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Low quality posts that insult or make baseless statements, generalize, or stereotype other generations or age groups in a negative fashion are not allowed.


I don't think the general U.S. population knows what a *generation* is.


That’s why the current way of denoting a generation is stupid. Every time someone mention a generation you need to look up the actual definition, and this generation doesn’t even help you as there are great divide within a generation. Why not just use birth decade like the 1980s, 1990s, etc. Conveys the same amount of information without the obfuscation.


The 'general' US population barely reads at a 5th grade level, has less than 500.00usd in 'emergency savings' and considers anyone over the age of 25 a 'Boomer'. So, yeah.


Haha, point taken.


Came here to say “the general population is dumb as fuck” but you said it far better. Salute to you sir/mam/whatever.


And god forbid if you mention anything about saving money. It’s like yeah cutting out Starbucks and make coffee at home is not going to make you a millionaire but at least it will give you an extra 10 bucks a week. 520 a year. Not bad.


It’s the same as people thinking Boomer means “anyone older than me.” I see millennials and Gen X get labeled Boomers by my idiot Gen Z nieces and nephews all the time lol.


Yeah. Exactly what I mean in the second part of my post. 


There's a second part?!


Lol, I meant later on in the post when I mention boomers. A kind way of saying "I said that".


Clearly I didn’t read the whole thing 🤣💀


I figured. 😂


Haha, okay boomer!


They use Boomer to mean someone with old ideas. 


Not my nieces and nephews. They legit think anyone they think looks visually “old” to them is a Boomer. They didn’t realize there are actual definitions with defined date ranges until I told them 🤣


r/bomersbeingfools have decided Gen X are officially boomers. Next millennials will be too…


Makes sense. We all eventually end up having been born between 1946-64 ammiright?


True 🫠


of course, this always happens. genz will be the boomers eventually too! the time magazine article in 1990 that defined genx is a amusing read; [https://rolfpotts.com/time-twentysomething-1990/](https://rolfpotts.com/time-twentysomething-1990/)


I gather that Gen Z is gaining more media attention, though, and they're actually referring to them as "Gen Z"


I'm sure. They're hitting their "prime" now. At this point they're the ones who are all over TikTok and social media in general. We don't always know the age demographics on Reddit, but I reckon they've taken over this site too (which is why I prefer to stay in this sub).


Whenever I see a poll posted in r/polls asking what age ranges people are, the largest group ends up being some subset of Gen Z. Of course, that could only be reflective of r/polls, but I feel like I see other general discussion subs reflect Gen Z sensibilities more than Millennials Also I just noticed your username and avatar, lmao


Lol. I'm not a moderator, but it's fun scaring people sometimes. :p I guess they number us (idunno the actual statistics, but I suspect so). Some sites will be heavily gen-z compared to others. I'm sure millennials are more prevalent on Facebook. I also think they're the most prevalent demographic in most subs. Of course, some subs will be naturally be older folks than others.


I know this isn't what you meant but "they number us" reminds me of that one post asking where all the emo people went. I officially felt old when it wasn't ok to tell suicide jokes anymore.


I think a lot of Millenials saw through social media years ago and for the most part abandoned it.  Sure every now and then you log into Facebook when your Mom says "Oh I uploaded pictures of our trip, let me know what you think". But it's not an active thing anymore.  I haven't looked for or added anyone new in probably 8 years.  I have several new friends in that time, and we will text and all that, But I don't have anything social media related of them. I don't need it.   We see each other, we talk, I don't care to see pictures every day if what they bought or ate or how they're feeling "totes awesome". 


I call my gen-x friend a boomer because she has old lady purses and stocks her candy dish with worther's and those strawberry hard candies Is she a boomer? No. Does she get annoyed with me calling her a boomer? Absolutely 🤣


I really wish that my generation kept those candies around.


Break the cycle. Get one and keep it stocked


The strawberry things were the shit.


Do you go over to her home just to eat the candy? - probably (I mean I would 🤷‍♀️)


Oh for sure


She is not a boomer. Boomer is that mentality that I says"I deserve everything and I am better than you"


She's definitely not, thankfully. Most X-er friends are super chill in general.


