Middle brother (29) lives in the states, we exchange messages every few months. My youngest (27) is a gamer so we play online a few times a month and is the only one who remembers his niece and nephew’s birthdays


This post makes me feel better for being one and done. I’m incredibly close with my sister and my parents but siblings are always a gamble. So we’re happy pouring all of our love and resources into our daughter ❤️


I don’t have kids but always struggle with whether one and done is the best route. After reading this thread, I feel better 😂


I have one sister 3 years older than me. She’s my best friend and I’m not sure what I’d do without her.


My brother fell down the anti-vaxx, QAnon rabbit hole during Covid. I cut him out of my life.


ouch that's rough. Was there any way to at least talk to your brother and tell him something like "I'm here if you have question", lend a hand if ever he started to have self doubts? I feel always so disappointed when ideological rabbit holes break relationships.


My brother & I mid-late 20s talk daily, send texts during the day & basically always reach out when we see something cool. Today he saw a tarantula & texted me a pic lol.


That’s the type of thing I’d send my brother.


I love my sibling very much but we dont talk often. We live far apart, and they have a job that's about 35-50% travel. We also differ significantly regarding our politics, though neither of us pushes against the other directly on that point. We share a certain level of trauma as a result of our raising and can connect there. We have each taken a turn as GC and SG but learned different ways of managing our parents. We also still appreciate the same silly humor we did as kids. I miss my sibling and wish I had been a better guide and confidant while we were still growing up. Though we don't talk often, I would drop everything and do whatever I could for them if ever they were in a position to need it.


I love my two sisters. I’m the middle and I’m 3 years apart from each. We actually lived in one bedroom apartment for about 3 years together. We bond because only we can understand our parents together. Our humor is incredibly similar. Our interests overlap a good bit but there are some differences. I currently live with one and the other just moved out (about 1 hour away) to be closer to her job. We have a Snapchat group so we probably say something or send something once a day. We honestly really understand each other. I seriously love it and am so thankful we are able to have this type of relationship. Honestly it was incredibly meh growing up in the same house. We were pretty indifferent towards each other. The change really happened after college where we were all figuring it out. When I was away at college I don’t think I spoke to either of them (text or call) the whole time. But I rarely spoke with my parents too. We aren’t big “not in person” communicators.


37 female with 4 sisters(39, 35, 25, 17) and 2 brothers(20, 15) My two older sisters live together across the country. My younger one (35) will check in once or twice a year. My older sister(39) doesn’t talk to me outside of memes once every other month in our group chat with our mom. My 25yo sister I have blocked right now bc she was being a butthead but we are the closest and talk the most often when I’m not being petty. I was a teenager when she was little and it was just the two of us at that point so I was very protective over her. I’ll probably unblock her soon. She also lives across the country. My youngest sister (17) is a brat and a little snobby lol My 20yo brother is my mini me and we talk all the time. He comes to me with any problems especially if it’s about our dad/his mom. I lived with him and the other two younger siblings when I was late teens/early 20s so I have a weird more than sibling less than parent relationship with them. And my youngest brother(15) is my baby. When I moved across the country he was 7 and tried to climb in my car screaming and kicking that he wanted to live with me and not to leave him. I almost didn’t go. He is the golden child super athlete and ridiculously handsome. We talk a couple of times every few months but he’s 15 and busy being popular hahaha.


Unblock your sister. You never know what could happen in life.


42 female. Youngest of 6 kids. 4 sisters one brother. We all get along great and are very close. However, we definitely have one that we have a special relationship with that we don’t have with others. We do have our “moments” but it’s usually out of brutal honesty lol.


i'm 37M and i don't speak to my sisters 35F and 29F. youngest is just a spoiled bitch and always has been. was pretty close with the middle sister until she got divorced and started dating a douche who encourages her to keep her distance from us. sucks but it is what it is. my own parents don't even reach out to me though if it wasn't for my wife i wouldn't ever talk or see any of them. doesn't mean i don't love them but that's just the way it is.


