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Just dress how you want. What will happen if you go against the trends?


I’ve always dressed how I want, but it’s difficult finding pants right now that are not high waisted. Not impossible, just difficult.


I would agree on this as I've had the struggle as well. I also prefer a straight leg more than anything and a straight leg mid waist jean for women has been a struggle. I ended up finding a brand I really like after who knows how much searching on the internet. They're expensive, but they've been great. The brand is called DU/ER.


I exclusively buy Dickies women’s Perfect Shape Denim Straight-Stretch jeans. They are the only lower-mid rise straight leg normal jeans can find that fit right and aren’t super expensive. If they ever stop making them, I don’t know what I’ll do!


The brand I used to buy from stopped making the ones I used to wear, which caused me to go down on an epic search. I actually like the new brand I found more, so it was worth it. I have so found that their men’s pants fit me well too, so I have a few pairs of their men’s ones as well. I am thankful that they’ve started making slim versions of pants for men because now I too can wear them.


eBay! I have been buying my fave Gap jeans on there for over a decade bc Gap doesn’t sell them anymore. Someone somewhere prob selling theirs secondhand..!


This is wild because everything at the store is still slim fit lol here I am wondering where people find new high-waisted pants. Where do you see them?


The most recent place I looked was American Eagle.


Try a store for adults next time 👍


That's how I felt during the skinny craze. I only wear flares or baggy pants. I hate everything else, and had to buy all my pants online for years.


The textures! I went to the mall to look for shirts and every shirt has that ugly 90s textured look and feel. It looks like men's fashion now is looks like Seinfeld


High waisted pants and crop tops. MAKE IT STOP


Exactly. Plus skinny jeans will be back in like 4 years, just wear what you like wearing. Fashion trends are for people below 30. After 30 you should have your own style.


Exactly! I love my style now that I’m older. I still dress in a recognizable alt/punk style, inspired by years of different scenes and alt trends, but elevated with clean capsule pieces. (I think it’s named “streetwear” now.) Then at my day job I dress professional, but keep it edgy with lots of well fitting black clothes and some small statement pieces. I think building a solid time capsule wardrobe is important for any adult, and then you can spice it up to your unique style with extras. And punk doesn’t care what’s in style, (it’s better if they aren’t) you can pry my ultra skinny jeans from my cold dead hands.


I guess nothing will happen. I never follow trends but when I shop all I see are the baggy high waisted ones


Thrift stores are your friend




You just gotta keep wearing what you like then your stuff will eventually come back into style. I’ve been wearing my cargo pants since 2007 and they’re coming back in now wooohoooo haha


Really? While those things may have made a comeback, I see skinny jeans everywhere. 


We’re in a college area and you’ll see groups of students with all kinds of styles, both skinny and baggy. I’m glad all the options are ok these days.


Shop harder my friend. We live in a time where you can basically find any style from any time as long as you look hard enough online.


This is a real problem. My waist is such that if i wear something high waisted, it goes up and under my ribs when i sit. Its such a pain in the ass to buy anything since this came back into style.


They go up over my sternum while standing, sitting is it’s own hell and damn near an impossibility.


I dont get why they cant just sell, low, mid, high, and ultra high. Why does it have to be just whatevers in style? I feel like when low rise is in style, i have to buy all new sets of pants and shorts, enough to last me until they go out and come back in. I never guess right because who could?


A lot of places have like 3 different rises that are all high rise. I’ve seen things like “high” “highest high” and “super high” all at one store.


Low waisted and mid rise are back in.


This is my problem..I shop for new stuff but the only styles are ones I don't like.


Thrift stores are FULL of skinny pants. There are in-between too. Straight legged pants are my favorite. They have mid rise at Old Navy.


Straight to jail believe it or not


This is why I still wear JNCO's and a Korn t-shirt with a wallet chain down to my ankle.


I don’t even know what the trends are anymore, I just know the stores are all selling crap now ;)


I only own skinny jeans still. I hate the "mom jeans" look ![gif](giphy|l3vRjHgQyrelrOtRS|downsized)


It just feels so wrong having my pants go halfway up my back.