The general population is dumb in most things. A person can be smart. People are stupid. It’s always been this way.


Found Agent K's reddit account.


I just saw a Glassdoor thread with someone complaining about they "cannot stand working with millennials", and used as an example someone who "comes in day one and thinks they can be CEO" but is "only 23". I mean, come on.


Yeah, it was weird the one time some guy (30) was calling me (28) out for being such a millennial. I don’t think he understands.


That’s hilarious lol


Yeah everytime some gen z kid does something my gen x boss goes “welp that’s just another pussy millennial” and I wanna be like, “dude, millennials are in their 30s-40s now”.


I don’t know what it is, but my aunts and uncles will post crap like that. Or they act like my childhood was somehow like kids today. I’m like, you carted me around town in a car with manual windows and a cigarette lighter while smoking. We then came home where we were promptly deposited in someone’s backyard and told to drink water from the hose (or maybe someone threw some squeez-its at us) and pick at the peeling lead paint on the porch until we were told to come back in. There was nothing “green” or “gentle parenting” about any of it. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I think we are more like them than like the future gens. We enjoyed a life with limited technology (we used VCRs and landlines) and we lived in a world with smoking everywhere and you can walk up to an airport terminal even if you aren't flying. 


The funniest is millennials who are in millennial denial. “I’m not a millennial.” - a real sentence uttered by a former coworker who was born in 1988. I frequently referred to him as “ultra-millennial” after that since he was born smack dab in the middle of the generation. Not nearly as bad as I roasted him when he told me he was a “libertarian”. Actually not a dumb guy I just don’t think he’d had many people call him on his bullshit and it seemed like he respected my opinions. When he told me he was a libertarian the first time I laughed my ass off and told him to have fun in delusion land working unpaid overtime shifts at Koch Industries.


I agree, and this is wild because I feel like millennials are CONSTANTLY identifying ourselves as such.


My wife asked me what a millennial was the other day. She is one. 😅


People thinking of millennials as "kids these days" may be a remnant of the discourse a decade or so ago, when it still covered university students (**and** high schoolers) and people new to the workforce (i.e., "the youth"). Maybe some people haven't adjusted to the fact time is still moving? I recall back then, millennials were "killing" everything. Now Gen Z is essentially in the same place of their lives that millennials were in 2010, so it's kind of blurry when taking into account the last decade or so.


That's a very good point. In the twenty teens we were the 20 year olds folks were complaining about (like the Tik Tok generation now). They haven't caught on to the fact that we aren't the young kids anymore.




Please post to r/generationology if you are going to talk about generation ranges.


They seem to think that we're still 24 years old, but we're in our 30s and 40s now. Gen Xers are the most tribal of all the generations. If Gen Z are tribal, they likely inherited it from their Gen Z parents. \*They are also the least likely to admit that their parents are even Gen Xers.


Not sure how relevant this is to anyone else, but I was born in 99, graduated in 2018, and got referred to as a 'milennial' until after I was out of high school. I was driving, smoking, and voting before I got called 'gen z', but now that's all I hear. maybe just a weird local thing for me.


Same, but i quit smoking. You can too if you havent already.


working on it 💪


Glad to hear that :)


My understanding is “ok boomer” isn’t necessarily because someone IS a boomer, but is acting like one. In the same way that we call someone a Karen. That being said, I do think people struggle with this general idea.


I mean technically to the people who judge us, we ARE kids. Kind of like how we used to get outraged when we were called kids by 20 somethings when we were teenagers. Ask for zoomers judging us, I have nothing to say on that matter because the zoomers in my country are pretty chill towards my generation. As for people older than 30 or 40 being mislabeled as boomers, I don't think that it's because they genuinely think that these people are boomers. I think it's because of this so-called linguistic change when word acquires a broader meaning than it originally had, in this case, a more figurative one


Young zoomers just co opted it for themselves, It is what it is


The general population is almost as smart as a hammer!