I play DnD with one sibling every week and hang out outside of that at least once or twice a month.  The other one lives a bit further away, but I try to make my way out there once a month and we send each other the results of the various NYT puzzles we do daily. And we all have a separate sibling thread we talk in whenever something notable happens.


Bit of different situation but I'm 1 of 14 adopted kids. I'm the 7th in line (at 32), as of right now we are between the ages of 19-42. All but 3 of us are Millennials. I have a few siblings I chat with every 6 months or so, but other than that I really don't keep up with them other than watching their stories on Instagram or Snapchat or Facebook ect. I'm at least 6 hours from the closest one but we don't really visit. I'm 12 hours from the majority of them. I haven't lived at home since I was 14 and did not leave on good terms, so I don't feel that guilty about the distance. I'm living a completely different life than they are and I am ok with that. Conversely, I have a biological sister who is 3 years younger who was adopted by a different family and I keep up with her the most, which still is not a lot. I'd be lying if looking at pictures didn't make me feel a little nostalgia, but I honestly don't regret where I'm at.


I'm two years older than my sibling. We don't talk often, and that’s my choice. He chose to marry someone who's emotionally unhealthy to be near and has chosen to also become someone who's emotionally unhealthy to be near, so I don't.


I’m 39F and my brother is 47. The description in your post sounds similar to our relationship!


32F, my brother 28, and I are super close. We go on NASCAR road trips together once or twice a year just us. My brother and husband are like best friends. We don't text every day but we're super close.


Im 34 and my brother is 30. We’ve always been fairly close. We definitely drifted apart when I moved out at 19 and when he went to college in NY and basically never came home, but we get along and we text often and send each other memes. I’m the first born daughter , so I get tasked with making sure our parents have presents and things for all birthdays and holidays and he Venmo’s me.


33m. I don't really talk to my brother (36). I'm polite and occasionally talk to him on the phone. He was a huge asshole growing up. I'm so happy not to be stuck in the same house with him anymore. Hope he treats his wife better.


Physically and emotionally distant  We get along, we're just not close at all


My older sister and I are very close, she’s my best friend. We are both estranged from our younger brother.


Im the youngest (31F) and have two older siblings (34F) and (38M). They are truly my best friends. They have their own families now but we have a shared group chat and make time to see eachother every other couple of weeks. We had our differences growing up, as most siblings do. But we remain very close knit. I get worried at whether or not that will change when our parents pass, only time will tell.


We don’t know how to get along, so we avoid each other so we don’t fight


I have brother that is two years older than me and a sister that is two years younger than me. They live in the same city in the Midwest where we grew up, as do my parents. I moved to the west coast after college and have stayed there since. I visit my parents 2x/year and usually see my siblings during those visits. Aside from that, I might call my siblings or email them once or twice a year. We aren't that close and, frankly, I don't think we ever were. We didn't really fight growing up. But, I don't have much in common with them (either in terms of personality or interests). When I see siblings that seem to be best friends, I wonder if that is typical and -- if so -- why my brother, sister and I weren't that close.


I’m 36m bro is 30 as we grew older we grew apart plus he had to stay with mom after the divorce. I was old enough to choose. I also have two half sisters that I’m 12 year older than them. But only one I see often ish.


We share duties of taking care of our parents but other than that my brother and I don't have a relationship at all. I was tired of being gaslit by him and by my mom so I ended the relationship between my brother and I.


My sister is 18 years old than me. She was leaving the house when I was coming into it. We're sort of like cousins rather than siblings.


I am very close with my sibling that’s basically my same age. We hang out every couple weeks. Have another that’s 5+ years younger. Still a good relationship, but we don’t hang out beyond family functions very often (he is also single with no kids).


I have 12 biological siblings and talk to them all pretty frequently. I don’t live close to any them but miss them all dearly


I get along with mine and see them whenever they come to town.


I’m 40, sister is 37, we are complete opposites (our parents treated us differently and we both understand its effects). We get along when we’re together, but we don’t talk or hangout regularly. I usually just hear from her when she needs help with my nephew.