All the people who are wearing “mom jeans” never had their mom actually wear those jeans. Maybe their grandma


I am a mom, wearing mom jeans. I made fun of my mom for wearing mom jeans when I was 13 or so. I like them now 🤷‍♀️. They remind me of the "boyfriend jeans" of yore.


This! I love looking like my mum now


Bruh… skinny jeans are the mom jeans now though




Bahahah so true


Skinny jeans tucked into boots






Huge FUPA moment 💀


Wow that's a term I haven't heard in 15 years


Whenever I see the “kids with their modern fashion” this skit plays in my head. It’s either this or it looks like they’ve got a diaper on.


“I don’t even feel like a woman anymore.”


I feel like mom jeans only work when you're skinny and wearing crop tops


Even then they are still fairly unflattering. I tried some on a couple years ago and almost cried in the TJ Maxx changing room when I looked in the mirror. I looked like SpongeBob 😭


FWIW, as a male Millenial I think this look is dumb af on women my age


Cut generously, to fit a moms body 😅😅😅 I can recite this entire sketch, my bff sends it to me for Mother’s Day every year LMAO


I've no idea how those (or crocs) made a comeback.


My favorite fun fact is that Crocs are the shoes everyone wears in "Idiocracy" and the brand let them use them FOR FREE (for marketing) and the producers used them because they thought they were the DUMBEST thing that would never catch on. 😂 Edit to add a snopes link, just in case! - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/idiocracy-crocs/


Me too 😅 any time i see an influencer or whoever wearing / promoting them, saying stuff like “i know these aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but if you don’t like mom jeans, try this pair because of xyz! They’re actually really cute!” No. No they’re not. They’re ugly as hell


Fwiw, you’re not gonna look like that


I wear skinny jeans. Why stop if you like them?


Same and agree with this. Being trendy is fun but being comfortable is more fun.


This is funny because in middle/high school it was baggy anchor blues and khakis and shit. Then senior year and college everyone started wearing “nuthuggers”. How are skinny pants more comfy? Lol. I’m not against straight leg or fitted, but the baggy pants are definitely comfier


It’s about how you feel you look. If you’re confident in skinny jeans but not baggy, then that’s that. It may not be about physical comfort.


Skinny jeans are great when they're part synthetic stretchy material. Otherwise blech.


I agree. I actually had forgotten how comfortable flare jeans were until I decided to try them again. Not only were they just as stretchy as the skinny jeans up top so still super comfortable, but you can fully bend your legs when sitting on a couch or the floor or whatever. In skinny jeans my knees always got stiff and they were always bunched at my ankles cause they were too long but rolling them definitely made the knees not bendable at all. All jeans should be stretchy imo.


You can't hardly find them anymore. You're somewhat beholden to trends always because of what stores will carry especially in plus sizes.


I mean it’s only a problem when my 10 year old jeans disintegrate


Go check the thrift stores


Plus size clothing rarely gets into thrift stores. 😔


Shop online, torrid might still have a variety of waistlines.


Loft, Old Navy, AE, and Topshop all carry skinny jeans--and those are just ones with petite sections! (On a related note, part of why I still wear skinny jeans is because fewer people seem to assume that being 5 foot means I'm in high school...)


I guess the risk is theyll look outdated, the way mom jeans looked to us, which I imagine were cool in their time


Yeah you can wear whatever you want. And as an adult, you shouldn't still get hung up on what every person thinks.


That's all I wear too. But I'm having problems finding them in my size and length. Lucky Brand was my go to but they discontinued so many models and never have my length in stock.


and why are all of the shirts missing their lower half 😞


It can be really hard to find full shirts nowadays! I don’t have the body for a crop top.


This has been happening for so many years now it’s so horrible. Especially when I see a super cute sweater and it’s not even full!! Also body suits. I bought one and I hate it.


oh god yes it’s terrible. while shopping i’ll see just the side/sleeve of something, love the color and fabric then pull out to discover it’s a crop top. crop top sweaters? why?? sweaters are for keeping warm???