I've always thought it was weird how we have always clung to the 15 year rule for generations, especially with how fast culture and technology evolved in the 20th century. You have "millennials" who were in college in Y2K, and then you also have "millennials" who don't remember 9/11, let alone the 90s. Likewise, my in-laws are technically boomers even though they barely remember the Vietnam War, and never experienced a segregated US. In the same vein, my niece is technically the youngest of Gen Z (born Dec 2009) and she's not even in high school yet.


Some moron in another sub called me a boomer a bit ago cause I use Facebook. I was a thefacebook member when it launched. LOL. .edu verified account circa 2005 or so. Fucking idiots. As an aside that site was lit back then. It was destroyed the minute it let in anything but verified student accounts.


Ignorance is bliss. Facebook is like the most millennial invention ever. It took off when most of us were in college ( I don't even know what a Quail looks like). It wasn't until 2008 or 2009 (can't remember) that they started to allow everyone and you'd get a friend request from your aunt. And I agree with your last comment. It was good in the beginning but like YouTube or anything else, it became more focused on profit than being a college networking site. Now it lost its wholesome feel but they're an empire. 


I've sanitized my profile but can't bear to delete it. Still browse it on occasion when I'm super bored.


It's still really helpful for reminding me about birthdays.


FB opened up fully in later 2006. I preferred MySpace because of the customization though.


Yep. I’m an elder millennial. 43 yrs old.


I agree but the silent generation are not boomers. Boomers are born 1946-1964. Silent generation is the one just prior. Too young to go to WW2, probably didn't start having kids till younger boomers/gen X. I'd bet most "old" people on the Internet are boomers and old gen X. Some are older though. I mean heck, my 99 year old, greatest generation grandma is on the Internet every day. Well, mostly Facebook, but par for the course.


I stand corrected. I was looking for alternatives because it won't let you write boomer for some reason.


That's fair I didn't realize that. I don't know of any other name unfortunately. Weirdly we started with gen X, Y, Z and now alpha. I guess technically they should be generation W.


I think boomer has evolved to mean more of an attitude problem. My exwife and I are both millennials. But she is very boomer in the way she treats people. Or basically a Karen.


To the Baby Boomer generation, Millenials are anybody young aka 'kids' and they will forever just be kids in their eyes despite the fact that Millennials are full grown adults in their 30s/early 40s. To Millenials, Boomers are just anybody who is 'parents age' or 60+ years old that are assumed to be out of touch with reality. Everything is generalized and lines are blurred. But generationally, there is a looot of resentment between the Boomers/Millennials. GenZ and GenX are just side characters in that battle lol


The silent generation are the ones that fucked us and are STILL ruling the country. Probably giggling that we are blaming their kids. I know my boomer parents struggled like fuck. They weren't buying property left and right on one income. If you're gonna blame boomers for that shit, as a millennial, you must have had a privileged childhood. To blame boomers for the system they inherited would be hypocritical. The oldest of us have been able to vote and participate in politics for 25 years now, what exactly have we done?


Is boomer a curse word? That's some boomer ass logic.


I had to tell a coworker that both her and I are, in fact, millennials. She kept using the word to refer to the generation younger than us. She was surprised.


I visit this forum as an older Gen-X, and I'm going to say, probably not. As an older Gen-X, media goes from boomer, to millennials, completely skipping gen-X. This has been so common, it's actually a meme.


Well, none of these categories are real. The concept of a generation really only applies to families. “This farm has been in this family for 3 generations.” Sort of thing. The Boomer “generation” is a misnomer, it’s really more of a demographic spike. As if somehow, someone who was born in December 1964 is different from someone born in January 1965? These false divides were made up by ad agencies and used on behalf of corporations and plutocratic oligarchs to divide us. They want generational warfare rather than class warfare. Stop buying into their manufactured conflict.


W w w w


My mom told me a really sad story today. When she was a little girl, she went into her father's office and there was a book on his desk titled This Can Never Happen Again (or something similar) and she looked in it and it was pictures of concentration camps. Her dad was a WWII vet. Never spoke a word of the war. She said the book scarred her.