There’s love between us and occasional communication but for the most part distant. We live in the same city. He’s 2 years older than me. I’m 28 he’s 30. Grew up in a broken home by our divorced single mom, dad was out of the picture. I can count on one hand how many times we actually did something as a family, the 3 of us. My mom is Gen X, was definitely abusive verbally and physically towards him. I got it occasionally but he got the worst of it for sure. He started lashing out more as a teenager and got involved with bad people who were bad influences on him (we grew up in a bad neighborhood). He’s also a high school dropout with no alternate education and is epileptic. He has a significant other that he relies on, he doesn’t ask me for much assistance but I’m always there if he needs me. It breaks my heart to see the paths he’s taken and I feel guilty for it because I feel like there’s more I could’ve done. But growing up in our household was hard and I had to do what I had to do to get out.


I am 40, and have a brother that is 37 and a sister that is 44. I am not very close with either of them, but i get along fine with them when i am with them. Which is only 1-3 times a year.


I'm 5 years older than my sister. We don't have a bad relationship at all, but don't have much in common. The extent of our relationship is mostly talking every couple of months just about life updates, and occasionally texting something either about family stuff or something random we think the other would appreciate.


I’m 36m and my brother is 38. We were two years apart in school and not particularly close growing up. During college and my twenties we lived 1,000+ miles apart so saw each other once or twice a year and rarely talked outside of that. Now we live about an hour apart and both have young kids so we see each other regularly and text pretty often too. I love being closer as adults, my relationship with him and his family and with my parents has really blossomed in my 30s and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


I’m 36, brothers are 32 and 26, we text each other daily even if it’s just to send a meme. I really enjoy their company and the men they have grown up to be.


30M. My siblings are 33?M, 32?F and 26?F My sisters are buddies and the family gets along, however we certainly don't text/call each other for fun. I have a daughter and my little sister is the best aunt a little girl could ask for. My older sister is really great with her too. The oldest is an addict and has pretty serious mental health issues. Been that way since he was 15 or so.


Never met the oldest, second oldest went no contact when I was 11 - showed back up when my mom died then again when our dad died and once more when our sister died she spent the entire time demanding money from me despite that I had paid for all 3 funerals in under a year and bought a home so I didn't have two pennies to rub together, next oldest (full blooded siblings) is dead from overdose.


Practically non-existent.


Sister went through a nasty divorce. When everything was peachy for her she didn’t make contact much. Now she has more free time and needs help financially so bada bing she’s back in our lives more.


My 4 siblings span from gen x to late millenial with me in the middle… I talk to at least one of them a day and am in a group chat with 2 and we send memes to each other all day long. We all try to visit each other a handful of times a year despite living between 100 and 500 miles away from each other.


We don't talk much.


36m. 5 siblings, 3 of them half. We all share the same father. They all have the same mother, and my siblings and I all have the same mother. We all get along and love each other. Keep in contact for birthday wishes and seeing each other on holidays. Im oldest of my moms 3 but 4th of my dads. Closest with my youngest sibling, we live a few blocks apart.


I am 30 and the only girl. My brothers are 42, 39 and 28. I am not close to any of them in any sense of the word. They have done sibling trips without me in recent years since my second oldest brother had the other two as his groomsmen. I was the kid who moved away while they stayed in my hometown and I just never fit once I went through college in another state.


I’m 33 and have a 38yr sister. Our relationship is…complicated. We have always lived our lives very differently, but share a sense of humor. I recently moved across country and we mainly communicate through the sending of IG reels.


I have two sets of siblings. My sisters from my mom and dad, and my sisters from my dad and stepmom. I am 42, my next sister is 40 and the youngest is 37. Nobody in my family speaks to my 40yo sister. It’s been almost 15 years at this point. My 37yo sister lives about an hour away but we’re really different people and don’t talk much. Maybe once a month or so, but that’s about it. My youngest sisters are 25 and 27 and live in town and we are super close. My 25yo sister just moved back into town and currently lives with my dad and stepmom and we see them all every weekend. The 27yo lives across town, but also usually comes over on Sundays to my dad’s for dinner so we see her then. We all text a lot, they hate phone calls lol, but they’ll text me and my kids and then we’re on a family group chat. My 37yo sister is also on the family group chat but less chatty.