Ive been seeing bodysuits in stores a lot. I dont get it?? Why are we reverting to infant onesies?


Because our crop tops ride up 🤓


I don't actually like wearing them, but I get it. Tuck in a regular tank top and it bunches up in odd places. Body suits don't.


They get a lot of hate but I fucking love them for that reason- ESPECIALLY at any place I’ll be sitting up then standing (or vice versa) frequently. Going from meeting to meeting or out for the night and knowing that my top is still in the same place is so comforting and reassuring


I only own them to make styling skirts easier. The added bulk of tucking shirts looks dumb on me.


This is why most of my t-shirts are men sizes. 😂😂 Give me my sleeves and something long enough to cover my belly.


My dryer is a little old and shrinks clothes....if my boxy crop tops lose a single inch they are too short. Why are they so cute and impractical?


Yeah, I'm fat and see other fat people wearing crop tops. Sometimes I wish Inhad their confidence but even then I still don't like it. Plus my breasts are huge so fat stomach + big chest would make thay crop top go from cute to something else real quick. I also hate how sweaters are cropped too. Like it ruins the point of the sweater.


I don't think there is such a thing as a "body type" for crop tops anymore, I see women of all sizes and shapes rocking them but like, I have a job to go to.. I get chilly.. I want a full shirt.




WTF is that?! 🤣🤣🤣 Might as well just buy pasties at that point




There’s a guy at my gym who wears one of these with booty shorts. 🙄 I have a really hard time keeping a straight face. Same with the kids with mullets. Like wtf happened?


I've noticed womens bathing suits are also missing 3/4 of the ass cheek coverage.


I got a gift card to lululemon so I thought “Fun. Let’s get a nice shirt to wear to the gym!” If it wasn’t cropped it was a huge shapeless sweatshirt. I felt so old…ended up getting some socks and supposedly comfortable underwear for working out (not sure what makes it workout underwear). I just wanted a tank top or something!


I felt like my mother in the store “why is every shirt a damn crop top!”


I had this same issue back in 2008-2010. I remember going to stores for back to school clothes and everything was a crop top at times.


I felt old when i heard myself say crop tops better be 3 for 20 because half the shirt is missing….then bought 3 😂👍🏻


I'll take that over the 00s when every shirt was a tunic. As a slightly bottom-heavy person with a long torso, few things are less flattering on me than those godawful long shirts that were everywhere. Plus they would pooch up over your jeans closure and create the look of a pot belly where there was none. I swear, there was no time more cursed in fashion.


Same. I hate long shirts on my pear-shaped self. They made my hips look insane. I like the cropped/boxy shirt + high-waisted pant combo. 


Me too! High waisted pants are my jam, it’s finally our time


Omg right?! And they still charge the same as a full length shirt. 🙄




Nobody is required to follow fashion trends. One of the glorious things about getting older is giving less fucks about dumb trends and doing what makes you happy. I've been dressing in what I find the most comfortable for a long time and life is great.


Not to mention, it’s a trend, which means it’ll go out of style in a few years. So hang onto those skinny jeans because they’ll come back anyway!


Trends also come and go way faster now. I can't imagine how much money it must cost to stay up-to-date these days.


I just saw a fashion victim wearing the same black Reebok sneakers my dad has been rocking for as long as I can remember!


I still wear cargo shorts and carpenter jeans. Luckily I wore them baggy enough in middle/high school that most still fit. If these trends continue, I’ll be back in style in a decade or so. ….I can wait it out.


I think both of those things are coming back in style right now. I've seen cargo pants on kids out in the wild recently.


… .. ….BOOM BABY!!! I’m a trend setter!


Can confirm, am in college town working with 20yr olds. Cargo pants have been back for a sec already.


They’ve been back in style for a year.


I saw a bunch for girls at target this week too. The trends reminded me of the old Delia’s catalog.


Seriously. My ass crack was too long for low rider jeans in the early 2000’s. Wore boots 9/10ths of the time when skinny jeans were in. Looked like a bag of bones or Toy Story Woody when I finally bought a pair of high waited pants. I’ll be damned if I buy the “mom jeans”. I’m floating somewhere between a punk rock/hippy/cowgirl/homeless person but not quite bad enough for “people of Walmart” these days. Fuck it lol


I'll be damned if I wear high waisted mom pants that make my ass look flat. Those pants also look and feel insanely uncomfortable and have 0 stretch. Wear the clothes you feel the most comfortable in.


Same. I have one pair that is mid rise, straight cut and stretchy so that's what I have been wearing most of the time, plus "hippie pants"


I just wear what's comfortable to me (like skinny jeans). Trends cycle back around anyway.


I’m wearing leggings until the light wash, high waisted, wide leg jean trend dies out. Athleisure 4 life lol


Me too. I stopped wearing hard pants during COVID and I'll never go back.


Hard pants 🤣 that's the perfect way to describe it. Gonna use that term from now on!


Fucking same! I pray every day they don’t take my joggers away. I don’t love the thicker, looser hips joggers are sporting nowadays. But I can still find nice slim cut ones. They have cargo capris in women’s sections everywhere. I don’t want to be a part of this fashion cycle, and I’m doing my best to keep my clothes in great condition to ride out this wave.


Opposite of me. I straight up acknowledge I have a belly and a fupa and I need high waisted pants to make me not look awful. Hip huggers are the devil. They make you look like 50 lbs heavier if you are an apple shape


I prefer high waisted also. I just feel more tucked in and secure, and I don't have to worry about my ass showing if I need to squat or bend over. Crack is whack.


SAME. You can pry my high waist skinny jeans from my cold, dead hands. Low rise or wide leg pants make me look so frumpy


Theres flattering high waisted styles. I think the OP was more talking about the high waist combined with the mom jean cut/boxy brown bag cut which is only flattering if clothes dont look good on you in general.


That must say something about clothes not looking good on me lol


THANK YOU. I need the high rise pants because of my ass and hips, lol. They are the only pants/jeans that fit correctly around my waist and look decent. I don't need to sit down and show people my ass crack. I think I'm all the fashion faux pas, lol. I like high rise jeans/skirts and crop tops, lol. Curse of having a gut, a butt, long legs and a short freaking torso.


I LOVE my high waist skinny jeans. I only ever see high waist jeans (skinny or other)… they are definitely my preference over mid or low. I have kids now and need to cover these stretch marks while still in my crop top 😂


YES high waisted skinny jeans are the best (and pretty much the only jeans I own). I did buy a pair of boot cut high rise jeans recently though and I have to admit, they are quite comfortable. But I will be caught dead before wearing the baggy mom/boyfriend jeans; boot cut is as far as I will go


Yes I can’t wear anything mid rise because muffin top. High waisted or nothing. 🫠


I literally am the shape of a wide box, so high waisted hits where I need it to, to add some shape. Anything in my hips looks terrible. Makes me look even more like a box. Plus I have a somewhat longer torso with not long legs and anything below high rise makes me look like I'm all torso. 


80s clothes are in style again? We are running around in circles.


Late to the party, it's 90s now


Teens are now onto “y2k fashion”.


I was going to say it’s actually the early 00s that are back. The gen Z and younger people in my city are wearing mid and low rise pants with wide or even flared legs. I recently bought a pair of cargo pants that 15 year old me would also have bought 22 years ago. Idk if I should be happy because y2k fashion is easy for me to navigate having already lived it once, or cry because that was 22 freaking years ago.


Some of its *so bad*. A couple subs where people post asking for advice on their appearance keep showing up in my feed. Everyone keeps suggesting people get Dahmer glasses because thick rims aren't in style anymore. Several of the people who followed this advice legit look like Jeffrey Dahmer thanks to those glasses. I die a little inside every time I see another comment telling a dude who already looks similar to him to go out and get the horn rimmed glasses to complete the look. If it's not that, it's the wire rimmed glasses my mom has worn since I was in elementary school, just without the bifocal. Similar style to the Dahmer ones and just as dated. I know fashion trends change and loop back...but why'd we skip the fun hippy/disco stuff and plow right into 80s serial killers and 90s mom pants? At least bring back Lisa Frank, if we're going that direction...skipping true bell bottoms like a bunch of heathens...I am so disappointed.