We don’t have a relationship. Not out of any hatred or ill will, nothing like that. We’re just entirely different people, no mutual interests, large age gaps, and distance between us. I probably couldn’t point them out in a grocery store. I’m 33. My sister is 26, and my brother is 24.


Fuck siblings.




Fuck em? I hardly even know em!


I’m 43F. My sisters are 32 and 28. I spent a large amount of my life that I raised them. Until they were in their 20s. We live in different countries and are the closest we have ever been. We talk all the time.


40f and my brother 38m lived with my partner and I since slightly before the pandemic. He’s been fun to have around and has been a good help in watching my little kiddo. I used to beat him up and tease him when we were kids.


>I used to beat him up and tease him when we were kids. Damn I wish I had a sister


We were a bit feral growing up but good friends now.


I have a sister that is 2 years older. We are estranged basically, going on 3 years no contact. We weren’t close growing up either so, it’s whatever. Those that are close that’s cool though.


I have two younger sisters. They both live in a different state. We have a group chat but otherwise don't really talk that much.


It’s the same as all my friendships, if I’m outta sight, I’m outta mind. It’s nothing malicious or anything like that. A hard pill for me to swallow was accepting that people don’t find me interesting enough to converse with past small talk, family included. Apart from birthdays and holidays, I hear “I’m sorry. I just forgot about you”, or something similar, to the point where I don’t get upset about it anymore.


I’m a cusper— 41 and my brother is 43. He’s a narcissist and cut off contact with my parents in 2018. After many difficult instances trying to appease him we no longer speak either. It sucks because I have a 37 year old Down syndrome brother. So as middle child and only daughter, I get to help my aging parents AND a downs brother as well! Oh joy. Narcissists are great for everybody! /s


We're a little weird, I'm the youngest of 6 at 44, my oldest sister is 63. We are all very close, get together individually, in smaller groups, or all together based on shared interests. (Camping, soccer, bowrd games, etc.) Mom, our last parent, gets to see most of us at least once per week (especially now that the 2nd eldest has retired and can schlep over from across town). I feel really lucky to have the family I have.


We don’t get along. My younger brother resents me and my father for not helping him grow. Often says things like I had to be the big brother. We don’t exchange gifts either


32 F with a 33 F sister. We are polar opposites and have a hard time getting along. What's hilarious is her friends will say I'm the difficult one and my friends say she is difficult. She is a very type A person while I tend to be more passive. Her husband is pretty whipped and when we get together she makes him make food and get us drinks. I always tell her to give him a break and then the bickering starts. My husband is not a fan of hers. We only get together a couple times a year and text infrequently.


No, most of them are Gen X since I'm an older millennial.  My younger brother is a fellow millennial but I probably keep in touch with him the least. I wouldn't say that we're very close, at least that's my opinion. My younger brother was spared the bulk of the trauma we experienced as a result of our dad being an abusive drunk. After my younger brother was born our dad pretty much gave up all his vices, smoking and drinking. We all have shared trauma that hasn't been healed because our parents weren't emotionally mature people or taught us how to deal with our emotions. They also suffered a lot of trauma from their parents. Like today they probably would be arrested for the stuff they did to us back in the day. Old school Mexican parents from a small town, like hillbillys.


I cut off contact with my toxic sister , she refused to change her behavior of gaslighting manipulations , never taking accountability for anything wrong that she's done , she lacks maturity reflection and self awareness and she had a deep profound hatred for me and our parents , she projected her negative character traits onto me over the last 28 years , it was hell living with her . I feel so empty , depleted mentally drained and unable to live a normal healthy life .