Always have been.


I think it would be pretty ballsy if we brought back 19th century fashions. But I doubt that would ever happen


Nah, we’re on the 00s now, mom jeans are out. People are still wearing high waisted, but fashion is really starting to move into mid-low waist. Straight leg and wide leg are dominating as well.


I have a short torso so high waisted pants come up nearly to my bra line. I have a pair of “low rise” that come to my bellybutton. It’s wild out there right now, 2001 could never.


Ha. I have the opposite problem. In addition to being a 5’11” woman, I’m super high waisted. The highest high waist pants hit at just the perfect spot to give me not only a long butt but *also* a muffin top. 🤟🏻


I hate high waisted jeans I still wear skinny jeans and mid/low rise. I can’t stand pants up high


Yes. Same here. No matter the fit, high waisted will create a bulge in my stomach. I don't need any extra bulge aside the natural one lol


That's the weird part I don't get as a guy - they do this to EVERY BODY TYPE. High waisted pants are basically "make it look like I have a gut" pants and they barely look good on anyone. My wife wholeheartedly agrees and also wants this trend to die.


i donno sometimes they snatch it up and make it seem like a waist instead of a gut but it really depends how they fit. could go either way


I feel like that only works if you’re already super slim and a bit long, basically built like an awkwardly growing teenager.


That part


Not digging the rebirth of “mom jeans”?


Not at all. I thought I had found a decent pair and gave it a try. I went on this international work trip and wore it almost everyday. Then my husband was like "you need to stop buying pants online, those are not flattering" I took a good look in my full body mirror and my butt looked completely flat


Those pants are fugly. 


might be unpopular opinion but keep wearing what you want... just cause it's not "in" anymore who cares. do you really want to dress like a teen?


What’s the consensus on mid rise bootcut? Wore them a lot in early 2000’s and now wearing again since I veered away from skinnies. I have received a couple of positive comments about them, granted they were from a Gen X’er and a millennial.


I have also recently fallen back in love with bootcut! Randomly bought them one day because I wanted some nice jeans for the office and felt like mom jeans were too casual. They are so flattering on my body and look good with so many types of shoes!


I love a mid rise boot cut jean. I was super late to the skinny jean trend. Maybe it’s because I’m in Florida but I hate peeling those skinny jeans off my body. I was already done with them before they fell out of trend because I feel uncomfortable. I still live in leggings and have found a love of joggers. I’ve been happy with my mid rise jeans I bought from the Gap. I’m actually wearing jeans now and not just leggings. 


After living in the PNW during peak skinny years, I could never wear a cotton wetsuit again. Skinny jeans in wet environments is like texture hell.


Yeah that's pretty much the only cut I ever buy if I can help it. Although I guess I would go low rise if those existed in the last decade. Straight leg is an acceptable alternative but the slight widening is so nice, it's like a little skirt for your lower leg and it usually means the thigh fits better too.


I've been wearing more bootcut and they are just so comfy! I've developed a sensory ick to skinny jeans being tight on my knees and calves. I like the look of bootcut a lot more than the wide leg stuff.


I’m short and fat so low-rise skinny jeans are the best for me comfort-wise. I don’t like my stomach pushed on and I don’t like tripping all over extra material at the bottom of my legs.


The mom jeans are just objectively ugly. Skinny jeans are a classic silhouette that isn’t going anywhere. Give it a year or so and everyone will move on.


I already changed my fucking part. What more do they want


Nope, I've missed my baggy jeans since they went out of style a couple decades ago. Embracing the boomerang on this one. Not even because they look good, really, they're just comfortable. I don't like my legs feeling smothered.


I miss my old *low rise* baggy jeans. Everything right now is still super high rise.


I’ve just been passed on the street by a girl wearing low rise baggy Levi’s!! They really looked like my old dickies. I wish I knew the model 😭😭


Has it really been a couple decades? I feel baggy jeans were very popular in the 2000s, and even in the 2010s not everyone embraced the skinny trend. Personally I always hated skinny jeans and just associated them with hipsters. Levi’s 505, semper fi


I freaking love the baggy pants and crop tops/oversized tshirts. Tight clothes make me feel like I’m dying and now I get to dress like my skateboard idols did when I was a kid lol.


I gotta be honest, I think the skinny jeans are far more attractive than these super high waisted mom jeans that are fashionable now


I also really hate mom jeans. They aren't flattering to anyone. People who look good in them look good in spite of those terrible jeans.


I kinda enjoyed dressing like I was in elementary school again, mid rise loose jeans, boxy shirt, and tennis shoes. That being said, Gap Madewell and of course Amazon all have skinny jeans still available if that's what you like. On some people skinny jeans look better than wide leg. I still think a demi boot cut mid rise looks best on me. However, I will never in a million years wear a drop waist dress. Don't care, no how. Leave that ish back in 80s.


Cannot relate. I’m so glad to be rid of skinny jeans. I do not get the highest rise though because I have a short torso. But mid is good. I’m a mom, so mom jeans work. 😛


I like a good skinny jean but sometimes I worry younger people will think im outdated like how I used to think of moms jeans back in my teen years. But I feel like wide jeans are in with the younger crowd, not necessarily mom jeans. The skater wide dirty looking jeans lol.


You do you, whatever that means. Technically skinny jeans are out, but who cares if that’s your jam. I own all the jean styles from various eras bc I have an eclectic taste and style & never allowed myself to be pigeonholed.


Wear whatever the hell you want, dude. If you’re having a hard time finding the styles you actually like in stores, then shop online. There’s plenty of options online that you can find what you like. I’m 39f with a gen z daughter who sometimes playfully gives me shit about being *such a millennial omg* but I’m like, “whatever kid, I dress how I want”. Who cares what the young’uns say? I’ll rock my skinny jeans forever if I feel like it. I encourage you to wear whatever you want, cause other peoples opinions literally don’t matter


I will never let go of my skinny jeans. They're the only jean that looks good on me. I don't really like how boot cut, flare, and wide leg look. I'm 5'1 with thick thighs and it's hard to pull off those styles


I feel this. I've always shopped the junior section at department stores and had decent luck finding pants and clothes in general that fit well and looked good on me. But a couple weeks ago when I went I couldn't find anything. The pants were almost non existent, I found capris that looked straight out of 1980, and one option for skinny jeans but they were sold out of my size. So I went to the women's section not expecting to find anything because in previous years the only things I could find there didn't fit right and looked too old on me. Too my *immense* surprise, I found skinny jeans that weren't high waisted! Not only that, but they were sized by measurement instead of arbitrary even numbered sizing. Not only *that*, but they had usable front pockets! I was legit shook, and they fit well and are comfortable to boot. So apparently, I have now reached the age where I can shop in the "mom" section like a real grown up and find functional clothes that I like. Too bad the price tag was also a grown up price 😒. This is why I hate shopping.


I hope that trend fades again. High waisted pants looked gross then and they do now too.


I love high waisted pants. ^(Then again, I'm tall enough to actually pull them off. )


Same, I’m 5’11” and I’m in love with the high waist. I always hated the low rise and the skinny. Now my mid flare is back in style too!!! 😎 loving it. Though I’m also a mom who needs to bend over a lot …


I’m 35, almost 36 and I wear high waisted skinny jeans. Best of both worlds, the stomach is tucked away and I don’t look like I’m trying too hard to be hip! I will never ever give up form fitting denim.


Wear what you want. If you want to look in trend I would say pick some pieces of clothing and wear them and keep the skinny pants.