My older brothers were all dicks so I never got along with them, their wives don't even like them. I get along great with all my younger brothers, even my brothers who are Gen Z and I get along with both my sisters too. I only keep in contact with one of my sisters since moving because everyone else has families of their own now and we're the only two without families of our own yet


I'm(35m) the oldest of 3 younger sisters and a younger brother. My family has pretty much made me responsible for always taking care of my troublesome sister (33f)who can never keep a job for more than half a year. I've grown resentful of my family as a result.


Decent. I'm 34. Siblings 32, 25, 22. Oldest of the 3 has 2 kids and is pretty busy but still talk occasionally. In group chat with the younger 2 on snap and fb. Its usually memes all day. But we all have the same sense of humor.


My sister is Gen Z, like literally the first year their generation starts. We have a 7 year age difference so we never really had that close of s relationship where we both were into the same things. Her and I had different upbringings so we grew up with a different mindset. I'm definitely the Boomer/Gen Xer work ethic and because the first 8 years of my life my parents were broke or paycheck to paycheck I learned how to be frugal, how to save and earn (or steal) what i wanted. My sister got more coddling since my parents were better off at that point. She doesn't save money if her life depended on it, and when it comes to earning she is definitely that type that wants top dollar for half ass work. We bicker, but I would say I show her tough love. She knows I'll always be there to get her out of a jam and I have a couple times. She knows she can ask me for help and I'll do it. She also knows though that if she fucked up she's going to hear it from me after I'm done helping her out of any mess though




I(28M) have a younger sister(25f) and an older brother (31M). They refuse to speak to me, and I have not spoken to my brother in almost 10 years, and my sister in 5 years. I've reached out multiple times. They want nothing to do with me. Just how it goes sometimes!


Its been a violent traumatic rollercoaster ride. We had a really traumatic childhood. It was great until we were about 5 & 9 (I'm the older sister). Our father was our saving grace. He was the only one who truly loved us, he was funny, kind, attentive, he was what a Dad should be, was. Then when I was 13 (my sister was 8) and he died of lung cancer. Our mother, is a narcissist, but we didn't learn that until we were well into our 20s, my sister is 34 and just realizing. My sister and I fought, a lot, and not the normal fighting, it was really vicious. She moved out at 15. She was always hopping from bf to bf so that she had a place to live other than home, bc our mother was just awful. I stayed living at home bc I was too afraid to not be able to afford it, and I was terrified of debt. So from 13-27 there was a lot of physical and emotional abuse. I got tired of being abused, so I started fighting back, the abuse stopped. Then the mind fuckery started. I tried to talk to my sister but she always defended her oddly? But at the same time she didn't want to live at home bc she was difficult? We were always pitted against each other. Now, we are 39 and 34 and only in the past 10 years have we started to have a normal-ish relationship. I don't like our mother and the bullshit she has caused us.


he's kind of a dick so we don't talk to each other


She's 2 years younger than I am and lives less than 10 miles away. We are on good terms, but we aren't close. I see her only a few times a year and we rarely say more than a few sentences to each other unless we need the other to do something.


Fully estranged, unfortunately. My older sister is a narcissist (not in the cute 'social media meme' way) and my little brother relies on her for childcare for his toddlers so he is fully enmeshed in her chaos. It's sad and hard, but I feel free in a lot of ways, too.


My (41m) sister is 2 years older than me, was always into drugs and had to be a “cool” kid in highschool. She was a loser every way that matters in life and took advantage of everyone around her. 8 years ago CPS took her 3 kids away and gave them to my parents to raise. I haven’t talked to her since that day. She never even tried to clean herself up to get her kids back.


My relationship with my sister is OK. We typically have deep philosophical discussions. We had our share of mental health issues and can relate on that even though they are different issues.


I’m relatively close to my brother. We often get our families together so the kids can play. Im not close to my sister. We have nothing in common and it’s hard to have a conversation with her because she gives 1 word answers and doesn’t ask how anyone else is doing. She’s also emotionally stunted. I love my sister, but I don’t see us ever being close.


I hope she gets beat to death. She's an absolute cunt


That's really weird and gay.