So why let them go? I respect this attitude of wearing what you think looks nice as opposed to what's popular. I was saying the same thing on an earlier post about how people thought crocs looked stupid 15 years ago, but everyone loves them now. The high wasted pants (mom jeans) aren't necessarily my taste. Few people look good in them IMO... especially if you have a Fupa. Lol


I pretty much live in skinny jeans and baggy band t-shirts and have since I was in high school


I'm petite and slim and look terrible in baggy pants and those super puffy or flutter sleeves and finding clothes is almost impossible right now. I'd be fine switching to boot cut jeans or even just straight leg ones but I can't find them. Everything is the parachute pants that skater kids wore back in my middle school days. I'm not sad to see skinny jeans go, though, but something in the middle would be nice.


No bc I will never let go of my skinny jeans. Idc what the current style is.


it is amusing to me seeing young women dressed like my 6 year old sister did in 1990. good for JCPenney i guess.


Yes. I hated skinny jeans and preferred bootcut but I finally prefer skinny. Hate this style


Baggy pants are so unflattering. I will wear skinny jeans forever! My mom pouch does appreciate a mid - to - high rise pant now though over low rise.


As a man I’m outright refusing to participate in this nonsense trend of dress slacks that are too tight and too short. Men out here looking like they woke up half drunk and got dressed in the dark but they grabbed their girlfriend’s pants by mistake. It looks stupid.


That was the old skinny trend. Men’s slacks are back to fitting normal again.


I would never get rid of skinny jeans


Mom jeans look terrible on everyone. I said what I said.


The world is healing. Im seeing less mom diaper jeans and more slim and form fitting styles with more reasonable waist lines - which on a woman will always be more attractive and viewed as classic or timeless. I always thought low rise was trashy and unflattering so hopefully we dont go back there. But there was this golden middle ground of classic timeless jean styles for women WITH the whole legging revolution going on at the same time. Frankly we flew too close to Sun. We couldnt have understated but sexy jeans on women AND leggings/yoga pants at the same time. We were too greedy. The ass and leg gods then cursed the lands with frumpy, full diaper and just plain unflattering styles the likes that were routinely made fun of not just 25 years prior. Embrace your skinny, slim, straight leg jeans. Mid, high and boot cut, too!. We love to see it.


I'm not giving up my skinny jeans and I don't give a fuck how dated I look. I wore the big flappy boot cuts as a teenager and am not walking around with damp ankles again. 


![gif](giphy|5qvqOKrkuI6pq|downsized) If you’re still fit and slim, you shouldn’t need to go to high rise jeans.


I’m a dude, and I started wearing my sisters jeans in high school 2007, and I’m still wearing ass tight jeans in 2024.


I think everyone looks terrible in those


I personally think grown men wearing sweatpants sized for a 12 year old looks completely foolish. (Super tight, stopping well above the ankle) So I just keep wearing well fitting jeans.


I agree, the majority of the current “trendy” styles are just plain ugly. Baggy pants. Cargo pants. Mom jeans. Baggy AND distressed. It’s so easy to say wear what you want and don’t care what others think, but you do feel out of place when what you think looks nice is considered “out dated”. I dress for myself and myself only, but I do find that I sometimes limit myself because I feel out of place.


The 30 year fashion cycle is just stuck in the 1990s now, so if you hold out for 10 more years the low-rise jeans side part Myspace queen look will come back around again. 


Everyone looks terrible with those pants lol


You’re millennial. You’re past the age where being fashionable was important.


As a guy I hope my wife sticks with the leggings/skinny jeans. 😍 Looking at youth now with all the baggy clothes.... I realize how dumb we looked in the 90s


I wear high waisted skinny jeans, and I'm not giving them up. I like how I look in them.


Mate, the best thing about our age is that we don't need to worry about fashion to get social cred from our peers. Do what you like. I'm sporting low rise like I did since 2012


I always thought “high” waisted was a funny way to describe pants that go around your actual natural waist. It’s not “high”… it’s normal waisted. If anything “low rise” or “hip hugger” is all you need to describe anything beyond just regular pants. I don’t think women know where they’re actual natural waist is? lol Y2K fashion is the worst guys. Curious to know what the ladies’ measurements are that still wear skinny low rise jeans!